Chapter 470 What is an upstart

Chapter 470 What is an upstart

"You..." The shopkeeper didn't expect that she would suddenly snatch the spirit grass, and even changed her mind not to sell it. She was a little annoyed, but still waved impatiently on her face, "If you don't sell it, get out, our store doesn't welcome you like this." poor devil."

As soon as he said this, Long Shisan's momentum suddenly increased, as if he was angry, "Say one more thing."

It doesn't matter if you scold him, how can you scold a kind girl like Miss Feng.

The shopkeeper didn't expect him to exert such a strong coercion, and shrank his body in fright, but still stuck his neck and said arrogantly: "Let me tell you, our medicine shop knows people in the government. If you dare to come in There is trouble here, believe it or not, I will let you eat in prison."

He didn't believe it anymore, what could this person do to him in broad daylight.

It is true that Long Shisan really has no choice, after all, people just don't buy his spiritual grass.

Originally, I thought about selling some of the spirit grass to give to Miss Feng, but now I can't get any of them.

Feng Yunyao pulled him by the sleeve and dragged him out of the medicinal material shop, but she didn't leave, but stood at the door of the medicinal material shop.

Take out a table and two chairs from the cosmos bag.

"Miss Feng, what are you doing?" Long Shisan was very puzzled by what she did, why did she move tables and chairs and put them in other people's medicine shops.

"Selling spirit grass."

Feng Yunyao put Long Shisan's spirit grass on the table, and moved Xiaobai into the holy cauldron, and soon Xiaobai came out with the Qiankun bag.

Then, Feng Yunyao took out the spiritual herbs picked by Xiaobai one by one, and set them up on a large table.

Long Shisan, who watched, was stunned and couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

Are you sure this is a spirit grass and not a weed?

How come there are nearly a thousand plants.

The shopkeeper looked at the spirit grass on the table, with greed in his eyes, he didn't expect it to be a big fat sheep.

Changing his attitude just now, he said to Feng Yunyao with a smile: "We want all these spiritual herbs, and according to the price just now, ten plants and one red crystal stone."

With so many spirit herbs, he's going to lose his temper.

Feng Yunyao sneered, "These spirit herbs, including my friend's ten plants, will not be sold to you. We set up a stall here to sell herbs ourselves."

As soon as she said this, the shopkeeper immediately panicked, "If you want to sell it, you can't sell it in my shop, get out of here!"

It seems that this business can't be done. Although I hate it in my heart, I can't grab it. This man's cultivation base is too high. Even if all the thugs in the shop can't beat him, he can only watch helplessly. Slip away with the fat sheep.

When Feng Yunyao heard this, she immediately laughed, "This is a public place, since when did it become your domain, I'm only selling on the side of the street, not in your shop."

"You..." The shopkeeper's face was black and blue with anger. It's true that they didn't sell it in his shop, and the outside really didn't belong to his territory.

He clenched his fist, really wanting someone to beat this woman up, but seeing the outstanding man at the side suddenly deflated.

Feng Yunyao sat on the chair, crossed her legs, patted Xiaobai and said: "Xiaobai, go and shout, sell it for spar and buy you roast goose."

As soon as Xiaobai heard that there was a roast goose to eat, he immediately yelled with all his strength, "Selling the spirit grass, selling the first-class spirit grass for a cheap price, uh..."

Turning to look at Feng Yunyao, "Master, how do you sell it?"

"One red crystal and three spiritual grasses."

"Okay." Xiaobai pinched his waist and continued to shout, "One red crystal and three top-grade first-grade spiritual grasses are sold at a low price. If you don't miss this opportunity, don't come again. There is no such shop after passing this village. Come quickly." buy it."

Its voice was immature and transparent, and it soon attracted several people.

Although the spiritual grass planted by Feng Yunyao is first-class, its quality is even better than Long Shisan's. One ruby ​​stone and two plants of this quality of first-class spiritual grass cannot be bought.

"I'll buy five red crystals."

Xiaobai took the red crystal, and poked Long Shisan with his paw, "Shisan, hurry up and pack the spirit grass for others, so generously give me two more plants."

Starting a business, Xiaobai also looks good, so he should be generous.

"Oh, good." Long Shisan came to his senses, and quickly took seventeen stalks of spiritual grass and handed them to the people who bought them.

Others saw that it was so cheap and of good quality, and the merchant was so generous, people who were hesitant at first started to buy it.

Xiaobai was in charge of collecting the red crystals into the Qiankun bag, while Long Shisan was in charge of giving the spirit grass, each of them was very busy, but Feng Yunyao was the only one sitting there drinking tea.

As for the tea, it was given by the owner of a teahouse nearby, because Feng Yunyao gave him three more spiritual herbs, and he kindly sent him a pot of good tea and some pastries.

Xiaobai took a piece of pastry and stuffed it into his mouth, and hawked it while eating, not to mention his enthusiasm.

Because Yizhou is relatively remote, it is rare to have such a good quality first-class spirit grass, and they are generous and cheap, and they have been spread by everyone.

Soon more than 1000 spiritual herbs were sold out.

Xiaobai put all the red crystals on the table, and happily counted them with Long Shisan.

"Miss Feng, we sold six red crystals for 430." Long Shisan was as excited as a child, if it wasn't for the cultivation he cultivated since he was a child, he would jump up.

Although these red crystals are just a drop in the bucket to him, and only [-]% of what he left for the 'refugees', how can he not be excited to sell so many red crystals in a short period of time.

What's more, it was the first time for him to sell things like a small vendor, and he felt so shy and excited.

Xiaobai distributed a hundred red crystals, and pushed these red crystals to Long Shisan, "This is for you, the rest are mine and the master's."

No need to ask, the master will definitely give Long Shisan spar, it might as well do everything for the master.

Long Shisan waved his hands again and again, shook his head and said, "I can't take this, I only have ten spiritual grasses, just give me three red crystals."

"You take it, we have enough red crystals." Feng Yunyao helped him pack the red crystals with a bag, and put the table into the Qiankun bag.


Long Shisan still wanted to refuse, but Feng Yunyao directly stuffed him into his arms. His attitude obviously couldn't be refused.

Thinking about it, he really needed the spar, wouldn't it be too hypocritical to push it away.

"Thank you, Miss Feng." Long Shisan was sincerely grateful, it seems that there are still many good people.

Afterwards, they found a more luxurious restaurant, ordered a large table of food and wine, and helped Xiao Bai get two roast geese.

After a full meal, Feng Yunyao packed some cooked food and said goodbye to Long Shisan, "Young Master Long, we still have to hurry, so let's go."

"Are you leaving now?" Long Shisan was very surprised, he finally made a friend, but he didn't expect to leave now.

"Well, I'm on my way, and I'll see you in the future. By the way, Mr. Long, do you know where to get a clearance card like yours?"

It would be great if I could buy a customs clearance card for this continent with money. After all, it would be too much trouble to get a customs clearance card for every city I visited.

This Long Shisan was so simple that she couldn't bear to do it, so she could only get it through formal channels.

(End of this chapter)

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