Chapter 386
Chapter 380
Feng Yunyao pretended to scan around the palace, and asked: "Master Xiao, where is Eleventh Princess, why didn't she come over? I don't know if the potion I prepared for her the day before yesterday has any effect."

"Qing'er?" The Lord of the Canghai Kingdom did not expect her to mention Xiao Qing'er, glanced at Feng Yunyi, and said: "Young Master Feng does not know, Qing'er is ugly, it is better not to let her come out. "

Feng Yunyi was very displeased when he said that his sweetheart was ugly, and said in a deep voice: "Master Xiao's words are wrong, appearance is secondary, kindness of heart is the most beautiful, beauty and femme fatale can't bear it."

"I agree with brother's statement." Feng Yunyao echoed his words, "Princess Eleven is a kind and pure person, it's just that the birthmark hides her appearance, not to mention that I also want to see my match. How does the potion work?"

Now that we've talked about this, the Lord of the Canghai Kingdom can't shirk, "Go and invite Princess Eleven to come over."

Originally, he was afraid that Feng Yunyi would be apprehensive when he saw Xiao Qing'er's face. If he thought that this kind of birthmark could be inherited, and then did not choose his other daughters, it would be nothing.

It's just that the brothers and sisters of the Feng family wanted to see Xiao Qing'er, so they had to call her over.

However, from what Feng Yunyao and his sister said, they obviously don't mind Xiao Qing'er's birthmark. If Feng Yunyao really cared, she wouldn't be a matchmaker for her brother.

Thinking of it this way, my heart relaxed a lot.

Soon Xiao Qing'er came in, Feng Yunyi looked at the woman in white who came in, immediately tightened his hands on the handle of the chair, and wanted to get up, but was grabbed by Feng Yunyao who was sitting on the side calmly, but his eyes But he couldn't move away from her.

Her slender figure was wrapped in white plain clothes, with a veil on her face, revealing only a pair of eyes as warm as autumn water. Every time she took a step forward, Feng Yunyi only felt her heart beat a little faster.

It was really her, even with her face covered, he could recognize her at a glance.

She is so thin, so many years must have been very hard.

Thinking of this, Feng Yunyi couldn't help but show distressed feelings in his eyes.

In the future, he will treat her well and make her the happiest woman.

Similarly, Xiao Qing'er also saw Feng Yunyi, he was still the same as a few years ago, he was still so handsome, so extravagant, she couldn't help but want to look up to him.

When she came, she was nervous but also very inferior. He was the bright moon in the sky, but she was the dust on the ground.

But seeing the affection and distress in his eyes, the original inferiority complex disappeared, leaving only admiration for him.

She knew that he would not look down on her, let alone dislike her. He loved her and cared about her.

Because Feng Yunyi's eyes were too strong and he didn't hide it, many people noticed it.

When the twelve princesses saw Feng Yunyi, their hearts fluttered, and they had already identified him as their future husband.

Not only is he powerful and powerful, but he is also so handsome in appearance. None of the grandsons and noble children of the entire Canghai Kingdom can compare to him, and he is also the heir of the head of the Feng family.

If she doesn't catch such a man, who else can compare to him.

Therefore, the twelve princesses are bound to win Feng Yunyi.

Seeing him looking at Xiao Qing'er obsessively now, I felt jealousy and resentment in my heart, and snorted dissatisfiedly: "Young Master Feng, don't look at her graceful and graceful appearance, in fact, there is an ugly face under the veil. Mr. Feng doesn't know about her incomparable face, the birthmark on her face is as big as a palm, covering her face, it's very ugly."

"Yes, Elder Sister Twelfth is right. Elder Sister Eleven does have a birthmark on her face. The reason why she is wearing a veil is because she dare not see people. Hey, it's really pitiful."

The thirteenth princess is usually domineering and domineering, but she has more brains than the twelve princesses. Naturally, at this time, Xiao Qing'er cannot be belittled too much. After all, if she wants to maintain her appearance as a noble princess, she must not destroy her image in Feng Yunyi's heart.

Her appearance is better than Twelve, Xiao Yier is a foodie, and she doesn't care about Feng Yunyi at all, so she is the most qualified to marry Feng Yunyi, and she is also the most likely, unless Feng Yunyi has eyes If you are blind, you will not choose her.

The thirteenth princess straightened her back, and looked at Feng Yunyi affectionately, hoping that he would give her a response.

Her wish immediately turned her eyes away, Feng Yunyi heard the conversation between the two of them, and then moved her eyes away from Xiao Qing'er.

It's just that it's not the warmth they want to see, but indifference and even anger flashing in their eyes.

Seeing his expression, the thirteenth princess was stunned for a moment, how could she look at her like that.

However, the reason was quickly figured out.

He must be angry because he felt cheated by Xiao Qing'er, that must be the case.

Therefore, the corners of Princess Thirteen's mouth slightly raised, trying to give Feng Yunyi a perfect smile, but her smile hadn't formed yet.

I heard Feng Yunyi's indifferent words with a sense of irony, "The two princesses should not like to look in the mirror on weekdays, otherwise why would they not recognize the gap between themselves and your Eleventh Princess? Not even self-knowledge, it's really sad."

What he said was obviously aimed at the two princesses, dare to speak ill of his Qinger, pretending that he doesn't exist, right?

"You..." No matter how stupid the twelfth princess and the thirteenth princess are, they can still hear the meaning of his words. Their complexions are blue and white, especially since this is the man they want to marry. What they criticize is nothing, it is simply unreasonable.

The Lord of the Canghai Kingdom clearly felt Feng Yunyi's dislike for his two daughters, otherwise he would not have said such harsh words with his personality.

Looking thoughtfully at Xiao Qing'er again, she saw that she was wearing a veil, and the white gauze was walking along with her, making her slim body look graceful.

People who don't know her appearance will definitely think that she is a peerless beauty.

Maybe Feng Yunyi fell in love with Xiao Qing'er wearing a veil.

In fact, the person he hopes to marry Feng Yunyi is Yi'er, and Xiao Qing'er is the last thing he wants. After all, his relationship with her is very weak. If she becomes the mistress of the Feng family, it will be far less beneficial to him than the other three. There are many daughters.

However, what Feng Yunyi fell in love with was Xiao Qing'er who was wearing a veil. If she lifted her veil and let him see her true face, I believe that Mr. Feng would no longer put his mind on Xiao Qing'er.

Thinking about it this way, the Lord of the Canghai Kingdom looked at Xiao Qinger who had already walked to the center of the hall, and said, "Qinger, Miss Feng just said that she wanted to see how the potion she prepared for you works, why don't you lift the veil and let her have a look."

Xiao Qing'er didn't expect her father to let her unveil the veil in public, she glanced sideways in Feng Yunyi's direction, and hurriedly lowered her head, as if she was struggling for something.

A woman is a confidant, even though she knows that he doesn't care about her face, she still hopes to leave him the most beautiful side of herself. In the past two days, she has used the potion given to her by Miss Feng, and the birthmark has obviously faded. Believe it It won't be long before it can be completely removed. This is the time when she wants to face him, not now.

"That's right, Elder Sister Eleven, don't disappoint Sister Feng's good intentions. Quickly lift the veil and let us see how it works." The Twelfth Princess said gloatingly. The embarrassment of the blow was also swept away.

As long as Xiao Qing'er shows her appearance, I believe no man will fall in love with her, let alone Feng Yunyi, the proud son of heaven.

How could Feng Yunyi not know what their father and daughter were thinking, his eyes narrowed involuntarily.

Afterwards, he stood up and gave a junior salute to the Lord of Canghai Kingdom, then looked at Xiao Qing'er seriously and said, "Princess Eleven doesn't need to lift her veil, Yun Yi's heart belongs to Princess Eleven, and I hope Lord Xiao can fulfill Yun Yi, but , Yun Yi hopes to be favored by Princess Eleven."

As soon as he said this, the palace fell silent.

Xiao Qing'er suddenly raised her head to look at him, her sparkling eyes sparkled with excitement, she knew he would choose her, but she didn't expect him to come out to help her again and again when she was attacked.

Somehow, at this moment, she had the courage to raise her hand to remove the veil from her face.

He treats her like this, and she has to face him openly.

Even though Feng Yunyao's potion was effective, it had only been two days. The birthmark was dark red, although it had faded a bit, it was still very obvious. The palm-sized birthmark almost covered the entire face.

Even ordinary men would not bother to pursue this kind of appearance, just wait, soon Feng Yunyi will regret his decision.

When Feng Yunyi saw her face, he was not surprised at all, let alone disgusted, his eyes were tinged with affection.

This is what he remembered, or that her.


Feng Yunyi took the initiative to walk over, stood side by side with her, and then looked at the still-shocked Lord Canghai Kingdom, "Yun Yi's heart belongs to Qinger, and I hope Lord Xiao will be fulfilled."

As soon as his words came out, the people who were in shock were awakened immediately, and the veil was lifted. He was still so attached to Xiao Qing'er. Could it be that Mr. Feng is blind?

The lord of the Canghai Kingdom was also very surprised, but after all, it was the lord of a country who quickly changed his expression, "Mr. Feng is really willing to marry Qing'er?"

"It is Yun Yi's honor to marry Princess Qing'er." Feng Yunyi glanced at Xiao Qing'er tenderly, the tenderness in his eyes was not at all false.

Xiao Qing'er's face turned red when he saw her, she lowered her head shyly, her whole heart was pounding.

It's really him, and soon he will become her husband and her god.

Seeing that he insisted on marrying Xiao Qing'er, the Lord of the Canghai Kingdom had nothing to say, "In this case, I will betroth Qing'er to you. However, since Qing'er is not good-looking, it is not appropriate to be a regular wife. You can be a concubine." , my twelfth daughter is one of the best in terms of looks and talents, so I can make her a regular wife."

Originally, he wanted to promise Yier to Feng Yunyi, but it can be seen that he put all his heart on Qinger. Even if Yier earns the position of wife, he will not be the most favored one in the future. After much deliberation, he still thinks Twelve is more suitable .

When the twelve princesses heard this, their eyes lit up immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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