Chapter 232 Have We Become Gods?
Chapter 230 Two Have We Become Gods?
After a while, Feng Yunyao sat up.

"Master, what's the matter?" Xiaobai got up from the bed, rubbed his sleepy eyes, and looked out the window in a daze.

It's pitch black outside, obviously it's not dawn yet, could it be that the owner is having a nightmare?
Feng Yunyao ignored it, lifted the quilt and got out of bed, walked to the window and looked at the invisible hole, rubbed her index finger on the window sill, put it in front of her nose and smelled it, a strange light flashed in her eyes. Pass.

"Is someone drugged?" Xiao Bai who followed him saw the inconspicuous hole, and his drowsiness disappeared immediately.

"No." Feng Yunyao wiped her fingers with a handkerchief, threw the handkerchief aside, looked out through the window, and said quietly, "Someone poisoned us, to be more precise, poisoned me."

Xiaobai is a holy beast, this kind of poison has no effect on it, the other party is targeting her.

This poison has a controlling effect, very similar to her Bone Crushing Pill, the other party does not want to kill her, but to control her.

"Master, have you been tricked?" Upon hearing this, Xiaobai hurriedly grabbed her hand to check back and forth, extremely nervous.


"Ah?" Xiaobai's eyes widened immediately, and he stomped his feet impatiently, "Who poisoned you, I'll go... I'll go get rescuers, and ask master, master, to help you get the antidote."

It wanted to say that it would ask for it by itself, but after thinking about its ability, it would be fine.

Feng Yunyao: "...No need."

"Then how can I do it? If you are poisoned, you need to take the antidote." Xiao Bai persuaded him earnestly.

Feng Yunyao hugged it by its neck, and walked towards the bed, "I've only been poisoned by half, as long as I don't get another poison, the toxin in my body will disappear automatically in two days."

During the day, when she was dining with Bai Zongzhu and the others, she discovered that the tableware she was using had been tampered with. Before eating, she deliberately knocked over the teacup to cause confusion. I changed the tableware.

She knew that Sect Master Bai was restless and kind, so she had to be a little more vigilant when she slept at night.

He went to the bed and threw Xiaobai on the bed, took out some bottles and cans from the Qiankun bag, and quickly prepared the medicine powder he wanted.

Then, he took a set of black night clothes from Shengding and put them on.

Xiaobai looked puzzled at Feng Yunyao who was wearing night clothes, "Master, are you going out to do bad things now?"

"No, give them back the poison they gave me."

"..." I know that its owner is not easy to mess with, and she will pay back every grievance. If someone hurts her half, she will definitely pay back double.

After living in the Poison Sect for three days, he had already thoroughly explored the terrain of the Poison Sect, and soon found Bai Yu'er's boudoir.

Feng Yunyao just wandered around in front of her boudoir, touched the flower buds in her yard, and then returned to her residence.

"Master, I haven't seen you make a move yet. Are you sure Bai Yu'er has been tricked?" Xiao Bai nestled in Feng Yunyao's arms and asked in surprise with her round chin resting on her claws.

It originally thought that the owner would sneak into Bai Yu'er's boudoir to poison, but it didn't even pierce the paper on the window, it just wandered outside for a while, and those who didn't know thought she was just here for a visit.

"Not yet, tomorrow will be." She poured the poison into the flowers in Bai Yu'er's yard. As soon as the flowers bloom tomorrow, the smell of the poison will spread along with the fragrance of the flowers.

Sect Master Bai is indeed a master of poison. The poison he gave her is very clever. The two poisons are harmless when taken apart, but when combined together, they will become a powerful poison that controls people.

Once caught, it is difficult to eradicate.

If Sect Master Bai's gaze had not fallen on her tableware twice before eating, she would not have suspected that the tableware had been tampered with.

Of course, if she was really tricked, she also had a way to keep herself out of the control of that old poison, but it was a little more troublesome.

Let his precious daughter enjoy such an exquisite poison, she is not blessed to enjoy it.

On the second day, Sect Master Bai thought she had been tricked, so he generously gave her the solution to the black mandala poison, and even gave her a poison scripture to express his friendship with the Feng family, as well as some self-defense. antidote and poison.

Feng Yunyao left the Poison Sect with the Poison Sutra and some antidotes.

Seeing her receding figure, Sect Master Bai had a smug smile in his eyes.

So what about a noble alchemy genius, he was still under his control in the end.

One month later, the poison in her body will be poisonous, and it just so happens that he is going to the emperor of the Canglan Kingdom to open a poison sect sub-helm, and the chess piece he buried will be able to be used at that time.

Moreover, the old Patriarch Feng treasures his granddaughter very much. For the sake of her granddaughter's life, no matter how high his cultivation base is and how capable he is, he must obey him.


After Feng Yunyao went down the mountain, she took out the Xuanling Zhou and zoomed it in. She flew into the air and then moved out Mu Yan and Luo Li who were unconscious in the cauldron, and woke them up again.

"Hmm..." Mu Yan groaned in discomfort, opened his eyes and looked at the blue sky and white clouds in a daze.

Blinking, blinking again, "I didn't expect that the second young master of the Mu family would go to heaven after his death. It seems that the heavens have taken a fancy to this young master and made him a god after death."

You just became a god, why is your body so weak?

Feng Yunyao gave him a blank look, then looked at Luo Li who was also awake, and asked carefully: "Luo Li, how do you feel?"

Hearing her voice, Mu Yan, who was still lying on the ground, got up suddenly, and stared at her with wide eyes in disbelief, "Feng, Master, why did you die, and you also went to the sky, didn't you?" Because of me, I let you ascend to the sky by the way."

"Raise your head—"

Xiaobai finally couldn't listen any longer, so he slapped his paw on his handsome face, jumped onto his chest, pinched his waist with his paw, "Do you feel any pain?"

"...It hurts." Mu Yan stared at Xiaobai aggrievedly, thinking that your paw is a baby's hand, do you know that it will disfigure your face if you scratch it.

In fact, Xiaobai slapped him on the face to put away the sharp nails on his paws. The pain was entirely due to the slap on his face.

"Knowing the pain means you are awake and not daydreaming, do you know that?"

"..." Can't Shi Xiaobai let him have sweet dreams, pretend to be an X, and must wake him up.

Luo Li shook his head at Feng Yunyao, then pressed his swollen and uncomfortable head with his beautiful and slender hands, "Xiao Jiu, how did you rescue us?"

That is the secret prison of the Poison Sect, not everyone can enter the Poison Sect, let alone Xiao Jiu, even He Xiao, the lord of the Medicine Sect, may not be able to come out intact, let alone bring two people, but She was able to break in alone and save them.

Xiaobai didn't hide anything, he told the people how Feng Yunyao used his real identity to enter the Poison Sect and tricked the people inside, and how he saved them.

Of course, he concealed the matter of moving them into the Holy Cauldron, and only said that after saving them, he threw them out of the poisonous miasma wall and took them away after leaving the Poison Sect.

Hearing the word 'throw', the corners of Mu Yan's lips twitched fiercely, feeling like throwing a dead pig.

After flying in the air for a while, Mu Yan clamored that he was hungry and wanted to go down to eat and take a bath by the way.

After all, they were soaked in various poisons first, and then stayed in that smelly and musty place in the dungeon for two days. The smell on their bodies almost choked him to death.

Luo Li didn't care, he didn't know what bathing was in Purgatory, and Mu Yan, a son who grew up in a honey pot, couldn't bear it and couldn't starve.

Noisy along the way insisted to go down to take a shower to eat.

Feng Yunyao found a suburb not far from the city to land, and then took the Xuanling Zhou and walked towards the city ahead.

Just as he was about to enter the city gate, suddenly, a girl in ragged clothes, messy hair, and dirty body ran out from the nearby woods.

She had two braids in her braids, her hair was disheveled and tied around her head like straw, and her clothes were even more torn.

"Help, help—" She rushed towards Feng Yunyao and the others in panic, calling for help as she ran.

There were four big men chasing her behind her, and they were still cursing, "Damn girl, stop for me, I will take your skin off."

The girl is a woman after all, she was weak and hadn't reached Feng Yunyao and the others before she was held by the big man behind and pinned firmly to the ground.

Even though the girl was pinned to the ground, she was still struggling, shouting for help, staring at them with big eyes, as if she was urging them to come and help her.

Mu Yan couldn't stand it anymore, and immediately walked over, "Let her go!"

A strong man with a scar on his face looked at Mu Yan ferociously, and said fiercely: "Stinky boy, I advise you to stay away, she is a slave I bought, even if you report it to the official , I'm also on the right side."

As he said that, he also took out a deed of selling his life and waved it in front of Mu Yan, "Did you see that it was written in black and white, and there was her handprint on it, hmph."

Mu Yan glanced at the deed of sale, and couldn't help but frown. It was really hard to control it. It was because his servants wanted to beat or kill him and he couldn't control it.

Glancing at the girl who was pulled up from the ground by two strong men and restrained again, she was about to turn around and leave.

There are too many things like this, and he can't manage them if he wants to.

The girl suddenly pushed open the restraints of the two strong men, ran to Mu Yan and knelt down in front of him, hugged his leg and cried for help, "My lord, please help me, they beat me He also said that he would let me do it, to serve men and make money for them."

It was a bit difficult to say later, but it was full of anger and fear.

The wet mist in those big bright eyes looked very pitiful, a man couldn't bear to see this scene.

Although Mu Yan is a dandy and does a lot of dirty things on weekdays, his nature is kind.

Some couldn't bear it, he touched his body, but there was nothing, and then he remembered that all his bank notes were filial to Master.

Of course, you can ask Master for it later.

Raising his chin, he said to the leading strong man, "How much money can I buy her?"

The burly man looked Mu Yan up and down, greedy in his eyes, and then stretched out a finger, "1 taels."

"1 taels! Why don't you grab it?" Mu Yan said angrily. To him, 1 taels was just a snap of his fingers, but 1 taels could buy dozens of slaves.

This man is like a lion.

The strong man pointed to the girl kneeling on the ground, and said: "With her appearance, if she is trained well, she will definitely become the top card. The money she will earn will be more than that. If you don't take out 1 taels, I will go to the government office." The master is suing you for forcibly robbing my slaves."

"You go." Mu Yan is also a tempered person, but as soon as he said this, the girl kneeling in front of him pulled his trouser legs, and tears gushed out of his eyes.

Mu Yan had a headache, so he glared at the strong man angrily, "5000 taels, if you don't agree with me, the young master will use force."

Seeing his tough tone, the strong man with the scar thought for a while, and then reluctantly accepted 5000 taels, "It's cheap you brat, take the money."

He didn't have any money, so Mu Yan said to Feng Yunyao with some embarrassment: "Master, help pay the bill."

(End of this chapter)

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