Chapter 241 Let's Get Married

Chapter 240 Let's Get Married

Patriarch Feng saw that her granddaughter, who was stable like an old man in her [-]s and [-]s, was so excited when she heard a man's name, and the sour bubbles in her heart bubbled up one by one.

Hey, female college students are not allowed to stay.

Soon Di Jiushang came in in a purple robe, his steps were graceful, as if he was walking on the wind every step he took.

Guanghua Jiyue is not a fairy who is better than a fairy.

"A good-looking man." Meng Mianmian looked at Di Jiushang who came in, her eyes sparkled, and she even felt her blood was boiling.

This is the best-looking and most handsome man she has ever seen. He is as cold as ice but his every move is so pleasing to the eye.

"Sister Feng, is he your master?" Meng Mianmian held Feng Yunyao's arm, staring at Di Jiushang with bright eyes, wishing to drool.

Seeing her staring at her god so nakedly, Feng Yunyao's heart froze and she felt a little uncomfortable.

Holding Meng Mianmian's face with both hands, she looked back and forth solemnly, "Mianmian, you have gum in your eyes."

"Ah? Gum in my eyes?" Meng Mianmian hurriedly rubbed her own eyes, blinking her big black eyes, "Is there any more?"

Feng Yunyao nodded, and even suggested 'kindly', "Also, you'd better go wash up."

"It's too embarrassing, I'll go wash up." Meng Mianmian didn't care about looking at the handsome man, and hurriedly left the table to wash her eyes.

Her every move was seen by the people who came in, and Di Jiushang couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

Is the smelly girl jealous?Thinking of it this way, a layer of honey was inexplicably added to my heart.

"Grandson-in-law pays homage to grandpa." Di Jiushang's eyes were on Feng Yunyao from the moment he came in, but the elder was here, so he turned his eyes away and gave a junior salute to the old Patriarch Feng.

Old Patriarch Feng snorted, obviously dissatisfied with his claim, "Hmph, you are not married yet."

Calling him grandpa before he is married, and calling himself 'grandson-in-law' is simply too shameless.

Emperor Jiushang didn't show the slightest bit of dissatisfaction with his sarcastic remarks, and said in a lukewarm but polite tone: "It's okay, Yao'er is the only woman in my life, and her grandfather is naturally my grandfather."

Old Feng Patriarch: "..."

Shameless, her grandfather is also your grandfather, the old man agreed.

However, seeing him so serious made me feel more or less comfortable.

Apart from his body, Di Jiushang is very satisfied with everything else, especially his attitude towards Yao'er.

I just hope that he can get cured quickly and protect Yao'er for a long time. He is relieved to have such a powerful man protecting Yao'er.

Di Jiushang then nodded towards Feng Yunyi, "Brother."

"..." Feng Yunyi actually refused in his heart, he really didn't want to recognize this cheeky brother-in-law, "Why did Emperor Zun come to my Feng family?"

Di Jiushang moved his eyes to look at Feng Yunyao, his cold and determined eyes became a little more gentle, "I'm here to find Yao'er."

Afterwards, he said to Feng Yunyi: "Brother, you can call me by my name."

Feng Yunyi frowned indistinctly.

Hearing that Lord Di Zun, who used to be aloof and worshiped by everyone, now treats him like a big brother, always feels a pain somewhere.

"Master, why are you here?" Feng Yunyao took the initiative to walk over, grabbed his sleeve and pulled him to the table, "Have you eaten yet?"

"I haven't eaten." Di Jiushang looked at the little hand holding his sleeve, feeling inexplicably happy.

It's still the stinky girl who treats him best.

"Let's eat together." Feng Yunyao immediately ordered someone to add another pair of bowls and chopsticks, and then sat down beside Di Jiushang, not forgetting to greet old Patriarch Feng and Feng Yunyi, "Grandpa, brother, sit down too .”

After finishing speaking, she went to get the chopsticks, but there was a slender and beautiful hand a step ahead of her, and picked up the chopsticks she had used and started eating.

"..." Looking at the man who ate elegantly, Feng Yunyao's lips twitched fiercely a few times, wanting to say that they were her chopsticks.

Xiaobai, who was holding the chicken leg and gnawed at the side, was startled. Others didn't know that his master had a serious cleanliness habit, but he knew that he had been by his side for several years.

In the past, let alone using chopsticks used by others, I would not even eat at the same table with others, and would never use chopsticks even when discussing things at the same table.

Not only did we share the same table today, but we even used the chopsticks used by the owner, and the food was so delicious.

This is the former owner it knew.

Feng Yunyao had no choice but to use the new chopsticks sent by her servant.

Meng Mianmian, who went to wash her face, came back after washing her face. Seeing that Di Jiushang was still there, she excitedly thought about going up to say hello, but before she could say a word, Di Jiushang gave her a cold look. The millennium ice in the depths of the pool felt like he was about to freeze into a block of ice with his glance.

What a cold man, I saw him smiling at Sister Feng just now, why is he so cold when he looks at her, and feels like a dead thing in his eyes.

Meng Mianmian had been the bandit leader for a few months anyway, and she still had the ability to read words and demeanor. Only now did she know that this man hated others looking at him, especially with that nympho-like gaze.

He didn't slap him to death, I'm afraid it was because of Sister Feng's face.

This man can't be bothered.

Hastily picked up the chopsticks and quickly pulled the food into his mouth, never daring to look like Di Jiushang again.

I am so surprised.

Di Jiushang stopped eating after a few mouthfuls, but sat there serving Feng Yunyao the whole time, without feeling the slightest sense of unfamiliarity in someone else's house, so he shouldn't be too familiar with it.

Several times, the head of Feng's family wanted to tell this man who didn't treat himself as an outsider that this was his family, this was his family, and he was the head of Feng's family!
After Feng Yunyao finished eating, Di Jiushang said to the old Patriarch Feng: "Grandpa, I have something to discuss with Yao'er, let's take my leave first."

Saying that, he took Feng Yunyao's hand and got up and walked outside.

"Why are you looking for Yaoyao and holding her, let her go quickly, who gave you permission to hold her little hand."

The old Patriarch Feng stared at their clenched hands, and yelled at them angrily.

The hands of both of them are very beautiful, the slender white hands are wrapped by the slender big hands like jade, which looks so harmonious, but he sees them as an eyesore, wishing to rush over to push them away.

Di Jiushang ignored the granddaughter's accusation, and led Feng Yunyao to walk outside.

Feng Yunyao let him lead her away, while she followed behind him step by step. Under the moonlight, the handsome men and women looked like a couple of gods and gods wandering outside.

Di Jiushang stopped when he reached the gazebo behind a bamboo forest.

In front of this gazebo is a bamboo forest, and behind it is an artificial lake. Although the lotus in the lake has already bloomed, the lotus pods protruding from the water are very gratifying.

The wind blows, and the night is a little cool.

Feng Yunyao rubbed her arms, feeling a little cold, but in the next moment, a warm current spread from the place where Di Jiushang held her hand to all parts of her body, warmly driving away the coolness of the breeze.

She knew that he was helping her to keep warm, and she couldn't help feeling warm in her heart.

Di Jiushang raised his hand to brush the hair in front of her face behind her ears, and his cool fingertips brushed her cheeks, taking away a trace of softness.

"Master, it's a good thing you came last night, otherwise I'm afraid I'm going to go crazy." Feng Yunyao thought of her physical condition before she lost consciousness yesterday, and she secretly had lingering fears.

The previous two times she was conscious from beginning to end, but this time she lost consciousness. If Di Jiushang hadn't come in time, she really didn't know what kind of problems would happen to her body.

Di Jiushang tightened his grip on her hand, frowned and said, "You'll be fine with me, but next time you unseal the Dragon Soul seal, let me know."

This time, with the perseverance of the stinky girl, she will definitely be able to survive this time, but her skin will definitely be burned in a large area. Fortunately, he heard Lie Yun say that she will use the magic pill to break the dragon soul seal, so he hurried over.

In fact, he had already figured out how to help her undo the dragon soul seal, so that she could undo it without getting hurt. He originally wanted to wait for the frostbite to pass before helping her undo it, but he didn't expect her to get along with such an extreme solution.

It is indeed possible to undo it by taking the high-grade Warcraft Inner Alchemy, but it will only cause severe damage to oneself, and it may also burn the root of the disease, which will be difficult to eradicate in the future.

He also knew about this method, but he never thought of letting her use this self-harming method to undo the dragon soul seal.

"Smelly girl, who taught you this method?"

Feng Yunyao lowered her eyes slightly, thinking about whether to confess Nan Feng's confession, but finally decided to keep it a secret. After all, with her temperament as a cheap master, if she knew that there was a powerful ghost following her, she would definitely find a way Nanfengjue was dealt with.

It's just that since she promised Uncle Nanfeng, she couldn't go against it.

"There are many books in the Holy Cauldron, and there is a book in it that records this method." It's better not to confess Nan Feng.

Di Jiushang knew that there were many books in her holy cauldron, and it was not surprising that the method of unsealing this evil sect was recorded on it.

Without any doubt, he raised his hand and rubbed her head, "Don't take magic pills again in the future, this kind of thing will hurt your body, I will help you undo the dragon soul seal, you don't want to take any more risks, you know?" ?”

He spoke seriously, apparently there was something wrong with taking the magic beast inner alchemy, Feng Yunyao couldn't help frowning, feeling very puzzled.

Between Di Jiushang and Nan Fengjue, she must choose to trust her master. Since the master said it can't be used, it must not be used, but why did Nan Fengjue introduce this dangerous method to her.

What good would he get if something happened to her?
Although Feng Yunyao didn't confess to Nan Fengjue, she felt more guarded against Nanfengjue in her heart.

There must be something wrong with this ghost, and you must deceive him later, otherwise you will always feel uncomfortable with such a time bomb around you.


Seeing her being so obedient, Di Jiushang curled his lower lip slightly, and suddenly, remembering his purpose of coming to Feng's house, he immediately put away his smile.

Looking at the beautiful little face of the woman in front of her, she pursed her thin lips, and said solemnly, "Yao'er, let's get married."

(End of this chapter)

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