Chapter 407 You Should Call My Wife
Chapter [-] You Should Call My Wife
"Ah Jiu, I'll make mung bean cake for you." Feng Yunyao raised her hand to rub his head, her eyes were full of tenderness.

Seeing how gentle she was, Di Jiushang's worries and fears disappeared, and he immediately became happy like a child, "The mung bean cake made by mother must be delicious, but I don't know if there is any red milk cake."

Feng Yunyao's heart still twitched when she heard him calling mother, it was really hard to accept his title.

Don't worry, the child is younger than her, and since they knew each other, she has been a simple child. Although calling her mother is a bit shocking, it is acceptable.

But Di Jiushang is a man who is nearly 1.9 meters tall, and he was still so calm and sophisticated before, and he was her master in name, so he has lost two generations all of a sudden.

Feng Yunyao only hoped that he would get better soon, otherwise she would not be able to treat him as her son for the rest of her life if he kept on like this, since this is her husband she has a crush on.

Thinking of this, her brows and eyes moved slightly, and a sly smile appeared in her eyes, "Ah Jiu, I have something to discuss with you."

"Mother, what's the matter?" Di Jiushang stretched out his index finger to poke the bag of mung beans, and stared at her with his long and narrow dark eyes.

"Can you stop calling me mother?" Feng Yunyao blinked, trying to make her expression more sincere.

"You are my mother, what is Ah Jiu's mother's name?" Di Jiushang asked curiously with his big hands on his cheeks.

"Um, you can call me sister."

"No." Di Jiushang resolutely shook his head and disagreed, "Mother is mother, why do you call your sister, sister is of the same generation as me, you are an elder, how can Ah Jiu call you sister."

"..." Didn't it mean that he only had the IQ of three or four years old, how could he manage it so clearly.

Feng Yunyao originally wanted to take advantage of him when he was unconscious, so that she could use this to tease him when he regained consciousness, but she didn't expect that he would not go on the road.

"You can call me my wife." When Feng Yunyao said this, she tried not to laugh, and said solemnly.

"Wife?" Di Jiushang frowned, but finally shook his head, "Mother is very young and beautiful, why do you want me to call you old lady?"

Feng Yunyao's black line, this child's ability to diverge himself is not ordinary, "It's a wife, not an old woman, and a wife is a name for female elders, you are still young and don't understand."

"Oh." Di Jiushang nodded, still bewildered, "Wife, then I will call you mother wife from now on."

"Yes, just call it that way." Feng Yunyao put her arms around his waist and put her head on his shoulders, so that it feels like a relationship, and this is a couple.




"Great, you can call your wife I love you."

Now Di Jiushang became shy, but he still shouted openly: "I love you, my wife, and I love my mother."

"..." Can you remove the latter part?

Feng Yunyao kissed him on the face, and of course, it caused a certain great god to have red ears in the end. No matter whether he is sane or not, Di Jiushang's red ears really haven't changed at all.

"Ah Jiu, you can call me wife, I am also your elder." Xiaobai thinks that it and the master are of the same generation, and the current master master is the master's junior, so it is also the master master's elder.

"You can get out now." Feng Yunyao said with a dark face, she lifted Xiaobai's tail and threw it in front of the spirit grass.

Xiaobai was wronged and squatted in front of the spirit grass, looking injured, "Why don't you let Ah Jiu call me wife, I am also Ah Jiu's elder, heh heh, I won't play with you anymore, I will still play with my wife Let's play with the spirit grass."

"Xiaocao, you have to work harder and become a spiritual grass as soon as possible, so that the master can see my ability." Xiaobai touched the leaves of the herb and muttered.

Mung bean cake is easier to make, Feng Yunyao asked the chef of Xiafeng's family in advance, the first time it was made, the taste was not bad except that it looked a little rough.

"Mother, no, the mung bean cake made by my wife is delicious." Di Jiushang stuffed it into his mouth with a spoon while being sucked away by the heat.

There is no way, the original appearance of the pastry was made into a paste by Feng Yunyao.

"Save some for me." Xiaobai saw that the mung bean cake was ripe, and the depression in his heart was swept away, and he threw away the small shovel and ran over.

He took the spoon and grabbed it with Di Jiushang.

Feng Yunyao looked helplessly at Di Jiushang who was robbing Xiaobai for food, she had never seen such a great god.

Afterwards, he moved all the books about Cultivation Pill from the first floor, and sat there to read them.

The highest record in the book is only the tenth grade Cultivation God Pill. Fortunately, it is written in it that eating low-quality Cultivation God Pill will indeed have a certain impact on the human brain, but it does not say that it will make the mind return to three or four years old. , also said that such a situation is only temporary, as long as the effect of the Cultivation God Pill is completely digested, the effect will disappear.

Feng Yunyao sent the book back to the first floor, and saw that Di Jiushang and Xiaobai had already devoured the mung bean paste she made, and Xiaobai's face was covered with green paste. It has been reduced to three or four years old, but the appearance of eating is still elegant, not to mention getting on the clothes and faces, and there is not even a little scum on the lips.

"Mother, oh no, my wife, Ah Jiu left some for you." Seeing that Feng Yunyao stopped reading, Di Jiushang quickly handed over a bowl of mung bean paste that he had hidden in advance.

Feng Yunyao took the bowl, looking at the green paste inside, she really didn't have any appetite, and she didn't know how these two guys managed to eat such a bowl.

"I'm not hungry, you guys eat." Then, he put the bowl into Di Jiushang's hand, but before he could hold it steady, he stretched out a paw and took it away.

Holding the bowl, Xiaobai ran to the side to eat happily, "Master, your paste is so delicious, make more for me in the future."

"...It's mung bean cake, not mush." ​​Feng Yunyao gave it a blank look.

"I agree with my wife. Although it is mung bean paste, my wife said that it is mung bean cake and mung bean cake." Di Jiushang, who is his number one fan, immediately helped Feng Yunyao to anger Xiaobai.

The corner of Xiaobai's mouth twitched, he was too lazy to argue with a delirious person, it was more important to eat mung beans.

After they finished eating, Feng Yunyao simply packed up the things and decided that it would be better to come out.

It is impossible for them to stay in the holy tripod all the time, and there are still three treasures that have not been gathered.

With Di Jiushang's current appearance, he couldn't be allowed to stay here alone. He would definitely be afraid that she would abandon him, so it would be better to bring him by his side.

It's just his current appearance, if he goes out, he will have to explain it.

Thinking of this, Feng Yunyao gave Di Jiushang an exchange pill, "Ah Jiu, take this pill."

"Oh, good." Di Jiushang didn't take any precautions against her, took the pill and threw it into his mouth and swallowed it.

Soon his appearance began to change, but Feng Yunyao couldn't help sighing just looking at his appearance after eating and changing Rong Dan.

She changed Rong Dan's appearance after eating it, and she became very ordinary.

But Di Jiushang's original appearance was extremely handsome, but after eating the Rong Dan, he was still so fascinating.

Now his skin is porcelain white, his eyes are black and big, and his facial features are full of aura, just like an elf prince who has come down to earth, the cleanliness of his body can make this dirty world a bit transparent.

However, the current appearance is much better than before, at least the sharpness is covered up a bit, so that it will not become the focus of attention wherever it goes.

Feng Yunyao moved them out of the holy cauldron with her thoughts.

Seeing her walking out of the courtyard with a young man with outstanding looks, the servants of the Feng family were all curious, but they didn't dare to ask more questions, they just saluted her and said hello.

"Wife, where is this place?" Looking at the unfamiliar environment, Di Jiushang pulled Feng Yunyao's clothes.

It wasn't the palace, it wasn't the other courtyard where he lived, and it wasn't the place where he practiced. Where did my mother bring him.

However, this place looks so cozy, much more comfortable than the cold palace.

"Our home." Feng Yunyao was afraid that he would be scared when he went to a strange place, so she patted his hand and said with a smile, "Ah Jiu, I will take you to see grandpa now."

"Grandpa?" Di Jiushang tilted his head in confusion and asked, "Mother, it's not my wife. Didn't Grandpa pass away?"

"...It's my grandfather."

"Does mother still have grandpa? Why don't I know?"

Feng Yunyao pinched her sore forehead, and patiently explained: "Before he was in retreat, it was because you were not born yet."

Is it easy to be a mother, especially the mother of a curious baby?

"Oh, but I didn't prepare a gift for my great-grandfather. Will my great-grandfather dislike me?" The more Di Jiushang thought about it, the more unhappy he became, and his mood became more and more depressed.

Grandpa?The corners of Feng Yunyao's mouth twitched, forget it, fortunately the current Emperor Jiushang has changed his face, otherwise if he calls grandpa grandpa, I'm afraid he will scare grandpa to death.

"It's okay, grandpa won't argue with you, and you will prepare it for him when you have a chance in the future." Feng Yunyao comforted.

"Okay." Di Jiushang felt that what she said was right, thought for a while, and said, "Honey, Ah Jiu has just broken through to the twelfth-rank alchemist, why don't Ah Jiu use six-level spiritual grass to refine a batch of twelve alchemists for Grandpa?" How about Pei Yuan Pill?"

Twelve-rank alchemist?Feng Yunyao looked at Di Jiushang in disbelief, his mind and memory had returned to when he was three or four years old, that is to say, he was a twelfth-rank alchemist when he was three or four years old!

Feng Yunyao only felt that her little pride was completely shattered by this pervert, what a terrifying thing for a three or four-year-old twelfth-rank alchemist.

In this way, what Di Jiushang told her before was probably conservative, most likely he estimated the elixir he could refine based on his current cultivation.

Now she almost lost half of her life by refining a tenth-rank pill, not to mention a twelve-rank pill. Although she also refined a twelve-rank pill of cultivating the gods, it was inferior, and it caused her master to change. With this appearance, it is obvious that she is at most a ninth-rank alchemist now.

With a broken heart that was hit, he took Di Jiushang to the place where the old Patriarch Feng lived.

"Grandpa, brother, sister-in-law." Feng Yunyao greeted one by one.

Di Jiushang then politely shouted: "Grandpa, uncle, wife."

(End of this chapter)

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