Chapter 215 Your Integrity Lost
Chapter 210 Five, Your Integrity Is Lost
Mu Yan was frightened by the sudden acceleration and screamed. At this moment, an apple was stuffed into his mouth, and the screaming stopped.

"It's finally quiet." Xiao Bai jumped off Mu Yan's shoulder, and gave him a contemptuous look by the way.

With such courage, they almost threw their men's face into it.

Mu Yan got down from the side of the boat, took a bite of Apple Kaba, like a little milk dog rubbed against Feng Yunyao, hugged her calf and said pitifully, "I'm afraid, please protect me."


"Men and women don't know each other, don't touch my master." Xiao Bai forcefully separated his hands, claws on his hips, and stared fiercely at Mu Yan, "There's nothing to be afraid of, why don't you just take a boat, despise."

"It's my first time..."

"It's also the first time for Luo Li, why doesn't he call out." Xiao Bai pointed to Luo Li who was sitting next to Feng Yunyao, and preached earnestly.

Mu Yan glanced at Luo Li, then got up from the ground, and snorted, "He's swollen face to pretend to be fat, hypocritical, I will say it when I'm afraid, that's why I'm sincere and unpretentious."

"...Ouch!" Rao Xiaobai was always thick-skinned, but now he was also disgusted.

After this tossing, Mu Yan was no longer afraid, and began to pat here and there, and said excitedly: "Miss Feng, where did you get this, it's too powerful."

"Don't call me Miss Feng." Feng Yunyao said coldly after hearing this troublesome name.

"Okay, then I will call you Fengfeng." Although there is no beautiful girl Fengfeng, who would not want to.

A few black lines slid out of Feng Yunyao's forehead, but fortunately, Fengfeng was a little bit better than Feng Xiaomei, so she just let him go.

"Fengfeng, you haven't answered my question yet, where did you get this spaceship from?"

"My master sent it."

"Your master?" Mu Yan came to her side in a flash, and the corners of his mouth were bent upwards, his handsome face turned into a chrysanthemum, "Fengfeng, does your master still have such a spaceship? Will he accept it?" Disciple, look at me like this."

Feng Yunyao: "...No, I won't accept it either."

"No more?" Mu Yan sighed regretfully, and then continued to stay by her side, still using a fake smile of going to space, and said to Feng Yunyao, "Then you accept it, I became yours." Apprentice, you can imitate your master and give this spaceship to this young master."

Feng Yunyao: "...No."

"Why, am I not good-looking or what?" Mu Yan said very hurt.


"..." Could he not want her answer.

"Master won't accept you as an apprentice, you'd better give up on it." Xiao Bai pouted and said angrily.

Then, he continued to get into the Qiankun bag and quickly came out with a teapot in his arms, and then went in to get a few teacups.

Soon tea, pastries and fruits were set up on the table, and Feng Yunyao was poured a cup of tea graciously, "Master, drink some water."

Seeing Xiaobai who was constantly busy, Mu Yan put his hand on his Shenyuan, and a hairy thing rolled out.

This animal was not small in size, its whole body was black and white, it rolled on the ground, and continued to lie there and sleep soundly.

Looking at the furry animal that was still sleeping, Mu Yan looked heartbroken, "Look at other people's guardian beasts, and look at the lesser ones, there's no comparison."

"Giant panda?" The eyes of Feng Yunyao, Muyan's guardian beast, couldn't help but light up. Except for a pair of small wings, this black and white bear looks very similar to a panda.

There are even those two iconic 'dark circles'. They are round and cute, especially the pair of fluffy white wings that move from time to time, which makes all the girls feel so cute.

"It's so cute." Feng Yunyao immediately went to embrace the sleeping panda lying on the ground and kneaded and squeezed it. The fur on its body was soft and smooth, and it felt very good in the hand.

"Master, it's an eighth-level two-winged bear beast. It's very ferocious. You have to be careful." Xiao Bai quickly reminded, with sour bubbles rising in his heart.

How cute is this stupid and stupid bear, why is it so cute, heh heh.

Mu Yan also said worriedly: "Fengfeng, let go of the ball quickly, don't look at it as lazy, it's so crazy that it doesn't even recognize me as its master."

Speaking of the latter sentence, I don't feel ashamed at all.

After being pinched by Feng Yunyao for a while, even if she fell asleep, she would wake up again.

The two-winged bear beast quietly opened its eyes, and glanced at the woman who was rubbing her hands up and down on it, constantly rubbing its oil.

"Ho—" Impatiently shouted at Feng Yunyao, trying to scare her away.

Unexpectedly, Feng Yunyao seemed not to hear it, and continued to play with its fur, "Qiuqiu, your fur is very beautiful, soft and slippery, it is the best choice for fur coats."

Fur, fur coat!
The Winged Bear Beast was so frightened that it stood up from the ground, moved back a few steps, and stared at Feng Yunyao vigilantly, for fear that she would skin it on a whim.

Mu Yan was even more speechless. She thought she had fallen in love with her guardian beast, but she didn't expect to fall in love with Qiuqiu's fur.

Well, this is just like Miss Feng's style.

"Roar—" Qiuqiu expressed that he didn't want to be with this female devil, but just looked out of the boat, as if they were in the air.

He moved his fluffy little wings and put them down silently.

Just relying on its short and cute little wings, not to mention flying down from such a high altitude, it can't even fly a foot high, it might as well just jump high.

"Come here, let me touch it." Feng Yunyaohai waved at the two-winged furry bear hiding in the bow of the boat without finishing her hand addiction.

It's autumn now, and it's quite cold at high altitude, but just holding this bear was very warm.

Xiaobai looked at the big fool sourly, and said angrily: "Didn't you hear me, my master told you to come over."

Dead fat ball, no matter how you look at it, it is not as handsome as it is, and it is useless except that its fur can barely make a coat.

The two-winged bear beast looked at its unreliable master, and saw that he had no intention of speaking for it, so it could only bite the bullet and walk over step by step.

There's no way who let this be someone else's boat. Once on someone else's boat, there is still a chance for it to choose.

Fortunately, this woman smells quite good, more fragrant than the owner, and she is beautiful, of course, the premise is that she does not peel her skin.

The two-winged furry bear nestled obediently beside Feng Yunyao, and because of its large body, the nest was just as high as Feng Yunyao was sitting on the stool.

Feng Yunyao simply lay on top of it, closed her eyes and fell asleep.

She only slept for a short time last night, but now that she has such a big pillow, she can sleep well.

"What's the situation?" Mu Yan was dumbfounded when he saw his guardian beast obediently nesting there as half of the bed.

What happened, is this really his family's lazy, arrogant, fierce and mighty big black ball?
You must know that Qiuqiu hates others to touch it the most, even he rarely touches it and has too much contact with it, but now he is hugged by the little Feng Xiaomei, and he still doesn't resist protecting his chastity.

What is this called, forgetting righteousness at the sight of sex, seeing the beautiful little Meimei, even forgetting his master.

Although Xiaobai was sour in his heart, seeing Feng Yunyao fell asleep, he also calmed down, obediently lying on Qiuqiu's big head.

It's fluffy, no wonder the owner likes to hug it.

The master must have regarded it as a bed, thinking of it this way, the sour water in Xiaobai's heart became much less.

Mu Yan wanted to wake Feng Yunyao up, but Luo Li held her back, "Let her sleep, she probably didn't sleep much last night."

Then, he took out a cloak from the package and covered Feng Yunyao.

Mu Yan looked at Feng Yunyao and then at Luo Li, and suddenly understood, "Luo Li, don't you like it..."

"Don't talk nonsense." Before he finished speaking, Luo Li interrupted him in a cold voice, "She is my master, don't talk nonsense and slander the master."

"Hmph." Mu Yan snorted twice, but she took the initiative to quiet down.

Sitting directly on the ground, he took out a book from the yellow Qiankun bag on his waist, lay on the ground and read it gradually.

For a while, it became quiet.

In fact, Feng Yunyao didn't fall asleep at all, she was used to being vigilant, not to mention she was still outside, so she would not fall asleep deeply.

She lay on Qiuqiu's body, but it was to replenish her energy, so that she could fight a tough battle later.

Feng Yunyao sat up after sleeping for a while, and put the cloak on the table.

Calculating the time, they were about to reach their destination.

However, the sky is also a little dark.

Feng Yunyao looked at the west where the sun had already set, and said: "We'll be here later, let's stay in a nearby inn for one night, and then go in tomorrow."

It is better to be in the deep mountains and old forests during the day than at night, at least you can see the things around you clearly, so you don’t have to know about being attacked.

Her proposal was immediately agreed by Luo Li and Mu Yan. Under Xiao Bai's guidance, she finally stopped in a nearby city.

In order not to attract attention, Feng Yunyao and the others ate all of them in exchange for Rong Dan, even Xiaobai ate them together.

First, I found a decent inn and stayed there.

This city is not big, and the development inside is not bad.

Under Xiao Bai's guidance, he went down to a relatively famous restaurant, had a meal there, and then returned to the hotel he had booked.

When they returned to the inn, they saw their luggage thrown in the hall in a mess, and there were even some footprints on it.

"Shopkeeper, why did you throw our luggage out?" Mu Yan angrily grabbed the shopkeeper's clothes, and abruptly lifted him in front of her.

Judging by his appearance, if the shopkeeper didn't name you and me, he would definitely slap the owner of the inn.

The shopkeeper was a little guilty, but when he saw the thugs coming out of the store, he immediately straightened his back, "You, what are you doing?"

"Why did you throw our luggage out? Tell me quickly, my young master's patience can be limited." Mu Yan slammed his fist on the table, and the solid peach wood table instantly turned into ashes.

The shopkeeper was so frightened that he hugged his head, wishing he could hide himself, and said tremblingly: "Little one, I don't know."

"I think you are a dead duck with a stubborn mouth. You must let this young man get some blood on your hands." Mu Yan was about to teach the shopkeeper a lesson.

At this moment, two men and two women came out of the room they had booked before.

Seeing the people inside, Mu Yan, who was like an old man, immediately put away his hostility and ran behind Feng Yunyao to hide.

(End of this chapter)

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