Chapter 581 Weird phenomenon
Chapter 580 A Strange Phenomenon
Vice President Ouyang's cultivation base was originally higher than that of Master Ouyang, but he was not prepared for the sneak attack by Master Ouyang, and he was beaten to the cliff.

It's just that Ouyang Guoshi never dreamed that the praying mantis caught the cicada and the oriole was behind.

When he was beating Vice President Ouyang, Feng Yunyao dodged away and used [-]% of her profound strength to hit the back of National Master Ouyang, and quickly threw out a silver whip with the other hand to catch the falling Vice President Ouyang. Dean.

Because Ouyang Guoshi hit hard, he directly led Feng Yunyao towards the cliff.


At this moment, Xiaobai quickly turned into a giant dragon, engulfed Feng Yunyao and dragged her back, Vice President Ouyang was also pulled up by Feng Yunyao.

Everything returned to calm again, and Xiaobai also returned to his small body state.

"Vice President Ouyang, are you okay?" Feng Yunyao hurried over to help Vice President Ouyang sit up on the ground.

Vice President Ouyang also heaved a sigh of relief. He thought he was going to fall off the cliff, but he was rescued.

However, he was slapped by Ouyang Guoshi firmly on his body and was seriously injured.

"Why are you here, girl?" Vice President Ouyang couldn't help asking after seeing that it was Feng Yunyao.

Feng Yunyao checked his internal injuries, then poured out a few pills and handed them to him, "Take the medicine first."

"Oh, good." Vice President Ouyang sat there cross-legged, took the medicine and stuffed it into his mouth and ate it. He still knew the girl's ability very well, and her medicine would not be bad.

After seeing him eating, Feng Yunyao said, "I wanted to find a quiet place to practice, so I thought of this place."

"So that's how it is. It's fortunate that you are here this time, otherwise I'm afraid I won't be able to survive." Vice President Ouyang said gratefully.

He was slapped by a sneak attack, and he was seriously injured. If he fell off the cliff, the possibility of surviving was very small.

Vice President Ouyang glanced towards the cliff, complex expressions appeared in his eyes.

Seeing this, Feng Yunyao thought of what they said just now, "Vice President Ouyang, I, I'm sorry."

"You saved my life, so why do you apologize." Vice President Ouyang said softly, "Although he is my brother, what he did is beyond conscience. If he doesn't die, more people will die here In his hands, alas, he just thought that he didn't control him well, and he was ashamed of those who were hurt by him."

Vice President Ouyang had self-blame and helplessness in his eyes, "Actually, I was also at fault. If he hadn't been sent to Dean Qing when he was a teenager, he wouldn't have become like this."

"Is it the Qing Dean of Qiansheng Academy?"

"Yeah." Vice President Ouyang lowered his head and continued, "I sent him to Qiansheng Academy to learn his skills, but who knows that he ran away within a year, and even Dean Qing couldn't find him. I have been looking for him for many years. Just three years ago, he suddenly appeared and told me to help him. If I don’t help him, he will die, because he is my younger brother, and he has been missing for many years. I think he must have suffered a lot these years. So I agreed to help him develop it. At the beginning, he used Warcraft to develop it. He never thought that he would use it on humans. Since I knew he was using it on humans, I stopped helping him. I persuaded him many times. Ken back."

Speaking of this, Vice President Ouyang looked very embarrassed, "Actually, among those who were killed by him, I was also a part. If I hadn't helped him develop it..."

Feng Yunyao said: "This has nothing to do with you. Even if you don't help him, those dead people still can't escape his clutches. Since he had such an idea, how could he give up just because you can't help him?" .”

Without the help of Vice President Ouyang, those who were captured by Master Ouyang for research would not have died, that is impossible.

Seeing her seriously persuading him, Vice President Ouyang couldn't help but chuckled and said: "You are a good girl, if it weren't for you, Qingcheng would have been a hell on earth now, and you saved me this time."

Feng Yunyao was a little embarrassed by his praise, "Actually, I also have selfish intentions. He said he wanted to arrest me, so I became murderous towards him."

She was indeed looking for an opportunity to kill Ouyang Guoshi, but she didn't throw him into the cliff, after all, there is a possibility of survival if he falls, she just chose to do this because she wanted to save Vice President Ouyang.

"You saved me no matter what, and with your cleverness, even if you wanted to get rid of him, you wouldn't choose to push him off the cliff. You did it just now because you were in a hurry to save me." Vice President Ouyang said As the vice president of Xuanhuang Academy, there are still some psychological activities to manipulate people, not to mention that this girl is really smart.

Feng Yunyao said with a faint smile: "The wind here is relatively strong, it's not good for your injury, the students should send you back."

"it is good."

Feng Yunyao helped him up from the ground and walked towards the academy.

"I'll call you Yunyao from now on."

"it is good."

"Yunyao, I have something to tell you. There are masterminds behind Ouyang Peng. You have interfered with their plans. You should stay in the academy recently and don't go anywhere. I'm afraid they will come and arrest you."

"Students, please remember." Feng Yunyao said respectfully.

Afterwards, she sent Vice President Ouyang back to the courtyard where he lived, and returned to the cliff behind the Yuling Branch College.

"Master, are we going down to find that Ouyang Guoshi?" Xiao Bai stood on Feng Yunyao's shoulder, looked down at the cliff, and asked.

"Well, I don't feel relieved if I don't see him die with my own eyes." Ouyang Guoshi's cultivation level is not much lower than that of Vice President Ouyang's. Such a high cliff may not necessarily kill him, although she used She slapped him with [-]% of her profound strength, but her cultivation level was far from his, so this slap could only hurt him at most.

Feng Yunyao took out the Thousand Miles Yin Crane, jumped onto it, and flew straight down the cliff.

The clouds and mist are lingering under the cliff, and you can't see the low point at all, so you can only go down by intuition.

"Master, we will reach the bottom soon, we can slow down." Xiao Bai said in time.

Feng Yunyao slowed down the speed of Qianli Yinhe until it reached the ground.

"Xiaobai, feel if there are any living people nearby."

"Okay, master."

The miasma below is pervasive, suffocating, and the smell of rancidity floats in the air. I don't want to stay here for a moment.

Due to the smoky steam below, it was impossible to see the surrounding situation clearly.

Xiaobai listened to it for a while, then shook his head, "Master, I don't know why my sensory ability has failed, I can't even detect spirit beasts, I feel strange here, as if there is a force suppressing the spirit in my body force."

As soon as it said this, it was immediately stared at by the little witch spirit and the three-eyed civet in the holy cauldron, do you have spiritual power in your body?
However, the two of them seem to be half-baked and laughing at a hundred steps, and they are both in the same boat.

Feng Yunyao also sensed the strangeness around her, and tried to mobilize her internal energy, but the profound energy in her body could not be condensed, and her complexion involuntarily sank.

"My profound strength has also been suppressed and I can't condense it."

(End of this chapter)

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