Chapter 457 Revenge
Chapter 450 Revenge
The coercion from Feng Yunyao became stronger and stronger, and the ruler of the Qiongling Kingdom felt as if a mountain was pressing on him, wishing to crush his internal organs into pieces.

Soon the lord of the Qiongling Kingdom began to bleed from his pores, followed by his seven orifices.

"I wrote it." The lord of the Qiongling Kingdom seemed to see the god of death, and his eyes were full of despair.

Unexpectedly, Feng Yunyao's cultivation had reached such a terrifying level, she could kill him with just the coercion she released, and the death was very tragic.

Feng Yunyao kicked the imperial edict in front of him, "Hurry up and write, I still have something to do."

That impatient tone made your teeth itch, but thinking of her terrifying cultivation, the ruler of Qiongling Kingdom hurriedly lowered his head, not daring to look at her again. With trembling hands, he said exactly what Feng Yunyao had just said. It's all written down.

Feng Yunyao glanced at the edict, then closed the edict and said to Luo Li: "He will leave it to you."

When the Lord of Qiongling Kingdom heard this, he became anxious immediately, "Miss Feng, I have written according to what you said, why do you still want to kill me?"

It would be better to stay in the hands of Feng Yunyao than to stay in the hands of the young man. He could clearly feel the strong hatred from this young man. If Feng Yunyao had a slight chance of surviving, this young man might kill him. Hundreds of times he couldn't understand the hatred in his heart.

Feng Yunyao ignored him, and patted Luo Li on the shoulder, "Revenge well, I'll go out first."

"Okay." Luo Li knew that she left the ruler of Qiongling Kingdom to him to let him relieve her hatred.

Feng Yunyao took the imperial edict, and took out the jade seal that was on the table.

After Feng Yunyao left, the ruler of Qiongling Kingdom was completely desperate, "You, who are you? I have no grievances with you, you can't kill me."

"Hehe." Luo Li laughed coldly, drew out his sword and pointed it at his forehead, gritted his teeth and said, "It's true that you don't know me, but you must know the Miao Wu clan best, thousands of lives It is because your selfishness is all lost, even if you die a thousand times or ten thousand times, it is not a pity to die!"

The Lord of Qiongling Kingdom looked at Luo Li's handsome face in disbelief, and his expression became more and more flustered, "Are you from the Miao Wu tribe?"

"Yes, I am indeed a member of the Miao Wu clan." Luo Li swung his sword and cut off one of his arms, his previously gentle eyes were filled with bloodthirsty hatred, "I am the son of the Holy Lord of the Miao Wu clan, you didn't expect that, right? I escaped from that massacre and lived to this day, to the day of revenge!"

The ruler of the Qiongling Kingdom had an arm chopped off and almost passed out from the pain.

"Why are you still alive, I, I remember you are dead."

He knew that the Holy Master of the Miao Wu tribe had a son, so he deliberately found out the son of the Holy Master when he massacred the city, after all, he cut the weeds and wiped out the roots.

Other children can sell them to the purgatory, but the son of the Miao Wu tribe's holy master must die. He obviously arrested the Miao Wu tribe's son and his wife and killed them together, so why are they still alive?

Luo Li's lips overflowed with desolation and determination, "At the beginning, a follower who was about my age died for me. I wore ordinary people's clothes and mixed in with those children. I escaped your eyes and was sent to the purgatory. I became a beast slave, and after a few years of life, I finally survived from the mouth of the tiger one day."

It was he and Junior Sister Feng who killed all the tigers together, and it was also Junior Sister Feng who gave him the only quota that survived.

He and Junior Sister Feng are also considered destined, and now he has become her senior fellow apprentice and her assistant in the future.

The Lord of the Qiongling Kingdom was in despair when he heard his words.

It was a blessing that the son of the Holy Lord of the Miao Wu clan did not chop him up, and it was impossible to let him go.

He also knew that what he did to the Miao Wu tribe back then was indeed devoid of conscience, and the law of nature would not allow it.

But he really doesn't want to die, the higher the seat he sits, the less he wants to die. He also wants to let He Yuan help him break through Lingxuan or even Xuanzong after he succeeds in cultivation. As long as he reaches Xuanzong, his lifespan will be longer A Jiazi.

But now none of his wishes were fulfilled, and he became a prisoner, pointed at his nose with a sword by his enemy.

Whoever comes to save him, he will give up even the throne.

But until Luo Li cut off his leader with a sword, no one came to rescue him.

Luo Li packed up the corpses, and when he returned to the Miaowu tribe, he buried the body of the Lord of the Qiongling Kingdom with He Yuan, and asked them to repent in front of the dead Miaowu tribe.

After Feng Yunyao left the palace, she went to the place where Xiao Chengyi lived.

It happened that Xiao Chengyi happened to be in the palace. When he saw Feng Yunyao approaching, he quickly stepped forward and said, "Miss Feng, why are you here? Do you need my king's help for something?"

"This is for you." Feng Yunyao handed him the imperial edict.

"Isn't this an edict for the emperor of our Qiongling Kingdom?" Xiao Chengyi was puzzled, but he also reached out to accept the edict.

Seeing the contents inside, she looked at Feng Yunyao in surprise, "This... how is it possible, recently I have fallen out of favor in front of my father, who cares more about Xiao Chengwen than me, how could he put His throne passes to me."

Xiao Chengyi couldn't believe that the contents of the edict were true, but the font was also stamped with the jade seal. As a prince, he was very familiar with the seal and his father's font, so the edict was all true.

"I forced him to write this." Feng Yunyao took the initiative to say, "Your father is dead, as for what to do next, I believe you should know best. Be your emperor, treat the people well, and be a good emperor."

"Father, is he dead?" Xiao Chengyi caught the words in her words and asked inconceivably.

There are many hidden guards around his father to protect him, but these hidden guards are vulnerable to Feng Yunyao.

Since she said that her father was dead, she must have died.

Xiao Chengyi looked at the jade seal and imperial edict in his hand, but couldn't be happy. Thinking of the early years, his father was still very good to him. Now that he has been killed, he knows intellectually that he can't seek revenge.

And he can't kill Feng Yunyao, let alone his life is in his hands.

Now he is also bearish. Whether he is an enemy or a friend with Feng Yunyao, he would definitely stand on the hostile side before, but now he knows that being a friend is far better than being an enemy.

Just like now, the throne that was originally very elusive was presented to him now, but Feng Yunyao took it easily, and even helped him eliminate two hidden dangers.

"That's right. As for your revenge, you'd better think it through." After Feng Yunyao finished speaking, she ignored him and flew away.

Xiao Chengyi looked at the direction in which she disappeared, and shook his head firmly, "Don't worry, I won't seek revenge on you."

He will be a good emperor in the future and benefit the people and the world.

After Feng Yunyao left, she met Luo Li outside the palace.

"Junior Sister Feng, I want to bury the body of the ruler of the Qiongling Kingdom opposite the Miao Wu people, so that he can repent."

"Okay, I'll take you there, maybe you can reach Steward Lie." She has a Xuanling boat, which is much faster than ordinary birds.

Luo Li also knew the speed of the Xuanling Zhou, so he didn't refuse, and asked Feng Yunyao to take him to the Miao Wu Clan.

In the evening, they arrived at the Miao Wu tribe.

The wild grass all over the sky here looks very desolate, and it is really difficult to find people in the Miao Wu tribe.

Looking at the desolation in front of him, Luo Li's eyes filled with tears, "It used to be the busiest here, especially on the fifth day of every month, we would wear masks and walk on the street, chatting with strangers or finding out the truth.

Unmarried adult men will take this opportunity to find their sweetheart. As for the younger children, they have no plans to marry a wife. This day is for fun and food.

Feng Yunyao knew that Luo Li remembered the sad things from the past, so she silently listened to his speech, being an excellent listener.

After Luo Li calmed down, Feng Yunyao took Luo Li to the tomb of the Miao Wu Clan again.

Looking at the tombstones in front of him, some of which didn't even have names, tears welled up in Luo Li's eyes again.

After coming out of the Purgatory Field, he also came here. At that time, he saw that the sky was covered with plants such as weeds and moss.

I couldn't help thinking of the past, and my heart became more and more sad, so I didn't come here again.

If he saw so many tombstones in the Miaowu cemetery, he should have guessed that there were still Miaowu people alive, but he couldn't guess who this person was.

There is no need to guess the tombstones here, and it is known that his father buried them one by one.

After a long period of drying, the Miao Wu people have already become dry and cracked bones, and it is difficult to tell which corpse is whose.

It was precisely because they couldn't tell the difference that Steward Lie buried them together, with the names of many Miao Wu people inserted on it, and some of them used unnamed steles.

Looking at these tombstones, Luo Li thought to himself that his father must have been extremely sad when he dug the pit himself and buried the clansmen one by one.

"A Li, why are you here?"

At this moment, a man's thick voice sounded.

Steward Lie put down the things in his hand and walked up to his son.

He also just arrived here, unexpectedly Luo Li and Feng Yunyao followed him.

Afterwards, he cupped his hands to Feng Yunyao and said, "Girl, why are you here?"

"I sent Luo Li here." Feng Yunyao said flatly, her words were concise and to the point.

Steward Lie also knew that she had one or two mysterious spirit boats, which were given to her by Emperor Jiushang. This mysterious spirit boat was so fast that even his guardian beast could hardly catch up to it.

"Father, Junior Sister Feng and I went to the palace of the Qiongling Kingdom and killed the ruler of the Qiongling Kingdom. Here is his body." Luo Li removed the corpse from the Qiankun bag.

Steward Lie saw a human head and a headless corpse rolling out, it was obvious that this was the head of the ruler of the Qiongling Kingdom.

He was still thinking about how to take revenge. After all, the king of Qiongling Kingdom is the king of a country, and there are countless masters hiding around him, so it is not easy to start.

Now his son and Junior Sister Feng have succeeded.

Steward Lie and Luo Li buried He Yuan and the ruler of the Qiongling Kingdom at the exit of the cemetery, with the words "Tomb of the Wicked" written on it.

Then Steward Lie took them to the holy tower.

(End of this chapter)

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