Chapter 463 I Will Follow You Wherever You Go

Chapter 460 Three, I'll Follow You Wherever You Go

When we arrived at Wutong Garden, there was no one there as before, and there was a gloomy and cold atmosphere circulating in the air.

Because she had explained before that no one was allowed to come here, and she didn't even come over to clean it. The place was covered with withered sycamore leaves, and it was very desolate.

"Uncle Nanfeng."

"You finally came to find me." The deep voice was as cold as before.

A ray of ghost flew over quickly in front of her, and stood still in front of her, "Feng girl, have you collected all eight treasures?"

"Well, I'll take you away." She also counted on him to help open the seal.

Nan Fengjue was quite surprised, but his eyes were full of appreciation, "Yes, the eight treasures can be collected in a short time."

"What should I do next?"

"Since the eight treasures are in the hands of the eight major families, they should also correspond to the eight successors. If you bring them to the foot of Tianshen Mountain together, you need to use their power to open the seal together."

"Do you still need the successor of the treasure?" Feng Yunyao couldn't help but frowned. She thought that the treasure was enough, but she didn't expect to bring a successor.

She knows the successors of the other seven major families, but the Feng family, is it her or the elder brother?
"What's the matter, is there a problem?" Nan Feng asked aloud seeing her expression change slightly.

"No." Feng Yunyao shook her head and said, "I know the other family's successors, but the Feng family's successor is me or my eldest brother, neither of us knows how to use magic mirrors."

Moreover, this phantom mirror was not inherited from the Feng family, but something brought by her mother.

"You take out the illusion mirror and I have a look."

Feng Yunyao immediately took out the phantom mirror, because Nanfeng is definitely a soul body that cannot hold the real thing, so she can only hold it and look at it.

"You drop your blood on the magic mirror." Nan Fengjue observed the magic mirror, and then pointed to the blood-red gemstone on the handle of the magic mirror.

Feng Yunyao did as soon as she heard the words, bit her finger and dripped blood there.

The blood quickly soaked into it. It was just an ordinary silver mirror, but it suddenly lit up, but the faint light disappeared in an instant, and it became dark and colorless again.

"Huh?" Nan Fengjue let out a strange snort.

"What's the matter? Am I the successor of the Feng family?" Feng Yunyao asked, she just saw the magic mirror light up, but it went out again.

"You are not." Nan Fengjue pinched his chin, looking at the mirror in her hand full of inquiry, "The phantom mirror cannot make a contract with you, which means that you are not its successor, but your blood dripped in and it lit up. It’s kind of surprising.”

You must know that it is not the successor of the phantom mirror, and there is no reaction when the blood drips in, but just now her blood brightened obviously.

"Is it because I am of the blood of the Feng family?"

"No." Nan Fengjue directly vetoed her conjecture, "The eight treasures will not react because the other party has a relationship with the successor."

"Is it possible to make a contract with a drop of blood?" Feng Yunyao didn't care if she was the successor, even if it wasn't her, it would be the elder brother.

"If it is the successor chosen by the treasure."

Since she is not the successor, Feng Yunyi is the only one, after all, there are only two brothers and sisters in the Feng family.

"Uncle, you wait here for me first, I'll go find my brother." After finishing speaking, he hurried to the courtyard where Feng Yunyi lived.

"elder brother."

Entering the door, Feng Yunyi and Xiao Qinger were chatting, seeing her hurried in, stood up quickly, "Yaoyao, what do you want?"

Judging by her appearance, it was obvious that something was wrong.

Feng Yunyao didn't answer, she took Feng Yunyi's hand and lowered her head to bite his finger.

"Hiss! Yaoyao, what are you doing?" Feng Yunyi was very puzzled by her behavior, looking at the finger that was bitten by her, he couldn't laugh or cry.

Xiao Qing'er also felt very confused, and took out a handkerchief to stop Feng Yunyi's bleeding, but was blocked by Feng Yunyao, "Sister-in-law, stop my brother's bleeding later, I need some blood from him."

Saying that, he took out the magic mirror, pinched Feng Yunyi's finger and dripped a drop of blood on it, the blood stayed on the surface, it didn't even melt into it, let alone emit light.

Obviously, the elder brother has no way to make a contract with the phantom mirror.

Unwilling to give up, Feng Yunyao pinched Feng Yunyi's finger and dripped a few drops, but there was still no response.

What's the matter, she is not the successor, neither is the eldest brother, so the Feng family will still be the successor?
No, it seems that not every generation must have an heir to a treasure. Could it be that there is no heir to a treasure in this generation of the Feng family?
In this way, how can he urge the treasure to help her open the seal.

"What's the matter, Yaoyao?" Seeing her serious expression, Feng Yunyi thought something serious happened, and hurriedly said, "Yaoyao, did something not go well?"

Feng Yunyao didn't answer his words, but held his arm and asked back: "Brother, do you think Dad has any illegitimate children outside?"

After all, in this generation, the eight major families and the other seven major families all have successors of treasures, but the Feng family does not. Is this a coincidence or something.

"How is that possible." Feng Yunyi said with certainty, as if he had heard a big joke, "What are you putting on your head, father and mother are very close, father and he can't have anything else It is even more impossible for a woman to have an illegitimate child."

"What about mother, mother, does she have another man?" After all, the original owner's mother brought the magic mirror to Feng's house.

As soon as she said this, Feng Yunyi knocked a violent pear on the head immediately, this time Feng Yunyi said with a very serious expression: "Stop talking nonsense, Yaoyao, ruining mother's reputation, mother, she is very serious. Daddy is also a very kind woman, how could she be good to other men behind her back, this is not allowed to be said in the future, if someone listens to it, it will not be a bad name for mother."

It was only then that Feng Yunyao remembered that this is ancient times, a woman's reputation is very important, if a woman has an affair with others outside, she will be drowned by others' spittle if she is not executed.

"I didn't do it on purpose." Feng Yunyao said with a guilty conscience.

"I know, how could Yaoyao intentionally slander my mother." Seeing her continuous apology, Feng Yunyi subconsciously felt that what he said was a bit serious, so his tone became much softer.

She is not Feng Yunyi, Feng Yunyao has no choice but to leave all the eighth-grade and ninth-grade pills and some medicinal wines that she refined these days at Feng's house.

She didn't tell her elder brother and grandpa that they were leaving, but she would tell the people in Jiuxiao Pavilion to go to Feng's house and tell her elder brother that she left after they left.

After all, parting is a very sad thing, and there is still a possibility that you will not come back. It is better to leave quietly to avoid the sadness of parting.

After bidding farewell to Feng Yunyi and the old Patriarch Feng, they took Nan Fengjue to Jiuxiao Pavilion.

When they arrived at Jiuxiao Pavilion, they brought Meng Mianmian, Muyan and Luo Li up, and at the same time, Xiaobai also brought Ruan Chengyu over.

"Miss Feng, are you really going to another continent?" Ruan Chengyu asked with obvious interest on his gentle and jade-like face.

"En." Feng Yunyao nodded.

"There really is another continent in this world." Ruan Chengyu originally only knew that she was using his treasures, but he didn't know that they were going to open the seal of Tianshen Mountain and go to another continent.

In the past, he thought that there was only Sky Continent in this world, and Tianshen Mountain was the boundary of the continent.

"Hehe, the Sky Continent is just the lowest level place in the world. Not only is there the Tongtian Continent, but there are also sacred realms, god realms, spiritual realms, and demon realms that you can't imagine. In short, this is the continent with the weakest aura and the lowest level of cultivation." Nan Nan Feng Jue sat on the stool floatingly, and said arrogantly.

Ruan Chengyu looked at the soul body swaggering in front of him, and the corners of his lips twitched. He was still not used to having such a ghost by his side.

However, hearing what he said, my blood burst out, and I yearned for the world he said more and more.

He really wanted to go and see what kind of world it was outside.

"Sister Feng, I want to go with you too." Meng Mianmian was also very curious about the places Nan Fengjue mentioned, and said hastily.

"You can't go, you are the princess of the Meng family, what if you go to your parents?" Feng Yunyao directly refused.

Meng Mianmian frowned, pouted and said dissatisfiedly: "Why Mu Yan and Luo Li can go, but I can't, no, I will go with you, don't worry, I won't be a burden to you, if I can run away when I am in danger, as long as I run, no one can catch me."

Her feet are a pair of phantom iron boots, as long as she runs, no one else can chase her and hurt her.

If you can't beat it, run away.

Feng Yunyao thought for a while and said, "You can go if you want, but you need to get your parents' permission in advance."

"Okay, let's go to Meng's house right now, parents will definitely agree." Meng Mianmian said impatiently.

Feng Yunyao had no choice but to go to Meng's house first on the way.

As for the others, let Xiaobai take Xiaofeng and Gu Jiaolong directly to Tianshen Mountain.

When they arrived at Meng's house, Mrs. Meng was very enthusiastic when she saw them coming, especially Feng Yunyao never let go of her hand from the beginning to the end, she almost forgot who was her daughter.

"Mother, I want to go to another continent with Sister Feng." Meng Mianmian finally plucked up the courage to speak out her plan.

"What?" Madam Meng let go of Feng Yunyao as soon as she heard it, and asked very puzzled, "What continent?"

Meng Mianmian patiently explained to her, "This Tongtian Continent is on the other side of Tianshen Mountain. I heard that there is rich spiritual energy there, which can quickly improve my cultivation. I am not young now, and I want to go out for a while."

"If you go to Tongtian Continent, you may not be able to come back." Feng Yunyao directly told Mrs. Meng the worst plan.

"Sister Feng." Meng Mianmian didn't expect her to tell her mother like that, and her parents would definitely not allow her to say that.

Sure enough, Mrs. Meng showed embarrassment when she heard this, and hesitated: "Yunyao, can you and Mianmian not go to that Tongtian Continent? Look, with the strength of our Meng family and Feng family, the entire Sky Continent No one dares to bully us, so why go to Tongtian Continent where you don't know anything, if you encounter difficulties there and don't know anyone, wouldn't you be alone and helpless?"

(End of this chapter)

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