Chapter 450 The Future Sovereign

Chapter 450 The Future Sovereign

"I will not be the Suzerain of the Medicine Sect." Feng Yunyao knew that Sect Master He intends to pass on the position of Suzerain of the Medicine Sect to her, but she will leave for the Tongtian Continent in a few days, and she does not know when she will be able to return after leaving .

However, she already has a candidate to succeed the Medicine Sect suzerain.

If Luo Li doesn't go with her, Luo Li is actually the most suitable candidate for the master of the Medicine Sect. However, with Luo Li's temperament, he will definitely go with her.

Apart from Luo Li, there is only Dai Ming, who has been working in Jiuxiao Pavilion. However, he used to be a disciple of the Medicine Sect, and his alchemy has now reached the seventh rank. He is also a good person, and the Medicine Sect should be able to flourish under his hands.

In fact, Lin Lang is also fine, but he will inherit the head of the Lin family in the future. As the head of the eight major families, he cannot be the head of the Medicine Sect.

"Why, the entire Medicine Sect counts your alchemy as the strongest. If you don't, who else can be competent." Wei Long was surprised by her answer, "Could it be possible that you will inherit the position of Feng Family Patriarch in the future?"

This is also possible, although Mr. Feng's legs are already healed, but his strength is far inferior to his sister Feng Yunyao, she is very likely to be the head of the family.

Feng Yunyao chuckled, and said: "The position of Patriarch of the Feng Family can only belong to my eldest brother, neither the Patriarch of the Feng Family nor the Suzerain of the Medicine Sect, I believe that there will be a suitable person to succeed him. "

"Who is it, Senior Brother Lin? Or Senior Brother Xiao?" Besides Senior Sister Feng, these two are the best disciples among the disciples, but Senior Brother Xiao intends to be the king of Qiongling Kingdom. As for Senior Brother Lin, he seems He is the illegitimate son of the Patriarch of the Lin family. I don't know if he will inherit the position of Patriarch of the Lin family. If Senior Brother Lin succeeds, wouldn't he have to be ranked down...

The strength of the disciples became worse as they went down, and Wei Long felt worried about the development of the Medicine Sect.

Obviously Junior Sister Feng is the most suitable candidate, but she is indifferent to fame and fortune, and is not moved by these powers. There are too few people like Junior Sister Feng who are capable and indifferent.

To be honest, what he admired the most before was the suzerain, but now the person he admires the most is Junior Sister Feng in front of him.

At a young age, both cultivation and alchemy are top-notch, and he is not arrogant or impetuous, and he is not at all proud of his strength. Such a person is probably rare in the world.

If Feng Yunyao knew what he was thinking, she would probably laugh.

She is not as noble and indifferent as he imagined.

Indifferent to fame and fortune?Don't like power?
Hehe, she only knows that only when she becomes strong can she protect herself and the people she wants to protect.

Soon at the foot of Tianshen Mountain, Wei Long is a martial arts practitioner but not a weaker one, plus Feng Yunyao's treatment, except for his wounds, he is already walking around like a normal person.

"Junior Sister Feng, Brother Lin fell from here." Wei Long led her to a cliff.

This cliff is very steep, looking down, the clouds and mist are filled, and the bottom cannot be seen, and there is a layer of green gas flowing, obviously poisonous gas exists.

The probability of ordinary people falling alive is almost zero, even if they are not killed, they will be poisoned to death.

It's just that Lin Lang might still survive.

Feng Yunyao took out a elixir and handed it to Wei Long, "Eat this, there is poisonous gas below."

"Thank you." Wei Long took it and threw it into his mouth and swallowed it without any hesitation.

Feng Yunyao moved Xiaobai and the others out of the cauldron, she jumped onto Xiaofeng's body, and then said to Wei Long, "You sit on the lonely dragon."

Xiaofeng is very fluffy, before it only carried its owner, but now it is forced to let her sit for a while, as for others, it is likely that it will be blown away before it gets close.

"Okay." Wei Long flew onto the Gu Jiaolong's body, and Xiao Bai sat on the Gu Jiaolong's head, commanding the Gu Jiaolong, "Little Jiao Jiao quickly catch up with the master."

With a wave of its tail, the lone dragon swished towards the bottom, almost throwing Wei Long out.

"You have to hold the little Jiaolong tight, it's a bit reckless." Xiao Bai looked at Wei Long who was trembling on the lonely Jiaolong, and couldn't bear to remind him.

"Understood." Wei Long tightly hugged Gu Jiaolong's body, not daring to let go.

All the way down, and soon reached the bottom.

Below is no man's land, almost no one has been here, only some beasts pass by occasionally, and the ground has accumulated a lot of dead branches and rotten leaves after years of accumulation.

The air is filled with the smell of corruption and suffocating poison.

Wei Long felt dizzy soon after staying here. Although he took the detoxification pill, he was still fainted from the smoke.

But Feng Yunyao, her face was indifferent, she didn't even frown, she was not affected by the smell here at all.

In my heart, I admire this girl younger than him even more.

"Xiaofeng, Xiaobai, you two carefully check if there is anyone around." Feng Yunyao raised her eyes and looked around.

"Okay, master."

Xiaobai jumped on Xiaofeng's head and listened with his ears turned sideways, while Xiaofeng lowered his head to hear.

Soon, Xiaofeng pointed in one direction with her wings and yelled a few times at the same time.

"Master, Xiaofeng said that there is a human aura passing by here and going in that direction."

Almost no one came here, and only Lin Lang fell down. The popularity Xiaofeng said must be Brother Lin.

"Xiaofeng, follow this breath and move forward." Feng Yunyao sat on Xiaofeng and ordered.

Xiaofeng understood, so she lowered her head and walked forward while listening. Gu Jiaolong followed behind with Weilong on his back.

While walking, Xiaobai suddenly pulled Feng Yunyao's clothes, and said very solemnly: "Master, why do I think this person is not Lin Lang?"

Feng Yunyao knew what it had detected, and asked aloud, "What's going on?"

"Before I was far away, I couldn't sense the opponent's existence. Now that I'm getting closer, I can sense that the opponent's cultivation base is the peak of Xuanzong. How could Lin Lang be the peak of Xuanzong? Didn't he just reach the peak of Zhenxuan?"

Even though they haven't seen each other for many days, it is impossible to break through from Zhenxuan to the peak of Xuanzong in such a short period of time.

Feng Yunyao knew Xiaobai's ability, it said that he was at the peak of Xuanzong, and the opponent must be at the peak of Xuanzong.

Her current cultivation is at the elementary level of King Xuanzong, so she is naturally not afraid of a peak Xuanzong, but this is her first time here, so she has to be careful.

Sometimes if you want to win the opponent, you don't just rely on your strength. The terrain here, the surrounding poisonous barriers, and even monsters can become sharp blades in your hands.

"Be careful."

Feng Yunyao lowered her voice, then jumped off Xiaofeng and walked on the ground.

Seeing her come down, Wei Long also jumped down.

"Junior Sister Feng, is the other party an enemy or a friend?"

"I don't know." She came here for the first time, and the ghost knows whether the other party is good or bad.

Wei Long lowered his eyes and thought for a while, "We are both here for the first time, so we shouldn't be enemies. As long as we don't disturb him, he probably won't blame us."

After all, they were only here to find someone, not to fight.

"I hope." I'm afraid that I will meet someone who is unreasonable. If I can hide in this gloomy place with no sky and strong poison, my personality will be so good.

Feng Yunyao quickly walked ahead to explore the way, and let Wei Long sit on Gu Jiaolong's body so that he could escape in time in case of danger.

"Master, we are about twenty feet away from that person." Xiao Bai stood on Feng Yunyao's shoulder and whispered in her ear.


Feng Yunyao responded briefly, and the speed of her feet slowed down a bit, and she vigilantly explored the surroundings, especially the ground.

There are thick dead branches and rotten leaves on the ground, and it is easy to set a trap on the ground.

At this moment, she suddenly stopped and waved her hands to the back, "Xiaofeng, step back."

When Xiaofeng and Gu Jiaolong heard the words, they immediately stepped back obediently.

Feng Yunyao raised her feet and flew up.

At the same time, sharpened bamboo poles emerged from the ground one after another, with a fast and ruthless speed and force.

Don't look at these bamboos, they are definitely as sharp and sharp as swords. If it wasn't for her quick response, they might be kebabs now.

At this moment, a huge net appeared on it, and the net was full of thorns glowing with blue light.

"Master, be careful!"

Following Xiaobai's voice, Feng Yunyao's figure flickered, like a ghost, the person had already arrived at a safe place, the net was empty, suddenly got up again, and chased and beat Feng Yunyao sideways .

"You can still get up!" Xiaobai stared at the net that was rushing towards them with round eyes.

"Someone is manipulating it." Feng Yunyao briskly avoided it again.

Then, three more nets with poisonous thorns appeared, pinching Feng Yunyao.

It seems that the other party intends to target her.

Feng Yunyao narrowed her eyes slightly, then opened them suddenly, she was standing on the ground not dodging.

Pulling out the Dragon Spirit Whip around his waist, his body exuded thick white profound energy, with the power to swallow mountains and rivers. With the swing of the whip, the four poisonous thorn nets were instantly entangled into a ball and rolled to the ground as a huge ball.

Feng Yunyao fell down slowly, the silver-white Dragon Spirit Whip in her hand swayed like a twisting silver snake.

"Come out." The cold voice resounded throughout the valley.

At this moment, a deep male voice sounded, "Hehe, I never thought that I would meet a master above Xuanzong here."

As the voice fell, a white-haired man in tattered clothes came out.

He has a young face, but his head is full of white hair. If you don't look at the white hair, this person should be 50 to [-] years old.

Of course, a person at the peak of Xuanzong cannot judge his age just by his appearance, maybe this person is an old man over a hundred years old.

After all, there are not many people in this continent who can cultivate to the peak of Xuanzong at such a young age, except of course, her.

"It turned out to be a young girl." The man's sharp eyes scanned Feng Yunyao aggressively up and down, perhaps because he hadn't seen the sun for a long time, his face looked pale and bloodless, like a ghost.

Seeing Feng Yunyao, the man couldn't help but licked his lower lip, and said with a sinister grin: "For the sake of your youth and beauty, I won't kill you, but you have to stay and serve me."

(End of this chapter)

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