Concubine, she is so charming

Chapter 479 Extra Story: The Prince

Chapter 479 Extra Story: The Prince

The word Jing means sunlight, and the sun means emperor.

As the first child of Ning Chen and Ye Yun, Ning Yujing had high hopes since she was a child.

It is true that, as the father of many princes, Ning Chen never said that he had his eyes on anyone early in the morning, but subconsciously, he always had a partiality for this son.

At first it was because the fourth prince was Ye Yun and his son, but later he really liked this child.

The fourth prince is smart, lively and healthy, and even more rare is that he is casual without losing his sense of proportion. He can always make Ning Chen enjoy the pure love between father and son just right.

Of course, Ye Yun's two sons and one daughter are like this, but the sixth prince is too naughty and loses his stability. The fourth princess has grown into a squeamish little fox. Girls don't have to take on anything, and don't have to compete with brothers .

So, after all, the fourth prince is the most special child to Ning Chen.

If you want to say when you started to have this strong feeling, it must be at the fourth prince's first birthday banquet.

The white and tender fourth prince swayed through all the rare treasures, hugged his leg, and called out "Father" crisply.

Neither the father nor the son thought that this hug would be mutual dependence and a lifetime of father-son love.

Needless to say, Ye Yun, there are few mothers in the world who do not love their children.

After giving birth to these three, she couldn't love any of them.

Therefore, the fourth prince who grew up smoothly under the love of his parents is also a child full of love.

This is definitely rare in the royal family.

He was crowned prince at the age of 13, and has been studying separately from his brothers since then.

What the prince learned was the art of the emperor, and what the other princes learned was the way of the king, which is completely different.

At first, Ye Yun was worried that if the prince and his brothers were separated, they would be too unfamiliar and cause suspicion, and then some trouble would arise.

But later she realized that this worry was completely superfluous. His Royal Highness is really the first person in the village to chat with anyone.

During the breaks between reading and rest every day, I asked people to take the cakes prepared early in the morning and go to eat with my brothers.

At first, the other princes felt that their identities had changed and they should be more cautious, but the fourth prince, who had his elder brother, second elder brother, fifth younger brother, and sixth younger brother, really had no airs.

In this way, the friendship between the brothers is even stronger.

However, the prince is not a good-tempered one. He claims to be called Gu, and when he sits with his brothers, he also takes the lead generously, and never refuses the brothers' salutes.

It can be regarded as the coexistence of grace and power, and he has managed a group of princes at a young age.

He didn't lose his affection, and he didn't let other people think that he had a good temper, so he could make small moves.

Seeing him doing so well, Ning Chen often sighed with Ye Yun that the crown prince might be better than himself when he becomes emperor in the future.

But Ye Yun only said, "No matter how smart a child is, he is just a child. Only when the emperor teaches him with his heart can he be good. How can it be so simple to be the prince of a country."

"Don't worry, I will definitely pave the way for him. Jing'er is smart, and the future will be smooth." Ning Chen nodded with a smile.

I can't help but think of when I was the crown prince, the 19-year-old me was full of irritability and panic, and I rushed to the throne a few months later. I really don't want to think about those days.

So now, he is determined to pave the way for his son, so that he will not be subject to his courtiers in the future.

The prince himself was also very competitive. When he was 15 years old, he became a blockbuster and conquered many courtiers.

This is naturally a good thing.

The ability of the prince means that Nanqi will have a bright and prosperous future, so both the officials and the common people are happy from the bottom of their hearts.

And such a capable prince must choose the best concubine to match him, so when he is about to get married, the selection of the concubine is almost a matter of concern to everyone in Nanqi.

The Crown Princess is the future empress. A person who can sit in this position must have both ability and political integrity, a dignified appearance, and a suitable family background. It is really hard to choose.

In particular, the prince secretly expressed to Ye Yun that he hoped that the princess would be beautiful.

If it wasn't for the fact that the son was his own and knew his heart, Ye Yun would have suspected that the prince would be a lustful and foolish king in the future.

Both the prince and the fourth princess are people who like to look good, that is, the sixth prince is better, and he doesn't just look at his face all the time.

"Get out, get out, if you ask again, you can choose it yourself, so I don't have to worry about it." Ye Yun rolled his eyes unceremoniously.

The prince leaned over and laughed, "Father has a queen who is both wise and beautiful. My son is also envious."

Ye Yun wanted to laugh in his heart, but with a tense face on purpose, he took an orange from the fruit plate and threw it over.

"Don't be so talkative, I have my own sense of proportion."

The prince caught the oranges, his phoenix eyes were full of smiles, "Thank you, mother, for the oranges, my son will leave!"

After finishing speaking, he cupped his hands, lifted his robe and trotted out.

Go out and meet the sixth prince.

Seeing his brother, he leaned over to ask.

"Can the queen choose a sister-in-law for me?"

The prince pursed his lips, raised his hand and patted his brother's shoulder, "Sister-in-law didn't choose it, but I chose the best orange for Gu. You can eat it and become smarter."

After finishing speaking, he stuffed the orange into the hands of the sixth prince, and strode away.

"Hey hey, fourth brother, why am I... not smart anymore." The sixth prince said angrily.

But the voice is getting smaller and smaller.

But I never thought that the prince would listen to it.

Turning around, he asked, "Did you memorize the "Xuanming Political Leaders" that the master taught yesterday?"

The sixth prince froze, quickly peeled off the orange peel and stuffed a piece into his mouth.

"Fourth brother, these oranges are so sweet, hahaha."

The prince was speechless, shook his head and left.

It's not that the sixth prince is stupid, this kid is also a genius, but he doesn't like to learn.

As long as the fourth brother is good, he just needs to hug the fourth brother's thigh and be an idle prince in the future.

After all, this is also the master who hugged his brother's thigh as soon as he caught Zhou.

After his son left, Ye Yun called Concubine Hui Shu over.

After discussing holding a flower viewing banquet, they invited women of the right age in Beijing to come to the palace to have a good look at each other.

Concubine Hui Shu also felt good, so she went back and made arrangements.

When Ning Chen came over in the evening, the two talked about it.

"Why don't we hold an audition? It seems easier. It just so happens that Rong'er and Chun'er don't have many people serving in the courtyard, so we can pick two for them." Ning Chen said.

Ye Yun disagreed.

"The talent show is very expensive, time-consuming and time-consuming, and wastes people's money. Moreover, it is easier to reveal the true nature of people when they are relaxed, so it is easier to distinguish."

Ning Chen felt that it made sense, so he just reminded him again.

"Remember to choose those who are virtuous and good. If a woman with a Buddha's mouth and a snake's heart is selected, it will be a disaster again."

Ning Chen was also very afraid of the abolished Xie family back then, and later Yao and Song families.

He didn't want his son to be like himself in the future, surrounded by vicious people.

Ye Yun naturally knew what he meant, and had the same idea.

If one chooses a concubine who is not tolerant, the children in the prince's backyard will have a hard time in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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