Chapter 371 Sign the blood contract and be a slave for life
Chapter 370 Sign the blood contract and be a lifelong slave
"Hehe, Yu'er is indeed better than Chen'er. It is Chen'er who is sorry for you. I can see that you and Yu'er can achieve a positive result. Even if you die, you will have no regrets. I hope..."

"Shut up!" Feng Yunyao never thought that he would have such an idea, and just whipped him, "You are talking nonsense, I will make your life worse than death."

He Lianhong rolled on the ground in pain, but he was very puzzled, could it be that she and He Lianyu didn't have that kind of relationship?

Although I have doubts in my heart, I dare not talk nonsense anymore.

Enduring the whip wounds on his body, he opened the imperial edict with trembling hands, the tip of the pen left a little on the paper, but his hand couldn't go down.

He is not yet fifty, so the position of Zen is really not reconciled, even if the position is passed to He Lianchen, it will wait after his death.

Just when he was hesitating, he felt a whip on his body, and the pain like skin peeling made the greed that had sprouted in him disappear immediately, and he hurriedly lay down there and started writing, without even asking Feng Yunyao how to write.

Soon after the edict was written, He Lianhong handed the edict up with both hands, "This is the edict, no, it is my edict, as long as the edict is published, Yu'er will be a legitimate emperor."

Feng Yunyao took the edict, glanced at it roughly, and closed it without any problem.

Looking down coldly at He Lianhong who was still kneeling on the ground, her eyes were cold and murderous.

The frightened He Lianhong repeatedly begged for mercy, "Yunyao, no, Miss Feng, I have already done what you said, so just spare my dog's life, don't worry, I will not embarrass He Lianyu in the future, An An Live as my overlord."

How can he still hope for the throne now, it is his wish to live to old age without worrying about food and clothing.

Feng Yunyao ignored him, and the profound power in her hands slowly gathered.

"Miss Feng keeps people under her command!"

At this moment, the door was suddenly knocked open, and He Lianyu ran in in a panic, and knelt down in front of Feng Yunyao, "Miss Feng, he is Xiao Wang's father after all, please see that we are also friends." For the sake of it, can you let him live."

"If I have to kill." Feng Yunyao's shiny white profound power was rippling in his palm, as long as he slapped it down, He Lianhong would die in the west.

He Lianyu glanced at He Lianhong, who was lying on the ground in fright, and squeezed his fists, as if he had made a decision, "I know you don't care about the throne of Canglan Kingdom, as long as you let my father go My life, I am willing to sign a blood contract with you, to be your slave in this life, and to be loyal to you for the rest of my life."

As he spoke, he kowtowed towards Feng Yunyao.


Even He Lianhong was shocked by his words, looking at this son whom he had neglected since childhood in disbelief.

But at a critical moment, he would rather be a slave for his life in exchange for his life. He felt inexplicably uncomfortable, whether it was guilt or relief or something, he couldn't tell.

Feng Yunyao did not expect that he would use the method of signing a blood contract in exchange for her father's life, and thought that he would exchange the throne.

"Being a slave all your life, you won't regret it."

"I will never regret it. In the future, if you want to kill or scold me, you can do whatever you want." He Lianyu said with determination on his face, "I just hope you can let my father die."

No matter how stupid his father was, he was also his father, so how could he just watch him go.

Feng Yunyao smiled softly, and said: "You are a person who values ​​affection, so I can't kill him anymore, but I need to abolish his cultivation."

She had known for a long time that He Lianyu had been standing outside, and she did this to test He Lianyu's character.

If he could watch his father being killed by others without coming in to stop him, then this person would be too cold-blooded, and he might become the second Helian Hong.

She is still very satisfied with He Lianyu's talent, handing Canglan Kingdom to him, he will only do better than He Lianhong in the future, not to mention that he has more benevolence and righteousness than He Lianhong, I believe he should treat her kindly People.

In the end, he really came in, but fortunately he didn't disappoint her, otherwise the emperor would have to consider a replacement.

Although He Lianhong was not reconciled, it might be better to save his life than anything else, so he quickly said: "You don't need to do it, I will abolish my cultivation myself."

As he said that, He Lianhong directly slapped his divine essence with a palm of luck.

He let out a muffled snort, spat out a mouthful of blood, and immediately looked much older.

"Father." He Lianyu supported his fallen body and frowned, "Are you okay?"

No matter how eccentric he is, he is also the biological father who gave him his life. How could he just watch him die.

Feng Yunyao took out a pill and stuffed it directly into Helianhong's mouth.

"You, ahem..."

He Lianhong didn't expect that she suddenly fed him the elixir, and hurriedly vomited, but the elixir disappeared without a trace after entering his mouth, no matter how much he vomited, he couldn't vomit it out.

"What did you eat for me? Didn't you say that you would spare my life?"

"Yes, I will not kill you." Feng Yunyao wiped her hands with a handkerchief, threw the handkerchief on the ground, and said coldly, "I just gave you the Dream Demon Pill. If you do good and never do evil, then if you eat it, it will not affect you at all, but if you do a lot of evil and have many people's lives on your hands, then eating it is more poisonous than poison, and the people you kill will die every night. come to you until the day you die."

Let go of a person who has done all kinds of evil things, and who should the innocent people who were killed by him go to for justice.

It's like you killed someone and asked for a chance to reform, but who would give the dead a justice and a chance to survive.

"No, no, give me the antidote, give me the antidote!" He Lianhong pinched his throat and wished he could open it with a knife to take out the pill, the panic on his face was no less than when he was about to kill him just now. look like.

In this life, he has taken the lives of countless people. In order to cover up his wrongdoings and maintain his reputation, he did not hesitate to slaughter all the people in a city.

Don't so many lonely ghosts want to enter his dreams every night, as long as he thinks about it, he can't wait to hit the wall and die, but he can't bear this life.

"Please, give me the antidote, please. I don't dare to do evil anymore. Give me the antidote. I will be your slave. I am willing to be a slave or a dog for the rest of my life."

Feng Yunyao glanced at He Lianhong who was lying on the ground begging for mercy like a dog, sneered, and flew out.

The belt danced with the wind, leaving only a beautiful shadow in the air, which disappeared in an instant.

He Lianyu looked at the direction where she disappeared, and there was a little envy and other emotions in the long and narrow fox eyes.

Such a free and easy woman could never be his.

"Yu'er, go and help my father get the antidote, please, my father please." He Lianhong grabbed his trouser legs, his face was full of tears, and he still had the usual superior attitude.

(End of this chapter)

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