Chapter 374 Are You Still Accepting Apprentices?
Chapter 370 Do You Still Accept Apprentices?
"Master." The housekeeper and Ye Linfeng saluted, then retreated with winking eyes.

"Miss Feng, why do you think of me?" Ye Linfeng was very surprised at her arrival, after all, he was the one who took the initiative to find her for the antidote in the past, but she never looked for him.

"I'm here to borrow your Ye family's magic box." Feng Yunyao directly stated the purpose of her coming.

"What?" Ye Linfeng wondered if there was something wrong with his ears. What he heard, someone came to borrow their Ye family's magic box.

Did she not know the importance of the Magic Hundred Box to the Ye family, so she dared to come to the Ye Family to borrow the Magic Hundred Box.

Fortunately, I came to ask him to borrow it. If I borrowed the magic hundred box at the Ye family's house, the Ye family would definitely call it out.

The magic box is not only a family treasure passed down by the Ye family for thousands of years, but also a sacred object that protects the prosperity of the Ye family. How can such a thing be lent to others, and it is even more impossible for others to get their hands on it.

"I want to borrow your Ye family's Magic Hundred Box, open it at will." Feng Yunyao said again.

"No." Ye Linfeng directly refused, "If it's something else, I can help you get it, but the magic box is different. It is a sacred object that blesses the prosperity of our Ye family. Disrespectful, my father will definitely not lend it to you, I still advise you to give up this idea quickly."

Otherwise, they will be hunted down by the Ye family.

Feng Yunyao lowered her eyebrows and said softly: "I know that the magic box is very important to your Ye family, but it is very important to me. I don't want to use extreme means to get it. I hope to offer a condition, no matter what I will agree to any condition, as long as I can do it."

The Magic Hundred Box is someone else's property, so she can't use it without someone else's permission, but Master can't last long.

If the Ye family still insists on not borrowing, then she can only resort to extreme measures.

Nothing is more important than Master, not to mention righteousness, even if she does something shameful, she will do it as long as it can save Master.

"Impossible." Ye Linfeng still disagreed, even if he agreed with his father, it would be impossible to pass.

Regarding his attitude, Feng Yunyao had already expected, she took out a bottle of pills from the Qiankun bag, "This is the eighth-grade blood-enriching pill, the quality is good, as long as you lend me the magic box, they will belong to your Ye family .”

"Eighth Grade Blood Enriching Pill?" Ye Linfeng looked at the bottle in her hand in surprise, his eyes sparkled with excitement, "Is it really Eighth Grade Blood Enriching Pill?"

"It's absolutely true." Feng Yunyao opened the cork and poured out a grain, and handed it to him, "If you don't believe me, you can check it yourself."

Her current cultivation is at the middle level of Xuanzong, and she originally wanted to try a batch of eighth-rank pills, but she succeeded in one sentence, and the quality was still very good, so she refined eighth-rank blood-enriching pills.

These medicinal materials were brought out from the Black Demon Forest last time.

"Let me take a look." Ye Linfeng took the elixir hurriedly, and smelled it again and again. The tangy fragrance brightened his spirit instantly.

It's really a good thing, the elixir is round and lustrous, and there are pill lines on it that are only found in elixir of the eighth rank or above. Isn't the pill pattern and luster of this taste the same as the eighth-rank blood-enriching pill?

Blood-enriching pills are relatively difficult to refine, and seventh-rank blood-enriching pills are very difficult to find, let alone eight-rank blood-enriching pills.

Although Ye Linfeng really wanted this elixir, he still had a steelyard in his heart. The excitement on his face gradually disappeared when he thought that she would exchange this elixir for the Mobai box, "I'm afraid it won't work, let alone a blood-enriching elixir is worth three My father won't even agree to it."

"I'll return this to you." Ye Linfeng looked at the blood-enriching pill in his hand again in pain, and reluctantly handed over the pill.

Now that he has reached the peak of Zhenxuan, he has entered the bottleneck period of Xuanxuan cultivation. It may be difficult to break through for decades. If he is assisted by this blood-enriching pill, he may be able to directly enter Lingxuan.

Lingxuan, he is only in his 20s this year, and his father did not reach Lingxuan until he was forty.

If he enters Lingxuan, does that mean that he may enter Xuanzong in the future?


Hey, it's a pity that he can't take this elixir.

Feng Yunyao saw his face in her eyes, and the corners of her lips curled up calmly. The more greedy a person is, the easier it is to find a breakthrough, especially for a family that values ​​profit like the Ye family.

"I'm not only using this blood-enriching pill in exchange, but also other pills. At that time, I will completely remove the poison from your body and let you regain your freedom."

Free again.

The light in Ye Linfeng's eyes began to flicker again. God knows how much depression he has brought to him because of the bone crushing poison on his body. I am afraid that Feng Yunyao will suddenly die suddenly. It doesn't matter if she dies, but if she dies , then he will also be buried with him.

If he gets rid of the poison on his body, he can completely get rid of her in the future, and he doesn't care if she lives or dies.

However, he really has no choice but to be the master. The only person who can control the magic box is the owner, and he is not the owner yet.

Thinking of this, Ye Linfeng's eyes darkened again, "I'm afraid I can't promise you this. My father is the master of the magic box. I'm not the head of the Ye family yet, so I can't lend you the magic box."

Feng Yunyao knew that he didn't have that ability, so she said softly: "I know, you just need to go back and give this pill to your father, and then tell him, as long as he is willing to lend me the magic box, I will give him another ten eighth-rank blood-enriching pills, plus five eighth-rank solid yuan pills."

"Ten blood enriching pills, and five Guyuan pills?" Ye Linfeng was dumbfounded, and looked at Feng Yunyao in disbelief, "Where did you get so many pills?"

One is still possible, but ten or even five Guyuan Pills are added, all of which are eighth-grade pills. Is this going against the sky, or is she lying on purpose in order to borrow the magic box?

Others don't know that he is clearly ruthless. Don't look at this woman who is young but has a cunning mind. He suffered a big loss in front of her.

Feng Yunyao opened the cork of the bottle, and directly poured out all the pills inside, there were ten pills in total, and the whole room immediately wafted with the medicinal fragrance.

"Wow, master, why do you have so many eighth-grade pills? You are too rich." Mu Yan was so excited that he almost jumped up. This is his master, and he kisses his master. Ten eighth-grade blood-enriching pills, how grand.

He also bought pills from her once, and the eighth-grade pill was given to her as a reward, but she didn't sell it.

Feng Yunyao took another white bottle and threw it to him, "Here are two eighth-rank qi building pills. Although your cultivation base has grown relatively fast, this aspect is relatively lacking. If you don't deal with it properly, you will suffer a lot in your future cultivation. will suffer greatly."

She had found out that Mu Yantian's Qi pulse was weak, and after refining the eighth-rank blood-enriching pill, she refined two Qi-building pills for him by the way, but this thing can only be refined two at a time, and the steps are troublesome, but two are enough He can maintain it for a few years, and it can also help him improve his profound strength.

After opening the seal, she and Di Jiushang went to the Tongtian Continent, and she didn't know if she would have a chance to come back in the future, so she rushed to practice with the blood-enriching pill.

"This, this is for me." Mu Yanxiao's peach blossom eyes were narrowed into slits, and he sniffed and licked the bottle, not to mention how excited he was.

Master is better, I still think about him when there are good things.

Afterwards, Feng Yunyao gave Luo Li another bottle, "Here are three blood-enriching pills, which are also of the eighth grade. I believe you can use them in the future."

Luo Li took the bottle and glanced at it, but he was not as silly as Mu Yan, but looked at Feng Yunyao with a serious and serious face, and said, "Junior Sister, I don't know where you plan to live in the future, I am here to explain that no matter where you go in the future, I will follow you."

He has a gentle temper, but his words are very firm at this moment.

"That's right, Master, don't forget to take me with you wherever you're going, I'll follow you anyway." Mu Yan put the bottle away, and said with certainty.

No matter, he will follow Master in the future, he doesn't want to be the Patriarch of the Mu family at all, it is clear that his eldest brother is older than him, stronger than him and smarter than him, but his father insists on training him to be the patriarch of the family, And his elder brother is also the same, he has no intention of competing for the position of Patriarch, he is very consistent with his father's ideas, and wholeheartedly assists him in being the Patriarch.

Hey, the family is fighting to the death for the position of the head of the family. Look at their Mu family, tsk tsk, if you don't want to be the head, you have to let him be.

Feng Yunyao lowered her eyes slightly, but did not speak. She had no way of interfering with their fate, but she still hoped that they could stay in the Sky Continent, after all, their roots are here.

Moreover, after going to the Tongtian Continent, it is difficult for her to guarantee that she can survive safely. It is a strange and brand new continent. Can outsiders like them be accepted?
Ye Linfeng, who was watching with envy, couldn't help but said: "Miss Feng, do you want to accept your apprentice, or you should accept me too."

The first shot is Qi Zhu Dan, and it is still of the eighth rank. Whose master can be so generous, whose master can be as powerful as Feng Yunyao.

"No." Feng Yunyao refused indifferently, and then said to him in a serious manner: "I remember that your father must be suffering from headaches, which cannot be cured after seeking countless famous doctors. If he can borrow the magic box Once I use it, not only will the ten blood enriching pills belong to you, but I can also help him cure his hidden headache."

Ye Linfeng's eyes flickered when he heard the words, but he said in a doubtful tone: "Can you really cure my father's pain?"

"Of course." Feng Yunyao said confidently, she wouldn't take it if it couldn't be cured.

Long before she came, she had found out about the Ye family, and now that she came, she wanted to get the magic box.

Ye Linfeng saw that her face was indifferent, but her eyes were full of confidence, and she was not flustered at all.

Could it be that she could really cure his father's headache?

His father's pain has been going on for more than ten years. He has invited countless famous doctors and tried countless miraculous medicines, but there is no way to completely eradicate it.

"Okay, I'll try it. As for whether my father agrees to lend you the magic box, I can't guarantee it."

"it is good."

"Then you guys rest here first. This is my other courtyard. Although the area is small, there are quite a lot of things inside. If you want to eat or need anything, just tell the housekeeper."

"Thank you."

Ye Linfeng explained to the butler, and hurried to Patriarch Ye's house with a sample of the Eighth Grade Blood Enriching Pill at that moment.

(End of this chapter)

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