Chapter 270

Chapter 270

The man in red turned around and walked towards the cave where he lived, while the big red bubble covering Feng Yunyao followed at the same speed.

"Great Immortal, I think we can discuss it again, can you let me out first."

Feng Yunyao stayed in the enchantment he set up, patted it, and was thrown to the ground.

"There is no need to discuss it. You should obediently go back with the deity. When the deity gets tired of you, you will naturally let you out."

"..." She now understands what it means to lift a rock to shoot herself in the foot.

However, she didn't intend to run away, the only way for him to bring herself to Xiao Bai and Xiao Feng.

While speaking, the man in red had already brought Feng Yunyao into the cave.

His speed was very fast, and it took only an instant. He had already passed through the long tunnel and entered another space.

This place surprised Feng Yunyao, she thought that no matter how well decorated the inside of the cave was, it was just a cave, but the scene in front of her was shocking.

There are mountains and water inside, and even blue sky and white clouds, blue sky and white clouds...

It shouldn't be. Although the sky is about to dawn, it is still relatively dark outside. It is impossible for such a situation to appear in the blue sky and white clouds.

The mirror-clear lake looks like it is in the photo from a distance, without any fluctuations.

A wooden house was built on the shore of the lake. The wooden house is very ordinary, but it is very comfortable with such a scenery.

The man in red looked thoughtfully at Feng Yunyao who was looking at the scenery inside, "What, isn't it beautiful, I won't wrong you if you live here."

Feng Yunyao put away the astonishment on her face, smiled lightly and said: "Withdraw from the illusion, this place is just a cave."

"How do you know? Could it be that you know illusion?" The man in red was very surprised that she could see his illusion at a glance, and the color of his eyes deepened a little when he saw her.

"I don't understand, I guessed it." Feng Yunyao pointed to the blue sky and white clouds above, and gave him an idiot look, "It's not yet dawn, where did the blue sky and white clouds come from, and when you set up the illusion, trouble You get some wind out, how can there be no wind in the mountains."

Then, he added another sentence, "And there is still a pungent smell coming out of here, so it can be seen that this place is a confined space."

"You are still very smart." The man in red was still very satisfied with her explanation.

He raised his leg and walked in, and the round barrier containing Feng Yunyao immediately followed.

Once inside, the big balloon disappeared.

Feng Yunyao turned her head towards the entrance of the cave which was only two steps away from her, her expression flickered, and when she was thinking about how to escape, that charming and pleasant voice came from her ear.

"There is an enchantment at the entrance of the cave, and with your humble cultivation, you cannot break the enchantment set by this deity."

Being humble again, Feng Yunyao couldn't help but secretly rolled her eyes, she was at the middle level of Zhenxuan after all, she didn't have many opponents outside, and when she came to him, she kept saying that she was humble.

"Since you know how to set up a barrier, why don't you set up a barrier that can block the smell." If it was installed early in the morning, it would be really difficult for her to lure the big guy out of the cave.

The man in red thought of the disgusting and pungent smell, his handsome face darkened again and again, "If I can calculate it in advance, I will definitely set up such an enchantment."

At that time, he was sleeping, and when he woke up, the whole hole was full of bad smell.

How can I continue to stay here, I ran out quickly, but I was smoked by the thick smoke when I came out.

The enchantment can block the thick smoke but not the smell. He ran out against the billowing smoke, but he didn't expect that there was something more powerful waiting for him at the entrance of the cave.

Fortunately, he is not an ordinary mortal. If he were a human being, he would have been tortured to death by this woman long ago.

"Where are Xiaobai and the others?" Feng Yunyao looked around inside, and finally fixed her gaze on the wooden house.

Apart from that wooden house, everything else here should be an illusion. She doesn't have the ability to decipher illusions, so naturally she can't see Xiaobai and Xiaofeng hiding in the illusion.

The man in red didn't answer her, but looked at her thoughtfully, "You didn't mean to let this deity catch you, did you?"

This girl is very ghostly. Although he was sure of catching her, he just didn't expect it to be so easy. Thinking about it now, she must have been deliberately caught by him, and then he brought her in just to get close to the two little beasts.

Feng Yunyao curled her lips into an awkward yet polite smile, "How could it be, how dare we mortals fight in front of the Great Immortal, I was really brought by your powerful power."

She was so immature that she almost raised her hand and swore.

The man in red snorted, obviously not believing her words, "Mo Qingyan, this deity is not some lowly immortal."

"Mo Qingyan, where is my little beast?" Feng Yunyao didn't care who he was, even if he was the emperor of heaven, he had to return Xiaobai and Xiaofeng to her.

However, listening to his tone, it was obvious that he didn't take gods seriously.

Mo Qingyan didn't continue to flirt with her, he raised his good-looking hand and pointed at the wooden house, "They're in the wooden house."

Hearing this, Feng Yunyao immediately ran to the wooden house.

This wooden house doesn't look big, but when you open the door, there is something strange inside.

The space inside is completely different from what you see from the outside. It is quite elegantly and generously furnished, and there are even various expensive ornaments. It is almost the same as the houses of wealthy families outside.

There are also three suites in the cabin.

Feng Yunyao searched one by one, and finally found Xiaobai and Xiaofeng locked in a cage in the suite inside.

This cage seems to be made of white jade, and the width between each jade stick is not small, no matter how small Bai's body can get out.

But Xiaobai didn't come out, obviously this is not an ordinary cage.

"Master, you were arrested anyway."

Xiao Bai saw that he was pleasantly surprised at first, and then the surprise on his face disappeared, and he frowned worriedly.

The master has been arrested, and now he can only count on the master, the master.

"I'm here to rescue you guys." Feng Yunyao walked over, grabbed the cage and transported her profound energy, trying to break it, but finally gave up. I don't know what it was made of, it was extremely hard.

Then, it still couldn't be opened with a dagger.

What's even more strange is that this cage has no door at all, and the intervals between the jade pillars are the same, and there is no trace of butt joint.

"Master, this is a trapped animal cage, and it cannot be opened with your ability." Xiao Bai explained to her helplessly and disappointed while holding the jade pillar.

If it can be opened with brute force, it and Xiaofeng have already used it, and it doesn't work at all.

Feng Yunyao tried again, trying to grab Xiaobai out of it, but in the end it was still fruitless, seeing how big the seam was, but Xiaobai just couldn't get out.

"Seeing that you have such a close relationship with your Guardian Beast, you should go in too."

While Mo Qingyan was speaking, a white vortex suddenly appeared in the cage in front of Feng Yunyao, directly sucking her in.

(End of this chapter)

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