Chapter 282 Can You Be More Disgusting?

Chapter 280 Can You Be More Disgusting?

Mo Qingyan was disgusted by her contrived voice.

I thought this girl would reveal her secrets, after all, she was too different from that stupid woman, who knew that she was able to pretend with ease, without any flaws.

The present Bai Yu'er is exactly Feng Yunyao's disguise. She was worried that her clumsy disguise technique would be exposed, but she never thought that Mo Qingyan was an expert in this field. .

"You want to make the decision for me, you're bullying others." Feng Yunyao held Sect Master Bai's arm and shook it back and forth, her coquettish tone almost made her vomit.

Sect Master Bai patted her on the shoulder and said comfortingly: "It is true that the Wanshou Sect should be cleaned up, but the Medicine Sect will be attacked in three days. If part of the power is damaged to the Wanshou Sect, it will be difficult to attack the Medicine Sect at that time." It's very difficult, and it won't be too late to go to the Wanshoumen after the Medicine Sect is destroyed."

"It's not too late." Feng Yunyao shook off Sect Master Bai's arm, stomped her feet angrily, pouted her lips and snorted, "I've already been hit in the face, you are still my real father, you don't care at all. Don't think about me."

"Yu'er, look at you..."

Sect Master Bai felt very helpless looking at his daughter who was playing a temper game, but he only had such a daughter, so he would never get angry with her no matter what.

I can only coax, "We are only three days late, is it okay for three days? After the Medicine Sect is destroyed, Dad will personally lead people to destroy the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect. Don't be angry."


Feng Yunyao sat on the chair angrily, refusing to give in at all, "I told that dead old man today that they would not see the sun tomorrow from the Wanshoumen. Now it's all right, you have to kill them after three days , wouldn't that be hitting me in the face?"

In fact, she doesn't know whether the real Bai Yu'er has ever said something that would prevent Wanshoumen from seeing the sun tomorrow, and she made up all of these.

Sect Master Bai was used to all kinds of unreasonable troubles against her, and he felt something was wrong if he didn't make troubles.

Seeing 'Bai Yu'er' who was throwing a temper tantrum, Sect Master Bai only felt a pain in his head.

Lin Shaoyang looked at the father and daughter who were about to quarrel, and said in a harmonious voice: "Junior sister, senior brother knows that you have been wronged at Wanshoumen, but now we must focus on the overall situation. After the medicine sect is destroyed, senior brother and How about you together?"

"Not good." Feng Yunyao secretly rolled her eyes, vowing to play the scoundrel to the end.

This Bai Yu'er is usually a savage, capricious and unreasonable young lady, so it's not easy to use.

"Junior Sister..." Lin Shaoyang wanted to persuade, but was interrupted by Feng Yunyao directly, "Don't persuade me, if you help me attack Wanshoumen, I will go tonight by myself."

"Yu'er." Sect Master Bai frowned, obviously a little angry, "Why are you becoming more and more disobedient, I promise you, after the Medicine Sect is destroyed, I will come to destroy the Wanshou Sect. Can't you wait for three days?"

Bai Yuer, who was pretended by Feng Yunyao, puffed her cheeks, her face was still stained with anger and dissatisfaction: "Isn't it just a small Wanshoumen, how many people can be damaged, besides, our Poison Sect uses poison, isn't it?" Let people fight with real swords and guns."

Speaking of this, she lowered her eyes and thought for a while and continued: "If we destroy the entire Ten Thousand Beasts Gate in one night, we will definitely be powerful in the world in the future, and they will rely on us without force suppression. How much better it is! .”

Sect Master Bai carefully considered the pros and cons. After all, attacking the Wanshoumen at this time is indeed an extra problem.

However, what Yu'er said is not unreasonable. The most powerful thing about Poison Sect is not how high the cultivation base is, but the use of poison. As long as they can develop powerful poisons, those with high cultivation bases will obediently let them be slaughtered.

Moreover, destroying the Wanshoumen in one night will also shock the world, even those big families and royal families in the future.

Anyway, using poison shouldn't cause any loss, so let Yu'er be happy.

"Okay, tonight you and Shaoyang will lead two thousand disciples to attack the Ten Thousand Beast Gate, remember to use poison secretly."

"It's only two thousand." Feng Yunyao stretched out two fingers, frowned and said dissatisfiedly, "Isn't two thousand disciples too few? What if people run away? I think it's better to send more disciples." Humans, when the time comes, the water surrounding the Wanshou Gate will be completely sealed, and they will be unable to escape with their wings!"

At the end, Da You gritted his teeth, which shows how deep his hatred for Wanshoumen is.

"Then add another thousand."

"Five thousand." Feng Yunyao stretched out a palm, and said without waiting for Sect Master Bai to refute, "The more people there are, the fewer casualties will be on our side, and the speed of attack will also increase. The door, maybe you can have a good night's sleep."

Sect Master Bai frowned slightly, apparently considering whether it would be wrong to send out so many disciples all at once. After all, the entire Poison Sect has only 9000 or [-] disciples, so sending most of them all at once would be a joke. The ones are too big.

"Master, this disciple also thinks what my sister said is reasonable. When there are more people and more strength, the number of casualties will be reduced. Besides, we can let our sect disciples take advantage of this opportunity to try their hands first. When the Medicine Sect is destroyed, they will be even more powerful." I'm familiar with it." Lin Shaoyang glanced at 'Bai Yu'er' and suggested.

This time, he and Bai Yu'er were talking about encircling and suppressing Wanshoumen, but he knew that if he failed, he would be the only one to bear the responsibility. Having more disciples would increase the odds of winning, so he naturally hoped that there would be more people.

"Okay, then I'll give you five thousand, but remember to pay attention to safety, you don't want to be in front, you know." Sect Master Bai agreed after thinking about it, and he didn't forget to remind his daughter later.

"I know this." Feng Yunyao immediately became happy, and the haze on her face disappeared instantly.

"You, you really want to piss me off as a father." Sect Master Bai tapped her forehead helplessly.

Then, he walked to the bookshelf, turned the ornaments on it, and the bookshelf moved aside, revealing a dark room.

"Come with me." Sect Master Bai said to 'Bai Yu'er' Lin Shaoyang, and walked in.

Feng Yunyao and Lin Shaoyang immediately followed them in, and when they entered the dark room, they could feel a lot of poisonous gas floating in the air. There were several rows of shelves inside, with jars of different sizes and paper bags on them.

One look at the inside of these jars and paper bags can tell that they contain the most poisonous in the world.

Feng Yunyao casually looked at the jars and paper packages on the shelf, all of which had notes on them with the name of the poison written on them.

At this time, she stopped in front of a jar, squinting her eyes slightly to stare at a very small white porcelain bottle, especially the words on it.

Fog poison juice.

She picked up the porcelain bottle, opened the stopper, and glanced inside.

Only half a bottle of black juice is missing, but this half bottle is enough to cause nerve damage to tens of thousands of people.

(End of this chapter)

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