chapter 492

Chapter 490

"Do you want to go out, I'll take you out for a stroll." Di Jiushang suggested.

"Can I go out?" Feng Yunyao's eyes lit up involuntarily, and then she calmed down again, "You don't even have a follower by your side, so I can't follow you around."

If Di Jiushang had a follower or something by his side, she could still pretend to be a follower and walk around with him. He had Xiaobai and a little beast by his side before, and since he gave Xiaobai to her, she has been She was alone, and she didn't have anyone to disguise herself with.

If she changed her appearance and went out to play with him, she would definitely be noticed by interested people, and it would be somewhat inconvenient then.

It's better to change Di Jiushang's face, after all, few people here know her, but what kind of transformation can he make?

Feng Yunyao looked at the cold-tempered Emperor Jiushang, who was a little bit troubled. No matter what he turned into, his innate noble temperament could hardly be concealed, and he was thrown into the crowd after changing his appearance. She could tell at a glance that this person was him, and someone who was familiar with him might also be able to tell.

Seeing her frowning for a while and then relaxing it as if she was worried, Di Jiushang said: "Don't worry, I have already thought of a countermeasure, even if I take you to the palace to play, no one will say anything."

After finishing speaking, he put his hand on Shenyuan's position, a ball of golden light flashed, and then a handsome young man appeared in front of them.

The young man was dressed in radiant clothes, and his facial features were exquisite. The only strange thing was that his forehead was decorated with feathers. The fiery red feathers did not lower his appearance, but gave him a different kind of beauty.

When Xiaobai saw the young man, his eyes were straightened, and he ran away happily, "Xiaofeng, you can actually become a human. Oh, what's wrong with your hair, it must be the aftereffect of not getting better." Well, hahahahahahaha..."

Looking at Xiaobai who was lying there with a smile on his face, the boy's handsome and delicate face was blackened, he clenched his fists and gritted his teeth, "Stinky Xiaobai, if you smile again, believe it or not, I'll pluck your hair off. "

"Hahaha, I can't stop, who made your hair not shrink back, it's so funny, hahaha..."

The young man rolled his eyes at Xiaobai who was smiling exaggeratedly, snorted, turned around, and saluted Emperor Jiushang, "Master."

The one calling Emperor Jiushang's master must be Huofeng. Judging by the young man's clothes and the tuft of hair on his forehead, he is undoubtedly Huofeng.

"Are you really Xiaofeng?" Feng Yunyao looked around Xiaofeng curiously, and poked his face with her index finger, "This little face is really handsome, Xiaofeng has not seen you for a long time, Come and give me a hug."

It's just that before she hugged Xiaofeng, she was pulled back by a force, and then fell into a familiar embrace.

Obviously, a certain master was jealous.

"Don't hug other men." Di Jiushang turned her face to him, his tone full of jealousy.

"He can't be considered a man, at most he can be considered a boy." Xiaofeng looks about thirteen or fourteen years old, her height is about the same as hers, and she is only a half-grown child.

"That's not allowed."

"..." This vinegar jar.

Di Jiushang put his arms around her waist, looked at Xiaofeng and said: "He is about the same height as you, you disguise yourself as him, I will take you to play in the palace."

Xiaofeng is his guardian beast, and it's normal to follow him, but he really can't appreciate his radiant floral dress.

Feng Yunyao melted on her face according to Huofeng's appearance, but it took half a quarter of an hour to take shape, and his height was about the same as hers, which saved a lot of effort.

Later, Huofeng contributed another set of colorful feather clothes, which Huofeng Wuer wore on her body.

"Xiaofeng, you have changed into a human form, so you are a divine beast, isn't it a level higher than me." Xiaobai looked at Xiaofeng and couldn't help feeling sad.

It was downgraded to a holy beast just before it broke its shell before it could take on human form, and it didn't know what it looked like in human form.

However, it believes that Xiaofeng, a vulgar fire phoenix, has become so handsome, and its human form must be more handsome than him.

In fact, its requirements are not high, as long as its humanoid appearance is similar to that of its master and master.

Huofeng picked Xiaobai up from the ground and put it on his shoulders, raised his eyebrows and patted his chubby body, "Don't be sad, the female devil is very talented, I believe you will be able to transform into a human in a short time, It's just not as handsome as me."

"Ah bah, I'm definitely more handsome than you just because of your hair." Xiaobai rubbed the red feathers on Xiaofeng's forehead without fear of death, and then proudly raised his head.

After it transforms, it will definitely be a completely human form, and it will not retain the characteristics of the fire phoenix like Xiaofeng.

"Smelly Xiaobai, believe it or not, I'll chop off your paw if you keep messing around." Huofeng slapped Xiaobai's paw off with a slap, and gritted his teeth angrily.

"I'll just touch it, what can you do to me, hehe." Xiaobai said and stroked the hair on Xiaofeng's forehead again, "Look, I touched it again."

Seeing Xiaofeng getting mad, Xiaobai quickly jumped onto Feng Yunyao's shoulder, "Help me, master, Xiaofeng bullied me, quickly transfer me into the holy cauldron."

In the blink of an eye, Xiaobai disappeared, obviously being sent into the holy cauldron by Feng Yunyao.

Xiaofeng became anxious immediately, "Devil, quickly get me in too."

Feng Yunyao was unmoved, and looked at Huofeng with a half-smile, and rubbed her chin with her fingers, "Devil? Xiaofeng, so you have always called me that."

"Yes, master, you don't know that it calls you that all the time, isn't it very hateful, such a hateful Xiaofeng, you must not let him in." Xiaobai hugged the little witch spirit in the holy cauldron. He rubbed it twice and shouted.

"Guji Guji..." The little witch spirit struggled under its claws, angrily trying to bite it but couldn't.

"I..." Xiaofeng was a little embarrassed by her. It is indeed used to calling her the devil, even now that it has become a human, how can I forget that he is speaking in human language, the devil But I understand.

Unexpectedly, the boy Xiaofeng turned into was so innocent, Feng Yunyao still kept a straight face, and said: "Since you have done something wrong, you will be punished, so I will punish you, go to the Holy Cauldron and plant grass with Xiaobai and the others." .”

"Huh?" Xiao Bai was dumbfounded when he heard her words.

Then, seeing Xiaofeng appearing in front of it, the little body couldn't help shrinking.

"Ahaha, Xiaofeng, I know you are very angry now and continue to vent, right? Hey, Xiaoling lent it to you, so you don't have to pay it back." Xiaobai silently handed Xiaofeng over, saying, "I'm very generous." ' look.

The little Wu Ling couldn't help but be clever, and Mung Dou's eyes were full of accusations and anger, "Guji Guji."

Damn Xiaobai, it's too much to let others bully him even if he bullies it himself.

No, it has to become stronger, and when it becomes stronger, press Smelly Xiaobai on the ground and rub it.

Xiaofeng directly picked up Xiaobai's tail and bounced it on its round belly, "I can't bear it because it's too small, your size is just right."

As he spoke, he started scratching on Xiaobai's stomach.

"Ahahaha, Xiaofeng stop, hahaha, you are too bad Xiaofeng, ahaha, I can't do it, stop quickly..."

Paralysis, it must cultivate hard in the future, must surpass Xiaofeng, defeat it, and ruthlessly trample it!
So, Xiaobai and Xiaowuling, the two little beasts who can enjoy and play the most, began to practice diligently. Of course, this is all a later story.

"Xiaofeng, you take the two of them and live all the medicinal herbs and spiritual herbs inside on the medicine field, and then water them with spiritual spring water." Before going out, Feng Yunyao explained a few words.

After getting the task, Xiaofeng let go of Xiaobai who was already out of breath from laughing.

Then, the three beasts began to plant spirit grass in the holy cauldron, which was rare and harmonious.

Feng Yunyao followed Emperor Jiushang out of Hades Mansion, and strolled on the streets of the imperial city.

It was the first time that the two of them wandered the streets together like this, as if they were in love.

Along the way, Di Jiushang always looked at her dotingly, even if he didn't say anything, walking together like this is not bad.

"Master, there is a seller of honey over there, I will buy some for Xiaobai."

Feng Yunyao saw a honey stand in front of her, and remembered the three snacks in Shengding, so she ran there and bought three packs and sent them to Shengding.

Di Jiushang watched her back from a distance, the corners of his cold lips were raised all the time.

At this moment, a pair of young men and women came out of a nearby jewelry store.

The woman held a pearl hairpin in her hand with a sweet smile on her face, "Sir, I really like this pearl hairpin."

"As long as you like it, I will make a lot of money in the future and buy you jewelry every day." The man looked at his wife dotingly.

The man's words made the woman very happy, but she shook her head and said, "You don't need to buy them every day, as long as I have enough to wear, I like this one very much, so please help me wear it, Mrs.

"Okay." The man took the pearl hairpin and inserted it into the woman's cloudy temple hair. A very ordinary pearl hairpin made the woman's delicate face more rosy and lustrous. Maybe this is the power of love.

Seeing this, Emperor Jiushang couldn't help but move.

It seems that he hasn't given Yao'er jewelry yet, do girls like this kind of thing?
He glanced at Feng Yunyao who was walking towards this side, and waved to her.

When Feng Yunyao came over, Di Jiushang took her by the hand and entered the jewelry store.

"Master, you want to buy me jewelry?" Feng Yunyao couldn't help raising her brows, obviously a little surprised.

She, the master of ice cubes, actually understands these romantic things, which is really rare.

Although she doesn't like jewelry, she likes whatever the master gives her.

"Yes." Di Jiushang led her into the jewelry store.

Immediately, the shopkeeper came out to greet them again, "Guest officer, please come in."

They are gorgeously dressed, especially Feng Yunyao. The bright and blinding phoenix feather clothes are extraordinary at a glance, but they are too fancy and look a bit tacky. Under the background of the clothes, they also seem to complement each other, and they actually wear a sense of elegance and luxury.

As for the man in the crimson robe, the clothes on his body are unbearable, just because of his innate nobility, one can guess that this man is definitely a nobleman.

(End of this chapter)

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