Chapter 488
Chapter 480
Master, what happened to him?Feng Yunyao's original enthusiasm also turned into doubt along with his indifference.

It's obvious that he doesn't know her attitude, how could it be like this?
Xiaobai also looked at Di Jiushang with a confused face, and looked at his master very distressed.

It really came true, the master and the master really don't remember the master, and not only don't remember, but also moved on. Looking at the Yingying and Yanyan around him, it is obvious that they have new loves.

The owner is so pitiful.

The sweetheart forgot to mention it, and helped him to raise his old mother. Although the master's master's mother is not old at all, the master has to feed her blood regularly, and regularly massage the master's old mother's body with acupuncture.

Now the master's old mother's complexion is getting better and better, and she might wake up one day.

The master of such a good girl forgot, and inexplicably felt sorry for her master.

Silently patted on her body to show comfort, organized words by the way, and later persuaded the master well.

"Your Highness Pluto, who is this? Do you know her?" The glamorous woman in gorgeous clothes cast a disgusted glance at Feng Yunyao and asked Di Jiushang.

"I don't know." Di Jiushang's attitude towards this woman was also very indifferent, but he still answered her question.

However, why did Feng Yunyao feel that she was clearly talking to that woman, but she was actually talking to her.

Could it be that Master has some difficulties?
Feng Yunyao thoughtfully looked at Di Jiushang who had turned and walked away, and suddenly smiled apologetically: "I'm sorry, sorry, I admitted the wrong person, he looks a bit like my father, goodbye."

"..." Di Jiushang, a peerless man like her father?

Everyone was in a mess immediately, and even Di Jiushang's Juechen handsome face had an indistinct twitch.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Feng Yunyao left very coolly, as if she had really admitted the wrong person.

"Where is the lowly woman, she must have seen that our group of people are either rich or noble, and came here deliberately to seduce the two princes." The woman who had just asked Di Jiushang cursed angrily.

Di Jiushang gave her a cold look, and the woman thought she had attracted his attention, so she quickly corrected her posture, restrained the meanness on her face, and smiled at him like a lady.

It's just that Di Jiushang glanced at her and then looked away.

The woman didn't care about his indifference at all. After all, the Ninth Prince is notoriously cold. This time, he was able to take a look at him and say such a sentence, which was enough for her to show off for a while.

"Ninth brother, that girl just now looks pretty good, if she can be a dancer and singer or something." The third prince Di Xinghong had a sinister smile on his picturesque face. I mean, his facial features are too delicate, but he looks more feminine.

Di Jiushang stopped for a moment, but didn't turn around, and still walked forward with graceful steps, as if he didn't hear his words.

"It's still as boring as before." Di Xinghong muttered in a low voice, but he didn't dare to offend the ninth brother loudly.

Don't look at his appearance of being indifferent to the world, but he is actually the most difficult to understand among all the brothers. No one knows what he is thinking in his heart. It is this kind of person who is the most terrifying.

In fact, the person he dislikes dealing with the most is this brother Jiuhuang. There is nothing he can do today. It was the emperor's father who ordered that Emperor Jiushang's temper is not easy to get a woman's admiration. Jiushang said something nice and helped him choose a concubine by the way.

I thought that when he was with Di Jiushang, he should be the most popular person with your lady, but thinking about it is often the opposite of the reality.

His ninth younger brother didn't say a word from the beginning to the end, and he attracted these noble ladies. Seeing their eyes wanting to stick to Di Jiushang's body, there is no such thing as usual reserved and noble.

After walking around for half an hour, the only thing Di Jiushang said was that when someone asked him if he knew the woman just now, he replied two words 'no'.

Hey, I really don't know what's so good about Di Jiushang, other than being able to see his face, what else is good about him, it's as cold as a piece of ice.

Di Jiushang stopped suddenly, turned around and looked at Di Xinghong who was burying him in his heart, and said for the first time: "This king has returned to Hades Palace, you go back and talk to father."

His voice is neither heavy nor soft, but very penetrating, as long as you don't stand too far away, you can hear it.

"Okay, okay, Ninth Brother, go slowly." Di Xinghong hurriedly agreed, as if sending off a plague god, for fear that the other party would go back on his word.

God knows how tortured it is to be with Di Jiushang, if you have this time, it's better to find a place to drink flower wine, it's a day less life to be with this log.

Di Jiushang stopped beside the woman who said that Feng Yunyao was mentally ill, squinted at her, and left without saying anything.

It was his glance before leaving that made the woman's heart flutter, as if she had eaten honey.

"Oh my god, Mengshuang, Pluto saw you just now." The noble lady in yellow clothes hugged Wei Mengshuang's arm excitedly, but her eyes were full of jealousy.

"It seems that Pluto Concubine must be Mengshuang. Don't forget us when you become Pluto Concubine in the future."

"Hey, if it were me, let alone Pluto's main concubine, I would be willing to be a side concubine."

"Who says no, after Mengshuang becomes the concubine of Pluto, can you persuade Pluto to accept me as his side concubine?"

The other women also gathered around one after another, chattering non-stop to Wei Mengshuang, each of them was extremely jealous.

When they came, their father said that the Ninth Prince who survived the catastrophe is most likely to inherit the throne, and his concubine is very likely to be the mother of the Tianxuan Kingdom in the future, and even a side concubine is noble concubine.

Originally, when they came, they were only aiming at the position of Concubine Hades, but after seeing Di Jiushang, they realized that the men they met before were all scum, and they were nothing compared to him.

So everyone tried their best to attract Di Jiushang, but he didn't chat with them all the way, he didn't even say a word, if it wasn't for the short words he said just now, they would have doubted whether he was dumb .

Wei Mengshuang appreciated their compliments very much, and said with a smile: "Look at what you said, in fact, all sisters and sisters are also very good, and I will definitely meet such an excellent man like His Highness Pluto in the future."

But I disdain it in my heart, and I don't look at your virtues, and want to marry Pluto as a side concubine. If she becomes Pluto's concubine, she won't give Pluto a side concubine, and she will choose those who are loyal to their Wei family.

Thinking of marrying Emperor Jiushang who is like a god in the future, Wei Mengshuang can't wait to fly.

Di Xinghong, who was standing beside him, curled his lips in disdain as he listened to their conversation.

As far as Wei Mengshuang's virtue is concerned, let alone the ninth younger brother, even he looks down on him.

After that, he ordered his personal guards to send these noble girls back to their homes, and then left without even saying hello.

After Wei Mengshuang separated from the noble ladies, she was on the way home in a carriage, and wanted to drink tea, so she ordered the servant girls, but she couldn't make a sound.

Then, her tongue began to hurt, and she sat on the ground covering her mouth in pain.

"Miss, what's wrong with you, ah, miss, why is your tongue rotten..."

After everyone left, Feng Yunyao, who had already left, got out from under a vendor's stall with a vegetable leaf in her mouth.

Pluto's Mansion, the master's original title was Pluto.

Pluto, how could he have such a gloomy title.

Feng Yunyao stuffed five red crystals to the vendor, and asked directly: "Brother, do you know where the Underworld Palace is?"

"Pluto's Mansion is in the northwest corner of the imperial city. Go straight there. The largest mansion is Hades Mansion." The vendor got the red crystal and showed her the way enthusiastically.

"Thank you."

Feng Yunyao didn't follow immediately, but found a nearby inn to settle down.

"Master, that man has forgotten you, why are you not angry at all, there are so many women around him, I am very angry when I see it."

Xiaobai pinched his waist with his paws, walking back and forth on the table angrily.

Even the title of Emperor Jiushang has been changed.

He slapped his paw on the table, and said angrily, "It's so annoying, what's wrong with my master, none of those women are as beautiful as the master, and they are not as powerful as the master, it's too much."

"Master, you get the little witch spirit out. I'm so angry that I have no place to vent my anger. I need to trample it to vent my anger."

In the holy cauldron, the little Wu Ling, who was watering the spirit grass, heard Xiao Bai's words, and his small body suddenly became alert.

He glared fiercely at the top, smelly Xiaobai, it was obvious that the man had changed his mind, so what the heck.

Feng Yunyao glanced at it, said nothing, took out a bunch of bottles and cans to fiddle with.

"Hey, master, if you are in a bad mood, I can lend you the little witch spirit to vent your anger. Don't hold it in your heart, it will be very bad for your health." Xiaobai persuaded Feng Yunyao earnestly, for fear that she would be alone. Can't think of doing something stupid.

What it said made Xiao Wu scold again.

"Master, he will not forget me."

Feng Yunyao said this lightly, and prepared the medicine calmly, without any sadness because of what happened before.

"Hey, if you think about it this way, you will feel better, then you can think about it that way." Xiaobai sat on the side, observing Feng Yunyao's emotions all the time, and if there is anything wrong, it can help immediately.

How could Master and Master have forgotten Master? Could it be the sequelae left by Tianxuan Compass backlash?

This is probably the reason, otherwise how could the master's master's feelings for the master become so indifferent.

However, it is also gratifying to see that the master and master are in good health, and obviously have not been hit hard by the backlash.

Hey, why can't I remember the master?

Xiaobai rested his chin on his paws and looked at the woman who was still concentrating on dispensing the medicine. There was no trace of sadness on her face. It was probably because she was so sad that her heart was stagnant.

Feng Yunyao looked up at it, "If you are too free, go to the Holy Cauldron to help Little Spirit grow grass."

"No, I want to watch you during this critical time." Xiaobai shook his head quickly, not even interested in bullying the little Wuling. Now its biggest task is to look after its master, and it must not let her go to a dead end.

"..." Feng Yunyao drew a black line.

Looking at it, it is obvious that she is a woman who is trapped by love and wants to commit suicide. Is she so fragile?

If Master really loses his memory, she won't be upset, but will try her best to go to his side and help him recall, let alone Master...

Thinking of this, Feng Yunyao continued to lower her head and do the work in hand.

In the middle of the night, a figure in black quickly flew away in the night sky, leaving only a trace of breeze.

Hades Mansion was as quiet as ever, but the bedroom of Emperor Jiushang in the main courtyard was lit up, and under the light, a figure was left on the window.

It was already late at night, and Di Jiushang hadn't gone to bed yet, so he took a book and sat at the table as if he was waiting for someone.

(End of this chapter)

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