Extreme wealthy family: Huo Shaodou's wife

Chapter 201 Birthday Party Wei Wei, I Like You

Chapter 201 Birthday Party (2) Wei Wei, I Like You
What are you doing?I am looking up at the sky. What is a 30-degree look-up?I miss her angle.Why do one need to raise one's head by 30 degrees?To keep my tears from falling.


Luo Yuwei looked at Huo Diao with a pale face, her nervous body trembling slightly.

In the corner, Mo Beichen looked at Huo Diao with a gloomy face.

And Huo Diao didn't notice that something was wrong with Luo Yuwei, don't all women like romance, Luo Yuwei should be very touched by his hard work.

I haven't touched her for several days, but I can't let her go tonight.

While thinking, Huo Diao took out a jewelry box from his pocket.

The bright red jewelry box exudes a coquettish light under the light.

Luo Yuwei's face became paler and paler, her lips moved slightly as she stared at the jewelry box.

Yang Mi covered her mouth excitedly, this piece of ice is the rhythm of asking for marriage.

Many people at the scene had the same thoughts as Yang Mi, and they all stared at Huo Diao with wide eyes in disbelief.

Everyone stared at the jewelry box in Huo Ziao's hand.

Luo Tanyan's eyes sparkled excitedly, wishing he could propose marriage to Huo Diao, he felt that he was too boring.

Huo Diao smiled at Luo Yuwei, opened the jewelry box, and saw a pair of diamond earrings in everyone's eyes.

Luo Yuwei breathed a sigh of relief, and his face softened.

Everyone also took a deep breath, it turned out that it wasn't a ring.

Just to put it bluntly, how could Huo Diao marry a down-and-out celebrity.

Today is Huo Diao's birthday party for Luo Yuwei, and no one from the Huo family attended, which means that the Huo family does not recognize Luo Yuwei's identity at all.

A down-and-out socialite who wants to marry the famous diamond tycoon in Jiangcheng is simply dreaming.

However, with Huo Diao's status in Jiangcheng, no one can stop him from doing what he wants to do.

I'm afraid Huo Diao held a birthday party for Luo Yuwei today, just to make her happy.

Luo Tanyan's eyes were shining just now, but now he has a disheartened expression.

Why not a ring?

Why not propose?

Luo Tanyan couldn't accept it for a while, and his face turned blue, white, and red, like a palette.

Yang Mi curled her lips in disappointment, so it wasn't a marriage proposal.

But based on her understanding of Luo Yuwei, even if Huo Diao proposed today, she would definitely not agree.

Huo Zhaiao took the earrings out of the box, looked at Luo Yuwei and said softly, "Weiwei, can you be my girlfriend?"

Luo Yuwei froze, girlfriend?
Are they not trading?
"If you don't speak, I will take it as your agreement."

Seeing that Luo Yuwei didn't speak, Huo Zhai put the earrings on Luo Yuwei forcefully.

Almost pierced Luo Yuwei's ear.

Luo Yuwei endured the pain, pursed her lips, and didn't want to refute anything.

In front of so many people, she couldn't yell loudly that it was just a deal between them.

After putting on the earrings for Luo Yuwei, Huo Diao also broke out in a cold sweat.

This was the first time he put earrings on a woman, and his nervous back was sweating slightly.

I don't know who took the lead, and thunderous applause rang out.

Huo Diao lifted Luo Yuwei's chin and kissed it.

Luo Yuwei gently closed her eyes.

Mo Beichen tightly squeezed the wine glass in his hand, and they actually kissed in front of so many people.

"Mr. Mo, do you regret it?" Yang Mi walked up to Mo Beichen and looked at him proudly.

She just came to make things difficult for him.

Ex-girlfriend, oh no, ex-fiancée kissing other men in public, more importantly in front of him, it must be very sour in my heart.

Mo Beichen glanced at Yang Mi, turned and left expressionlessly.

Yang Mi looked at his back and curled her lips, hmph, I abandoned Weiwei two years ago, and today I just slapped you in the face to let you know that you were blind back then.

Mo Beichen came out of Qiangweiwan and was about to drive away, but when he saw Yan Chenghao walking towards him, he frowned slightly.

"Mr. Mo, can we chat?" Yan Chenghao walked up to Mo Beichen and asked with raised eyebrows.

Mo Beichen looked at Yan Chenghao. The Mo family had no business relationship with the Yan family. He didn't understand what Yan Chenghao wanted to talk to him about.

"Boss Yan, please tell me if you have anything to say."

Yan Chenghao glanced in the direction of Qiangweiwan Banquet Hall, "Don't Mr. Mo have any ideas about what happened today?"

As smart as Mo Beichen, he naturally understood what Yan Chenghao meant.

Lips curled into a smile, "Yan always talks about Mr. Huo and Ms. Luo? I'm afraid everyone in Jiangcheng knows about the two of them."

Yan Chenghao nodded, "That's right, but Huo Zhaiao confessed to Luo Yuwei in public today, didn't you find anything wrong?"

"What's the problem?" Mo Beichen pretended to be puzzled and looked at Yan Chenghao.

Yan Chenghao rubbed his chin and smiled, "Mr. Mo abandoned Luo Yuwei two years ago, do you think she would be willing, especially now that she is Huo Diao's woman."

Mo Beichen's expression changed, and he said displeasedly, "I didn't expect Mr. Yan to be so gossip."

"I'm just curious."

Mo Beichen sneered, and said sarcastically, "That's all in the past, and Mr. Yan remembers it better than our client."

When Yan Chenghao saw that Mo Beichen didn't enter, he simply said clearly, "Mr. Mo, the Ni family went bankrupt a while ago, and Ni Chen went to prison. I think you should know that it was Luo Yuwei's masterpiece. Don't you be afraid that she will come to deal with her one day?" What about you?"

"That's none of Mr. Yan's business."

After Mo Beichen finished speaking, he opened the car door and walked away.

Yan Chenghao spat hard at the buttocks of Mo Beichen's car, pretending not to be angry and leaving so early.

Huo Diao put earrings on Luo Yuwei, and the two danced again.

The guests also jumped up in groups of two.

The banquet didn't end until twelve o'clock at midnight.

Huo Diao asked Shen Jingfei to arrange for all the guests, those who were willing to stay in Qiangweiwan would arrange accommodation, and those who were not willing to drink had arranged for a driver to take them home.

Seeing that Huo Zhaiao was so enthusiastic about making arrangements, Luo Yuwei was too lazy to take care of it.

Anyway, he is in charge of hosting it.

Back in the room upstairs, Luo Yuwei called Zheng Kai, and all the guests who stayed tonight must copy the contents of the camera when they leave the room tomorrow morning.

Tonight should be a restless night.

Luo Yuwei was about to go to bed after taking a shower, when she saw Huo Zhaiao push the door in, she was stunned, "It's so late, why are you here?"

"I don't sleep here or there." Huo Diao said as a matter of course, and then looked greedily at Luo Yuwei's smooth and slender neck.

The woman just took a shower, and she didn't know if she was suffocated by the heat, her complexion was pink and tender.

Even the small part of the calf exposed outside seems to be seductive.

Luo Yuwei pursed her lips, "This is Qiangweiwan, not Tianyi Pavilion."

"Where is the difference?" Huo Diao walked towards Luo Yuwei, picked up her hair, put it on the tip of her nose and kissed her.

A scent made his lower abdomen tighten suddenly, and he hugged Luo Yuwei in his arms.

Before Luo Yuwei could resist, her lips were already kissed.

Yang Mi didn't go back either, Qiangwei had a place to live anyway.

After taking a shower, I wiped my hair with a dry towel and walked to the balcony.

Hearing a voice from the next door, he turned his head and saw that it was Wu Muchen, so he was a little surprised.

"Mr. Wu?"

Wu Muchen looked over and was taken aback when he heard the voice, "You didn't go home?"

Yang Mi shook her head, "No, old man Yang will talk about me again when he goes back, why don't he just stay here, anyway, Huo Zhaiao has reserved the house, so it's not for nothing."

Wu Muchen nodded.

"What about you? Why didn't you go back?" Yang Mi asked curiously.

"I drank some wine, the assistant didn't come today." Wu Muchen said lightly, and then looked at the dark night sky.

There are a few stars shining in the night sky, illuminating the surrounding night sky with a faint halo.

Yang Mi also followed Wu Muchen's gaze.


"Yes." Wu Muchen stared at the night sky closely.

I still remember when I was in love with Liu Zhuanghe, one year on Chinese Valentine's Day, he drove her to the mountains to watch the stars.

At that time, she was as happy as a child, but he didn't care.

Women are emotional animals, and a star is happy to be like this.

Looking back now, I really want to slap myself.

How could he be so stupid that he lost his wife.

Now, she is a wife and a mother, and it can be seen that she is living a very happy life.

Yang Mi looked at the smile on Wu Muchen's mouth, her face froze.

With such a smile, she saw him smile at his ex-wife in the yard just now.

Did he miss Liu Zhuanghe again?

In the past two years, Luo Yuwei went abroad to study.

And she went to work in Mo's Group in L city and became a marketing manager, with the purpose of getting closer to Wu Muchen.

When she heard about his divorce, she thought she had waited.

However, she still didn't wait for his confession.

When Weiwei was about to come back, old man Yang also called and kept urging her to go back to Jiangcheng.

Xiaobao is still young, and old man Yang is getting old. She can't be an unfilial daughter, so she came back.

God seems to take care of her, but it doesn't seem to take care of her.

Now Wu Muchen is in Jiangcheng, but she feels that he is still so far away from her.

It turns out that whether a person is in your heart is not a matter of distance, but whether he has you in his heart.

With it, no matter how far it is, it is near.

No, the distance is also the end of the world.

Seeing Huo Diao love Weiwei so much, she was really happy for her.

At the same time, I envy her very much.

She and Wu Muchen will have that day too.

Looking up at the sky, maybe only God knows the answer.


Hearing the knock on the door, Yang Mi frowned.

Looking at Wu Muchen, he was still looking at the night sky intently.

Yang Mi sighed and turned to open the door.

Seeing that it was Cheng Shaoqian, he was taken aback, "Shaoqian, why is it you?"

"I just came back from out of town today. I just came here. I didn't find Weiwei, and no one answered the phone, so I came to you."

Yang Mi turned sideways to let Cheng Shaoqian in.

She really didn't want to hit Cheng Shaoqian, although Luo Yuwei didn't accept Huo Diao on the surface.

But she knew that Huo Diao was actually in her heart.

It's just that what happened two years ago left too much shadow in her heart, so she didn't dare to accept other people's love easily.

"It's Weiwei's birthday today, is she happy?" Cheng Shaoqian asked as soon as he entered the door.

Yang Mi nodded, "Very happy, this birthday party was organized by Huo Diao for her."

Cheng Shaoqian smiled bitterly, "I know."

"Shaoqian, let go." Yang Mi said seriously.

Both Luo Yuwei and Cheng Shaoqian are her friends, and she hopes that both of them will have a good life.

Now that Weiwei has found her happiness, I also hope that Cheng Shaoqian will stop being obsessed with it.

"I want to let go too, but it's become a habit after so many years." Cheng Shaoqian whispered, his eyes downcast.

Yang Mi bit her lip and sighed helplessly.

She was persuading Cheng Shaoqian, so why didn't she do the same.

Hold on to a love that I don't know if it will be reciprocated.

"Drinking?" Yang Mi tilted her head and asked Cheng Shaoqian.

Cheng Shaoqian nodded.

Yang Mi took out a bottle of red wine from the wine cabinet and poured a glass for each of them.

Cheng Shaoqian took out a box from his pocket and handed it to Yang Mi, "This is my birthday present for Weiwei, you can give it to her tomorrow."

"Why don't you give it yourself." Yang Mi asked in surprise.

Cheng Shaoqian shrugged helplessly, "I'm on the plane at six o'clock tomorrow morning."

The corner of Yang Mi's mouth twitched, Cheng Guodong definitely arranged for Cheng Shaoqian to go on a business trip on purpose.


Luo Tanyan didn't leave at night. In the early morning, he walked out of the room and knocked on the door next door.

Soon, the door was opened from the inside.

Yan Chenghao stepped out, and then closed the door.

Luo Tanyan asked puzzled, "Aren't we talking in your room?"

"Let's go to your room." Yan Chenghao said unnaturally.


A woman's voice came from the door.

Luo Tanyan was taken aback for a moment, then smiled knowingly, turned around and entered his room.

Yan Chenghao frowned, opened the door again, and said impatiently to Zhang Li, "Go to bed first, I have something to do."

"It's so late, you still have things to do." And it was in Qiangweiwan.

Yan Chenghao didn't answer Zhang Li's words, and slammed the door shut.

Zhang Li's tears flowed down instantly.

Originally, she wanted to tell him about her pregnancy tonight, but as soon as he entered the room, he had sex with her first, and afterwards, he left before she could open her mouth.

Yan Chenghao came to Luo Tanyan's room and asked in a deep voice, "What's the matter?"

"President Yan, don't you feel that Luo Yuwei's recent behavior is not right?" Luo Tanyan said worriedly, "I guess she must want to revive the Luo family."

"No need to guess, this is the truth." Yan Chenghao sat on the sofa, looked at Luo Tanyan, "Aren't you her uncle, why don't you ask her about some things."

"I asked her?" Luo Tanyan got angry when he thought of Luo Yuwei, and couldn't help but spout, "She lives in Tianyi Pavilion now, if she doesn't come to me, I won't be able to see her at all. "

"You won't go to her?" Yan Chenghao looked at Luo Tanyan like an idiot.

Luo Tanyan froze for a second, then slapped his thigh, "Yes, I am her uncle, I went to see her, so why hasn't she seen me?" More importantly, he could still see Huo Zhaiao.

After being reminded by Yan Chenghao, Luo Tanyan stroked his chin and calculated.

Judging from tonight, Huo Diao is serious about Luo Yuwei. Although he didn't propose marriage, he definitely likes her. If he asks him for something, then for Luo Yuwei's sake, he probably won't refuse.

The corner of Yan Chenghao's mouth curled up. In his opinion, except for Luo Yuwei who is smarter, everyone else in the Luo family is an idiot.

But thanks to the idiot Luo Tanyan, otherwise, the Yan family would not have been able to get the shares of the Luo family back then.

And what he likes most is to let the Luo family deal with their own people, and he enjoys the benefits.

Hua Liang has Zhang Li, and Luo Yuwei has Luo Tanyan.

He didn't believe that Luo Yuwei could still turn the world upside down.

(End of this chapter)

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