Chapter 225 Master, Don't Be Too Dark

Chapter 220 Five Master, Don't Be Too Black-bellied

The moonless night is as quiet as frozen water.

Standing on the hillside of the Poison Sect, four guards stood at the gate. Their faces were a little tired, and their eyes were staring as if this was the only way to keep them from getting sleepy.

On a big tree not far from the Poison Sect, Feng Yunyao sat on it, watching the situation of the Poison Sect with both eyes, while Xiao Bai stood on her shoulder.

"Master, the Poison Sect is backed by the mountain, and there are only three sides that can be turned in. However, as far as I know, there is a poisonous miasma that has been condensed for thousands of years on the east side. I heard that there is no grass growing there, and there are no living animals, not even poisonous snakes. Poisonous things like poisonous scorpions can’t survive there.” Xiao Bai carefully analyzed the terrain of the Poison Sect with her, so as not to end the game before entering.

"To the west is a cliff. It's not very easy to get in. Even if you climb in, there is a snake cave next to the wall. There are many poisonous snakes in it. It's disgusting enough to fall into it even if you don't die."

Thinking of the cold and greasy snake, Xiao Bai felt that there were a group of horses running in his stomach.

There is no way to enter from the east or the west, and the only way is to go through the gate.

Is it just that the door is so easy to go? Of course it is difficult. If you want to go through the door, you will inevitably alarm the people inside. At that time, they will be beaten by the gang.

Forcibly breaking in is definitely not enough, and you can't get into other places.

Feng Yunyao lowered her eyes, her thoughts were spinning, she suddenly turned her head and Xiao Bai on her shoulders and said, "Xiao Bai, if I reveal my identity, what do you think they will do to me?"

"Clarify your identity?" Xiaobai was a little puzzled.

"Use the identity of Miss Feng."

"Oh, then you must be regarded as a guest. Your real identity is not only the young lady of the Feng family, but also an intriguing identity that is Emperor Zun's apprentice."

Who is Emperor Zun, the person who would bow his head when seeing him in the entire Sky Continent, as his apprentice, it goes without saying that he will definitely get preferential treatment.

"Really, why didn't Ye Linfeng buy it, don't forget that you were almost captured by him as a vaccination animal."

As soon as she said this, Xiao Bai immediately became furious, "Because he is an idiot, and an idiot's brain is not something ordinary people can understand."

"..." What a shadow the inoculation beast cast on this child.

Xiaobai snorted, hugged his paws, stepped on a branch and kept shaking, "I told you to ask Master Master for help, but you didn't. You must be in trouble now."

Its proposal, the master rejected it without even thinking about it, saying that he didn't want the Poison Sect members to know their true identities, so as not to cause trouble in the future.

Having said so much, isn't it because I am afraid of the master's master's body changing, and feel sorry for the master's master.

Feng Yunyao didn't bother to pay attention to it, looked around for a while, then pulled away and left.

The terrain of the Poison Sect is really difficult to enter, and it is impossible to sneak in. Now we can only enter openly.

After leaving the Poison Sect, Feng Yunyao took Xiaobai to find a cave and took a nap.

Then, he entered Shengding and changed his clothes, took the antidote to restore his true appearance, and Xiaobai also changed back.

When it was dawn, Feng Yunyao took Xiaobai to the Poison Sect.

When they arrived at the gate of the Poison Sect, they handed over the post first.

Soon Lin Shaoyang, the eldest disciple of the Poison Sect Master, hurried over with a few disciples, and saw Feng Yunyao standing at the door.

Seeing her wearing a light purple dress, her waist-length hair is flowing like water, her face is beautiful, her expression is indifferent, like an ethereal fairy.

I have long heard that Miss Feng's family is one of the best beauties, but seeing her now is really shocking.

The voices of Lin Shaoyang and Feng Yunyao couldn't help but soften a lot, "Miss Feng, my master is in retreat, so I hope you can forgive me if I can't come to greet you in person."

Look at this treatment, and think about it before, how damn good-looking you can be anywhere.

Feng Yunyao remained calm, but politely returned a salute, "My lord, you are being polite, Yunyao is a junior, how can I let Sect Master Bai come to greet you in person."

She spoke neither humble nor overbearing, and her voice was exceptionally pleasant.

Lin Shaoyang's impression of her became more and more favorable. She is worthy of being everyone's first daughter, and every word and every word makes people feel like they are bathed in sunshine.

"Miss Feng, it's windy outside, please invite me inside." Lin Shaoyang made a gesture of invitation, a modest gentleman facing the wind, and the smile on his lips was just right.

Feng Yunyao nodded, and walked in directly with a posture.

When they arrived at the hall where the Poison Sect received guests, Lin Shaoyang and Feng Yunyao sat on both sides of the lower seat of the first seat, and even a maid served good tea.

Because Feng Yunyao is a woman, she called Shangguan Qingxue to accompany her.

"Miss Feng, why did you come to my Poison Sect?" Shangguan Qingxue looked at her thoughtfully, her words were gentle and gentle, and it was easy to give people a good impression.

Listening to her question, Feng Yunyao sighed softly, with a sad look on her face, "Although my brother can walk, the doctor said that he has a poison in his body, which is very difficult to cure. If I don’t understand, I’m afraid he won’t live for a few years.”

After speaking, the sadness between the brows became more intense.

Xiao Bai, who was staying in the Qiankun bag, couldn't help rolling his eyes when he heard her mournful words.

You are so shameless, why don't you go to the opera troupe to sing.

Lin Shaoyang saw that the beauty's expression was not good, so he couldn't help comforting him: "Miss Feng, don't worry, as long as it is a poison, there will be a solution. I wonder what kind of poison Mr. Feng is suffering from?"

"The doctor said that this poison is extracted from a plant called black mandala. It is not very toxic, but its poison spreads very strongly. Now the poison on my brother's body has spread to all parts of his body. It’s getting shorter and shorter.”

What she said was so eloquent and so realistic that people couldn't bear to doubt it.

"Black Mantuo?" Lin Shaoyang and Shangguan Qingxue couldn't help but change their faces when they heard these three words.

Shangguan Qingxue frowned slightly, and sat in a dignified and generous posture: "The poison of the black mandala is really difficult to understand. I remember that last year we had a junior who was accidentally poisoned by it, and died of the poison not long after. .”

These words are not scaring, they are all true, black mantra is indeed a difficult poison, unlike other poisons, as long as you find an antidote, it can be cured, but black mantra is different, its poison penetrates into every part of the body, think The only way to completely eradicate it is to change the body, but it is still possible to suppress the toxicity.

"So powerful, isn't my brother..." Feng Yunyao didn't say the following words, her face became paler and her eyes were full of despair.

She performed all kinds of performances on the surface, but she couldn't help but complain about herself in her heart. In modern times, her acting skills might be able to be regarded as a movie queen or something.

Seeing her like this, Lin Shaoyang felt pity for her, and said in a gentle voice: "Don't be too sad, the poison sect has been passed down for thousands of years, and no one can compare to the attainments in poison. You stay here first, and I will go and find out There may be records in the ancient books in Zangshu Pavilion, and my master will leave the customs in two days, so I can ask him for advice."

As soon as he said this, Shangguan Qingxue couldn't help but frown, obviously dissatisfied with his actions.

How could the Poison Sect allow an outsider to stay here? It was clearly because of the beautiful heart of the other's parents that he became lustful.

She still has a deep understanding of her senior brother, despite his sanctimonious appearance, he is actually a complete pervert. There are many beautiful senior sisters in the same school who have been played by him.

Even Bai Yu'er was hooked up by him, if Bai Yu'er was not the suzerain's daughter, he would have done it long ago.

Of course, she, Shangguan Qingxue, would not take such a man seriously.

Being so attentive to Miss Feng now is obviously because of her face.

However, it has nothing to do with her, she will not take the initiative to remind her just because of her status as Emperor Zun's apprentice.

Emperor Zun is a man who is like a god, why should Feng Yunyao be treated differently by him as his apprentice, just because she can pretend?
Looking at Feng Yunyao's beautiful and clear face, the light in Shangguan Qingxue's eyes dimmed a bit, but there was no sign of dissatisfaction with Feng Yunyao on her face.

"Senior Brother Lin, our Poison Sect refines poison all the year round, and the surrounding area is full of poisonous gas, will it cause harm to Miss Feng's body?" Shangguan Qingxue said slowly, her words showed her concern for Feng Yunyao.

Hearing what she said, Lin Shaoyang also had some concerns.

They have soaked in medicinal baths and poisonous baths since they were young, and the poisonous gas floating around them has no effect on them, and if they have no effect on them, it does not mean that they are not harmful to others.

I remember that the year before last, a new student was almost poisoned to death because his body couldn't adapt.

"It's okay, I have a lot of pills to avoid poison." Feng Yunyao seemed to be afraid that they would not believe her, so she showed them a bottle of pills.

Afterwards, she took out a large jar from the Qiankun bag, and she handed the jar to Lin Shaoyang, "Here is the blood-enriching pill of the fifth grade, and it is a little of my heart. I don't know if Sect Master Bai will dislike it."

The so-called reluctance for children to be unable to trap wolves, and wanting to live safely in the Poison Sect, must bleed some blood.

"Fifth grade blood-enriching pill?" Seeing that she was storing it in a jar of wine, Lin Shaoyang's lips twitched involuntarily.

This is a fifth-grade blood-enriching pill. People usually store it in special boxes or beautiful porcelain bottles, but she just put it in a wine jar. It's really extraordinary.

However, they had already heard that the young lady of the Feng family was studying alchemy in the Medicine Sect, and she even won the first place in this year's Saidan Conference.

Although they didn't see it with their own eyes, they can still know what happened in the rivers and lakes.

Afterwards, Feng Yunyao took out two small porcelain bottles, and handed one of them to Shangguan Qingxue, "Miss Qingxue, this is the sixth-grade Jade Rong Pill, which can nourish and moisturize the skin, and is very helpful for women's skin. A small gift is not acceptable."

Every woman would care about her own appearance, and Shangguan Qingxue was no exception, Yurong Pill was indeed very skin-nourishing, and this was a sixth-grade Yurong Pill, a holy product for beauty.

"This, how embarrassing it is." Shangguan Qingxue couldn't hold back her joy, and reached out to take it, "Then I will have more Miss Feng."

The jealousy towards Feng Yunyao just now is also a little less at this moment.

"Mr. Lin, here are two sixth-grade Peiyuan pills, which can help you advance." Feng Yunyao handed another porcelain bottle to Lin Shaoyang.

Lin Shaoyang was overjoyed, he didn't expect the young lady of the Feng family to be so generous, and she would be the sixth-grade Peiyuan pill as soon as she made a move.

Could it be that she fell in love with him? He is also a handsome and talented man like him, who would be tempted by a woman.

Feng Yunyao knew what he was thinking, she pouted disapprovingly.

The briber Feng Yunyao was first-rate, so she stayed in the Poison Sect and was honored as a guest of honor.

Lin Shaoyang and others also gave her a lot of antidotes to detoxify, as a courtesy.

Hearing Feng Yunyao hinting between the lines that he wanted to visit the magnificent buildings of the Poison Sect, Lin Shaoyang recommended himself and took her on a tour of the Poison Sect.

During the visit, Feng Yunyao secretly took note of the terrain.

At ten o'clock in the middle of the night, a thin figure in black quickly shuttled past the Poison Sect.

(End of this chapter)

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