Chapter 405 Feng Yunyao Injured

Chapter [-]: Feng Yunyao is Injured

"With your current cultivation level, you will really die." Xiao Bai stomped his feet anxiously, his cheeks puffed up, "Master, what will I do if you die."

Feng Yunyao felt a little comforted when she heard it's words.

"If you die, wouldn't I become the number one nemesis in the world of beasts in the future? First, master, master, and master, then how can I mess around in the world of beasts?"

Of course, I am more reluctant to part with the current owner. Although the owner occasionally abuses it, he is still very good to it and always treats it as a friend. Where can I find such an owner?

Feng Yunyao's heart, which was still warm, was completely cooled by what it said, and she put it aside by the tail, "Let's go and see your spirit grass."

The stinky little white can't even say something nice.

"Master, you need to think about it seriously, master master will not agree with you to do this after knowing about it." Xiaobai still persuasively persuaded him, it was really reluctant to let its master die.

If the master is at the Xuanwang level, the iron nails will not persuade him much, but the master is Xuanzong, and if he is one level away, he will be far behind.

Moreover, the master seems to have chosen a shortcut. If he can't control the way and jump directly to the [-]th Grade Cultivation Pill, the master will definitely be turned into ashes.

Feng Yunyao glanced at Di Jiushang who could barely feel his breath, her eyes darkened a lot, "If it were him, he would be even more desperate."

In order not to make her sad, he seemed to have refined a twelve-grade elixir to save grandpa, so how could she be afraid of death and not save him.

What she said immediately made Xiaobai speechless, and if it was the master master, let alone the tenth rank cultivation pill, even if the fifteenth rank is as long as the master needs it, the master master will refine it without hesitation.

Forget it, it's a big deal and see if it can help.

In fact, outsiders can't help at all with regard to the backlash of the elixir. The backlash of the elixir refined within one's own ability will not appear in any way, but there will be lightning strikes outside one's own ability.

It is unstoppable for this kind of backlash against outsiders, even if it is blocked, it will directly pass through and hit the alchemy person, and the power will not be reduced at all.

Xiaobai squatted on the ground, not in the mood to look at the herbs he had grown, and only thought about how he could help his master alleviate some backlash.

Feng Yunyao prepared all the ingredients for the Cultivation God Pill one by one. These were prepared by her long ago, so the preparation was not so strenuous.

Then he changed the black cauldron to normal size and started to make alchemy.

The water used in alchemy is spiritual spring water, so it should get twice the result with half the effort.

Feng Yunyao ignited the black cauldron with her profound strength, carefully refining the medicine, being very careful in every step, if something went wrong in any step, the efficacy of the medicine would be greatly reduced, and there might be side effects on Di Jiushang's body.

With the passage of time, it soon came to the final steps of shaping and coloring.

Xiaobai's eyes widened, staring at the two pills that had already formed in the black cauldron, not to mention how nervous he was.

Because of limited ability, I dare not practice too many at one time, but I am afraid that one will be destroyed, so two are safer.

At this moment, the two cultivation pills began to roll in the black cauldron, rolling faster and faster.

"No, I have to leapfrog!" Seeing this, Xiaobai jumped up in fright, and really wanted to rush over to push the master away, but it couldn't, it's already at this time, pushing the master away is useless. The master will still suffer the same level of backlash.

Looking at the color of the elixir, Xiao Bai was completely dumbfounded, "The twelfth grade has surpassed two levels in one fell swoop."

At this moment, the clouds outside were dense, and the sky thundered like the end of the world.

Then, a thunderbolt struck directly from the dark cloudy sky, directly into Feng Yunyao's house, and smashed the entire yard into ruins.


Xiaobai looked at the thunder that was coming, and instinctively turned into a real body and wrapped Feng Yunyao's body.

Even if it couldn't stop it, it still couldn't just watch the powerful lightning strike its master.

Jinglei directly hit Feng Yunyao through Xiaobai's body. At this moment, a golden dragon mark appeared on her wrist. It appeared once when she contracted Xiaobai, and then disappeared automatically.

Then, a golden light shot out from her body, as if she was resisting the thunder from the outside world.

Feng Yunyao felt a destructive power hit her body, and all her internal organs seemed to be shattered for a moment.

A mouthful of blood spewed out, and she fell to the ground. The pain in her body made her sanity gradually blurred.

"Master, wow..."

Xiaobai turned back into a small body, held Feng Yunyao's paw and cried loudly.

Seeing Feng Yunyao like this, I thought she was dead, and forgot about the connection between myself and my master.

"Ahem, elixir." Feng Yunyao's blood kept overflowing from the corner of her mouth. She tried hard to stand up to get the elixir, but she couldn't stand up at all and could only crawl.

"Eh? Master, you're not dead?" Xiao Bai looked at Feng Yunyao who was moving slowly, his eyes lit up involuntarily.

Its body didn't react at all. If the master died, it would definitely react greatly. However, it is strange that the master was seriously injured, but it was not implicated. where to go.

"Master, I'll get it for you." Xiaobai realized that she wanted the pill, so he quickly jumped onto the black cauldron and took out the two pills inside.

Handed it to Feng Yunyao, "There are two in total, one seems to be broken."

In fact, the color of these two pills is not good, but at least one has pill patterns, while the other doesn't even have pill patterns, it's as dark as a sheep dung.

Even a good one can only be called a low-grade pill, not a top-grade pill, and the taste is a bit wrong.

However, at least it is a twelfth-grade cultivating god pill, even if it is not well refined, its efficacy will be comparable to that of a tenth-grade pill.

Feng Yunyao took the elixir, looked at the color on it, and couldn't help frowning.

The quality of this elixir is very bad, I don't know if Master has any effect after taking it.

Although the quality is not good, it is at least the twelfth grade, and the effect should be similar to that of the tenth grade Cultivation Pill.

She also didn't have the energy to refine it a second time.

Xiaobai gave her the elixir, and then ran to the spiritual spring again, took some spiritual spring water and fed it to her.

Then he took out a quilt and pillow from the Qiankun bag, put it on Feng Yunyao's back, let her half sit there, at least it would be more comfortable.

Feng Yunyao put away the pills, took a bottle of blood-enriching pills, poured out five pills, stuffed them into her mouth, and swallowed them.

If someone else sees it, they will definitely cry and cry. I ate five eight-rank blood-enriching pills at once. Do I want to be so extravagant and wasteful?

After resting for a while, when his body gained strength, he pressed the ground and crawled to the ground before it collapsed, and fed the elixir into Di Jiushang's mouth, "Master, I can only make this kind of not-so-good elixir. I hope useful to you."

Because of this sudden thunderstorm, Feng Mansion was in chaos.

"It's not good, Patriarch, the courtyard where the eldest lady lived was smashed into ruins by lightning." A servant hurried over to report.

"What!" Yaoyao is still in the yard today!

Feng's family leader seemed to have been hit on the head. He was already in poor health, and couldn't bear such a blow and passed out all of a sudden.

"Grandpa." Feng Yunyi hurriedly supported his body, letting him lean on the bed, "I'm going to see my sister."

"Qing'er, you stay here and look at Grandpa first."

"it is good."

Feng Yunyi gave orders to Xiao Qing'er and ran out in a hurry.

He also heard the sound of thunder just now, and knew that it was very close to them, but he didn't expect that the place where he hit was the yard where his sister lived.

what happened?Could it be that Yaoyao concocted a elixir beyond her ability and was backlashed?

Thinking of this, my heart became more and more anxious, and I ran towards the place where Feng Yunyao lived.

Arriving at the courtyard where Feng Yunyao lived, looking at the ruins of the courtyard, not to mention the house, even the trees were chopped into several pieces, the whole person was dumbfounded.

"What are you doing standing there, dig quickly!"

Feng Yunyi's eye circles were red with heartache, and he, who had always been gentle, yelled at those standing around him.

Then, he swooped over and planed out with his hands.

"Yaoyao, Yaoyao, you must not have any accidents."

The servants also hurriedly joined the poaching team.

But everyone knew in their hearts that after being hacked like this, the eldest lady must be finished this time.

After Feng Yunyao fed the medicine to Emperor Jiushang, she rested on the soft bed.

At this moment, I heard the sound of digging outside and the sad call of my elder brother.

"I need to go out, otherwise the eldest brother and grandpa are not worried about death."

"But your body, master." Xiaobai felt that it would be better for the master to stay in Shengding, and thought for a while, "Master, get me out, and I will explain to them."

Feng Yunyao saw that she was covered in blood, and going out would only make them worry, so she agreed with Xiaobai's approach.

Move Xiaobai out of the holy cauldron with his mind.

"Brother Master." After Xiaobai came out, he quickly jumped in front of Feng Yunyi, "My master is fine, stop digging."

"Yaoyao is alright?" Feng Yunyi looked at Xiaobai, and then heaved a sigh of relief, but his frown still did not let go, "Where is Yaoyao?"

"She..." Xiaobai looked at the servants around him, rolled his eyes, jumped onto Feng Yunyi's shoulder, and said in a low voice, "Master was injured during alchemy, but there is no danger of life. It’s just that she’s recuperating in the Holy Cauldron now, she’s afraid that you’re worried, so she asked me to come out and tell you, she’ll probably come out in a day or two, don’t worry, master, she’ll be fine.”

Feng Yunyi was still very worried when he heard that Feng Yunyao was injured, but luckily he was alive.

He also knew that his sister had a treasure, and it was indeed better to recuperate inside than outside.

Thinking about it this way, he asked Xiaobai to go back to take care of Feng Yunyao, and he went to report to the old Patriarch Feng.

As for Feng Yunyao's yard, I didn't let the servants repair it here, but let them all withdraw. After all, Yaoyao is here to cultivate, and their cleaning here will definitely affect her.

Feng Yunyi was afraid that Feng's old Patriarch would be worried, so he didn't say that Feng Yunyao was injured, but said that she was not at Feng's house and went out.

"This thunder should be caused by backlash. How could it hit our Feng family and Yaoyao's." Obviously, the old master Feng didn't believe Feng Yunyi's words. Although he was a little confused, it didn't mean he was also stupid, "You Tell me, did something happen to Yaoyao?"

"This..." Feng Yunyi did not expect that he would not believe it.

Xiao Qing'er held his arm, and said to him in a gentle voice: "Husband, you'd better tell grandpa the truth, otherwise grandpa can only rely on guesswork and worry even more."

Feng Yunyi thought it was the same reason, so he told old Patriarch Feng about Feng Yunyao's injury.

"Yaoyao is injured, no, I'm going to see her." When Patriarch Feng heard that Feng Yunyao was injured, he hurried over without caring about his own health.

Feng Yunyi hurriedly brought him back, and said patiently: "Yaoyao is injured and needs rest, and her own medical skills are very high, you will not be able to help her, but will disturb her intensive training, don't worry , Yaoyao will definitely be safe."

"Yes, Grandpa, Sister Yaoyao's medical skills are very high. She will be fine, so you can rest assured here. If something happens to you, Yaoyao will definitely feel distressed when she finds out." Xiao Qinger also followed Coax.

After thinking about it, the old Patriarch Feng also felt that he couldn't help much in the past, and that he wanted his granddaughter to spend more energy in entertaining him, so it would be better to let her heal her wounds with peace of mind.

Although she gave up the idea of ​​going away, she was still very worried, "What kind of elixir did this girl make to attract such a powerful backlash?"

It was the first time in his life that he had seen such a backlash. Although he hadn't seen it, he knew just how powerful the thunderbolt was with the dark clouds and rolling thunder just now.

"Yun Yi, go to the treasure house of Feng's family and get the thousand-year-old blood spirit ginseng, dragon blood grass, and..."

Patriarch Feng reported dozens of precious medicinal materials in one go, and asked Feng Yunyi to send these things to Feng Yunyao.

Hope it helps her.

Feng Yunyi had no choice but to obey his request and go out.

If you don't send the things over there, the old man in his family will definitely not feel at ease.

It's just that even if he sent it there, he couldn't get in. The Holy Cauldron can only get in with Yaoyao's permission.

Just now she let Xiao Bai out instead of moving him in, obviously because she didn't want to disturb him, or the injury was more serious.

Thinking that Feng Yunyao might be seriously injured, his heart arose again, and he really wanted to go in and have a look at her, but he couldn't go in, and he didn't dare to yell at her to disturb her meditation.

However, he still took out the things in the treasure house, put them on the pile of ruins, and said in a warm voice: "Yaoyao, this is what grandpa gave you."

As soon as he said this, the pile of medicinal materials disappeared.

Seeing this, Feng Yunyi felt much more at ease, and then left the ruins, and found a few servants to guard them, so no one needed to come here to bother her.

Feng Yunyao transferred those medicinal materials into the Qiankun bag, and after some treatment by herself, although her body is still not well, she has some strength, at least she can stand up and walk around.

Now, when I think of the scene of backlash just now, I have lingering fears.

The Cultivation God Pill jumped directly to the twelfth grade. How powerful the thunder should be. I thought I was going to be finished this time, but I didn't expect to survive it. Moreover, the injuries to my body were not that fatal.

It is estimated that because of this second layer, her damage has been reduced a lot.

At this moment, Di Jiushang woke up from a coma.

"Master, you are awake."

(End of this chapter)

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