Chapter 426
Chapter 420
"No, I'm the Monkey King." Meng Mianmian said, and made a monkey move, which made Mrs. Han laugh out loud.

Feng Yunyao stood silently behind Meng Mianmian, watching the interaction between the grandparent and grandson, like an invisible person.

Mrs. Han planned to go to Shangguan's house tomorrow, but Meng Mianmian couldn't wait to drag Mrs. Han to go to Shangguan's house. Madam Han had no choice but to go to Shangguan's house with her.

When they arrived at Shangguan's house, Mrs. Han handed over the greeting card that had been written in advance.

Han's family and Shangguan's family are in the same city, and they have a lot of contacts on weekdays, and there is no conflict of interest, so the relationship is not bad.

After the greeting cards were sent in, a servant soon led them in.

Everything went relatively smoothly. Obviously, that group of people hadn't stabilized the Shangguan family and didn't want to offend the Han family.

This time it was not Shangguan Juechen's fake 'mother' who came out to greet him, but his fake 'father'.

The fake Shangguan Patriarch took the initiative to greet Mrs. Han and cupped his hands: "My wife is seriously ill and it is inconvenient to see guests. I hope Mrs. Han will forgive me."

"Mrs. Shangguan is sick?" Mrs. Han was quite surprised. After all, she was in a jewelry store a few days ago and saw her picking out a headgear. How could it be so long before she fell seriously ill.

'Shangguan Patriarch' sighed heavily, "To be honest, my wife suffered from the disease because of the dog's body. The dog has been suffering from serious diseases since he was a child, and now his health has deteriorated. The doctor said that he will not live for a few days. My wife That's why I fell ill."

As soon as he said this, Shangguan Juechen, who was staying in the Qiankun bag, sat up suddenly, gnashing his teeth, wanting to rush out and kill the impostor.

"You can't." Xiaobai hurriedly grabbed him with his claws, and said in a hurry.

When Xiaofeng saw it, she rushed over and pushed Shangguan Juechen who had just sat up back on the soft bed with her paws, and then arrogantly raised her head at Xiaobai.

It's still great.

Xiaobai didn't have the time to compete with it, so he jumped on Shangguan Juechen and pinched his waist, with a big round face in anger, he only said with air: "Do you know that doing this will ruin the master's affairs, please be safe and don't be impatient!" ."

Killing his father and enemy before his eyes, and pouring sewage on him, it's normal to not be able to resist, but it must help the master stop the impulsive Shangguan Juechen, and he must not let him ruin the master's plan.

When Shangguan Juechen was reminded by it, it was like a blow to the head, and he suddenly woke up.

He was full of hatred just now, and he was indeed too impulsive. If he came out of the Qiankun bag rashly, wouldn't it be a surprise.

Thinking of this, Shangguan Juechen lay back slowly, but his face was gloomy, and he tried his best not to let himself be impulsive.

In order to avenge his parents, he must endure!

Xiaobai glanced at his tightly clenched hands, feeling very sorry for this Shangguan in his heart.

The blue veins are exposed in anger, which shows how ruthless the forbearance is. I just hope that the master will torture the bastard who killed Shangguan's parents.

Xiaobai rummaged around in the Qiankun bag, and stuffed a bottle of elixir into Shangguan Juechen's hands, "Take care of your body, take care of yourself, and kill yourself to avenge your parents."

Although it is very kind, it is also a divine beast with a clear distinction between love and hate. It will help the good people, and it will sweep away the wicked like the autumn wind sweeping away the fallen leaves!

Of course, it can't do it now.

Shangguan Juechen tightly squeezed the porcelain bottle in his hand, a simple porcelain bottle, he seemed to see hope.

What Xiaobai said was right, he wanted to take good care of his health, so he killed them himself to avenge his parents!

Afterwards, Shangguan Juechen poured out all the pills and swallowed them all in one go.

"You... ate all of it." Xiaobai's eyes widened in disbelief, and he really wanted to tell him that these are all drugs, and he would fall asleep for several hours after taking one.

Because it was afraid that Shangguan Juechen could not help but do bad things, it thought it would be better to stun him, so it dug out a bottle of drug for him to eat, deliberately misinterpreted that it was a bottle of medicine for nourishing the body, and thought he would take it One, unexpectedly he ate it all.

Shangguan Juechen couldn't answer it anymore, because he had passed out.


Xiaobai put his paws in front of his nose, and felt a surge of air, so he was relieved.

Fortunately, he did not die.

Feng Yunyao felt that the Qiankun bag became quiet, so she let go of the hand on it.

If Shangguan Juechen couldn't hold back and wanted to rush out, she would have knocked him out immediately.

Fortunately, Xiaobai and Xiaofeng are there, and they can help restrain him.

"Young Master Shangguan's body, how could it be..." Mrs. Han didn't know what to say.

When she came here, she also wanted to help Mianmian and Shangguan Juechen connect. Although Shangguan Juechen was in poor health before, but recently heard that he has been cured, she didn't expect it to worsen. Fortunately, she didn't say it, didn't she? It hurt Mianmian.

However, the Shangguan family is really pitiful, the pain of white hair and black hair is really painful.

For a while, Mrs. Han was too embarrassed to bring up the matter of helping Mian Mian forge the weapon headgear.

"Hey, madam is really pitiful, may I go and see her, Master Shangguan?" Madam Han sighed.

She and Mrs. Shangguan are also considered friends, and they have a lot of contact with each other in holding banquets on weekdays. Since they are here, they should visit and chat to express their affection.

I thought it was normal for her to visit Mrs. Shangguan as a female family member. I thought that the Patriarch of Shangguan would agree, but he refused directly.

"Thank you Mrs. Han for your kindness. It's just that my wife, alas, has a serious exhaustion of heart and blood, and her body is in a chill. The doctor said it's best not to go in and out of her room many times. I'm afraid people outside will bring the cold into the house."

"So that's it." Mrs. Han didn't insist, and suddenly thought of something, "By the way, the head of the Shangguan family, I remember that your Shangguan family has a good relationship with the Feng family of Canglan Country. The eldest lady of the Feng family, Feng Yunyao, is very skilled in medicine. Today, my master got seriously ill and almost passed away, but she was the one who was not cured, why don't you go to Feng's house and invite her to come over and have a look."

The streamer in the eyes of the "Shangguan Patriarch" flickered, and said: "Thank you, Mrs. Han, but I have sent people to Canglan Country, just because I am afraid that Yunyao's niece is not in Fengfu, she likes to travel around the world, and I don't know if she is there Feng family."

He said with a gloomy look on his face, as if he was really worried.

Meng Mianmian couldn't help but rolled her eyes. Sister Feng is obviously here, okay? Also, Shangguan's wife was obviously killed by him, and Shangguan's young master is not at Shangguan's house. This impostor even pretended to invite Sister Feng, Hmph, that's too shameless.

"Who is this?" The 'Shangguan Patriarch' didn't want to continue the topic, so he glanced at Meng Mianmian and brought the topic to her.

Mrs. Han saw that he took the initiative to mention Meng Mianmian, and said a little embarrassedly: "I came to Shangguan's house this time because of my granddaughter. She wants a set of weapon headgear. I thought that the number one in the world in terms of casting is not the owner of Shangguan's family." No one else, just come here and ask for help to create a set of jewelry like this."

(End of this chapter)

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