Chapter 384

Chapter 380 Four Family Reunion

Feng Yunyao quickly freed up a hand to give him a hand, rolled his eyes at him angrily and said, "I told you not to get too excited, why didn't you listen."

"Ahem, Yaoyao isn't angry anymore, why don't I be obedient?" Patriarch Feng stopped when she saw that she was getting angry.

Looking at Feng Yunyi from the side, she pursed her lips and said with a smile: "Yaoyao is the best way. Ever since Grandpa woke up, he has been arguing to find you every day. If he hadn't been unable to walk, he would have left home to look for you by now."

"Nonsense, I don't have it." Feng's old patriarch glared at him, and quickly smiled at Feng Yunyao like a child, "Yaoyao, don't listen to your brother's nonsense. no."

Feng Yunyao looked at his current appearance as a child, and felt warm and sore in her heart.

Although Grandpa came back from the dead, he was mentally like a child, obviously something went wrong.

Even if he fully recovers from the serious injury this time, he will not be as energetic as before, leaving some sequelae.

However, this is also good, as long as you live happily, it is better than anything else.

"Yes, grandpa is the most obedient, take medicine and eat well every day." Feng Yunyao endured her sadness, but smiled brightly.

Patriarch Feng was praised, and immediately felt as proud as a child praised by a teacher.

"Yaoyao, grandpa doesn't want to take care of the Feng family anymore, you and your elder brother will be the head of the family, you two discuss it."

The palms and backs of the typical palms are all flesh, no matter who you lean towards.

Although his mind is much duller, he is still very clear about many things.

Yaoyao's ability is much stronger than Yun Yi's. If she is the head of the Feng family, the Feng family will flourish in the future. Yun Yi is actually not bad, but slightly weaker than his sister.

However, Yun Yi is older and more prudent in his work. Anyway, the two of them have their own strengths, so it's better to leave it to the two of them to choose on their own.

He is old, and with the fact that this injury has damaged his foundation, he may not be able to fully recover, and they are all old, and it is time for them to take charge of their own affairs.

"Let Yaoyao do it. No matter in terms of cultivation or ability, grandson is far inferior to her. I will help her and protect her." When Feng Yunyi spoke, his eyes were clear and clean, from the bottom of his heart I want my sister to be the head of the house.

Compared with his younger sister, he is indeed lacking in ability, and in this catastrophe, Yaoyao's wisdom and ability are beyond his reach.

However, as her elder brother, no matter how strong she is, he will do his best to protect her.

How could Feng Yunyao not know what he was thinking, she laughed softly and said: "Brother, I'm not interested in the position of the patriarch, think about it, I'm a beautiful girl who manages those boring family affairs every day , wouldn’t it be too embarrassing for me, anyway, I won’t do it.”

"It's okay, just leave it to me when the time comes, and I can help you look at those annoying accounts." Feng Yunyi thought that she would have to look at a lot of accounts and affairs after becoming the head of the family, and he could do this Helpful.

"Just like that, I don't want to be the head of the family." Feng Yunyao took one of his hands, patted the back of his hand, and said earnestly, "Brother, you are a man, and you are the pillar of the family. Who will do it, and besides, you, as the eldest son, will not inherit the position of Patriarch, so what do you want to do?"

For the position of patriarch, the internal struggle of other families is no less fierce than that of the royal family, but their Feng family is lucky to have no one.

"But..." Feng Yunyi still wanted to shirk, but was interrupted by the old Patriarch Feng, "Okay, Yun Yi, you can be the Patriarch, you are a man and the eldest son, and you are the Patriarch. The elders here have nothing to say, and will protect your sister more in the future."

In fact, he knew that his Yaoyao might go to another place, maybe he would never come back, that was Di Jiushang's hometown.

Thinking of this, old Patriarch Feng felt a little sad for no reason, this is his precious granddaughter, what if she can't see her again in the future.

"Yaoyao, are you going to the place where Di Jiushang lives in the future?" Feng Yunyi asked suddenly.

As soon as he said this, the old Patriarch Feng, who was originally a little sad, became more and more serious, even the childishness just now was gone, the old face stared at Feng Yunyao longingly, hoping to hear the word 'not going' from her mouth.

Feng Yunyao's eyes moved slightly, how could she not know what the grandpa and grandson were thinking.

She lowered her eyes slightly and said, "Grandpa, father and mother disappeared at the same time seven years ago, and there is no news about them so far. Do you think they will still be on this continent?"

"Why not..." Old Patriarch Feng's eyes widened suddenly, and then his face was very ugly and painful, "They, they must not be here."

Feng Yunyao felt helpless looking at his distressed appearance. Grandpa's thinking is really much simpler now. If it were the same as before, he would definitely guess what she meant when she said that.

"What Yaoyao said is that father and mother may have gone to the mainland where Emperor Jiushang is." Feng Yunyi explained patiently.

Yaoyao had mentioned this guess to him before.

Patriarch Feng's sad expression disappeared in an instant, and he even became excited, "What's going on, tell grandpa what's going on, grandpa's mind is very confused now, he can't figure it out no matter what."

"I heard from Master that he came to this continent seven years ago, and my mother and father disappeared seven years ago, and, ah, this."

Feng Yunyao took out the illusion mirror, put it in front of the old Patriarch Feng and continued: "Master said this thing is the treasure of Tongtian Continent, isn't this something that my mother carried, and her origin is very mysterious, I think she should Like Master, they are both from Tongtian Continent. The seal that separated the two continents was opened from that side seven years ago, and Emperor Jiushang came here from the other side. Then my mother and father may also go through the opened door at this time. over there."

After her explanation, although the old Patriarch Feng was still a little confused, he sorted it out overall, and even felt that what he said made sense.

So, his son and daughter-in-law are still alive?

"I went over there for the sake of Master, and also for the sake of my father and mother. I will search there. Maybe I can find them. If I can find them, I will find a way to come back here. I heard from Master that From there, you just need to find the right time to open the compass of the universe."

It is more difficult to go there, but I believe it will not be more difficult to come here than to go there.

"But, Grandpa can't bear you." The old Patriarch Feng was very sad, what if Yaoyao went there and couldn't come back.

Since Feng Xiao and Xin Luo have gone there, why haven't they come back for seven years? Not only is their old father here, but also their two children. If they can really come back, I believe they will definitely come back. It can be seen that it is not so easy .

"How about this, your brother and I will go together, and our family will be reunited there then." Old Patriarch Feng said whimsically.

Feng Yunyao also wanted to take them there, but it was unknown where she was. Through Di Jiushang, she learned that almost no one could surpass her in her current cultivation, but if she went there, she would become an ordinary person.

In that place, there are a lot of people above the Xuanzong level, and there are even many higher ones, as you can see from the cultivation base of Emperor Jiushang.

Also, Di Jiushang was hunted down there, and he was seriously injured with such a high cultivation level. Although it was caused by the backlash of turning on the Tianxuan compass, he was forced to turn it on.

If you bring the two of them with you, it will be even more difficult.

With the current strength of the Feng family, it is considered top in the Sky Continent. Who would dare to provoke the Feng family, but if she were to reach the Tongtian Continent, she would not be able to protect herself, so how could she protect her grandfather and elder brother.

It was the wisest choice for them to stay here, not to mention that grandpa's health is not good here, and whether he can adapt to the climate over there is a problem.

"Grandpa, do you know that Emperor Jiushang's cultivation level is Xuanzun, and he is at least a rank [-] alchemist. Even with such abilities, he was hunted down and seriously injured. One can imagine the situation over there."

Her words immediately silenced the Feng family's grandparents. After a while, the old Patriarch Feng sighed weakly: "Forget it, don't go either. Our grandparents and grandchildren are used to being dependent on each other. As for your parents , Hey, just let them go."

Yaoyao can't go to such a dangerous place.

The son and daughter-in-law have been there for seven years, so maybe something happened.

"I have to go." Feng Yunyao was firm. She didn't go to Tongtian Continent not just to find the original owner's parents. Di Jiushang's body might not last long here.

Her medical skills could not save him at all, and could at most help him last for a while.

Moreover, she also wants to go to Tongtian Continent to see what kind of world there is, and whether it will be more exciting than here.

How could the old Patriarch Feng not know about Di Jiushang's situation, and the relationship between the two of them would be impossible if they were separated. If they insisted on staying here, Di Jiushang might really die.

After much deliberation, I had no choice but to compromise, "Well, it's up to you, but I will come back when I have a chance, and your brother and I will wait for you here."

It would be even better if you could bring your parents back so that their family would not be separated.

But with his current body, can he last until that time?

If he hadn't been injured, his lifespan would have been extended by one year, and he will practice more in the future to try to increase his cultivation base, so that his lifespan will continue, so he still has the ability to wait.

But now he was seriously injured, the injury was fundamental, even Xuanzong's health was obviously a lot worse, and he might not have much time to live.

"If you can come back, you must come back as soon as possible. Grandpa doesn't know if he can wait."

Hearing his sad words, Feng Yunyao quickly held his hand and said, "You will definitely be able to wait until we come back, I have prepared enough pills for you, as long as you and your elder brother continue to practice, you will be able to get better than your cultivation base." It will improve a lot.”

As she said that, Feng Yunyao took out all the pills she had refined in the past few days.

"There are twenty blood enriching pills, twelve solid yuan pills, and ten cultivating god pills, all of which are of the eighth rank. I still can't do without them now. I will refine some more pills for you when I have time."

After that, he took out three jars of medicinal wine made from spiritual spring water, "This wine can prolong life and is also very good for cultivation, but, grandpa, you are getting old now, don't be greedy, just have a drink every day. "

"Eighth grade elixir!" Old Patriarch Feng looked at the pile of bottles and jars in front of him in disbelief, full of disbelief.

(End of this chapter)

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