Chapter 266 The Trembling Great Demon King
Chapter 260 The Sixth Trembling Demon King
The darkest cave can't see the deepest part at all.

Fearing that something would happen to Xiaobai and Huofeng, Feng Yunyao quickly ran towards the cave.

On the way in, I found two more feathers of the fire phoenix.

The fire phoenix lost three feathers in a row, probably in the middle of a dispute or a fight with the other party.

They were walking, and suddenly, the roe deer beast stopped there and refused to go forward, staring at the front in horror, and even retreated silently.

It yelled at Feng Yunyao a few times, Gu Jiaolong hurriedly ran in front of her, hooked her clothes with his claws and pulled back.

Obviously also afraid of the things inside, otherwise it wouldn't be so panicked. This guy is usually in a state of confusion, but now he is very vigilant about his surroundings.

Let’s not talk about Xiaobai, the strength and level are not equal. Even if the fire phoenix has fallen from a divine beast to a spirit beast, its strength is still at the twelfth level, and it has a very strong combat ability. it.

Now that it and Xiaobai have been captured, the contents must be above them.

Feng Yunyao pulled out the Longling Whip from her waist, and did not dare to move forward rashly.

Glancing at the already frightened kneeling roe deer beast, he threw the fourth-grade magic pill to it, and waved his hand to make it leave.

The roe deer swallowed the magic pill, glanced at her gratefully, turned around and ran away, but turned back after running a few steps.

It barked a few times very softly at the solitary dragon, and the solitary dragon began to tremble, which came from the awe and fear of the strong, just like the difference between a white rabbit and a lion.

Gu Jiaolong didn't care if Feng Yunyao wanted to leave, he lifted her up, threw her on him, and rushed outside while swinging his huge body.

"Jiaojiao wait a minute." Feng Yunyao knew that there was a very scary thing inside, but she couldn't just leave like this.

Huofeng and Xiaobai must be inside, and now she doesn't know what's going on. Although she can't sense Xiaobai's existence, she can still be sure that Xiaobai is still alive. As long as it is alive, she can't leave it alone, let alone the Emperor. The guardian beast of Jiushang.

In any case, she had to find a way to rescue them.

Although Gu Jiaolong was terrified of dying, he stopped obediently.

Then, it wrote a character 'person' on the ground with its paws, and pointed to itself, hoping that its master could understand what it meant.

That's no ordinary spirit beast, it knows best what level a beast that can transform into a human is.

"People?" Feng Yunyao looked at the words it wrote, and it pointed at itself.

one person……

Feng Yunyao's eyes widened suddenly, "You mean, that thing can turn into a human, is it a beast that can turn into a human?"

Gu Jiaolong nodded quickly.

Only a divine beast can transform into a human form, and that is a divine beast that can transform into a human form.

It is only an eighth-level juvenile dragon spirit beast, and it is not enough for someone to poke it with a finger. It also knows how strong its master is. Even if there are ten she is not a beast that can match.

And the roe deer beast also said that it only knows that the thing can transform into a human being, and it is a high-quality beast. It is not sure whether it is a divine beast or not.

What kind of height is the divine beast? It is difficult to find a second one in the entire Sky Continent.

Although Xiaobai once was, but that was also once.

Feng Yunyao lowered her eyes and pondered for a while, then said decisively to Gu Jiaolong: "Go outside to find some not-so-dry firewood, and find more quickly."

According to the difference in strength between them and the opponent, it is obvious that they can't go in, and they can only find a way to lure the thing inside, so that they can do it.

Although Gu Jiaolong didn't understand what she was going to do, he still obediently left the cave, and swept in a lot of dry firewood at the fastest speed, some were dry and some were wet.

Feng Yunyao took some dry and wet firewood and piled them together, took out a few packs of medicinal powder and sprinkled them, and finally poured a bottle of her own special oil on top.

Several piles of this kind of dry wood were piled up along the hole, using the same powder and oil.

Then, a bunch of bombs were buried at the entrance of the cave.

After doing all this, she approached the innermost pile of dry wood, raised her right hand and slapped the dry wood with profound strength.

The dry wood was ignited instantly, and then puffs of thick smoke floated out. The thick smoke was also mixed with a pungent smell, which made people cry and sneeze, which was more disgusting than mustard.

Both Gu Jiaolong and Roe Deer Beast couldn't help but sneezed one after another, but as soon as they sneezed, they were trembling with fright and quickly shut their mouths, fearing that the things inside would be drawn out.

Because the wind was blowing in from the outside of the cave, the choking black smoke drilled into the cave.

Feng Yunyao lit several piles of dry wood in the back one after another, all the way to the entrance of the cave.

After finishing this, she put the lonely dragon into the beast bracelet, and hid herself on the side of the cave, covered by some bushes. As for the roe deer beast, she let it go.

This time the roe deer beast did not hesitate, and quickly fled into the forest and disappeared.

It's too scary, this human being dares to openly provoke the big devil inside, it's really desperate.

She didn't want to die, but it still wanted to live. Fortunately, this human being was more trustworthy, and gave it the magic pill promised to it.

It's better to find a quiet place to digest the magic pill quietly, it's too small, and it can't help if it stays, not to mention it is very life-saving.

Feng Yunyao squatted in the bushes, staring at the hole, as long as she came out of the hole, she would strike.

Success or failure lies in one blow, but the possibility of success is very small.

However, even if it is only [-]%, it still has to try.

Soon there was a man's angry voice from inside the cave, his voice was elegant and somewhat dark, just listening to his voice felt like a kind of enjoyment.

Judging by the sound, the person that this thing transformed into should be a young man.

"Ahem, which bastard dares to light a fire here, you are courting death!"

Then a group of fiery red people flew out of the cave, his figure was extremely fast, as if he had already run out of the cave with a flash of lightning.

It's just that before he could stand on his feet, he began to bombard wildly under his feet.

However, he reacted very quickly and fled the cave in a hurry, but he was still affected by the blasted rubble.

His blood-red clothes were covered with mud, and his hair was even more so, as if he had just emerged from a mound of dirt.

"Cough cough...damn it, cough cough..."

The choking smell still lingered around his nostrils, mouth, and eyes, and after being bombarded by this mess, his ears became deaf for a while, and he felt that his facial features were almost not his own.

But before he could breathe a sigh of relief, a huge net came down from the sky.

Under normal circumstances, it would be easy to avoid this thing, but now his eyes are so choked that he can't open his eyes, and he wants to vomit even more in his throat, so he wouldn't notice the net falling down.

Just like that, the whole person was caught by the net, and the net was quickly tightened, imprisoning him tightly.

(End of this chapter)

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