Chapter 411 Is the Taste of Love
Chapter 410: The Taste of Love
"My surname is Bai and my name is Jiu."

"Bai Jiu?" Mrs. Meng frowned slightly. She had never heard of a person named Bai Jiu in the Han family. "What is your relationship with the Han family?"

"I have nothing to do with the Han family, I just passed through the Canghai country and helped Patriarch Han see a doctor." Feng Yunyao's words were true, and she did help Patriarch Han see a doctor.

"Did you help my father see a doctor?" Mrs. Meng's heart was obviously less cautious. She also knew that her father had become obsessed with cultivation a few days ago and almost died. Many famous doctors and alchemists failed to cure him. Finally, she was cured by Miss Feng of the Feng family.

However, her father sent someone to tell her that Feng Yunyao had borrowed the Han family's Han Xing Dao, and told her to be careful, Feng Yunyao might go to Meng's house to borrow phantom iron boots.

She definitely can't borrow the phantom iron boots, not to mention that they are the treasure of the Meng family, and it is impossible for Mianmian to leave the phantom iron boots, which are a life-saving item.

Feng Yunyao just guessed that the Han family might have told the Meng family about her borrowing the treasure. After all, they are also in-laws, so in order to save some trouble, she changed into men's clothes and entered the Meng family.

"Yes, but my medical skills are shallow, and in the end Miss Feng cured Patriarch Han." There was some regret in Feng Yunyao's words, and there was obviously more admiration for Feng Yunyao when she mentioned Feng Yunyao.

Hearing her tone, Mrs. Meng thought that she should not be familiar with Feng Yunyao, and she should not be sent by Feng Yunyao to borrow treasure.

Thinking of this, the vigilance on Madam Meng's face also disappeared, and she put on the air of a good mistress, and said in a distant but polite way: "Mr. Bai, please sit down. I have neglected Mr. Bai just now. I hope you will forgive me."

Feng Yunyao smiled and sat down casually on the side chair without saying anything.

"I don't know why my father asked Mr. Bai to come to the Meng Mansion?" Mrs. Meng remembered that she came to visit in the name of the Han family.

"Patriarch Han asked me to give this to Miss Mianmian." Feng Yunyao took out a bottle and stood up, handing the bottle to Madam Meng, "Patriarch Han said that Miss Mianmian's recent cultivation has been a little slow, and here is an eighth-grade Blood enriching pill, I hope Miss Mianmian can use it."

"Eight-Rank Blood-Enriching Pill?" Mrs. Meng was excited, she took the bottle and saw a blood-red pill inside. The pill pattern on the pill was clearly visible, obviously it was a high-quality Eight-Rank Blood-Enriching Pill.

This thing is very rare in the Sky Continent. I never thought that my father could use such a precious thing for Mian Mian, and my heart became more respectful and grateful to my father.

In the future, if Mianmian can become a talent, she must take more care of the Han family.

Thinking of the current situation of the Han family, Mrs. Meng couldn't help sighing. The descendants of the Han family are very mediocre, especially her concubines, none of whom can lead the way, and they don't know where the Han family will go in the future.

"Please also ask Mr. Bai to take me to thank my father. Alas, Mianmian is indeed at a bottleneck now. She has been at the peak of Yuanxuan and cannot be promoted. With this eighth-rank blood-enriching pill, I believe that Mianmian will be able to break through to Zhenxuan." Mrs. Meng is very pleased road.

Feng Yunyao lowered her eyes slightly, and said with a light smile: "It seems that this pill is still in time."


"By the way, why don't you see Miss Mianmian?"

Mrs. Meng frowned when she heard this.

The current Feng Yunyao is a man in the eyes of Mrs. Meng, and she will definitely not allow a man who wants to see his daughter.

Her attitude was obviously a bit cold, "Mianmian got some injuries a few days ago, and now she is recuperating at home, so she can't come out to meet guests. I hope Mr. Bai will forgive me."

"Miss Mian Mian was injured?" Feng Yunyao was very surprised, and said worriedly, "Although I haven't cured Patriarch Han's illness, my medical skills are not bad. Can I let Miss Mian Mian take a fancy to me?"

"This..." Mrs. Meng never thought that she dug a hole for herself, but Mianmian was indeed seriously injured.

Because Mian Mian has been unable to break through the true mystery, Mian Mian’s grandfather, the former head of the Meng family, in order to help his granddaughter break through the bottleneck, made a lot of pills and various precious tonics for Mian Mian to eat. The supplements were too large, and Mian Mian’s body couldn’t bear it. She was practicing. When she was young, she fell into a madness just like her father. Fortunately, she discovered it in time, and her father used his half-body cultivation to help her stabilize the profound energy in her body, which saved her life.

His life was saved, but his foundation was damaged. Now he is indeed raising his body at home.

Now that there is a doctor who wants to help her daughter, she is naturally very happy, but this young man is still young, so he has no hope in his heart about how good his medical skills can be at such a young age.

However, people have already spoken, so she naturally has to give face and refuse their kindness.

What's more, her father allowed her to bring such precious medicinal materials as the eighth-grade blood-enriching pill, so he obviously trusted her character. After all, who wouldn't want such a valuable thing, and after taking the eight-grade blood-enriching pill, she would be upgraded to a higher level.

"Then there will be Mr. Labor White."

Afterwards, Mrs. Meng took Feng Yunyao to the courtyard where Meng Mianmian lived.

The place where Meng Mianmian lives is the place with the strongest spiritual energy in the Meng Mansion, and there are even various treasures placed in the yard, which shows how much the Meng family attaches great importance to Meng Mianmian.

Because Feng Yunyao was dressed as a man, Mrs. Meng asked her to wait in the hall, and she went in first to let Meng Mianmian get dressed.

"Mianmian, there is a doctor coming to see you, you put on your clothes first."

Madam Meng saw Meng Mianmian lying pale on the bed, and her heart ached terribly.

"Cough cough..." Meng Mianmian coughed a few times, raised her pale face and smiled weakly at her mother, "Mom, I'll just rest if I have nothing to do, don't worry."

"Well, your grandfather brought you an eighth-grade blood-replenishing pill, hoping to help your body." Mrs. Meng picked up the clothes to help her dress, "However, I'm afraid you'll make it up again, this pill is for the time being. I can’t eat it, I’ll eat it when you’re better.”

Mianmian's current body is too weak, and she might not be able to bear the eighth-grade blood-enriching pill.

"Well, grandpa is so kind to me." Even though Meng Mianmian was feeling weak all over, she still didn't feel decadent at all, and that sunny smile never disappeared.

After putting on her coat, Mrs. Meng made her half-sit on the bed, and then let Feng Yunyao in.

"Young Master Bai, you can come in now."

Seeing Feng Yunyao coming in, Meng Mianmian's eyes widened, and she wanted to sit up excitedly, "Feng..."

He wanted to call Feng Yunyao, but seeing the look she gave him, he swallowed the words on his lips.

Why is Sister Feng here? She actually came to see her!
However, looking at the look she gave herself and her attire, it was obvious that she didn't want others to know her identity.

Mrs. Meng saw that her daughter's reaction to seeing Mr. Bai was too intense, so she couldn't help asking in doubt: "Mianmian, do you know Mr. Bai?"

"Ah? Oh, I don't know." Meng Mianmian shook her head hastily. She couldn't tell if she knew her, otherwise it would have ruined Sister Feng's plan.

Although she doesn't know what Sister Feng is going to do, she can't tear her down.

"I don't know why you were so excited just now?"

"He's so good-looking, I've never seen such a handsome man." Meng Mianmian was careless at first, not like those ladies who were euphemistic and reserved, so what he said was straightforward.

Mrs. Meng knew what kind of virtue her daughter was, but she was an outsider and a stranger, she couldn't help but stare at her, and said helplessly: "Mianmian, you are a girl, you need to be more reserved."

However, this young master Bai is indeed a rare handsome man, even a woman doesn't have her pretty face.

I just don't know what her family background is. If she can get on the stage, she wants to help her daughter get off the assembly line.

Then, apologetically, she said to Feng Yunyao: "Mianmian has a straight temper, and what she said is very straightforward, I hope Mr. Bai will forgive me."

"It's okay, Miss Mianmian is simple and straightforward, which is a rare character." Feng Yunyao said softly.

Oh, Sister Feng praised her, and Meng Mianmian's eyes lit up, "It's still white...Young Master has vision."

"You stinky girl." Mrs. Meng helplessly poked her on the forehead, and then, with a smile, she beckoned Feng Yunyao to come over, "I have Mr. Bai to help Mianmian take care of her injuries."

Feng Yunyao walked over, and immediately a maid brought her a stool.

"Miss Mianmian, stretch out your wrist."

"Oh, good." Meng Mianmian quickly took her hands out of the bed, and looked at Feng Yunyao's eyes full of stars.

She didn't expect Sister Feng's men's clothing to be so handsome, and her heart was pounding when she saw it.

Seeing her daughter staring at him all the time, Mrs. Meng's face turned dark again and again, feeling ashamed to stay any longer, so she could only fake a cough to remind Meng Mianmian not to go too far.

Such scorching eyes are not afraid of scaring people away.

After seeing the illness, she wanted to ask Mr. Bai about his specific situation. If possible, she hoped that she could marry Mianmian.

In fact, based on the situation of their Meng family, as long as Bai Jiu's family background is clean, it will be fine. After all, Mian Mian's future husband will marry into the Meng family.

Feng Yunyao helped Meng Mianmian with a simple treatment, and then wrote a prescription, "Miss Mianmian's body is relatively weak, and her foundation is also seriously injured. However, someone repaired it for her. In the future, as long as she rests well, she will be able to recover soon. Get better."

"This is the prescription I wrote, three times a day, and it will take less than a month to fully recover."

"One month?" Mrs. Meng was very surprised. You must know that other doctors said that it would take at least two or three years for Mianmian to fully recover.

Could it be that this Mr. Bai really has two skills?

Seeing Feng Yunyao's calm expression, neither warm nor dry, made people a little more convincing.

"If I can treat Miss Mianmian at the Meng family, it will take less than a month, ten days at most to fully recover."

"Ten days?" Mrs. Meng couldn't close her mouth in shock, her inner excitement was beyond words, "Really, Mr. Bai, can you really cure Mian Mian in ten days?"

"En." Feng Yunyao nodded lightly.

Meng Mianmian actually wanted to tell her mother that with Sister Feng's strength, she could be cured, ten days was too much talking.

Of course, this can only be said in her heart. On the surface, she can't say too much, otherwise it will be bad if she delays Sister Feng's affairs.

"That's really great. Can Mr. Bai stay in the Meng Mansion?"

(End of this chapter)

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