Chapter 212 Don't Murder My Master
Chapter 210 Don't Murder My Master
Nan Fengjue didn't see Feng Yunyao's figure in the house, so he knew without thinking that he must be hiding in the holy cauldron.

"Feng girl, come out quickly, I have something to do with you."

"What's the matter? You want blood?" Feng Yunyao came out from the holy cauldron, looked at Nan Fengjue who had already sat down, and really doubted that he was not a soul body, could he touch the chair while sitting there?
"No need, it's been less than a month." Nan Fengjue sat there calmly. If it weren't for his transparent body, it would be hard to see his soul body. Dragon Soul Seal, I'm really disappointed that you don't want to make progress like this."

He was accusing Feng Yunyao every word, with a look of hating iron but not steel, as if she was so playful and discouraged from making progress.

"I can't get in." Feng Yunyao said lightly, then, she walked to the side and sat down and poured a cup of tea, then pushed the cup to him, "Would you like a cup of tea?"

Nan Fengjue glanced at the tea on the table, and snorted coldly, "No need, I'm not thirsty."

Then, arrogantly turned her head aside.

He can't drink at all, okay, this girl is really mad at him.

Feng Yunyao picked up the teacup and took a sip, then said calmly: "Let's not talk about whether I can break through the No.11 heavy barrier, even if I get to the No.12 heavy barrier, I can't open it."

She wanted to unlock the dragon soul seal on her body more than he did, but her ability was limited. With her ability, it was difficult to open even the fifth layer barrier, let alone the twelve layer barrier.

"Why are you so stupid." Nan Fengjue looked at her expression full of disgust, "I can't even open a small barrier, I have never seen you so stupid."

Feng Yunyao: "..."

How many people have you met all the time? She wonders if she is really stupid after being hit by this uncle with high eyes every day.

"Forget it, let's think of another way." Nan Fengjue looked her up and down, feeling even more disgusted.

At this time, I suddenly thought of a person, "By the way, you can ask your little... master to help, he seems to be much more capable than you, and should be able to open the No.12 barrier."

"No." He was directly rejected by Feng Yunyao as soon as he said this, "The further you go into the Black Demon Forest, the more dangerous it is. My master is seriously injured now, and I can't let him take the risk with me."

Master finally recovered a bit, but he can't go back to before liberation, and he can't be suspected of it no matter what.

Nan Fengjue pursed his lips, and snorted coldly: "There are more than a dozen twelfth-level monsters, so why worry about them?"

Twelfth-order monsters, more than a dozen?

Feng Yunyao rolled her eyes at him, frankly wanting her master and apprentice to go in and die.

Seeing her resolute attitude, and obviously not planning to ask her little white-faced master for help, Nan Feng had no choice but to give up, but he murmured, "If you protect him so much, those who don't know think he is yours." Where is my sweetheart?"

Feng Yunyao: "..."

Don't want the truth, okay?

"If you can't get into the twelve layers of enchantment, you can only use other methods."

Feng Yunyao's eyes brightened slightly, "What can I do?"

"Find a nine-venomous snake above the twelfth rank, kill it, and eat its magic pill."

"What! You let the master eat the magic pill of the Nine Venomous Demon Snake!" Xiao Bai, who was shrinking in the corner and reduced his sense of existence in front of the big devil, jumped out.

Ignoring the strong hostility on the other party, he stared at the round eyes and accused: "The Nine Poison Demon Snake is the king of poisons, and the inner alchemy that eats it is even worse than death. I think you sincerely want to harm my family." Owner."

The reason why it is called the Nine-Poisoned Demonic Snake is because it needs to be detoxified nine times, and each time the poison is different. As far as it knows, people who have been poisoned by the Nine-Poisoned Demonic Snake have almost no possibility of survival.

This big devil actually let the owner eat its magic pill, it is simply abhorrent.

Nan Fengjue gave it a cold look, and snorted, "You're right. Although the magic pill of the Nine Poison Demon Snake is not without the poison on its teeth, it can make the poisoned person's life worse than death. I really want to think about it." suicide."

"Then you still let the master eat its magic pill." Xiaobai rolled his eyes, and said angrily, even a holy beast dare not eat that guy's magic pill, okay, let alone the master is still a mortal with naked eyes of humans.

Nanfeng never paid any attention to Xiaobai, but looked at Feng Yunyao coldly, "What about you, you have to choose between entering the twelve layers of enchantment or eating the inner alchemy of the nine poisonous snakes, I don't want to hear you give up. "

The higher her cultivation base, the greater the effect of her blood on him. Now that her cultivation base is low, her blood can only be regarded as thirsty to him, but it cannot completely quench his thirst.

If she keeps stagnating, even if she dies of old age, he will not be able to complete the soul body, let alone the body.

Feng Yunyao lowered her eyes as if she was thinking about something, then she suddenly raised her head, a firm light flashed in her eyes, "I'll go find the Nine Poisonous Demon Snake."

"Master, you don't want to live anymore." Xiao Bai stomped his feet impatiently, "That guy is on the twelfth level. Xiaofeng just fought it to a tie, and almost got poisoned by it."

Although the master's cultivation has improved very quickly, compared with that loach, it is like an egg against a rock, vulnerable to a single blow.

Feng Yunyao's eyes lit up suddenly, and she grabbed Xiao Bai from the ground, "Xiao Bai, do you know where the Nine Venomous Demon Snake is?"

"..." Could they focus on the same thing?

Xiaobai nodded weakly, "I know, Xiaofeng and I went there a few years ago to find the purple spirit stone, encountered it, and even fought with it, and Xiaofeng was injured that time."

If Xiaofeng's hadn't been downgraded, the Nine Venomous Demon Snake would not be its opponent at all, but if it was down a level, even though it was a level one, its strength was vastly different.

Although it is one level higher than all of them, it can't help other than escape.

"Where the Nine Poisonous Demon Snake lives, is there a purple spirit stone?" Feng Yunyao couldn't help asking after hearing the words.

The egg she stole from the Ye family has been kept in the spiritual spring, and the purple spirit stones that were placed around the egg were sucked dry by the egg recently, turning into a few ordinary stones.

If there are many purple spirit stones, I don't know if the egg can be hatched.

She didn't know what kind of egg it was, but she was looking forward to it, hoping it was a good quality spirit beast.

Hearing her asking about the purple spirit stone instead of the nine poisonous snake, Xiaobai lowered his head heavily, and said powerlessly: "Master, can you focus on the magic snake? We are talking about the magic snake, not the purple snake." Lingshi."

As a guardian beast, it must always protect the safety of its master, and now it has to correct its master's thoughts like an elder.

Immediately, I feel that being a beast is difficult, being a guardian beast is even more difficult, and being the master's guardian beast is the most difficult.

Xiaobai didn't answer this question, Nan Fengjue, who was sitting on the side, explained to her: "The Nine Poisonous Demon Snake likes purple spirit stones the most, and its old nest must be in a place with a lot of purple spirit stones."

Then, he added another sentence, "You go to the Nine Poisonous Demon Snake, maybe you can find a lot of purple spirit stones, it would be great to kill two birds with one stone."

What a fart!As soon as he said this, Xiaobai rolled his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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