Chapter 295

Chapter 290 Five Bunch of Scum

"I heard that it's because Miss Feng's family has a treasure on her body. Whoever gets it will be number one in the world. I guess the ghost king is probably because of the treasure on her body." The man and Feng Yunyao whispered, with greedy eyes on their faces. "I don't know what kind of treasure it is. If I can touch it, maybe my cultivation level will be greatly improved."

Does she have a baby?Feng Yunyao easily thought of Long Xinjue.

Could it be that the ghost king attacked their Feng family because of Long Xinjue?
I heard from Uncle Nanfeng that Long Xinjue is a part of her soul, once it is separated, it is not certain whether she can be reincarnated as a human being, let alone die.

If Long Xinjue was just a real thing, she would definitely exchange it for Grandpa without hesitation. After all, she was guilty of carrying this thing, and she was always on guard against others plotting against you with this thing, but it's a pity that she couldn't give it out even though she had it.

"Yes, I don't know what kind of treasure it is. It would be great if I could get a share of it." Feng Yunyao calmed down and echoed this person's words.

As soon as she said this, the man quickly pulled her off, looked around and said: "You can't talk nonsense, it will kill people. In fact, I am still very satisfied with my current life. Since I followed the ghost king, he helped us quickly. I have improved my cultivation base, and the cultivation base of Zhenxuan middle rank is something I dared to imagine before, but now I can easily achieve it, and in the future, if I try my best to please the ghost king, maybe I can continue to rise."

Hearing his words, Feng Yunyao narrowed her eyes slightly.

Could it be because of the ghost king that so many high-cultivated people popped up all of a sudden?What the hell is this ghost king that can make people improve their cultivation quickly in a short period of time.

She was full of doubts in her heart but she would not ask, she nodded and continued to agree: "That's right, fortunately we have taken refuge in the ghost king, otherwise how would we have the cultivation base we have today."

"Yeah." The man sighed, "However, the most proud one should be Qinglao. I heard that he is about to enter Xuanwang soon. I don't even dare to think about what a high level Xuanwang is."

Feng Yunyao raised her eyebrows and said with a smile: "Who said, we are still young, as long as we follow the Ghost King, our cultivation base will definitely not be very low in the future, maybe even higher than King Xuan."

"It makes sense, let's go, hurry up and help the ghost king to become a ghost baby and help him complete his magical skills. Only when he can freely walk out of this ghost place can he help us continue to rise."

With that said, the man quickened his pace and walked ahead.

It turned out that they arrested the children for the purpose of the ghost king's practice, and could this ghost king not leave the ghost cliff? Feng Yunyao followed his footsteps, feeling even more puzzled.

That's not right, Lin Shaoyang said that the Ghost King once came to the Poison Sect, and even used one move to severely injure Sect Master Bai.

It's mostly because he can't leave Ghost Cliff intermittently. It would be great if he could figure out the current situation of Ghost King.

Feng Yunyao looked at the man walking in front of her, and rubbed her stiff hands, it was really too cold here, even with the body protection of profound strength, it was still very cold.

However, soon a cave was reached.

It is not too far from Guiya Cave, and it should be 600 meters below Guiya Cave.

The man walked over and opened the stone door that closed the entrance of the cave, revealing a dark road.

The stone door opened, and a pungent smell came out from inside.

"Cough..." Feng Yunyao couldn't help coughing, and quickly held her breath.

Seeing her like this, the man immediately laughed, "The smell inside is really bad. It's normal for you people who are active outside to not be used to the smell, and you will get used to it soon after you get inside."

It turned out that this 'stomach pain' hadn't come in very often, so Feng Yunyao no longer pretended to be calm, "It really smells bad."

Then, I tore a piece of cloth from my clothes and covered my mouth and nose. The smell was almost suffocating, and I didn't know what happened to the child inside.

Seeing her like this, the man laughed even more, "Why are you covering your nose like a bitch, ha ha."

"Go in quickly, don't waste time." Feng Yunyao didn't bother to talk to him here, so she walked in first.

Sect Master Bai is probably going back soon, so he must solve it quickly.

After entering, the smell inside became more and more intense, and she almost vomited.

She secretly took a pill to temporarily block her sense of smell, otherwise she might not be able to hold on.

There is no one guarding here, but there are six people stirring the potion when they enter the innermost part, and one of them is carrying a naked child in his hand. The child closed his eyes as if he had lost his life. With the shaking of the man, his legs were weak. moving.

In a large pool, filled with dark green liquid medicine, there were more than 30 children soaked in it. All of them only showed their heads, and some of them were obviously not breathing with their eyes closed.

"The one over there died again." A person couldn't help but cursed, "Every qualified tribute in this batch is something."

Cursing, he picked up a net bag next to him and fished out the breathless child from it, just like throwing garbage, and threw it into a large tank beside him, waiting for the next treatment.

Then another child was thrown in, and these children were not considered living things at all in their hands.

Feng Yunyao looked at these children whose lives were being treated like garbage, the color in her eyes became darker and darker.

This group of conscienceless scum, living in the world is a waste of air!

Seeing the two of them coming in, a bearded man said: "Yun Qing, you came just in time. There is a child inside who is in good health in all aspects, but keeps crying. No matter how hard you try to coax him, you can go in and have a look. Can you help me?" You can’t stop him, if you practice hard, you might be able to succeed.”

"I'll go in and have a look." The one who came with Feng Yunyao was called Yun Qing, he immediately showed joy when he heard it, and hurriedly walked towards the dark room inside.

Feng Yunyao withdrew her gaze, and then took out several bottles of medicine from her body.

Very unrestrainedly said to these people: "I got these things from outside. Although they are useless, they can also refresh your mind. Give them to you to eat and play."

As he spoke, he threw the medicine bottles to these people one by one.

"What?" One of them caught the bottle and immediately opened it, poured out a pill, and immediately became excited when he saw it, "I'm going, it turned out to be a fourth-grade blood-enriching pill. Where did you get this thing? There are so many."

With that said, he stuffed one into his mouth and ate it.

The others also poured out a pill, no doubt some of them were very happy to eat the blood-enriching pill, and some simply ate a whole bottle, after all, with their current cultivation base, eating these things is like eating jelly beans, Even if you eat too much, there will be no adverse reactions.

"Today, the old man Baizong's daughter asked me for help, and she gave me a few bottles by the way. Anyway, these things are not very useful to us. Why don't we take them out and give my brother a few to nourish his body?" Feng Yunyao said while speaking. He also intentionally revealed a lewd look, "Not to mention, although the little girl is not very good-looking, her skin is tender and tender. I almost couldn't help it. If she wasn't the daughter of Sect Master Bai, I would have done it a long time ago." her."

As soon as she said this, the others burst out laughing dissolutely, and some even made a fuss, saying that when Sect Master Bai is no longer needed in the future, he will use his daughter.

As for how to use it, it goes without saying.

"What are you laughing at, come and help me." Seeing that she hadn't followed, Yun Qing came out and shouted.

Feng Yunyao smiled as she walked in, "Why don't you talk about that little girl surnamed Bai."

"What's the matter, isn't she pretty?" Yun Qing immediately began to gossip. Women are also a topic of great interest to them.

"It's average, but the skin is very tender, and you can touch it when the time comes." The premise is that you are still alive.

"Really, I'll try it later." Yun Qing rubbed her hands, smiling like a pervert.

While speaking, the stone door has been opened.

There were more than a dozen cages inside, and each cage contained a child.

These children seemed to be asleep, and they were stunned at first sight.

After Yun Qing went in, she took out a bottle and walked up to one of the children wearing a red bellyband, opened the cork of the bottle, and put it under the child's nose.

Soon the child woke up slowly, his eyes were blurred, and when he saw the person clearly, "Wow—" he burst into tears.

This child is five or six years old, and he only wears a red pocket all over his body. His skin is white and tender, and his small face is delicate and cute, like a boy who spreads money.

He cried a lot with his eyes closed. It is estimated that he cried too many times and his throat was a little hoarse.

"Shut up!" Yun Qing yelled at him irritably, but his yell didn't work at all.

Couldn't help cursing: "If it wasn't for the emotional stability required to refine the ghost baby, I would have thrown you into the medicinal soup long ago."

"Wow woo woo..." The child was still crying loudly, and the tears flowed out even more, looking so pitiful.

Seeing him like this, Yun Qing knew that intimidation would not work on this brat, so she could only coax him patiently.

"Be good, as long as you don't cry, uncle will give you delicious food, there are many, many delicious foods."

For a ferocious person to speak in such a soft and contrived voice, it's really unusual and disgusting.

"Whooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo up, look for mother, I want my mother, you bad guys..."

His words have absolutely no effect on children.

Feng Yunyao could see clearly from the side that this child probably did it on purpose, he knew that once his emotions stabilized, these villains would kill him, so he kept crying.

"Please, little ancestor don't cry, as long as you don't cry, can uncle be your horse?"

"Wow woo woo..."

"Hey, how can you stop crying, come and tell uncle."

"Looking for mother, wow, I'm so scared, wow..."

The words were pronounced so clearly, Feng Yunyao was sure that the child must be pretending.

"Where did you get this kid?"

"I don't know, it was sent by the Lord of Qiongling Kingdom." Yun Qing was already helpless, looked at Feng Yunyao and said, "Why don't you try?"

"I hate coaxing children the most. Here is a bag of candy for you to try." Feng Yunyao took out a bag of candy from her body. Of course, it was handed to her by Xiao Bai who was hiding in the Qiankun bag.

She knew what it meant, and she donated her snacks because she couldn't bear to see other children crying too much.

It's just that it doesn't know that once the child stops crying, what awaits him is death.

(End of this chapter)

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