Extreme wealthy family: Huo Shaodou's wife

Chapter 234 Together in River City

Chapter 234 Together in River City (1 more)
"Mr. Wu, are you here?" A clear female voice sounded behind the two of them.

The two turned their heads at the same time, and saw a fashionable woman standing behind her, smiling.

Ruan Xianshu looked at the woman who spoke suspiciously, feeling a little familiar, but couldn't remember where to meet her for a while.

Only then did Yang Mi discover the middle-aged woman next to Wu Muchen, and said in surprise, "Auntie, you've come to Jiangcheng."

Ruan Xianshu was taken aback for a moment, showing that the other party knew her.

After looking at the woman up and down, she suddenly remembered that she used to work in the Wu Group, so she hurriedly stood up, "You...you are Yang Mi, right?"

"Yes, Auntie still remembers me." Yang Mi smiled embarrassedly, and glanced at Wu Muchen.

"I remember, why don't I remember?" Ruan Xianshu's frown deepened a lot when she smiled.

At that time, she had heard the employees of Wu's Group discuss that Yang Mi liked Wu Muchen very much.

But Wu Muchen was not divorced at that time, but Yang Mi kept his duty and never destroyed his family, just silently by his side.

Girls like this are rare these days.

Could it be that Wu Muchen came to Jiangcheng to start a company because of her?

Ruan Xianshu looked at Wu Muchen teasingly, but she still kept it from her.

There were three black lines on Wu Muchen's forehead, one could tell from Ruan Xianshu's expression that she was thinking wrong.

At this moment, I don't want to explain.

Let her misunderstand it, and save him from nagging him about finding a wife.

Ruan Xianshu affectionately pulled Yang Mi to sit down, "You are also in Jiangcheng."

"Yes, my home is in Jiangcheng." Yang Mi looked at Wu Muchen shyly.

"That's good, we're going to have dinner, why don't you join us?" Ruan Xianshu held Yang Mi's hand and didn't let go.

Judging by her clothes, I knew she was a girl from a better family.

Otherwise, if you are so young, you won't be wearing Chanel.

This is in line with her criteria for finding a daughter-in-law.

Wu Muchen poured Yang Mi a cup of tea, and Yang Mi blushed.

Why does she feel like seeing her mother-in-law?

After a while, the waiter brought up the dishes one by one.

Ruan Xianshu took a glance, took the menu and ordered many delicacies from mountains and seas.

Yang Mi hurriedly stopped, "Auntie, no need, these are enough to eat."

"Yes, you are so thin, you need to eat more." After ordering, Ruan Xianshu handed the list to the waiter, the more she looked at Yang Mi, the more she liked it.

Wu Muchen was speechless and could only play dumb.

After dinner, Ruan Xianshu warmly invited Yang Mi to the hotel where she was staying.

Before Yang Mi could answer, Wu Muchen took the first step, "Mom, Yang Mi has something to do later."

"That's right, look at me as an old fool, go on a date, I'll go back to the hotel first." Ruan Xianshu got into the car and waved to the two of them.

After the car was far away, Wu Muchen looked at Yang Mi, "My mother is like this, don't mind."

"How could it be? Auntie is very nice." Yang Mi's face was still a little red at this time.

Her heart was beating wildly at the moment, feeling that today was her auspicious day.

He unexpectedly ran into Ruan Xianshu.

It doesn't look like she hates her.

If this is the case, does she have a little more leverage in marrying into the Wu family?

Wu Muchen nodded, "I have to leave beforehand, so be careful on the way."

Yang Mi nodded, "You too."

After that, Wu Muchen's car sped away.

Yang Mi smiled and looked at Wu Muchen's car buttock until it disappeared at the end of the road.


Yang Mi returned to Yang's villa in a good mood.

Walking into the living room, seeing Yang Wei chatting with a young man, he didn't pay attention, and prepared to go upstairs after saying hello.

"Mi'er, come and sit down." Yang Wei called out.

Yang Mi rolled her eyes, this old man Yang, what did he do to pull her up while chatting with others.

Although he was somewhat reluctant, he still gave Yang Wei face in front of outsiders.

Some reluctantly came over and sat down.

Yang Wei smiled and said to the man, "Don't mind, this child has been spoiled by me since he was a child, it doesn't look like it."

"Mr. Yang is being polite, Ling Qianjin is very nice." The young man glanced at Yang Mi and smiled.

Yang Wei laughed out loud when he heard that, "You're the only one who says she's fine."

Yang Mi sat on the side and tried her best to paw her father, how could she say that to someone she didn't know.

She is so disobedient.

She just loves to play.

 3 more at 2:[-]

(End of this chapter)

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