Chapter 286 The master makes a move, the world is invincible

Chapter 280 The sixth master makes a move, the world is invincible

When they arrived at Zishi, Feng Yunyao's "Bai Yu'er" joined Lin Shaoyang and led five thousand Poison Sect disciples to Longevity Mountain.

"Eldest brother, have you brought both the poison and the antidote?" Feng Yunyao asked aloud as she walked beside Lin Shaoyang.

"Well, the antidote has always been on me." Lin Shaoyang patted the place where the antidote was placed, "Junior Brother Li has it."

He definitely wouldn't hold such a poisonous thing by himself.

This time they made all the preparations, and even sent [-] disciples here. If they can't attack the Wanshoumen, it's really unreasonable.

"That's good." Feng Yunyao glanced at the place where he put the antidote, the light in his eyes flickered, and said with a smile, "elder brother, can you let me hold the antidote?"

Lin Shaoyang was a little confused, "What are you doing with the antidote, and I will distribute it to fellow disciples later."

"But I still want to see if the antidote is enough." Feng Yunyao said something seemingly unintentionally, but her eyes were fixed on the place where he put the antidote.

Her words and her eyes were clearly doubting whether Lin Shaoyang had swallowed the antidote privately, which made Lin Shaoyang very upset.

Originally, he wanted to show her the antidote, but seeing her like this, his heart began to harden.

"Junior Sister, what are you talking about? Is it possible that the antidote can be lost with me? I will distribute the antidote to everyone now, so as not to find me if something goes wrong."

Lin Shaoyang snorted, took out the antidote and began to distribute it.

He was filled with resentment towards Bai Yu'er and even Sect Master Bai in his heart. What Bai Yu'er said must be what the master said, and the distrust of his father and daughter made him feel cold and angry.

After distributing, continue to lead all the disciples to walk towards Wanshoumen.

Soon he arrived around Wanshou Gate, although Lin Shaoyang was extremely upset, he still followed what Sect Master Bai said, and asked people to build a few fires around Wanshou Gate, and then sprinkled poison on them.

The raging fire was burning, and the night was cool and windy, especially at night in the mountains, the wind was very strong, and the poisonous gas was blown to every corner of the Wanshou Gate.

Soon, there were noisy voices in the Ten Thousand Beasts Gate, as if they were panicking, mixed with the roars of various spirit beasts. In short, their screams were very miserable.

They have already started to be poisoned, Lin Shaoyang grinned a bloodthirsty smile, "Everyone prepare..."

He was about to say that he was going to attack, but the disciples standing around him all fell to the ground one by one, looking at them in great pain.

"What's going on!" Seeing this, Lin Shaoyang panicked.

Feng Yunyao also fell to the ground, her face was pale and weak, but she didn't fall to the ground like the others, but leaned against a nearby tree.

"Brother, I don't know what's going on, but I suddenly feel powerless and uncomfortable."

"Yu'er, you too, what's the matter with you?" Lin Shaoyang hurried over to support her, and was about to feel her pulse.

At this moment, the originally closed Wanshou Gate suddenly opened, and spirit beasts rushed out like a flood.

When he got outside, he started biting and attacking the Poison Sect disciple lying on the ground. The scene was miserable and bloody.

Feng Yunyao looked at all this indifferently, the disciples of the Poison Sect might be innocent, but if they hadn't changed the antidote in advance, then the entire Ten Thousand Beasts Sect would be slaughtered now, they were even more innocent than the disciples of the Poison Sect.

"Big brother, big brother, save me, save me quickly!"

Feng Yunyao looked at the spirit beasts attacking towards them, frightened and grabbed Lin Shaoyang's clothes, no matter how he tried, she would not let go.

"What's going on, what's going on!" Lin Shaoyang's face was black and blue, and he released his guardian beast to deal with these spirit beasts.

He still hasn't figured out what's going on, it shouldn't be like this, shouldn't it be the people from the Wanshoumen who fell down at this time, and they should be the ones who slashed with weapons.

How could it all be turned upside down.

Lin Shaoyang was very anxious, but the 'Bai Yu'er' beside him was very annoying and stuck to him tightly, unable to think at all.

"Brother, let's run away quickly, will these spirit beasts eat me, I don't want to die, ah! I don't want to die!"

Feng Yunyao's miserable screams shook Lin Shaoyang's eardrums.

He doesn't want to die, okay, but he's leaving now?

If they don't leave, they will only have a dead end here.

He now found out that all the disciples were poisoned, even Bai Yu'er was poisoned.

There was a vague feeling in his heart that something was wrong, but now was not the time for him to think carefully, it was more important to run for his life.

Swinging the sword, he beheaded a third-order spirit beast to the ground, and shouted loudly at the disciples who were still alive: "Release the guardian beast quickly, and run if you can."

As soon as he said this, he immediately summoned his guardian beast, and his guardian beast was a fifth-order black eagle.

He was about to jump on the black eagle to escape, but his arm was grabbed by 'Bai Yu'er', so he had no choice but to take her away.

The other disciples who still had some strength were able to eat the detoxification pill they carried with them in time, which relieved the poison a little, but they couldn't resist these tens of thousands of spirit beasts.

He quickly called out the guardian beast and let the guardian beast run away with him on his back, but the spirit beasts behind him chased after them closely, with no intention of letting them go.

In less than a quarter of an hour, only ten or twenty of the five thousand people died, and these people escaped by luck because the guardian beasts were all flying beasts.

When the chase was almost over, old man Ruan called all the spirit beasts back.

This time it can be said that they have won a complete victory, but this victory was won by the young lady of the Feng family. If she hadn't informed them in advance and given them the antidote, their current fate would definitely be the same as that of these Poison Sect disciples. Same, miserable.

"I won, I won." Xiaobai sat on Huofeng and stood next to Master Ruan, staring at Master Ruan with a bit of resentment in his eyes.

Now that they have won, shouldn't it be time to treat them with a big meal?

Master Ruan told his disciples to clean up the corpses outside one by one, and they were so busy that they didn't even bother to look at Xiaobai.

Only when I was done with work did I think of Xiaobai.

"This time, thanks to Young Master Bai, you have tipped off the news, otherwise the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect would be in danger."

So, Xiaobai blinked his round eyes, and waited with anticipation for what he would do next.

According to normal people, they would usually say boldly, 'Benefactor, please stay in our Wanshou Gate and let us express our lofty gratitude to you with a feast. '

But Master Ruan then said, "Master Bai, hurry back and tell your master that the Wanshoumen is fine, and ask her to pay attention to her own safety, and you tell her that the Wanshoumen will be closed in the future." She is looking forward to it, as long as she uses the tens of thousands of beasts, just open her mouth."

If it wasn't for Feng Yunyao, their Myriad Beast Sect would probably be wiped out today, and he would definitely remember this kindness for the rest of his life.

"……"what's the situation.

Xiaobai's whole beast is not well.

"Please trouble Young Master Bai to deliver the letter to your master." Master Ruan stuffed the letter he had written in advance into Xiao Bai's paws, and pushed Huofeng who was unwilling to leave the gate, "Be careful on the way, both of you."


This is not what it wants, what it wants is not this!

(End of this chapter)

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