Chapter 402 Opening the Second Layer of the Holy Cauldron
Chapter [-] Opening the Second Layer of the Holy Cauldron
"Forget it, let it be like this." How could Feng Yunyao not know that she did this to save the lives of the two princesses.

She had already beaten the two of them half to death, and it would be completely useless if they survived with a hundred sticks. What's more, it was an inhuman torture for a woman who hated to marry to stay in the nunnery all year round.

Those who should be punished have been punished as they should, and the next thing is Xiao Qing'er and Feng Yunyi's marriage.

Because of this incident, Xiao Qing'er's dowry will be more spectacular and richer, and even Feng Yunyi's dowry will be brought by Xiao Qing'er to Feng's house.

It can be said that this time is a glorious marriage. Outsiders who don't know it think that the Lord of the Canghai Kingdom is marrying his favorite daughter.

After this wedding, the status of the Feng family on the Sky Continent immediately rose from the last of the eight major families to the first. No one of them could produce two Xuanzong-level masters at once, let alone Feng Yunyi who was also in Feng Yunyao. With the help of Lingxuan, he directly broke through Lingxuan.

What's more, the Feng family also produced an eighth-rank alchemist. If such a family is not the number one, which one would dare to be the number one.

In the past few days, Feng Yunyi's face was full of spring breeze, and he was even more proud, his whole body was full of sunshine and handsome.

Feng Yunyao, however, hid in the holy cauldron all day, either refining medicine or treating Emperor Jiushang.

But his pulse became weaker and weaker, and sometimes he stopped for more than ten seconds without a pulse.

"Master, you have to persevere. When I collect the remaining treasures, I will take you out of here and return to your original place."

Feng Yunyao held one of Di Jiushang's hands, put her face on his palm, whispered softly, but her heart was silent.

Next, she is going to the Qiongling Kingdom. As for the Yuebai Sword of Shangguan’s family, she has already repaired a book. She hopes that Shangguan Juechen will see it and lend her the Yuebai Sword, so that she can save some time to fight for other treasures .

Excluding the Shangguan family, only the Lin family and the Meng family remained.

The Lin family was different from other families in that they did not protect the treasures thoroughly, but used them as Lin Lang's weapons all the time.

There is no need to worry about the fireworks hammer, as long as Lin Lang has it, he will lend it to her.

Meng family's phantom iron boots.

Feng Yunyao recalled the days when she and Meng Mianmian were together. She remembered the first time they met. Meng Mianmian's speed of escape could be said to be extremely fast. Could it be that she is the inheritor of the direct line of the Meng family?
If this is the case, wouldn't it be easier for the Meng family's phantom iron boots?

Tomorrow, she will go to Qiongling Kingdom.

"Master, I'm about to gather all eight treasures, and we're leaving here soon."

Feng Yunyao looked at his god-like handsome face, lowered her head and kissed his forehead.

After collecting the eight treasures, I hope that there will be no other situations and they can return to Tongtian Continent smoothly.

At this time, Feng Yunyao's hand holding Di Jiushang suddenly stopped, paused for a moment, and then she panicked.

How could there be no pulse, the longest pause in the past was only a dozen seconds, but now it has stopped for almost 1 minute.

Feng Yunyao looked solemn, pinched Di Jiushang's pulse with one hand, and stroked the artery on his neck with the other.

Not jumping anymore.

Feng Yunyao pinched Di Jiushang's wrist, and kept sending profound energy into his body, only hoping that his pulse could beat a little, even if it was just a little bit, it would prove that he was still alive.

Master, Ah Jiu, we will soon be assembled, please persevere.

It only takes a few days for her to collect all the treasures.

Feng Yunyao desperately helped Emperor Jiushang to heal her. After a lot of tossing, her stopped pulse gradually started beating, but she was so weak that she could hardly feel it.

"Master, Master Master, his soul body is also very weak." Xiao Bai could see the human soul body, frowning and looking at Di Jiushang lying on the bed with distress.

Is Master Master really going to die? If he is gone, Master will be so sad, and Xiaofeng will definitely be sad to death, and it is also very sad.

Feng Yunyao's body froze suddenly, she couldn't pin all her hopes on returning to Tongtian Continent, she had to find a way to help him restrain his injuries.

His body was at the end of the road, but in this situation, he had to forcibly refine the twelve-grade elixir, so how could his current body be able to resist that kind of powerful backlash.

Being able to leave a breath is already supported by his greatest will.

What should she do to save him.

Feng Yunyao scratched her hair agitatedly and dully, she just pulled out a strand of hair, which was still stained with blood, but she didn't feel any pain at all, all she could think about was how to treat Di Jiushang .

At this time, her eyebrows and eyes moved slightly, she hurriedly looked at Xiaobai and said, "Xiaobai, where is the mirage pearl you stole in Canghai Kingdom?"

Didn't Xiaobai say that as long as the god-cultivating elixir of the tenth rank or above refined from mirage beads can help Di Jiushang, and it is also very beneficial to him.

"I can't do it, Master, with your current cultivation base, you can't refine the tenth-rank or higher cultivation pill. If you don't do it, there will be no scum left." Xiaobai hurriedly shook his head, it disagreed with her refining now.

The reason why it took out the mirage bead was to wait for a high-rank alchemist to refine it in the Tongtian Continent, not to ask the master to refine a tenth-rank or higher cultivation pill.

Feng Yunyao didn't continue to look for it for mirage beads, she knew the virtues of this little beast best, and there were only a few places where it put things.

Raising his eyes to inspect the space, he finally fixed his gaze on one place, and walked over.

"Oh, master, the mirage pearl is not there, really not."

Seeing her passing by, Xiaobai rushed over like a bullet with his small body, and hugged the vase that was taller than it.

"You're not asking for it." Feng Yunyao glanced at it, and was about to reach for the vase.

Xiao Bai knew that he couldn't compete with her, so he simply poked his head into the vase, only his tail and two dragon claws were exposed, which looked like a vase stopper.

"Master, I can't just watch you go to die. Don't force me. If you are in a hurry, I will eat it directly." Xiaobai put his head in the vase and said in a low voice.

Feng Yunyao pulled it out of the vase by its tail, and threw it aside, "Don't worry, I won't let myself die."

She can refine the Cultivation God Pill, and she will not die.

Xiaobai pouted bitterly, feeling very sad, but fortunately, it reacted quickly and took out the mirage pearl.

When it was arguing with its master, it had already thrown the mirage in a hidden place, hum, the master must not be able to find it.

Just when it was triumphant, Feng Yunyao waved a bead in front of its eyes, and then put it away.

"Master, did you find it?" Xiaobai's head drooped, completely desperate.

Playing Mind Eyes can never beat its master, its IQ is not worth mentioning to the master.

"Master, it's really dangerous for you to refine a god-cultivating pill above tenth grade." Even though Xiaobai knew that the matter was a foregone conclusion, he still wanted to persuade the master a few more words, hoping to change the master's opinion.

With the current strength of the master, it is easy to refine the eighth rank, and it is also possible to refine the ninth rank alchemy, but the tenth rank is one level behind, and it is still a cultivation pill. This thing can't be done well. You are obviously refining the tenth rank. Maybe there is a problem with the heat or profound strength, so you can skip the level directly, or maybe you are practicing the eleventh grade.

This is also the reason why the cultivation pill is difficult to refine. Generally, the alchemists who refine the cultivation pill will choose the pill that is two or three levels lower than their own.

Now the master not only does not choose a lower one, but also chooses a pill that is two levels higher than his own. If this is refined, there will be no ashes left that have not been backlashed.

Thinking that his master might turn into a handful of ashes, or even no ashes left, Xiaobai felt so sad and so heartbroken.

Feng Yunyao glanced at Di Jiushang, her brows and eyes were as dark as stagnant water.

She can wait for her level to improve, but can Di Jiushang wait?

Now the death color on his face is getting heavier and heavier, and his pulse is getting weaker and weaker. It stopped for a long time just now. If things go on like this, before he opens the door to the Bone Spirit Sealing Realm, he will...

Feng Yunyao's heart was dull, and her eyes were even more swollen. She moved her eyes and walked to the bookshelf, looking up at it.

"The second layer can be opened." She doesn't know what the second layer of the Holy Cauldron is. There are many cultivation methods for pills below the tenth rank, and some cultivation experience, but they are all aimed at low-level people.

Opening the second floor will definitely give her something unexpected. I hope there are books about refining the cultivation pill so that she can find a better way to refine the cultivation pill.

In fact, her fourth dragon soul seal has been untied, and she doesn't know how to untie it at all.

After the battle with the ghost king's subordinates in the Canglan Kingdom's palace, her fourth dragon soul seal was inexplicably released.

What's even more strange is that she didn't remember how she killed those masters, some of them had higher cultivation than her. At that time, she remembered seeing her grandpa dying, and she was so angry that she lost consciousness. .

When she woke up completely, there were corpses all over the floor. At that time, all her attention was on Grandpa, and she didn't think much about it.

Afterwards, on the contrary, she felt very weird. Could it be that she was too angry and inspired her unbelievable limit of ability?
This is also possible, after all, when a person is at the limit, it is indeed possible to arouse a power that is greater than his true strength.

Now the focus should be on how to open the second layer.

Feng Yunyao turned her attention to the roof again.

She then sat cross-legged in the water of the spiritual spring, making talismans with both hands.

Because when contracting the Purple Spirit Holy Cauldron, some formulas were stuffed into her mind, and these formulas were the method to open the level of the Holy Cauldron.

It's just that a strong spiritual power is needed to support the opening of the level. The spiritual power is not only good willpower, but also a strong profound force to assist. Of course, to open the second level, you must reach the eighth-rank alchemist .

When opening the level, it might hurt one's sanity, leading to weakening of mental power, which is similar to mental weakness.

"No, the master wants to open the barrier." Xiaobai became more worried when he saw her intention.

Sitting there quickly, the old god was there, as if he was doing something important.

It is a guardian beast. Although it can't help much in terms of strength now, it can fill up for the master in terms of spiritual power.

(End of this chapter)

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