Chapter 376

Chapter 370 Can That Girl Get Married?

The word 'ugly' came to his lips, but Patriarch Ye swallowed it, and uttered a note.

Although the woman was indeed ugly, she might be Feng Yunyi's sweetheart, how could he call her ugly in front of her sister.

"If it's true, that would be great. Dare I ask Patriarch Ye, which family is that girl from?" Feng Yunyao couldn't help raising her eyebrows when she heard this.

If we can really find out the whereabouts of that girl, it can be regarded as talking about my eldest brother's wish for many years, and maybe there will be a good story.

She understood Feng Yunyi's personality, and she would definitely not dislike him because of the birthmark on his face, otherwise she would not have missed him for so many years.

"Her identity is very special." Patriarch Ye frowned, "She is the current emperor, that is, the eleventh princess of Canghai Kingdom. The red birthmark is not favored by the emperor, and her life in the palace is not as good as that of a court lady. When she was three years old, her mother Lan Guiren passed away. In order to save her granddaughter's life, her grandfather, who has been living in seclusion in the mountains, picked her up from the palace. Come out and raise them on the mountain."

"Then isn't she in the palace now?" A child without a mother, plus an ugly birthmark on her face, is of no value to the royal family. If she is not picked up from the palace, whether she can grow up alive is a question.

"Now, when she was 16 years old, because of her age, the emperor suddenly remembered that there was such a daughter, so he brought her back from the mountain so that she could find a husband's family to marry."

16 years old, she is now 19 years old. In ancient times, women usually looked for their in-laws when they were young, and 19 years old here is an older unmarried leftover woman.

However, as the emperor's daughter, no matter how ugly she is, there will be people vying to marry her.

Thinking of this, Feng Yunyao couldn't help feeling a little worried, "Can she get married now?"

If there is a marriage contract or is already married, the elder brother may be sad.

"Never married." Patriarch Ye thought deeply, "After the emperor took her back, he set up a family for her, and there were still many men who were willing to marry her, but for some reason, the eleventh princess refused all of them. , The emperor was furious because of this, so he no longer pays attention to her, she is still living in the palace, because not long ago, Jiannei heard a concubine in the palace mention her, but her life is not very good."

Being a princess is very noble to outsiders, but a princess who is not favored and has no mother's backing can be said to be struggling in the palace.

Fortunately, she was ugly and didn't threaten anyone. Although life was more difficult, no one had the leisure to harm her, so she survived well.

It's fine if there is no marriage, Feng Yunyao can be regarded as relieved.

"Patriarch Ye, let's talk about the magic box first. As for the princess, we will make plans later."

"Okay." Because Ye Linfeng had greeted Patriarch Ye in advance, and knew that Feng Yunyao would take ten eighth-grade blood-enriching pills and cure his hidden headaches as conditions for borrowing the magic box, he already had a plan in mind.

Although the Mobai Box is the family heirloom of their Ye family, the conditions offered by Feng Yunyao are too attractive, especially for him to cure his hidden diseases for many years.

The headache has plagued him for many years, and the pain is so painful that he wishes to kill him. If it can be cured, it will be his benefactor.

Moreover, they also took out ten eighth-grade blood-enriching pills. If it was changed, he would not have dared to think about it before, not to mention that he could have a good relationship with the Feng family. In exchange, anyway, people are just borrowing it, and it's not that they won't return it.

Patriarch Ye led Feng Yunyao and Luo Li to the prepared banquet.

It can be said that there are all kinds of delicacies and delicacies in the banquet, which shows the importance that Patriarch Ye attaches to Feng Yunyao.

"Wow, I haven't eaten such a rich and delicious food for a long time." As a foodie, Xiaobai couldn't help but crawl out when he smelled the aroma of vegetables, and sat on the chair like a person, with his claws already holding the chopsticks. She even spread the tablecloth in front of her very decently.

"This is..." Patriarch Ye knew that Xiaobai was Feng Yunyao's guardian beast, but it was the first time he saw that as a guardian beast, he could eat at the table with his master.

Their guardian beasts are food bowls with other diets, or places to eat.

Feng Yunyao didn't take it seriously, patted Xiaobai's head, and said: "Although it is my guardian beast, it is also my friend."

These words are obviously telling Patriarch Ye that Xiaobai is her friend, and it is not a beast.

Patriarch Ye is also very discerning. Hearing this, he hurriedly said: "Hehe, Ye doesn't know what Miss Feng's guardian beast likes to eat, and he doesn't know whether the preparation suits its taste."

"Hey, it's all my favorite food." Xiao Bai brought over a plate of prawns not far away, "Master, I like this better."

"Then Ye will ask someone to make some for you." Patriarch Ye immediately ordered someone to bring some more prawns.

"Thank you." Xiaobai raised his eyelids and thanked him, then lowered his head and began to peel the shrimp with his claws. The proficiency in peeling shrimp is definitely no less than that of humans.

"..." Sure enough, the extraordinary female guardian beasts are different, apart from the appearance, there is no difference between them and humans.

Patriarch Ye shifted his attention away from Xiaobai, then looked at Feng Yunyao seriously and said, "Feng'er has already informed Ye Mou of Miss Feng's purpose of coming to Ye's house, and Ye Mou is also very satisfied with the conditions you put forward. , but that headache has plagued Ye for more than ten years, and I'm afraid it will be because of the girl."

It's not that he doesn't want more benefits, but that Feng Yunyao has already given enough, and he is also a man of measure. If he is too greedy, he might offend others, so it's better to agree readily. Make Feng Yunyao owe herself a favor.

In terms of human feelings and sophistication, Patriarch Ye said that he has reached the point of being as pure as fire.

"Please don't worry about this, since I said it, I will definitely cure your headache." Feng Yunyao said indifferently, "After eating, I will treat Patriarch Ye."

When Patriarch Ye heard this, he couldn't help beaming with joy, and was even more excited, "Then I'll be in trouble, Miss, please."

Later, at the banquet, I discussed with Feng Yunyao some things about alchemy and cultivation, and Feng Yunyao also answered them one by one, without any arrogance or concealment.

Patriarch Ye admired Feng Yunyao's character and demeanor in his heart, and looked at his daughters who only knew how to dress for favor, and felt a little sour.

It would be great if this was his daughter, even if he were to pass on the Ye family to her, he would be willing.

After eating, Feng Yunyao began to diagnose and treat Patriarch Ye.

"May I ask Patriarch Ye if he ever went to a mountainous place with strong poisonous barriers when he was young?" Feng Yunyao asked quietly after checking for Patriarch Ye.

(End of this chapter)

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