Chapter 209 Insidious and cunning woman

Chapter [-] The Insidious and Cunning Woman

"If you fall down, I'll find someone else to cooperate." Xiao Chengyi's anger was directly stimulated by the calm tone of the wind.

This woman definitely has the ability to piss people off, and he is a living example.

Xiao Chengyi knew that he was totally vulnerable to arguing with her, so he clenched his fist several times to stabilize himself, and said angrily, "Hurry up and think of a way, it's best to break up the cooperation between them."

He has already had someone notify his father, Xiao Chengyuan must have done this behind his back, because his father's character doesn't even bother to cooperate with He Lianhong.

Feng Yunyao looked at the distraught Xiao Chengyi, and after he finished blowing his hair, he said in a cold voice: "Xiao Chengyuan has left the imperial capital of Canglan Kingdom, but he has not left the border of Canglan Kingdom, why don't you take advantage of him to leave Canglan Kingdom?" Someone was sent to intercept him before, and then locked him up."

"I can't do this." Xiao Chengyi didn't even think about it, he frowned and looked troubled, "Xiao Chengyuan is my brother, if I let my father know that this king is attacking him, he will definitely not give me a good face."

At this moment, she was worried about brotherhood, Feng Yunyao sneered and said: "I didn't let you intercept people openly, pretend to be able to, idiot."

After finishing speaking, he gave him a blank look, then lifted his feet and left gracefully.

Xiao Chengyi was scolded as a 'stupid' and wanted to fight back, but found that there was something wrong with his vocal cords, and he couldn't speak a word.

Don't think it must be Feng Yunyao, a dead woman, who did it. She didn't want to listen to his yelling, so she intentionally poisoned him to make him speechless.

For the next few days, Feng Yunyao was helping He Wenfei to heal her body, and her physical condition was gradually improving.

Shangguan Juechen was very diligent, and he could be seen here almost every day, while He Wenfei had more smiles on her face, and her complexion became much better because she was in a better mood.

As for Xiao Chengyi, his work efficiency is quite fast.

After listening to her words that day, he directly asked the hidden guards he carried with him to catch Xiao Chengyuan.

Then, he poisoned Xiao Chengyuan to make him dumb first, then gave him several kinds of medicine, and then threw Xiao Chengyuan into the backyard of the Medicine Sect to clean the toilet for the disciples of the Medicine Sect.

Looking at the stinky toilet, Xiao Chengyuan only felt his stomach churning, he suppressed the smell and began the shame he had never experienced in his life.

"What's next." Xiao Chengyi looked at the woman sitting there drinking tea leisurely, and asked angrily.

"Send someone to tell your father that He Lianhong has detained Xiao Chengyuan, and now I don't know whether he is dead or alive." Feng Yunyao took a sip of tea and said lightly.

Xiao Chengyi frowned when he heard the words, and said with a little worry: "Is this okay? If my father and He Lianhong meet, won't they be exposed?"

He knew what she wanted to do, the purpose was to provoke the relationship between the father and He Lianhong, but would it really work, would it not be exposed?

"Let's take it apart, you just have to do what I tell you." Feng Yunyao said disapprovingly.

Xiao Chengyi is still hesitant, it won't do him any good.

The person who threatened him the most was not Xiao Chengyuan but Xiao Chengwen who had the backing of the Lin family. Capturing Xiao Chengyuan was useless at all, and Xiao Chengwen would not offend He Lianhong for Xiao Chengyuan's sake. They could still reach an agreement then.

Although he and Xiao Chengwen are brothers, Xiao Chengwen will definitely choose to believe in He Lianhong instead of him. After all, in Xiao Chengwen's eyes, he is an enemy with no future troubles.

Isn't this woman full of tricks? How could she come up with such an unsavory method.

(End of this chapter)

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