Chapter 397 The Secret on the Hanxing Knife
Chapter 390 The Seventh Secret on the Hanxing Knife
As soon as she said this, the faces of the people present suddenly turned into various colors in the palette, especially the Empress Dowager Han, who became stiff.

She never thought that she would say these words so frankly. Even if ordinary people have such a heart to fight back, they would not say it. She has no scruples at all.

Could it be that she is really so confident that with the power of the Feng family, she can overthrow a country and a big family?

If it were someone else, they might not believe it, but Feng Yunyao believed it inexplicably, she could definitely do it.

For a moment, Empress Dowager Han began to worry about lending her the Hanxing Knife, what would happen if she didn't return it.

Thinking about it this way, he said: "The Ai family needs you to write down a written statement, and you must return the Hanxing knife after one month, otherwise you will be despised by the world."

"Yes, but within three months, because I can't guarantee that I can do it in one month." Feng Yunyao put her eyes on Patriarch Han, and while healing him, she took advantage of the situation to answer Queen Mother Han's words.

three months?Empress Dowager Han frowned, "That's good."

As long as there is a time limit, I am not afraid that she will not return it.

If Feng Yunyao cheats and refuses to return the Han Xing Dao by then, she can call on all the major forces in the Sky Continent to eradicate the Feng family together.

After all, it was her fault first, and I believe his family would agree to stand on the same front with their Han family in order to protect themselves.

Afterwards, no one dared to disturb Feng Yunyao's treatment, no matter how dissatisfied the Han family was, no one dared to say a word with the Empress Dowager Han in charge.

For a moment, there was complete silence in the room, everyone was staring at Feng Yunyao's movements, seeing her dizzying speed with needles.

This technique made the temporary assistant Physician Wu admire it very much. His old eyes were fixed on him, for fear that he would miss a step in the blink of an eye. Even so, he still missed most of it, because Feng Yunyao's movements were too fast. .

He has lived for most of his life, and this is the first time he has seen such exquisite needlework, and what is even more unbelievable is that such exquisite needlework came from the hands of a little girl.

If he wasn't too old, he would have wanted to worship Feng Yunyao as his teacher. Of course, even if he wanted to worship now, he wouldn't be accepted.

After nearly two hours, Feng Yunyao stopped.

"How?" Seeing her stop, Queen Mother Han hurriedly stood up from the chair and walked over.

Feng Yunyao took the sweat towel from Xiaobai's paws and wiped the sweat off her face, then took a sip of the teacup it handed over, before answering the Empress Dowager Han's words, "We have passed the danger, we can just improve our self-cultivation in the future. "

Hearing this, Empress Dowager Han breathed a sigh of relief, but she still asked Imperial Physician Wu to make another diagnosis, and did not completely relax until Wu Imperial Physician said that she had passed the danger.

Looking at Feng Yunyao's eyes again, her eyes changed a lot, she never thought that this girl is really capable, she can save people who are about to die, her medical skills are really amazing.

Anyway, the good news is that the big brother is finally out of danger, which is more important than anything.

However, not all the people present were as happy as Yang Shi and Queen Mother Han, after all, they all had their own plans in mind.

Once the head of the Han family dies, the position of the head of the family will naturally fall to the three sons of the Han family. As their mother, they don't have to continue to lie low in front of the Yang family, and even become the real matriarch of the family.

Never expected that Feng Yunyao would actually save Patriarch Han.

"Brother, when will he wake up?"

"That's right, when will Mr. Feng wake up?" Yang Shi also asked hastily. If the master doesn't wake up, she won't be at ease for a day.

Feng Yunyao glanced at Patriarch Han who was still in a coma, lowered her eyes slightly and said, "That's all right now."

It happened that she had something to discuss with Patriarch Han. Although Empress Dowager Han agreed to lend her the Han Xing Dao, she didn't get Patriarch Han's consent.

"Really? That's great." Yang was extremely excited, wishing to be grateful to Feng Yunyao, this is simply a miracle doctor, those rumored miracle doctors in the world are nothing compared to this girl.

Feng Yunyao took a silver needle and pricked Patriarch Han's Huitong acupoint, and when she pulled out the needle, Patriarch Han faintly woke up.

"Cough cough..."

"Master, you finally woke up, you scared me to death." Yang rushed over to hold his hand, crying bitterly.

The other concubine's room also scrambled forward, crying loudly.

Feng Yunyao frowned, raised her plain hand lightly, and moved Yang Shi and the concubines who were surrounded by the bed aside, and said in a deep voice: "Patriarch Han has not recovered yet, I hope Madam will not disturb him."

"Oh, okay, okay, I'm not arguing." Yang Shi wiped away her tears knowingly, and stood aside, while the other concubines didn't dare to make trouble even if they had a lot of dissatisfaction in their hearts.

"Master, you almost died this time. Fortunately, Miss Feng is very skilled in medicine, and she saved you." Yang said in a very gentle voice to Patriarch Han who had just woken up.

Patriarch Han's body is very weak, but his mind is completely clear, and he knows that he almost died.

"Ahem, thank you, Miss Feng, for saving my life." She struggled to sit up on the bed, but she didn't have the strength.

Yang looked at Feng Yunyao, and asked her silently if Patriarch Han could sit up.

"Help him up."

Hearing Feng Yunyao's consent, Yang gently helped Patriarch Han to sit up, and put a soft pillow behind him.

Now except for Feng Yunyao, she doesn't listen to anyone, because no one can match her medical skills.

Feng Yunyao swept all the people in the house, and said softly to Patriarch Han, "Patriarch Han, I have something to tell you, please let everyone except Mrs. Han and the Queen Mother go out."

"Why did you let us go out?" Han Boguang was dissatisfied immediately. You must know that this was invited by the Empress Dowager Han, so he was worried about keeping them here.

What if the father suddenly died suddenly, or they deliberately induced him to write a suicide note against him.

"Get out!" Empress Dowager Han slammed her dragon-headed crutch on the ground, angrily shouting at him.

Han Boguang couldn't help shrinking in fright, he didn't even dare to refute, and retreated silently with the others.

In the entire Han family, besides his father, he was the queen mother's aunt who was most afraid of him.

Seeing his son being so timid and fearful, Patriarch Han's eyes were full of disappointment.

Thinking that he was also a person of accomplishment all his life, why did he give birth to so many useless people, all of them are useless.

Fortunately, he left behind, otherwise the Han family would be defeated in the next generation.

Feng Yunyao asked Xiaobai and the housekeeper of the Han family to guard outside, not allowing others to eavesdrop.

"Patriarch Han, let me tell you that your injury this time was caused by humans."

As soon as she said this, Patriarch Han frowned, "Young lady, why did you say that, isn't this old man obsessed with kung fu?"

Because of his old age and his eagerness for success and wanting to break through Xuanzong, this led to a madness and almost lost his life.

"If it was just going crazy, Patriarch Han's body wouldn't suffer such serious injuries, but someone took advantage of your going crazy and gave you dark fire grass. Adding this kind of poisonous grass will not make you show signs of poisoning. At that time, the cause of death will still be insanity." Feng Yunyao said quietly.

She is not a nosy person, but since she uses other people's things, she must exchange them with sincerity.

"Sister Feng, is there someone in the Han family who wants to harm Grandpa Han?" Xiao Chuhan had been silent all this time, and only now could he not help but interject.

It must be the people around him who can poison Grandpa Han when Grandpa Han is in a state of madness.

Yang couldn't help thinking about it carefully, "I remember that the master spent a month in seclusion. During this month, the housekeeper and I have always delivered meals. Could it be the housekeeper?"

"It can't be him." Patriarch Han immediately vetoed her guess, "The housekeeper has worked with me for decades, how could he harm me."

As soon as he said this, Yang's face suddenly changed, and his eyes were full of sadness, "Master, you don't doubt it's me, do you?"

If it's not the housekeeper, she's the only one who has a chance, but she doesn't even know what the Netherfire Grass is, how could she poison the master, and if something happens to the master, what good will it do her.

Patriarch Han pressed his brows with some headaches and said: "I didn't doubt you. I was somewhat sane when I first became obsessed. I remember a figure appeared in the dark room. Judging from the height of this person, it is definitely not you and the housekeeper. Wait. I'm feeling better, and I'll definitely look into this matter."

"This is a matter of the Han family. You can settle it yourself in the future. Now it's time to talk about mine." Feng Yunyao knew that the head of the Han family would not let it go, but she would not be able to find the murderer for a while, not to mention that she would not stay in the Han family. After all, she is busy.

Patriarch Han is also a man of great stature and military strategy. Hearing what she said, he followed her words and asked, "Girl, is there anything I can do for you?"

"Before I rescued you, I already mentioned to Queen Mother Han and the others that as long as I save you, I must lend me the Hanxing Saber."

As soon as she said this, Patriarch Han's face suddenly darkened, and he looked at Queen Mother Han, "There is such a thing."

"That's right, the Ai family has agreed, nothing is more important than your life." Queen Mother Han said frankly.

Patriarch Han sighed softly, and said: "In this case, Miss Feng will take the Hanxing Knife away, but the Hanxing Knife is a family heirloom of the Han family, please return it after using it."

Their martial arts practitioners all made promises. Since they saved his life and borrowed the Hanxing Saber as a condition, they naturally had to fulfill the agreement.

Afterwards, he changed his voice and said, "You can lend the Hanxing Knife to the girl, but I'm afraid the girl won't be able to open the Hanxing Knife."

Can't open it?Feng Yunyao couldn't help looking at the mahogany box on the table.

Can she use it if she can't open it?

"Miss, you'll know if you try it." Patriarch Han's old eyes flashed a cunning look.

Feng Yunyao went over and opened the wooden box.

There is a knife made of black black iron stone inside. This knife is not as huge and heavy as imagined, but a light knife, which is about the same weight as an ordinary sword.

There are ancient patterns engraved on it, looking at these patterns, Feng Yunyao couldn't help but think of the Mu family's ice soul folder and the Ye family's magic box, even their Feng family's illusion mirror also has such ancient patterns.

It is said to be a pattern, but it looks like a kind of rune.

Why do these kinds of treasures have the same runes on them? Could it be that there is some connection between them?
(End of this chapter)

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