Chapter 222 Tang Monk Meat

Chapter 220 The Second Tang Monk Meat

Luo Li flew towards this direction on the back of the lone dragon, followed closely by the Nine Poison Demon Snake Beast, its bloodthirsty eyes glowed green, now Luo Li is a delicious delicacy in its eyes, it can't wait to have a bite swallowed.

Feng Yunyao was surprised that Luo Li's blood could attract monsters, it was comparable to Tang Monk.

"It's coming, let's get ready." After Xiaobai finished speaking, he slid into the Qiankun bag, lying on the edge of the bag and said boldly, "I will direct the battle from the side, and you charge forward."

"..." Are you sure you're not afraid of death?

Feng Yunyao rolled her eyes at Xiaobai in the Qiankun bag, pulled out the dragon spirit whip and greeted him proactively.

Seeing her go up, Mu Yan quickly patted the two-winged bear beast, "Qiaoqiu, hurry up."

With a roar, Qiuqiu rushed in with all four hooves, ran and hit the ground, it felt like an earthquake, the ground shook and the mountains shook.

For a moment, the two people and the two beasts surrounded the Nine Venomous Demonic Snake Beast, and started to fight.

It's just that the Nine Poison Demonic Snake Beast has been staring at Luo Li, attacking him, and attacking as soon as there is a gap.

After a few strokes, Luo Li was seriously injured and vomited blood several times.

"Luo Li, leave quickly." Feng Yunyao saw the Nine Poisonous Demonic Snake Beast attacking Luo Li again, this time it directly opened its bloody mouth, obviously wanting to swallow him.

Hastily threw out the golden silk net, and the soft golden silk net directly covered the Nine Poison Demonic Snake Beast from top to bottom.

The golden silk net instantly tightened around its huge body, and the short stop made Luo Li heaving a sigh of relief.

I thought I was going to be buried in this guy's belly.

Feng Yunyao didn't relax at all, her brows furrowed even tighter.

Although the golden silk net has already bound the body of the Nine Poison Demon Snake Beast, if you look closely, you can easily see that the threads of the golden silk net are getting thinner.

Soon her worry was confirmed, the golden silk net on the Nine Poison Demonic Snake Beast instantly shattered and fell into the mud below the ground.

It roared, and then stood up, then bent down and attacked Luo Li again.

Its speed was extremely fast, the huge head was in front of Luo Li in the blink of an eye, and Luo Li could feel the hot stench coming from its mouth.

But at this moment, the body of the Nine Venomous Demonic Snake Beast instantly froze into ice, and it was frozen in mid-air, like a giant ice sculpture.

Mu Yan took a breath, and said with lingering fear: "It's so dangerous, my freezing technique is still very effective."

Don't talk too much about it.

Of course, he couldn't say that he froze the Nine-Poison Demonic Snake Beast because he regarded Luo Li as a frozen target.

Now he has realized a truth, never try to freeze things that want to be frozen, only freeze the things around it, if you are lucky, you will be able to run into a dead mouse.

This time Luo Li was considered lucky and fateful, and was saved by him at the critical moment of life and death.

Taking advantage of this gap, Feng Yunyao quickly threw out the Qiankun bag and included Luo Li in it.

Before the Qiankun bag returned to her hand, the ice on the Nine Poison Demon Snake Beast turned into water in an instant.

Mu Yan was taken aback immediately, "It's too fast, no matter what, you have to hold on to every hour."

The Nine Poison Demonic Snake Beast sniffed with its nose, and then yelled at Feng Yunyao a few times.

"Master, it asked you to hand over Luo Li." Xiaobai popped a head out of the Qiankun bag, explained something to Feng Yunyao, and shrank back in.

"What's its cover?" Feng Yunyao directly lifted Xiaobai out of the Qiankun bag and asked aloud.

"Inner alchemy, as long as its inner alchemy is dug or destroyed, it will die."

Feng Yunyao: "..."

What's the difference between this and no cover door.

(End of this chapter)

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