Chapter 424 Revenge
Chapter 420 Revenge
Lowering his head, he took off an inconspicuous silver ring on his finger and handed it to Feng Yunyao, "This is a storage ring. The Yuebai Sword and our Shangguan family's secret recipe for casting are all inside. I’m not safe either, so it’s better to give it to you than to make those bastards cheaper.”

"You want to give the Yuebai Sword and the secret recipe of the casting to Sister Feng?" Meng Mianmian was very surprised, because she is also a member of one of the eight major families, so she naturally knows what the Yuebai Sword means to the Meng family. The things he gave away, and the secret recipe for casting, which is a treasure handed down from the Shangguan family, is as important as the Moon White Sword.

"Shangguan's family is gone, so what's the use of these things." Shangguan Juechen's handsome face showed a trace of sadness, and he only hoped that these things would play a huge role in Feng Yunyao's hands, and their efforts would not be wasted. friendship.

Feng Yunyao took the ring and looked at it, then said in a deep voice: "I just borrowed it, and I will definitely return it after I use it."

"It's up to you." Shangguan Juechen didn't care about these things anymore, he just wanted to take revenge and kill those demons.

"Well, I'll hold this for you for the time being." Feng Yunyao put the ring away, it is indeed safer to put the ring on her than on Shangguan Juechen, "I will help you get rid of those people, and make the ring come back The Shangguan family cheer up and return them to you when the time comes."

When Shangguan Juechen heard her words, he couldn't help but smiled wryly, "You are still the same as before, you don't like to owe favors, and I don't want to be polite to you, I really need your help, Yunyao thank you."

It was because of her like this that he was deeply attracted to him. Unfortunately, the current him is not worthy of her at all, and he still has responsibilities, even He Wenfei is not worthy of him.

Just then, there was a commotion outside.

"There are thieves at Shangguan's house. I hope everyone will cooperate with the inspection. If you resist, we will not be responsible for the manslaughter."

Feng Yunyao glanced down from the window, and saw a group of guards in the same clothes surrounding the inn.

Judging from the clothes these people wore, they were the guards of Shangguan's family.

Feng Yunyao withdrew her gaze, and said to Shangguan Juechen, "You stay in my Qiankun bag for a while, we can't confront them head-on yet."

She likes to surprise the opponent with a blow, which is interesting. Fighting and killing should be avoided if possible, and what she likes to do is to let the opponent fall into the trap she set without anyone noticing.

"Okay." Shangguan Juechen knew what she meant and readily agreed.

Now with Feng Yunyao's help, I believe that those people will be solved soon, and he will be able to avenge his parents soon, which he didn't even dare to think about before.

Feng Yunyao sent him into the Qiankun bag, there was a sheet inside, so it wouldn't make him feel uncomfortable.

"Xiaobai, you and Xiaofeng are taking care of him inside."

"Okay." Xiaobai silently climbed into Qiankun, and took the antidote of Changing Pill when he got inside, and returned to his original appearance.

Seeing that Shangguan Juechen was very weak, and feeling that his parents had just died, Sheng Mubai's sympathy suddenly flooded, and he comforted Shangguan Juechen with earnest words, "I know you are very sad now, if you want to cry, wait until those people leave Cry whatever you want, don't worry, I won't laugh at you, we are all male, I know the pain of being a male, as a male, you have to be tough, but a beast can cry when it is sad."

"Thank you." Shangguan Juechen thanked it lightly.

"You're welcome, get a good night's sleep, and call us if you're hungry or thirsty."

What a pitiful young master Shangguan, I saw him a while ago as a graceful and charming man, and it even regarded him as the number one love rival of the master and master.

It's only been a few days, the family has fallen, and people have been hurt like this, it's really pitiful.

Because the guards outside belonged to Shangguan's family, the people in the inn didn't dare to offend, so they all gave way to let them check one by one, and soon found Feng Yunyao's room.

Seeing two men and two women sitting inside, the appearance of these four people is very ordinary.

"Why are the four of you staying in the same room?" The leader among them saw the four of them sitting together, and wondered in his heart.

, Meng Mianmian said angrily: "We are discussing something, and it is broad daylight now, why can't we stay in the same room."

"You..." Her impatient tone immediately annoyed the leader, as long as they reported the name of Shangguan's family, whoever would be rude, this dead girl dared to talk to him like that, she was looking for death.

The leader said harshly: "Good girl, I'll let you have a taste of Shangguan's water prison later. These four people are acting suspiciously. Come and take them away and put them in the water prison."

"Do you know who I am? How dare you arrest me?" Meng Mianmian snorted, took out a token from her body, and raised it, "I'm from the Meng family, and I came to the Canghai Kingdom to deliver a letter to the Han family. Do you think our Meng family and Han family are easy to bully?"

With that said, he rolled up his sleeves, looking as if he was going to fight.

The leader has been working in Shangguan's family, so naturally he knows the tokens of the major families. He recognizes the tokens, and it is indeed from the Meng family. The Meng family and the Han family are related by marriage, precisely because of these two big families Although it is not top-notch, it is the most difficult to mess with.

Forget it, one thing more is worse than one thing less, anyway, they are to catch the young master, no, now Shangguan Juechen is no longer the young master, he is just a prisoner.

After working in Shangguan's house for so many years, he is only a small captain of ten people. Now that he is ready, he can be directly promoted to captain of a hundred people. It is better to follow the new master. He must work hard for the new master and help him catch Shangguan Juechen.

The leader glanced around the room, but found no suspicious person, and after being scolded and shown off by Meng Mianmian, he led his subordinates away.

After they left, Meng Mianmian immediately showed a sweet smile, leaning beside Feng Yunyao with a coquettish look like a cat begging for praise from its master, "Sister Feng, I was very imposing and powerful just now."

"You did a good job." Feng Yunyao raised her hand to touch her head, and said with a smile.

Mu Yan looked at Meng Mianmian who was leaning on Feng Yunyao's body with disgust, and curled his lips, "How old are you, and it's not shameful to act like a baby with my master."

"I've lost you, so you should be envious, hmph." Meng Mianmian hugged Feng Yunyao's arm so intimately, it's so nice to be a woman, she can act coquettishly with the person she likes and have physical contact, so let her Mu Yan, this rotten man, should be jealous.

"Cut." Mu Yan gave her a blank look, and didn't bother to pay attention to this shameless stinky girl.

Luo Li looked at Feng Yunyao and said, "Junior Sister, what shall we do next?"

Since she wanted to avenge Shangguan Juechen, he would also follow her.

Feng Yunyao thought for a while, and said: "Mianmian, after you recover your true appearance, go to Han's house to find your grandpa and grandma. Luo Li, Mu Yan and I pretend to be your guards and maids, and you let Mrs. Han take you I want you to go to Shangguan’s house to ask for a headdress weapon that can kill people.”

Meng Mianmian's grandfather is the current head of the Han family, and she also killed him not long ago.

"Let me, Master, and Luo Li be the attendants of this dead girl like Meng Mianmian?" Mu Yan was dissatisfied immediately when he heard this, "Why, why do you have to let us be her attendants."

Feng Yunyao raised her eyelids and gave him a sideways glance, "If your grandfather is the head of the Han family, we can also be your follower."

"..." Well, this one really doesn't exist.

Followers can follow, his master can do it, so what's so pretentious about him being an apprentice.

Meng Mianmian was the most proud, especially having Mu Yan as her follower.

When she thought that Mu Yan wanted to listen to her, and that she could order him to serve tea and pour water at will, and even beat his legs and pinch his back, he couldn't help but want to laugh three times, reaching the pinnacle of his life.

Afterwards, Feng Yunyao got three sets of plain clothes, and she and Mu Yanluoli changed into them.

After leaving the inn, Meng Mianmian was given the antidote for Changing Rongdan, and then changed the appearance of her, Luo Li and Mu Yan.

Because Shangguan Qingxue has seen their appearance after changing their appearance, and they can't reveal their true appearance, they can only rely on their disguise, and they also need to use the disguise to lower the temperament of Luo Li and Mu Yan, so that they look better Like a boy.

"Mu Yan, pay attention to your figure later, remember that you are a young man now." Luo Li was very relieved, only this Mu Yan, I was afraid that he could not help but have sex with Meng Mianmian.

"Understood, Master." Mu Yan nodded obediently. He will definitely cooperate with Master and will never hold her back. Otherwise, he will probably not take him with him next time. There is still a sense of propriety.

Meng Mianmian swaggered proudly to Han's house, and showed her token, which symbolized her identity, and the guard hurried in to report.

"Miss Biao is here." The housekeeper warmly welcomed Meng Mianmian into the mansion, and took her to find Mrs. Han.

When Mrs. Han saw her granddaughter, she fell in love with her, and took Meng Mianmian's hand and sat on the soft bed, "Meng Mianmian, why did you come to Han's house? I heard that you were sick a few days ago, are you feeling better now? "

"Okay, grandma, look how healthy I am now." After speaking, Meng Mianmian got up and walked around in front of Mrs. Han a few times.

Mrs. Han was relieved to see that her face was rosy and she looked healthy.

She also only has two daughters, and she naturally cherishes their children, especially Mian Mian, who is a lively and lovely child that she really likes.

If it wasn't for the fact that some of the junior men in the family were not successful, she would have wanted to marry Mian Mian over.

Of course, this is just a thought, let's not say that those few people are not worthy of Mianmian, the Meng family will not let them go.

"Grandma, where is my grandfather? I heard that my grandfather was seriously ill a few days ago. How is he doing now? Mother asked me to come and see him." How to go on.

"He's already healed, thanks to Miss Feng this time." At this point, Mrs. Han thought of one thing, and said seriously, "Mianmian, did Feng Yunyao go to Meng's house to borrow treasure?"

(End of this chapter)

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