Chapter 229 Master, Can You Stop Being Too Dark

Chapter 220 IX Master, Can You Stop Being Too Dark

"You..." Bai Yu'er naturally knew Lin Shaoyang's thoughts on this woman, and it was because of this that she went mad with jealousy.

Senior Brother Lin was just playing with other women before, and didn't take it seriously, so she didn't care too much, if she couldn't see it, just poison her to death.

But his attitude towards Feng Yunyao is obviously different, and he even has the idea of ​​marrying her, and this woman is much higher than the previous ones in terms of appearance and status.

After thinking about it again and again, I calmed myself down, but the arrogance on my face remained undiminished, "Why do you, a young lady of a big family, insist on coming to my Poison Sect to find a man? Could it be that there are no good men in Canglan Country?"

"What kind of man are you looking for?" Feng Yunyao raised the corners of her lips slightly, holding a faint smile, "Miss Bai, I came to the Poison Sect to find a way to unravel the black mandala."

This Bai Yu'er had also heard about it, and looked at Feng Yunyao, who had a plain but beautiful face, and said half-believingly, "Are you sure you have no intentions towards Senior Brother Lin?"

Feng Yunyao looked at her with a half-smile, "I'm interested in you Senior Brother Lin, so what can you do."

"You...don't go too far." Bai Yu'er snorted coldly, pointed at her and said sharply, "If you want to get the solution to the black mandala poison, you'd better stop thinking about Senior Brother Lin, don't Forget that I am the daughter of the Poison Sect Master, if I don’t want you to know the solution, no one will dare to tell you.”

From this woman's performance, it is obvious that she has no love for Brother Lin, but the pride in her heart is not allowed to be trampled on.

After finishing speaking, he raised his head and chest, and left like a peacock with its tail open.

After Bai Yu'er left, Xiao Bai shook his head in amazement, "Master, your situation today is really strange."

"Why is it strange?"

"If it was in the past, you wouldn't have said much. You would have served Bai Yu'er with your fists. Don't be violent. How could you treat Bai Yu'er so gently and peacefully?"

In the past, its owner would poison even if he didn't use his fists. In short, he would never talk too much if he could not speak. He usually spoke with his fists, which was extremely tough.

Feng Yunyao played with a bottle of potion in her hands, and said quietly: "We are here to save people, not to find people to fight."

"That makes sense." Xiao Bai nodded in agreement. Luo Li and Mu Yan are still in the hands of others, but they are in a weak position. If they offend Bai Yu'er again, Bai Yu'er will definitely cause trouble tonight. It will definitely not be that simple for them to save people.

After I figured it out, my heart was still dull. You must know that it used to be very majestic, so why is it so timid like it is now.

It's all due to Luo Li and Mu Yan, these two bastards, after they are rescued, they will definitely let them treat it to a month's feast, heh heh.

When the night was dark, Feng Yunyao and Xiao Bai flew towards the cabin without making a sound.

"The poisonous miasma is ahead, master, be careful." Xiao Bai reminded in a low voice.

The poisonous miasma there is very thick and extremely poisonous, I don't know if the owner can hold it.

Feng Yunyao threw the elixir that had already been refined into her mouth, and she also put on a mask. With such equipment, it is not a problem to walk in the poisonous miasma.


They had just entered the poisonous miasma, when they suddenly heard someone coming from behind, Feng Yunyao quickly hid behind a thick tree.

The people who came were brothers Mo Yicheng and Mo Yilei. After they entered the poisonous miasma, they did not rush to the wooden house.

"Brother, what do you mean by Lin Shaoyang? Why didn't you use the criminal law to torture those two damned guys after you captured them?" Mo Yilei asked aloud.

Mo Yicheng snorted coldly and said, "He definitely wants to dedicate these two to Master. Don't forget that Master is about to leave the customs. I heard that the younger one is a rare poison-avoiding body."

Such a person, Master will definitely treat him as a treasure.

"Master will definitely not use such a precious person as a bait, so we won't be able to catch that woman." Mo Yilei said unwillingly.

Thinking of the suffering I have suffered in the past two days, I can't wait to tear that woman's body into pieces.

Mo Yicheng frowned, and sneered contemptuously, "Lin Shaoyang never thought of using these two people as bait, otherwise it will be a few days, since that woman didn't come to rescue them, she must know that the one in the dungeon is fake .”

"Then we can't avenge our revenge." Mo Yilei angrily smashed a tree next to him, because he was afraid of being discovered by others and dared not smash it too hard.

"How could it be?" Mo Yicheng raised his chin slightly, with confidence on his face, "If Lin Shaoyang doesn't help, we won't avenge ourselves."

"Revenge yourself?" Mo Yilei suddenly understood, his eyes widened and he said, "Brother, don't you want to steal those two people out and use them as bait?"

No wonder the purpose of bringing him here tonight was to steal someone.


Feng Yunyao and Xiaobai hid behind the tree and listened to their conversation, their eyes drooping slightly, as if they were calculating something.

"Master, do you want me to go over and knock them unconscious?" Xiaobai Yuanliu's eyes flickered in the dark night, full of cunning.

Although its transformation time is still very short now, it is a few times faster than before. After it becomes real, it should still be able to knock the two brothers unconscious.

"Keep them useful."

Feng Yunyao withdrew her gaze, and quietly moved to the front of the cabin with Xiaobai.

Quickly opened the cabin and got in, then closed the door of the cabin.

"There is a trap inside..." Xiaobai was about to say where the trap was, when Feng Yunyao had already touched it, and the secret channel appeared in front of them.


Can you slow down a little and let it work anyway.

Feng Yunyao walked in, closed the door of the secret passage again, and walked straight inside.

I heard Xiaobai talk about the tragic situation here before, but seeing it now, the behavior of Poison Sect is really outrageous.

For the sake of planning, after she entered, she lit a special candle, and the drug inside spread to the entire dungeon as the lamp was lit.

The medicine man inside passed out quickly.

When they found Luo Li, Mu Yan and the others, Mu Yan was hanging there with his head down, obviously fainted by the poison she administered, but Luo Li was soaking in the poisonous gas with his eyes open.

Seeing Feng Yunyao and Xiaobai coming in, he couldn't help but say, "Xiaojiu, why are you here, Xiaobai?"

"Of course we're here to save you." Xiaobai jumped to the rope that bound Mu Yan's hands, and cut the rope with his paw. Mu Yan just fell to the ground. pain.

Feng Yunyao didn't say anything, stepped forward, and directly knocked Luo Li unconscious, the moment he passed out, his eyes were full of puzzlement.

Why knock him out, wouldn't it be more useful if he was awake than unconscious.

Afterwards, sent the two of them into the holy cauldron with their thoughts.

Holding Xiaobai in his arms, he walked towards the outside quickly, and before reaching the front oil lamp, he took out some medicine powder and added it.

Then, he left gracefully.

It's just that as soon as they left the secret passage, they heard footsteps coming from outside the cabin.

It was the brothers Mo Yicheng and Mo Yilei. They obviously wanted to steal Muyan and Luoli just like her, but their motives were different.

Before they opened the door, Feng Yunyao quickly hid in the holy cauldron.

Looking at Mu Yan and Luo Li who were brought in by her, she checked their pulse.

As the direct descendant of the witch saint, Luo Li has a body that is invulnerable to all poisons. Even after soaking in the poison for so long, it did not damage his body at all. Of course, the skin and flesh were wrinkled.

As for Mu Yan, there are already a lot of poisons in his body, but fortunately these poisons are not so troublesome.

Feng Yunyao detoxified Mu Yan and fed them some spiritual spring water by the way.

Even if the poison is detoxified now, their bodies will be damaged to some extent in such an environment, and Lin Shaoren probably won't give them food, drink some spiritual spring water to make up for it.

At this time, the two brothers outside had already opened the secret passage and walked in.

Feng Yunyao didn't hesitate, she immediately got out of the cauldron and quickly left here with Xiaobai.

Before she left, she had already detoxified the poisonous man inside.

So brothers Mo Yicheng and Mo Yilei came in and found nothing unusual.

But they went all the way from the beginning to the end, and they didn't see those two guys.

"Why not?" Mo Yilei said angrily.

They had already inquired clearly that the two people who were captured were detained here, so why did they disappear?

Although they seldom come in, the disciples who are the suzerain of the Poison Sect have also come a few times, and every time they are crushed by Lin Shaoyang.

These two people are not here, they must have been hidden by Lin Shaoyang.

It seems that this time I have to come here for nothing.

The two brothers Mo Yicheng and Mo Yilei left the prison in frustration.

The next day, the entire Poison Sect was in commotion.

Because the two prisoners were lost, and they were the poisonous people Lin Shaoyang valued the most.

I heard that Lin Shaoyang was furious about this, but he had nowhere to vent his anger. He could only turn his anger into motivation, and began to investigate who stole these two people.

In fact, even if you don't ask, you know that most of them were rescued by the woman who was in the same group as these two people.

It's just that I was very unwilling, so I went to the secret prison and yelled at the poisonous people here, and then began to question the poisonous people.

In the end, it turned out that Mo Yicheng and his brothers had come in.

In this way, more than half of the suspicions of the two Mo brothers were divided.

For this reason, Lin Shaoyang put the two men in prison and interrogated them.

In the end, although the suspicion of these two people could not be completely ruled out, he still believed that it was probably the woman who rescued him.

So he sent someone to chase after him.

These were all Feng Yunyao heard from a maid, and she heard the whole process to the end with great interest.

"Master, we all stole it, why don't we leave." Xiao Bai frowned, really disgusted with the smell here.

Because the Poison Sect is a place dedicated to refining poison, the air is full of unpleasant smells.

"If we leave now, they will definitely suspect us. At that time, they may be chased and killed by the entire Poison Sect." Feng Yunyao lowered her head and dispensed the medicine, her voice was a bit cool and leisurely.

Xiaobai shut his mouth immediately when he heard the words, what the master said was indeed reasonable.

At this moment, a guard hurried in, "Miss Feng, the suzerain is sympathetic."

(End of this chapter)

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