Chapter 254 His Tenderness
Chapter 250 His Tenderness
Feng Yunyao: "..."

What means that her life safety is seriously threatened is a major matter.

However, there was warmth in my heart.

The red signal is urgent, what happened to Jiuxiaoge?

According to Di Jiushang's personality, he would never show any emotion if it wasn't a big deal, and his expression was obviously wrong when he left.

After thinking about it, I decided to go to Jiuxiao Pavilion.

She doesn't know if she can help, but she will definitely not hold back.

Feng Yunyao simply tidied up, and took Xiaobai to Jiuxiao Pavilion.

"Master, where are we going now?"

Xiaobai squatted on the edge of the Xuanling Boat, stretched out his paws to catch the clouds floating beside him, but only one paw went down to catch nothing, just like a playful cat.

"Nine Heavens Pavilion."

Xiaobai turned around suddenly, his face was full of shock, "Master, you just separated from Master and Master, and you missed him so soon."

As soon as it said this, Feng Yunyao immediately rolled his eyes. This little guy is always pretending to be something in his head, and his mind is full of gossip all day long.

"Since it's a red signal, something must have happened to Jiuxiao Pavilion, I'll go over and have a look."

Feng Yunyao took out the pre-made ammunition and processed it.

"Well, I think so too. Although there have been red signals in these years, they have only been sent out once." This time is still a particularly important event.

The imperial court didn't like the existence of Jiuxiao Pavilion, a sect that surpassed their IQ, and secretly conspired to eradicate Jiuxiao Pavilion together. Those who came were specially trained dark guards from various countries, as well as masters invited from the rivers and lakes. hit hard.

It's just that they didn't expect that master and master could come back after taking action, and wiped out more than half of their power with just one person's power. Since then, all countries, even the Jianghu sects, dare not take the initiative to provoke Jiuxiao Pavilion, and they all regard it as the existence of gods, master and master No matter where you go, you will be treated with supreme respect and favor.

This time it must be a very important matter, otherwise there will be no red signal.

Xiaobai took a bomb and looked at it. It also knows this thing very well now, and knows its power. The master must have done this for fighting.

This thing is much better than wielding knives and guns. You only need to throw a few of them without any profound strength, and you can blow up the enemy's head and blood.

Feng Yunyao obviously didn't expect the red signal to be so serious. The Jiuxiao Pavilion has only sent out the red signal once in the seven years since its establishment. What a big deal it must be.

Feeling more and more worried, he unknowingly drove the Xuanlingzhou to the maximum speed.

Soon she arrived at Jiuxiao Pavilion. Although she used the Xuanling Boat, she was still not as fast as Emperor Jiushang. When he arrived at Jiuxiao Pavilion, he had already returned.

The entire Jiuxiao Pavilion was as quiet as usual, without the imagined fights and fights, as if the previous red signal did not exist at all.

"Why is it so quiet?" Xiaobai was also puzzled, why nothing happened when it was a red signal.

Could it be that I made a mistake when sending the signal?But it shouldn't be, this kind of signal can be mistaken, the person who sent the signal is really itchy, and wants to be punished.

Xiaobai Limara lived with a servant of the Jiuxiao Pavilion, "Is there nothing wrong in the pavilion?"

The servant was a little confused by it's question, but he still said respectfully: "Return to Master Bai, nothing happened."

"How could it be?" Xiaobai was still very puzzled, but it was a good thing that nothing happened.

Feng Yunyao was also very surprised, and asked, "Where is your lord?"

"Miss Huifeng, the servants don't know where the Lord is."

She is just a little maid, how could she know the whereabouts of the Lord.

Feng Yunyao knew there was nothing to ask, so she let her go.

Then, he raised his foot and walked towards Emperor Jiushang's bedroom.

When he arrived at the place where he lived, it was quiet and there was no one there as usual.

Because Di Jiushang didn't like to have maidservants or attendants by his side, except for daily cleaning, he usually wouldn't allow people to come into the bedroom.

"Where did Master go?" Feng Yunyao glanced around the hall, the simple and elegant layout, clean and spotless, not even a little popular.

Then, he called a hidden guard who was printed in the dark.

Although there are no maidservants in the sleeping hall, there are hidden guards around.

"My subordinates see Miss Feng."

"Where's your master?" Feng Yunyao asked directly.

The dark guard said expressionlessly: "Master has gone to the Forbidden Palace."

What was he doing in the Forbidden Palace? Could there be something wrong there?
Feng Yunyao waved him away, and took Xiaobai to the Forbidden Hall.

But there was still no sign of Emperor Jiushang in the Forbidden Hall, and there was also no one in the Forbidden Hall, but she couldn't get in even if there was an enchantment around it.

Since she couldn't get in, she didn't know whether Di Jiushang had left or not, and she didn't even know if she asked others.

Steward Lie was not in the pavilion either, and the rest of the people did not know about Di Jiushang's whereabouts, so they could only wait in Jiuxiao Pavilion temporarily.

After making the decision, Feng Yunyao did not leave the Forbidden Hall immediately, she wandered around the Forbidden Hall.

I don't know if it's because of the things locked inside, the entire Forbidden Palace looks gloomy, full of cold air, making people very uncomfortable.

After waiting in the Forbidden Hall for an hour or two, there was still no sign of Di Jiushang, so he had to go back to the bedroom and wait.

It was getting dark, and Emperor Jiushang still didn't come back. Feng Yunyao took off her shoes and simply sat on the bed to practice, while Xiaobai fell asleep on the side.

It was not until late at night that Feng Yunyao leaned against the bed rail and squinted her eyes for a while. When Emperor Jiushang came back, he saw a man and a beast sleeping on his bed.

The originally somewhat tired and gloomy face became much gentler by the way, and he walked over and gently covered Feng Yunyao with the quilt.

He moved lightly, but still disturbed Feng Yunyao who was in a light sleep, she frowned slightly and was about to wake up, but Di Jiushang tapped her sleeping point.

The girl's eyes were black and blue, obviously she didn't sleep well.

He supported her body to lay her flat, and carefully posed for her in a comfortable position.

However, Xiaobai woke up.

"Master, Master." Xiaobai rubbed his sleepy eyes, shouted, tilted his head and lay down again, muttering softly, "Master has been waiting for you for a long time, and just fell asleep."

After speaking, he moved his small mouth and closed his eyes again.

wait for him?

Di Jiushang's heart was suddenly touched, and a warm feeling rose in his heart.

He left in a hurry, the smelly girl must think that something happened to Jiuxiao Pavilion, and she ran over to help, and she was more worried about his safety.

It turned out that it was so wonderful to be remembered by others, which made him addicted to it and didn't want to come out.

Di Jiushang looked at Feng Yunyao who was sleeping soundly on the bed, his thin and beautiful lips lifted up, and the tiredness between his brows faded a lot.

Suddenly his brows frowned, and a trace of concern flashed in his unfathomable eyes.

After staying by the bed for a while, he put down the bed curtain and raised his hand to create an invisible barrier around the bed.

Then, he left the dormitory.

(End of this chapter)

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