Chapter 274

Chapter 270 Four

Xiaobai has lived on this continent for so many years, but he has not found any other dragons, so the chances of finding them are very slim.

However, getting out now is the most important thing.

"You?" Mo Qingyan sized Feng Yunyao up and down with critical eyes, and chuckled, "Why doesn't the deity trust you so much?"

Feng Yunyao was not surprised that he didn't believe it, "It's normal for you not to believe it, even I don't believe it myself."

"..." Mo Qingyan's brows twitched, a little bit weak, "If that's the case, how can I trust you?"

I thought she would make up all kinds of reasons to make him believe that she could find it for the sake of free talking, and then let her go.

He didn't expect her to admit it so frankly, which really surprised him.

"You don't have to trust me." Feng Yunyao leaned on Xiaofeng, she didn't dare to touch the cage, the burning pain is still numb to her fingers, "I'm an ordinary mortal, and my cultivation is very low, but Being able to contract the dragon Xiaobai as a guardian beast shows that I am a dragon recruiter, and if I can meet one dragon, the possibility of meeting the second one is much greater than others."

Mo Qingyan laughed immediately when she heard her brazen words, "You seem to have a bit of meaning in what you said, but I remember that this crippled little white dragon should belong to your master."

What he said made Xiaobai want to scratch the wall angrily, and said that it was a crippled dragon, where is it crippled, it looks so cute, it doesn't know what appreciation is, and it has no vision.

Moreover, it used to look like a dragon, okay? But later, because the main body of the master, the master, was injured too badly, his contracted beast was also affected.

"That's right, it was indeed my master who found Xiaobai first." Feng Yunyao nodded, her face was still flat, and she didn't feel flustered at all because of his debunking, "But my master can only contract ordinary people with Xiaobai." Blood contract, but it cannot be turned into its own guardian beast, and I am different, Xiaobai is my guardian beast."

Xiaobai gave his master a silent look, master, it's really good for you to belittle your master like this.

However, what the master said is correct. It is true that it cannot become the guardian beast of the master and master. Blood contracts can be contracted as long as both parties agree, but guardian beasts cannot, especially like their divine beasts. chance.

This time, Mo Qingyan did not refute, and lowered his eyelids as if thinking about the truth of her words.

Feng Yunyao knew that he took it seriously, and continued to swim: "Although I don't know what's wrong with your body, I'm sure you can't go too far away from here."

If he could really leave the cave far away, he wouldn't use the blood spirit ginseng to catch Xiaobai and Xiaofeng.

Mo Qingyan raised his head, and there was a hint of appreciation in his radiant phoenix eyes, "You are very smart."

"Thank you for the compliment." Feng Yunyao readily accepted his compliment without any embarrassment.

"...She's thick-skinned too."

Girls will definitely turn into anger when they hear this. After all, they are all thin-skinned people, but Feng Yunyao is different. As long as she can survive, what kind of skin is that? "I know I am excellent, so you don't have to keep praising me."

The corners of Mo Qingyan's lips twitched for no reason, this girl is really surprising.

He lightly raised his plain hand, and the animal cage that originally trapped Feng Yunyao and the others disappeared in an instant.

"Wow, free."

Xiaobai hurried to the side, for fear that a cage would fall from above and trap it.

"Jiujiu." Xiaofeng quickly followed it to the side, and before leaving, she did not forget to drag Feng Yunyao away as well.

Mo Qingyan looked at the colorful fire phoenix in front of him, feeling a little disgusted, "A fire phoenix with a noble bloodline can't even speak human language now, I don't know how you will have the face to see your own kind in the future."

What he said made Xiaofeng lower her head. As a member of the Phoenix clan, she recognized a mortal as her master, which is a lowering of her status. This is a despicable behavior in the Phoenix clan.

But the master, although he is a human being, it is his pride to be his guardian beast, and he does not feel any sense of shame.

The reason why it is ashamed is because it is a powerful phoenix, and it can't even protect its master, which caused serious damage to its body. This is a dereliction of duty as a guardian beast.

"Xiaofeng, some things are beyond your control. I believe Master will not blame you. You have always been a partner and comrade in arms in his heart." Feng Yunyao knew that it lowered its head not because of Mo Qingyan's words, but because of Mo Qingyan's words. He was blaming himself for not protecting Emperor Jiushang well, and now he couldn't even maintain the most basic transfigured human form, so he blamed himself even more in his heart.

When Huofeng heard her words, a pair of small eyes sparkled with crystal light, it suddenly raised its head, and yelled at Mo Qingyan a few times, as if to refute his words again.

"You are quite loyal." Mo Qingyan rubbed his nose, a little surprised by Huofeng's reaction.

He had intended to arouse its shame on purpose, so that it would leave its master and come to help him. After all, he was indeed, as the little girl said, unable to leave this cave too far.

When he came here, he never expected that his spiritual power would be severely suppressed. If he was too far away from this cave, he would not even be able to maintain the most basic human form. In desperation, he had to seek help from a capable spirit beast.

But in this mountain range, there is not even a spirit beast above the third rank, and it is hard to meet the little white dragon and the fire phoenix no matter what.

Of course, what he wanted to catch at first was the little white dragon, after all it was a dragon, and through it to find the dragon he was looking for, that was the purpose of his coming here.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be catch one get one free, and now another one is sent, which can be said to be catch one get two free.

"Chirp." Xiaofeng snorted, secretly despising Mo Qingyan in her heart, it will never betray its master, and will follow him for the rest of its life, unless he dies, it will return to the Phoenix Clan.

Feng Yunyao doesn't want to continue playing sloppy with him here, she needs to go out quickly and find a way to save Grandpa out.

"Mo Qingyan, I still have urgent matters to do now, you can rest assured that I will do my best to help you find the dragon you want after I finish my work."

Who knows, Mo Qingyan ignored her eagerness at all, and instead said: "Don't worry, since I'm here, I won't be able to find that dragon in a while, so you can accompany me here for a few minutes." God, relieve the boredom for this deity."

Let me untie your head!
Feng Yunyao resisted the urge to smash two panda eyes on his handsome face, secretly gritted her teeth and said, "I really have something urgent to do, if it were different, I would very much like to stay here to chat with you, After all, while chatting with a strong man, maybe I can still think about your experience in marrying and practicing, but my grandfather was caught by a group of bad guys. If I don’t save him, that group of people will definitely think of ways to torture my grandfather. He is now 60 I am many years old, and my body really can't stand the toss, so please ask the hero to show you your hand, the little girl is very grateful."

(End of this chapter)

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