Chapter 244 The Embarrassing Thing
Chapter 240 Four Embarrassing Things
First, I gave her a bottle of Xianqionglu juice, and then gave her an eighth-grade anti-drug elixir. You don't need these things at all to detoxify the nine-poison demon snake beast, okay? It's simply overkill.

Although the poison of the Nine Poison Demonic Snake Beast in her body was detoxified, the black and green marks on her arms were still there.

It's a big black spot, if you don't clean it up early, it will be hard to get rid of it in the future, it's just a big black birthmark.

No girl wants to have such a black thing on her body.

Without any hesitation, Feng Yunyao took out a dagger and was about to peel off the skin on her arm, scraping off the bluish-black thing.

The dagger was taken away before it penetrated the skin.

Di Jiushang threw the dagger on the table, rubbed it on her arm and said, "It's okay to keep this black mark."

"It's too ugly." Feng Yunyao didn't agree, she didn't feel comfortable looking at such a big black mark on her arm.

Cut off this piece of flesh with a knife, she has a way to keep this place from leaving any scars.

Seeing her disgust so much, Di Jiushang felt a little helpless, "I'll get rid of it for you."

Doesn't it hurt her to cut her own flesh with a knife?

"Okay then, I'll give you this arm." Feng Yunyao stretched out her arm in front of him without doubting at all whether he had this ability.

"I'll use my profound strength to force you out, it will hurt a little." Di Jiushang held her slender and slender arm, gently rubbed the black mark with his fingertips, and then, pressing under the black mark, Mysterious strength urged.

Soon black blood oozes from the broken skin.

As he said, there was some pain, but this pain was nothing to Feng Yunyao, and she didn't even frown.

Just seeing how cautious he was, when he was helping her squeeze the poisonous blood, he didn't forget to say a few words to make her bear it.

A hint of cunning flashed in Qingyou's eyes, and then Feng Yunyao took a breath, "It hurts... Take it easy."

It wasn't that there was a movie called "A Coquettish Woman". She didn't usually watch movies and didn't know much about it. She probably said that the more she acted like a baby, the more distressed her boyfriend would be.

Cough, it seems that this is too hypocritical.

"It hurts?" Di Jiushang looked up at the little woman who was performing poor acting skills, her thin lips trembled involuntarily.

She was able to bear the pain of the ghost fire eating her heart without saying a word, and the pain caused by detoxification was not mentioned at all, but she still cooperated with it and eased it a little, even blowing on the wound from time to time.

The soft and warm breath blew on her skin, itching and numb, there was an indescribable feeling.

The corners of Feng Yunyao's lips curled up, as expected, the girl who can act like a baby is the happiest, but doing so makes her feel sick.

Seeing that Emperor Jiushang took his precious granddaughter away and never came back, Patriarch Feng felt a little worried, so he went out to look for them.

I heard from the servants that they came here, but just when they got to the bamboo forest, they heard a voice that sounded like a little girl's.

"Take it hurts."

Through the bamboo grove, one can vaguely see the figure in the gazebo. The two figures called Dad together, even head to head...


Patriarch Feng's entire old face turned into a pig's liver, and the anger in his stomach rose up, and he clenched his hands tightly.

Damn Emperor Jiushang actually abducted his granddaughter here to do this kind of thing, they are not married yet, if someone else sees them, even if they are married, Yaoyao's reputation will be damaged.

An unmarried adulterous with a man outside, if this kind of news gets out, others will definitely poke Yaoyao's back in the back.

No matter how he couldn't help himself, he still had to find a house. There were so many empty yards in Feng's house, so there was no way he could do it, so he had to do this kind of thing in the open air.

At this moment, he wished he could go over and beat up Di Jiushang, a pious bastard.

He was about to push through the bamboo forest and walk over, but suddenly thought of something, so he stopped.

If he rushed over and interrupted them, Yaoyao must be extremely ashamed and angry, and when she was doing such a thing, she was suddenly interrupted, maybe it would scare Di Jiushang that something went wrong.

Now that they have reached this point, Yaoyao naturally cannot marry another person, but she cannot scare her future grandson-in-law into illness.

The old Patriarch Feng blushed with an old face, looked around, turned his back to the pavilion and decided to stand guard for them here.

When they are done, if he goes there again, he will definitely beat the bastard Di Jiushang to death!
As soon as he had this idea, he heard Di Jiushang's cold and low voice, "Grandpa is here."

These words were obviously speaking to Feng Yunyao.

The old Patriarch Feng was very surprised, he didn't expect him to be exposed, so he could only stalk his neck and turned his back to the pavilion and hummed: "Hurry up and tidy up, come out."

"What are you doing, grandpa?" Feng Yunyao jumped up and landed lightly in front of the old Patriarch Feng. Seeing that his face was not normal, she couldn't help frowning, "Grandpa, why is your face so red, do you have a fever?" disease?"

With that said, I will see a doctor for him.

The old Patriarch Feng looked at his precious granddaughter in disbelief. Her clothes were neat and tidy, and she was not messed up in the slightest.

Looking at Di Jiushang who followed him, his clothes were also very neat, and both of them looked very normal.

They definitely didn't do that kind of thing with their appearance, and the stagnation and anger in their hearts were slowly suppressed.

It's a good thing that Di Jiushang didn't act recklessly, otherwise, even if he is the king of heaven, if he dares to bully his granddaughter, he would still make him look good!
However, thinking of the overlapping figure just now, he couldn't help asking in doubt: "What were you two doing just now?"

"I was poisoned by the Nine Poison Demonic Snake Beast, just now Master was helping me detoxify." Feng Yunyao pointed to her arm and explained calmly.

When Feng's old Patriarch heard that she had been poisoned, worry suddenly appeared on his face, and hurriedly pulled Feng Yunyao to take a closer look, "Why did she get poisoned, is there anything wrong?"

"It's okay, Master has already detoxified me, but there is only a black mark left. If I don't like it, I will ask Master to remove it for me."

Hearing that the poison had been detoxified, the old Patriarch Feng breathed a sigh of relief, then, looking at the handsome man standing behind Feng Yunyao, "Xiao Shang, it's thanks to you this time."

Xiao Shang?The corners of Feng Yunyao's lips twitched, and she couldn't help laughing.

On the contrary, Di Jiushang said without changing his face: "Yaoyao is my beloved, and it is right to help her."

The old Patriarch Feng was still very satisfied with his answer. He still liked such a powerful, capable and dedicated grandson-in-law.

It's just that thinking about my baby being missed by a stinky man all day, I feel a little bit uncomfortable.

"It's good that you know." Old Patriarch Feng curled his lips, and then said angrily, "What are you pulling Yaoyao out for?"

Naturally, Di Jiushang would not speak out about the matter between him and Feng Yunyao, but with one hand behind his back, facing the half moon in the sky, he said softly: "The beauty of the night under the moon before the flowers, I want to Share it with your loved ones."

(End of this chapter)

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