Chapter 246 Kiss...

Chapter 240 Six Kiss...

Di Jiushang raised his eyebrows, "Want to know?"

"En." Feng Yunyao nodded, really wanting to know how far she is from her great god, and when she can catch up with him.

Di Jiushang lowered his eyes and pondered for a while, then said slowly: "It should be the first level of the gods."

The first level of God Venerable!

Feng Yunyao's eyes widened suddenly, she was stunned.

She knew that his cultivation base was very high, but he was so high before he arrived first. What is the level of the first level of gods, that is a level that the Sky Continent dare not even dream about.

"I was seriously injured when I was 17 years old, and my cultivation level has not increased over the years."

Feng Yunyao: "..."

She reached this perverted state at the age of 17, and she was almost 16 years old before she started to become a true master. What kind of gifted girl, martial arts prodigy, is not a fart in front of her master.

No wonder Uncle Nanfeng despises her for her low cultivation level. Since there is such a pervert as Di Jiushang, there must be other people with high cultivation level in his place.

For a moment, I felt that there was nothing left of my pride being trampled on, and I was so depressed that I wanted to scratch the wall.

"Yao'er, what's wrong with you?" Di Jiushang asked worriedly, looking at Feng Yunyao who was squatting on the ground in deep thought, "Are you feeling unwell?"

Feng Yunyao raised her head, her watery eyes were full of depression, and she said in a low voice, "It's okay, it's just that I suffered a critical blow of [-] points, and my heart hurts a bit."

"Heartache?" Upon hearing this, Di Jiushang quickly picked her up and was about to check her body.

"No, not here..."

Feng Yunyao hurriedly grabbed her skirt, her whole face turned red, in order to prevent a man with a negative EQ from picking up her clothes for 'checking', she put away her joking and exaggerated expression, "I'm fine, I'm with you just kidding."

Then, getting off him, thinking of something, his eyes dimmed.

"Master, are the people in your time and space all very powerful?"

It is a perverted existence that a 17-year-old boy actually has the cultivation base of a god. Then is it true that the cultivation bases of the people in the world he lives in are also generally high.

Just like in the Sky Continent, there are only a few in the Xuanzong realm, and even Lingxuan is very rare.

Di Jiushang looked at the arm that he had just hugged her, stretched out his hand and naturally pulled Feng Yunyao into his arms again, and sat on the chair hugging her.

His movements are smooth and flowing, obviously in the eyes of others, he should be very wretched, but what he does is so domineering and pleasing to the eye.

Feng Yunyao struggled a bit, and let him go if she couldn't hold on, she nestled in his arms with peace of mind, her heart that had never belonged to her seemed to be supported, and her whole body relaxed.

Regarding her looseness, Di Jiushang hooked his lips in satisfaction, held her hand and said: "It's similar to here, there are also people with low profound strength, but there are many more people with high cultivation than here, you have to work hard .”

He will protect her forever, but he also hopes that she has enough strength to protect himself. Only when he has strong ability can he make himself live better.

"I know." Feng Yunyao leaned comfortably on his strong chest, because she was relatively close, she could still smell his unique fragrance between her nostrils.

He doesn't smell like a smelly man at all, but has a dry fragrance, which makes people feel at ease.

"Master, how did you cultivate and advance so quickly?" Don't be too fast, I really want to dissect him on the operating table to see what his body is made of.

Di Jiushang put his arms around her slender waist, and put her hands on his own. Her hands were only a little thinner, and they looked very petite in his hands.

"My body is different from others. When I was five years old, my cultivation reached Xuanzong." This is why he became a thorn in the side of others.

When he was still in his mother's womb, some eminent monks calculated that he was an emperor star with an extraordinary destiny, so he was persecuted in various ways before he was born, and there were countless assassinations, large and small, in that world.

If it weren't for his cultivation base and his mother's life-saving protection, just the word 'Emperor Star' would not let him live for a few years.

Thinking of his mother, Di Jiushang's eyes darkened.

When he came here, although he was seriously injured, his life was safe, and he didn't have to be hunted down all day long, but he still wanted to return to that world.

For him and for his mother.

Reaching Xuanzong at the age of five?

Feng Yunyao received another [-] critical hit, and instantly didn't want to talk to this pervert.

"You..." She turned her head and was about to tease him a few words, but seeing the indelible gloom in his eyes, she felt as if her heart had been pricked by a needle.

He has gained a lot, and must have endured more disasters.

He raised his hand to press the center of his frowning brows, and rubbed gently, "With me here, whoever dares to bully you in the future, I will help you."

Although her cultivation base is very low now, it doesn't mean that she will be low all her life. As long as she removes the dragon soul seal on her body, I believe she will be able to fight side by side with him soon.

Hearing her domineering words, Di Jiushang's depressed heart instantly improved, and he stared at her pretty little face, and those slightly parted cherry lips seemed to be very tempting, luring him to kiss her...

Slowly lowering his head, getting closer and closer, just when he was about to stick it, there was a low coughing sound from outside.

Patriarch Feng's deep and arrogant voice came in, "Xiao Shang, it's getting late, you'd better go back to your residence to sleep, it has been cleaned over there."

"Understood." Feng Yunyao hurriedly stood up from him, blushing and heart beating, she replied to the outside.

The way he looked just now must have wanted to kiss her, but she was still looking forward to it, when did she become so passionate.

Although she kissed him forcefully yesterday, she was in a coma, and she didn't know the feeling of kissing him at all.

What a disgusting old man, Di Jiushang's arms fell empty, his handsome face turned dark again and again, seeing the 'delicious' from his mouth just flew away, he was really not reconciled.

Reluctantly, he could only stand up, tidy up his spotless and luxurious robes a little bit, and rubbed Feng Yunyao's head, "You also go to bed earlier, I will take you somewhere tomorrow."

"Oh, good." Feng Yunyao watched him leave until the door was closed.

Then, he ordered his servants to help bring some bath water.

"Master, judging from my rich experience in relationships, you need to take the initiative. Master, Master, he is too passive. If you don't take the initiative, it will be difficult for you to have a baby."

Xiaobai got out of the Qiankun sack, it had just slept in it, and when it woke up, it saw the two of them hugging each other. The master, the master, obviously wanted to kiss the master very much, so he definitely couldn't bear it, so he stopped.

Feng Yunyao: "..."

She also took the initiative to attack, didn't you see that she almost ate Master yesterday.

By the way, where did this little thing go when she did something 'unfaithful' to Master yesterday.

Thinking of this, he lifted it by the tail, lifted it out of the Qiankun bag, threw it on the table, and poked it on the face, "My master came over last night, where did you go?"

(End of this chapter)

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