Chapter 206

Chapter [-] A Match Made in Heaven

"Fair, Mayfair..."

He Xiao picked her up and hurried into the house.

Shangguan Juechen frowned deeper as he watched them, but he still walked in.

Inside the room, He Xiao gently placed He Wenfei on the bed, looking at his daughter's thin face with only bones left, his whole heart seemed to be tightly grasped.

Standing at the door, Shangguan Juechen glanced in at He Wenfei who was on the bed, and asked aloud, "Sect Master He, how is Miss He?"

Although He Wenfei herself said it was fine, he still felt that it was not that simple, otherwise, with He Xiao's status, she would never kneel down to him.

He Xiao suddenly clenched his hands on the bed, closed his eyes, and tried to calm himself down.

Then, he got up and walked to Shangguan Juechen, looking at him carefully.

It has to be said that Shangguan Juechen is indeed a very good young man, no matter his appearance or bearing, he belongs to the dragon and phoenix among the people, and he is the heir of the future head of the Shangguan family, with a bright future.

And although he is a bit sick now, his spirit is much better than when he saw him before.

Could it be that his body has recovered?
In fact, it doesn't matter if it's good or bad, Fei'er only has three or four years to live, even if Shangguan Juechen is a short-lived ghost, he might live longer than Fei'er.

"Master Shangguan, Fei'er really likes you, can't you really marry her?" As a father, he still hopes that his daughter can get what she wants and live the rest of her life happily.

But he knew that his Fei'er had his own pride, even if he liked Shangguan Juechen, he would not use his sympathy to achieve his goal.

Shangguan Juechen frowned slightly, with a look of embarrassment on his face, "Sect Master He, I also appreciate Miss He's character very much, but my feelings for her are not between men and women. I can't agree to Sect Master He's request. Please forgive me."

If he liked He Wenfei, he had already agreed, so why wait until now, emotional matters can't be done as they say, let alone now that he already has a sweetheart.

Thinking of that little face that was sometimes delicate and sometimes calm, Shangguan Juechen showed a touch of tenderness between his brows.

Seeing that he politely rejected his request, He Xiao's face became more and more ugly, and he pursed his lips tightly.

After a while, he said in a hoarse voice: "Since this is the case, He will not keep the young master Shangguan, please feel free, young master Shangguan."

He wanted to win the final happiness for his daughter, but the other party had no intention of marrying Fei'er at all, so why bother to show Fei'er's dignity for others to trample on.

Shangguan Juechen didn't want He Xiao to drive people away, but he hadn't seen Yun Yao yet, so he frowned and said, "Sect Master He, I'm..."

He wanted to say that he wanted to see Feng Yunyao, but at this moment, a beautiful figure flashed into the room quickly.

She was wearing a white dress, walking in the wind, with fluttering skirts, like a fairy stepping on the sun.

"Yunyao, I'm going to find you." Seeing Feng Yunyao coming in, Shangguan Juechen showed a rare smile on his handsome face.

Feng Yunyao glanced at Shangguan Juechen, nodded to him politely, and then hurried past him.

He squeezed He Wenfei's wrist to check the pulse carefully, and seeing her so serious, He Xiao's whole heart also lifted up.

Shangguan Juechen knew he couldn't disturb her at this time, so he stood there quietly, but he didn't intend to leave.

After a while, Feng Yunyao put down He Wenfei's wrist, looked at He Xiao with deep eyes, and said, "Sect Master, did Senior Sister He just wake up and encountered something that stimulated her?"

Logically speaking, He Wenfei shouldn't have fainted so quickly when she woke up, she must have been stimulated by the outside world.

He Xiao glanced at Shangguan Juechen, nodded, his face was very ugly, "It's my fault."

If he hadn't knelt down to Shangguan Juechen and asked him to marry Fei'er, she wouldn't have dragged her sickly body off the bed and said those words to Shangguan Juechen with heartache.

Feng Yunyao looked at Shangguan Juechen and then at He Wenfei, and suddenly understood.

It turned out that He Wenfei used her body to raise worms for the sake of Shangguan Juechen. Before meeting her, Shangguan Juechen was really terminally ill and difficult to cure.

Speaking of which, He Wenfei is also an infatuated woman. Not only did she want to die for her beloved, but she also wanted to give him his flesh, which is simply amazing.

Feng Yunyao fed He Wenfei a pill before standing up.

"Sovereign, keeping Senior Sister He in a happy mood will be of great help to her body. If she is depressed all day long, it is estimated that her life expectancy will be difficult for a year or two."

A patient who is in a happy mood and a patient who has lost the courage to live, the same disease must be easier for the former to recover, not to mention that the worms in her body will react differently according to her emotions.

joyful?He Xiao glanced at Shangguan Juechen, feeling bitter in his heart.

The one who can make Fei'er happy is Shangguan Juechen, but he doesn't have the slightest affection for Fei'er.

Feng Yunyao gave He Xiao a few words and went out.

"Yunyao." Seeing her leave, Shangguan Juechen and He Xiao said 'Farewell' and chased her out.

Judging by Shangguan Juechen's reaction, if He Xiao still can't find the problem, then his suzerain really is in vain.

The always indifferent young master Shangguan now chases Feng Yunyao out like a brat, plus the way he looks at Feng Yunyao, it's not like he likes something.

No wonder he looked down on Fei'er, it turned out that he already belonged to him, Fei'er was indeed inferior to Feng Yunyao, even though he was Fei'er's father, he knew that his daughter was not as good as others.

One is the proud son of heaven, the other is the proud daughter of heaven, and both of them are excellent sons and daughters of the eight major families. They are very well matched in terms of status and strength.

Forget it, since Fei'er is unwilling to use sympathy to win Shangguan Juechen's mercy, then he will not tell Shangguan Juechen about Fei'er.

If Shangguan Juechen lived happily ever after, Fei'er should be gratified too.

Feng Yunyao left the courtyard where He Wenfei lived, and looked at Shangguan Juechen who was chasing him.

"Yunyao, I passed by here and came to see you when I heard that you are in the Medicine Sect. How are you doing here?" Shangguan Juechen looked at Feng Yunyao's beautiful face, and the expression on his face became much gentler.

Hearing his words, Feng Yunyao couldn't help but frown. It turned out that he didn't come to the Medicine Sect to visit He Wenfei, but to see her.

Although she has never been in love, but Shangguan Juechen is so obvious, how can she not understand Shangguan Juechen's thoughts.

"I'm fine. Both the suzerain and the elders have treated me very well."

Feng Yunyao said lightly, and then raised her chin towards the bamboo forest path where people rarely walk, "Master Shangguan, are you interested in hearing about Senior Sister He?"

She knew that doing so would be unfair to Shangguan Juechen, but He Wenfei's body needed his help. Of course, she only stated the facts, and she would not force Shangguan Juechen to help.

(End of this chapter)

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