Chapter 392 Bold, Kneel Down

Chapter 390 Bold, Kneel Down

"Elder Sister Eleven, do you really want to get married?" Xiao Chuhan walked up to Xiao Qing'er, took her hand, and a look of reluctance flashed in his eyes.

Xiao Qing'er patted his head, her voice was very gentle, "Well, I will get married in three days, and you can come to Canglan Country to play with me in the future."

"Then who do you want to marry?" Xiao Chuhan knew that girls would definitely marry when they grow up, but he didn't expect that he had only left the palace for a few days, and his eleventh sister was about to get married.

Apart from sister Yi'er among the elder sisters, he likes the quiet and gentle elder sister of the eleventh emperor the most.

Originally, he didn't know her. He came here unintentionally two years ago. At that time, he accidentally fell and broke his leg.

Xiao Qing'er saw that his leg was injured, so she brought him back to this small yard, bandaged his wound first, and made him some food.

From then on, he came here to look for her from time to time, knowing that she was living a bad life, he would occasionally bring her some delicious food, and bring her some quilts in winter.

He was still young, and he didn't have the ability to make her move out of here, so he could only do his best to help her.

"Marry my elder brother." Feng Yunyao said softly.

"Your elder brother?" Xiao Chuhan frowned, "Is he good, will he treat my sister well?"

Sister Eleven has a birthmark on her face, and most men like beautiful ones. Although he also thinks that Elder Sister looks good, those secular men don't think so.

What if this sister's brother married her for the sake of Qing'er's sister and princess.

"My brother will definitely treat Sister Qing'er well, because Sister Qing'er is my brother's sweetheart." Feng Yunyao said to him seriously, not treating him as a child, but treating him as Xiao Qing'er's natal family.

This child obviously cares more about Xiao Qing'er, and might become Xiao Qing'er's backer in the future.

Xiao Chuhan still frowned, as if he was planning something, then raised his head and said to Feng Yunyao seriously: "Sister Feng, although you are my lifesaver, if your brother bullies my sister, I will Will not let him go."

"Don't worry, you don't have this chance." Feng Yunyao also said to him seriously, because the eldest brother will love Xiao Qing'er for the rest of his life.

Xiao Chuhan shrugged his small shoulders, "Then I'll wait and see."

"Okay." Feng Yunyao reached out and pinched his fleshy little face. This kid is very smart, and he will not be an ordinary person in the future.

Xiao Qing'er felt warm in her heart, she never thought that this child would protect her so much, don't look at other people who didn't help her well in daily life, otherwise she wouldn't have lived so peacefully till now.

"Han'er, are you not in the palace these few days?"

"Yes." Xiao Chuhan nodded obediently, and said, "Grandma's elder brother fell ill, so grandma took me to Han's house and stayed at Han's house for a few days."

"Han family?" Feng Yunyao became interested when she heard him mentioning the Han family, "Is it the Han family of the Eight Great Families?"

"Well, that's my grandmother's home."

She didn't expect that Han's family turned out to be Xiao Chuhan's grandmother's natal family. Did she want to make a breakthrough from here?

Taking the other seven treasures, she listed the Han family as the last, because she didn't know anyone from the Han family, so it was more difficult to act.

"The mother of the head of the Canghai Kingdom is the eldest daughter of the Han family." Xiaobai explained to her from the side, "The current head of the Han family is the eldest brother of her first mother."

Xiaobai is usually more gossip, and he can speak very clearly about the relationship between the characters in various countries.

There is also such a relationship, Feng Yunyao tapped lightly with her hand on the table, obviously thinking about something.

As her guardian beast, how could she not know what she was planning, Xiaobai pulled Xiao Chuhan to sit on the chair, and said earnestly: "Xiaohan, I want to ask you something."

"What's the matter?" Xiao Chuhan still likes Xiaobai very much. No matter how smart he is, he is still a child. How could he not like such a cute little guy who can talk and grow up.

"Have you ever seen a knife in Han's house?"

"I've seen it." Xiao Chuhan nodded his head and said seriously.

Xiaobai's eyes lit up, and he quickly asked, "Where is it? Tell brother Xiaobai quickly, and brother will buy you sweets later."

sugar?Xiao Chuhan's face twitched, as if he was a four or five year old child.

However, he still said patiently: "The main weapon of the Han family is the knife, and knives can be seen everywhere in the Han family. If Brother Bai wants a knife, I can give you a lot."

"..." After going on for a long time, the child didn't understand what it said.

Xiaobai held his forehead speechlessly, "I'm talking about the precious sword."

"There are a lot of treasured swords, not to mention the Han family, even the imperial palace has many treasured swords."

"..." Xiaobai patted his forehead, and said directly, "I'm talking about the Hanxing knife."

"Han Xing Dao?" Xiao Chuhan thought for a while, then shook his head, "I've never heard of Han Xing Dao, how about I ask Grandpa Han for you?"


It still gave up the idea of ​​looking for information from the little guy, how could the kid know about the treasure of the Han family, let alone he was not from the Han family.

Feng Yunyao, who had been silent all this time, looked at Xiao Chuhan and asked, "Master Han is sick?"

"Well, he's very sick, and people say he won't live long." Although Xiao Chuhan is small, he can still understand the conversations between adults, and Grandpa Han is indeed seriously ill. I can't even speak clearly, and I can't even sit up.

"Xiaohan, take me to your grandmother."

"What are you looking for with my grandmother? She is in a bad mood and doesn't want to see anyone." In order to avoid Feng Yunyao from running into a wall, Xiao Chuhan told her. After all, he still has a good impression of this sister Feng and doesn't want to She hit a wall.

Feng Yunyao put her hand on his head and rubbed it. His hair was as soft and smooth as Xiaobai's hair, and it felt very soft to the touch, "I am proficient in medical skills, maybe I can save your Grandpa Han. I turned it down."

"Can you save Grandpa Han?" Xiao Chuhan was a little surprised. You must know that those imperial physicians are basically grandpas with white beards, and the young ones can only help them.

He knew that Sister Feng was very capable. After all, he saw her save him and a group of children from those devils with his own eyes, but was she really good at medicine?


Seeing her indifferent expression, Xiao Chuhan pondered for a while, "Okay, I'll take you to see grandma."

He felt that he should trust her. After all, she was also Brother Xiaobai's master. The spirit beast that Brother Xiaobai could speak must have the same master. Besides, he had seen her strength before.

"I won't go, you go." Xiao Qing'er has never met this grandmother, so she probably doesn't like her, and besides, she is about to get married, and she just wants to stay in the house and embroider and make more embroidery.

Feng Yunyao knew what she was thinking and didn't force her.

"Then be careful, release this thing if there is any danger." Handed the two flares to Xiao Qing'er, and taught her how to use them.

When she was leaving, she casually set up another formation in the small courtyard. This formation can control outsiders for a period of time, which is enough time for her to come and save people.

"I have set up a formation here with you. Xiaobai has a lot to eat. If you are hungry, use these to fill your stomach first. I will be back before dark."

After explaining something, Feng Yunyao took Xiao Chuhan and Xiaobai to the Empress Dowager of Canghai Kingdom.

Sure enough, as Xiao Chuhan said, they were blocked from the door, and even Xiao Chuhan was politely dissuaded by the eunuchs in Empress Dowager Han's palace.

"Eunuch Liu, sister Feng is very good at medicine, maybe she can cure Grandpa Han's illness, so you can tell grandma like this." Xiao Chuhan said with a sullen face, as serious as a little adult.

"This..." Eunuch Liu looked at Feng Yunyao with doubts. Seeing that she was so young, he couldn't believe that her medical skills were good.

What's more, it's a girl. You must know that there are very few women who study medicine in the Sky Continent.

Even if she knows a little bit of medical skills, so many good doctors are helpless, let alone a young girl.

"The Empress Dowager is in a bad mood right now. Your Highness should go back. After two days when the Empress Dowager is in a good mood, Your Highness will come to play with her old man again." Eunuch Liu persuaded.

His disbelief made Xiao Chuhan very depressed, and he frowned and said, "Eunuch Liu, although I am young, you should also know that I am not a casual person. This Sister Feng's medical skills are really good. Just let her meet grandma, if grandma blames me, I will bear it."

Eunuch Liu looked hesitant. This little highness is his favorite, and he still understands his temper. Don't look at him as a kid. In fact, he is more prudent and measured than his brothers and sisters.

After thinking for a while, he said: "Okay then, this old servant will go in and ask if the Empress Dowager would like to see you."


After Eunuch Liu went in, he came out soon, "Your Highness, the Empress Dowager let you in with this girl."

"Eunuch Liu, look, I said that grandma will definitely agree." Xiao Chuhan raised his eyebrows and said something to Eunuch Liu, and then walked in holding Feng Yunyao's hand.

Empress Dowager Han is not young anymore, with gorgeous hair and old-fashioned, but she is still very noble and her temperament is still there.

"Han'er, Aijia heard that you found a doctor for your grandpa Han?"

"Well, this is Sister Feng." Xiao Chuhan hurriedly pulled Feng Yunyao in front of Empress Dowager Han, "Sister Feng's medical skills are good, and she might be able to save Grandpa Han, but Grandpa Han is very ill, even if the time comes You can't blame her if you can't cure it."

While praising Feng Yunyao, he also did not forget to add a layer of protection to her. If Grandpa Han died, grandma would turn her anger on Sister Feng, and it would be bad if she killed Sister Feng.

"Empress Dowager Han." Feng Yunyao gave a junior salute to Empress Dowager Han, then straightened her waist and stood there neither humble nor overbearing.

Empress Dowager Han was a little dissatisfied with her attitude, and said coldly, "Why don't you kneel when you see Aijia."

This woman is too daring, a little doctor dares to salute as a junior in front of her.

"The only person in the world who can make me kneel down is my grandfather." Feng Yunyao's attitude immediately cooled down, even though she was as indifferent as ever, she clearly suppressed the Queen Mother Han in terms of momentum.

Empress Dowager Han didn't expect such a small girl to have such a strong aura, she couldn't help feeling a little suspicious, "Don't you know that Aijia is the queen mother? cut off your head."

"Grandmother can't." When Xiao Chuhan heard that Feng Yunyao was going to be killed, he panicked and lost his usual composure, "Grandmother, Sister Feng didn't ignore you, she gave you a junior gift just now. "

Normally, he would salute like this when he saw his grandmother. Sister Feng was of the same generation as him, so it was absolutely right to salute like this. Besides, Elder Sister Eleven was going to marry Sister Feng's eldest brother.

Since she is called a grandmother, it is not appropriate to perform junior salutes.

Empress Dowager Han's face darkened. Seeing this, Eunuch Liu immediately scolded Feng Yunyao, "Bold, even if you are a doctor with good medical skills, you have to kneel down when you see the Empress Dowager. Hurry up and kneel down!" , the empress dowager is merciful and will not kill you."

After all, this is the doctor that His Royal Highness found. If he really cut off his head, it will definitely cast a certain shadow on His Royal Highness.

The little Highness was whom he had grown up with, just like his own child, so he couldn't be allowed to have a bad influence.

"Hehe, the children of my Feng family have never knelt down before others, even the Queen Mother, how can I afford to bow down." Feng Yunyao walked to the side and sat down on a chair, not treating herself as an outsider at all.

Wait, she will definitely let the queen mother beg her.

"Feng Family?" Empress Dowager Han's eyebrows darkened, "You are Feng Yunyao?"

Although she is not in the palace these days, she also knows what happened in the palace these days.

The future head of the Feng family, Feng Yunyi, came to their Canghai country to ask for a princess as his wife, and she was very clear about this matter.

She also knew that Feng Yunyi chose Xiao Qing'er in the end, she had never seen that girl before, but she also knew that she had a big birthmark on her face, and she looked ugly.

When she learned of this, she was still puzzled.

After all, ten 23 or fourteen, none of them looks better than Xiao Qing'er, but Feng Yunyi chose Xiao Qing'er as his wife.

However, because of his elder brother's health, he did not pursue the matter carefully.

Now hearing Han'er mention it, I became interested.

(End of this chapter)

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