Extreme wealthy family: Huo Shaodou's wife

Chapter 207 If This Is What She Wants, He Will Help Her Do It

Chapter 207 If This Is What She Wants, He Will Help Her Do It

"Dad, I must marry Luo Yuwei." Huo Diao's voice was resounding, and his deep eyes revealed a seriousness that could not be changed.

Huo Tao is angry.

No matter what, this kid still doesn't understand after a long time.

Pointing to the recording pen, "Are you willing to be used by her?"

"...I am willing to be used by her." As long as she stays by his side, it will be in any way.

"You..." Huo Tao's chest heaved up and down in anger. He thought that Huo Diao would leave her after hearing what he had said to Luo Yuwei, but he didn't expect him to have such an attitude.

"Dad, I admit that I also wanted to use Luo Yuwei at the beginning, but now, I like her, and she is the only woman I have ever liked, so I will not let her leave my side."

Huo Tao laughed back angrily, "You think so, does Luo Yuwei think so? She made it very clear that she is just using you to revive the Luo family. Once her goal is achieved, do you think she will stay by your side?"

Huo Diao didn't think about this question, he pondered for a while and said, "I will make her fall in love with me."

"You are so confident." Huo Tao snorted, "Women are the most greedy creatures in this world."

"That's Jiang Peixin, don't compare her to my mother and Luo Yuwei." Huo Diao got up and left the study after speaking.

His face was a little gloomy.

In the living room, seeing Huo Diao leave, Jiang Peixin hurriedly took Huo Diyan's arm, "Quickly check your father's tone and see what they talked about just now?"

"Looking at Huo Diao's face, I can tell that the two of them are not having a pleasant conversation. I'm not going to hit the gun right now." Huo Diyan said flatly.

Jiang Peixin thought so too, but she was very anxious.

Looking at the current situation, it's not good for her son at all.

When Huo Diao returned to Tianyi Pavilion, Luo Yuwei had already fallen asleep.

After taking a shower, he lifted the quilt and lay down, glanced at the people around him, Huo Diao pursed his lips, Luo Yuwei, one day, I will definitely make you fall in love with me.

Luo Yuwei thought that Huo Diao would definitely ask her when he came back, but he didn't.

According to Huo Tao's cunning, he will definitely tell Huo Diao about their conversation.

If Huo Diao told her that the deal between them was over, then she would leave him.

If you know that a relationship will be lost sooner or later, it is better to let it go freely.

For several days, the days were spent in peace.

This afternoon, Luo Yuwei was looking at Yan's stock market, and suddenly felt something was wrong, and then smiled.

It seemed that the Kang family couldn't sit still.

Luo Yuwei called Li Nanzhi and ordered all funds to be used to recover Yan's shares, regardless of the cost.

Maybe others can't see it, but if you look carefully, you will find that Yan's stock market is a bit turbulent.

Huo Diao also found out about the change, and asked Shen Jingfei to arrange someone to buy it, regardless of the cost.

If it's what she wants, he'll make it happen for her.


Yan Mu was looking at the documents when the assistant hurriedly opened the door of his office and said with a pale face, "Chairman, someone is secretly buying our shares."

"What?" Yan Mu hurriedly opened the stock market chart, the more he looked at it, the more ugly his face became.

Throw away the mouse and get up to find Yan Chenghao.

Yan Chenghao looked at the stock market chart with a smile on the corner of his mouth. It was not so easy for the old man to let Yan Chengzhao enter the Yan family to work.

It's still what uncle said is right. Why don't he take advantage of Yan's turmoil to buy Yan's by way of acquisition, and then Yan Mu and Yan Chengzhao will have something to do.

Although this approach is risky, there is no risk in doing anything.

He believed in Kang Chi, and he also believed in himself.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Yan Chenghao immediately turned off the computer, pulled over the documents on the table and read them carefully.

Yan Mu didn't even knock on the door in a hurry, just pushed the door open, seeing Yan Chenghao looking at the documents in a steady manner, he hurriedly stepped forward to put his hands on his desk, "Chenghao, take a quick look at the stock market, why do I feel something is wrong."

"Stock market?" Yan Chenghao pushed away the file and turned on the computer. After reading it for a long time, he said indifferently, "Dad, the stock market is a little turbulent. It is probably caused by Cheng Zhao's incident before. It will be fine in a few days."

"Really?" Yan Mu asked suspiciously.

Yan Chenghao got up from his seat, pushed Yan Mu to sit on the sofa, poured him a glass of water and put it in front of him, and said funny, "Of course, Dad, what do you think?"

"In recent years, everyone has known that the Yan family has a second young master, but no one knows. Now that Cheng Zhao's identity has been exposed, think about it. Both the media and people in the upper class are paying attention to this matter. The stock market Of course there will be some turmoil."

Yan Mu heaved a sigh of relief when he heard what Yan Chenghao said, "If that's the case, it's fine."

"Of course it's fine." Yan Chenghao said confidently.

After Yan Mu left, Yan Chenghao called Kang Chi, and the two made an appointment to meet at the teahouse.

Pushing open the door of the private room, Kang Chi walked in.

Yan Chenghao hurriedly stood up, and called out respectfully, "Uncle."

"Well, is things going well?" Kang Chi sat opposite Yan Chenghao.

Yan Chenghao said while pouring tea for him, "It went well, Hualiang also has my people, and I will know any changes at any time."

"That's good." Kang Chi picked up the cup in front of him and took a sip of tea, looked at Yan Chenghao and said earnestly, "Chenghao, you are your mother's only child, and your mother left shortly after giving birth to you. I have always been very sorry, so uncle will not harm you."

Yan Chenghao looked at Kang Chi and assured him, "Uncle, don't worry, I know."

"Well, that's good." Kang Chi nodded in relief.

Yan Mu relied on the Kang family to get up back then, and now he will let him lose in the same way.

It's a dream to actually want that woman's son to work in the Yan family.

Zhao Liang was talking to his assistant, when he sensed someone outside the door, he made a gesture, and the assistant understood.

Zhao Liang said loudly, "About the UL project, our reserve price is 8000 million. Don't let this price out."

"Okay, Mr. Zhao." The assistant also said loudly.

Ni Jiale outside the door pursed her lips and smiled, then turned and left.

Three days later, the project bidding venue.

Yan Chenghao walked out of the venue with a dark face, and his assistant followed carefully, not daring to show his air.

At this moment, the cell phone in his pocket rang, and he took it out to take a look, and Yan Chenghao stepped aside to pick it up.

"Ni Jiale, tell me Hualiang's base price is 8000 million?"

"Yeah, you must have won the bid. I will pay close attention to Hualiang's projects in the future and will let you know in time." Ni Jiale said leisurely while sitting behind the desk, holding a cup in his hand.

Since she doesn't have the ability to restore Hua Liang to the Ni family, then she ruined it.

"Hua Liang's report is 1000 million." Yan Chenghao's voice seemed to be gritted from his teeth.

When he heard the news that Ni Jiale had revealed to him, in order not to make people suspicious, he quoted a reserve price of 1000 million. Who knew that Hua Liang actually quoted [-] million in today's bidding.

He was so angry that he wanted to smash the venue on the spot.

When Ni Jiale heard this, his expression changed, and he stood up abruptly, "How is that possible?"

"How is it possible? You should reflect on yourself, either what you reported to me is false, or you have already been discovered."

After Yan Chenghao finished speaking, he hung up the phone. He walked towards the door with a cold face, and met Zhao Liang who came out of it.

Zhao Liang looked at him with a smile, "Mr. Yan, what a pity, you are only 1000 million away, and you will be able to bid successfully. Even if you are 1000 million more than me, I will miss this project."

"It seems that Mr. Zhao's luck is not so good." Yan Chenghao said with a smile on his face.

Zhao Liangliang nodded, "I feel the same way." After speaking, he left with his assistant.

Yan Chenghao clenched his hands tightly together, it seems that Ni Jiale's pawn is useless.

After Zhao Liang returned to the company, he immediately held a high-level meeting.

Looking at the people sitting below, Zhao Liang first talked about the successful bidding of the project.

Everyone applauded happily.

Ni Jiale followed the crowd and slapped her a few times, but there was no sign of happiness on her face.

"Manager Ni, are you unhappy that the company won the bid?"

Zhao Liang's sudden question made Ni Jiale's complexion change, he quickly stood up, and said somewhat unnaturally, "No, how could it be."

"Oh, I see you are not very happy, I thought you were unhappy." Zhao Liang looked at Ni Jiale coldly.

Ni Jiale stabilized his mood and said calmly, "Mr. Zhao is joking, the company's winning the project is not a good thing for us employees."

"That's right, so you think so." Zhao Liang glanced at the assistant beside him after speaking.

The assistant understood, and turned on the LCD screen on the other end, and the voice of Ni Jiale and Yan Chenghao on the phone appeared on it.

"Ni Jiale, tell me Hualiang's base price is 8000 million?"

"Yeah, you must have won the bid. I will pay close attention to Hualiang's projects in the future and will let you know in time."

"Hua Liang reported 1000 million."

Upon hearing this, Ni Jiale stood up abruptly, "How is that possible?"

"How is it possible? You should reflect on yourself, either what you reported to me is false, or you have already been discovered."

The conversation between Ni Jiale and Yan Chenghao was clearly displayed on the screen, and even the movement of her standing up out of excitement was clearly visible.

Everyone in the meeting room looked at each other, and finally discussed in a low voice.

"This Ni Jiale was originally Miss Ni's Qianjin. It is indeed a hidden danger to keep her in the company."

"No, it's a good thing Mr. Zhao is wise and martial, and found her dirty."

"Such people should be fired sooner."

Ni Jiale's face turned red and then turned pale, and she looked at Zhao Liang suddenly. She didn't expect him to install a high-resolution camera in her office. Not only could she clearly hear her conversation with Yan Chenghao, but she could also see her expression clearly.

"Manager Ni, what else do you have to say?" Zhao Liang looked at Ni Jiale sarcastically, wanting to be a monster under his nose and reincarnate again.

"I have nothing to say." Ni Jiale whispered, what else could she say now.

It was nothing more than expelling her. When she decided to join forces with Yan Chenghao, she thought that today would happen, but she didn't expect it to be so soon.

"Okay, I'm announcing now that Ni Jiale will be fired for stealing company secrets and reporting to others, and Hua Liang will never be hired!"

Never hire, the four words hit Ni Jiale heavily.

Dad, I really tried my best.

Ten minutes later, Ni Jiale walked out of Hualiang holding a box, which contained her personal items.

Zhang Li looked at her back and sighed.

In fact, what is the difference between Ni Jiale and her? They are all chess pieces in other people's hands. When this chess piece is useless, it will be discarded.

Ni Jiale walked to the side of the road, threw the box in his hand into the trash can, reached out and hailed a taxi and went straight to the hospital.

Yu Yanxin was hospitalized again. Since Ni Chen went in, she has been in the hospital every three days.

The doctor said it was a heart disease and needed heart medicine.

But her heart medicine is Ni Chen, no one can do anything about it, but send her to the hospital when she is not feeling well.

Pushing open the door of the ward, Yu Yanxin was already asleep.

Ni Tao was sitting on a chair and dozed off. When he heard the voice, he opened his eyes. When he saw that it was Ni Jiale, he was taken aback. He got up and walked over, and asked in a low voice, "Why are you here? Did something happen?" She shouldn't be here at this time Hua Liang is at work.

Ni Jiale glanced at Yu Yanxin who was on the hospital bed, and walked out of the ward.

Ni Tao closed the door of the ward, walked quickly to Ni Jiale's side, and asked in a deep voice, "What's wrong?"

"I was fired."

"What?" Ni Tao shook his body, unable to accept the fact, "Haven't you been doing well all the time, why were you suddenly fired?"

Ni Jiale turned to look at Ni Tao, and said calmly, "I'm tired, Dad, I tried my best, and I want to go abroad."


This was another blow to Ni Tao. He was planning to find Luo Yuwei. Didn't she promise him to let Ni Jiale continue to work in Hualiang?

Before he could recover, Ni Jiale dropped another bomb.

"Jia Le, your brother has already entered, if you leave again, the Ni family is really doomed."

"Ni's has gone bankrupt." Ni Jiale said loudly, "Dad, why don't you recognize this reality? You think I can revive Ni's by myself. You think too highly of me."

"No, you can do it. Luo Yuwei is going to revive the Luo family now. She can do it, and you can do it too."

Ni Tao murmured, as if he couldn't believe it.

Ni Jiale suddenly felt physically and mentally exhausted. After fighting for so many years, neither Huo Zhaiao nor the Ni family had anything to do with her.

No matter how hard she tried, it was useless.

She just wants to get out of here, as for the future, who knows.

Ni Jiale didn't say anything, she just came to inform Ni Tao, not to ask for his consent.

Now, it's time for her to go.

"Dad, take care and take good care of Mom." Ni Jiale walked out of the inpatient department after speaking.

"Jiale, Jiale..." No matter how Ni Tao shouted, Ni Jiale left without looking back.

After Ni Jiale returned home, he simply packed a few pieces of luggage, took his passport and went to the airport.

Sitting in a taxi, looking at the street scene in Jiangcheng, the corners of his mouth twitched bitterly.

Half an hour later, a plane bound for the UK took to the sky.

Looking at the blue sky and white clouds outside the cabin, Ni Jiale smiled.


For a week in a row, Yan's stock market has been in turmoil, and Yan Mu couldn't sit still.

Seeing that Yan Chenghao still said it was okay, he couldn't hold back anymore, "How could it be okay, someone is secretly buying our shares."

"It's normal." Yan Chenghao said as a matter of course, and most of the people he arranged for the acquisition.

Yan Mu asked suspiciously, "Chenghao, is this related to you...?"

"You just found out now, it seems a bit late." Yan Chenghao spread his hands, "Dad, I don't like Cheng Zhaojin Yan's family, but you want him to join Yan's family, and I can't help it."

"You..." Yan Muqi pointed his finger at Yan Chenghao, but he couldn't say a word.

"Dad, you are getting old, otherwise you will take the initiative to withdraw, and I will restore the stock market immediately, how about it?"

"You're dreaming." Yan Mu finally finished his sentence, and walked out of Yan Chenghao's office shaking his body.

Luo Yuwei didn't go to Huo's these days, so it's fine anyway.

She can do things well at home.

Looking at Yan's stock market on the computer, he nodded in satisfaction.

If it goes on like this, it won't be long before Yan's shares will be disintegrated.

Yan Mu's stock market was in turmoil. Apart from Yan Mu's attention, Luo Tanyan was also paying attention.

Seeing that the shares are so unstable, he is hesitating whether to sell the shares in his hand, and he doesn't know who is secretly buying them, no matter how much the asking price is, the other party will buy them.

It can be said to be an acquisition at any cost.

After discussing with Pan Wenhui, he decided to sell his shares.

In the end, it was sold at twice the market price.

Looking at the extra money in the bank account, Luo Tanfei grinned.

Even if Yan's stock market stabilizes, how many years of dividends will he have to take to compare with the money in his hand.

He felt that the deal was worth it.

 Today's question is: Where did Ni Jiale go?
(End of this chapter)

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