Chapter 590 Ouch, shame to death

Chapter 590 Ouch, shame to death

Although he avoided it, he was a little embarrassed, and the hands behind his back were also loosened, showing a tendency to resist.

Shao Fan landed on the ground, and said with a smile, "You girl is really tricky, I was almost forced to fight back by you."

"There are more tricky ones, look at the tricks." Feng Yunyao made three quick moves at him, making Shao Fan keep backing away.

Seeing that she was about to be forced out of the competition arena, Feng Yunyao hit him in the left abdomen again. If Shao Fan didn't resist again, he would be resigned.

Shao Fan didn't care about the ten moves, and raised his hand to answer her call abruptly. Feng Yunyao's cultivation base was too far behind him, even if she dodged in time, she was still knocked back several steps.

"I'm serious."

"Teacher, you should have been serious a long time ago." Feng Yunyao attacked Shao Fan again, getting more and more vigorous.

The two were fighting on the stage, and the students below were dazzled.

"Student Feng has already passed more than ten moves in the hands of Teacher Shao. Do you think you will fight fifty moves with Teacher Shao?" There is not a single person in his class who has been able to pass more than ten moves in the hands of Teacher Shao Fan. This time Student Feng not only played more than a dozen moves, but even continued to increase.

"Fifty moves may not work, but twenty or thirty moves are okay." Zhao Qin watched their moves carefully and analyzed.

"Twenty-thirty is also amazing. As expected of Junior Sister Feng, she has been able to compete with Teacher Shao for so long."

On the stage, since Shao Fan made the move, Feng Yunyao was obviously lacking in strength and was always at a disadvantage. Even so, every time Shao Fan wanted to end a move, Feng Yunyao's weird skill deflected it.

"It seems that I need to use my ultimate skill, the top of the golden bell." Shao Fan raised his hands, and two groups of golden light formed a huge golden bell in the sky, pressing down towards Feng Yunyao.

The flesh and bones on her body ached from that powerful pressure, and she quickly used [-]% of her profound energy to resist it.

"I'm going, right? I actually forced out Teacher Shao's unique skills. Now, Student Feng is finished."

The golden bell cover slowly pressed down, getting closer and closer to Feng Yunyao's head, and the force on her body was beyond her ability to bear.

Feng Yunyao closed her eyes, mobilized all the strength in her body and pushed towards the golden bell cover on her head.

The intense white light hit the golden bell cover, making a loud noise.

Feng Yunyao was so shocked that she flew directly out of the competition ring, spurting out a mouthful of blood.

"Ayao." Shao Fan was shocked and flew over, "Are you alright?"

The voice was full of self-blame and worry.

He just wanted to use this move to push her to the limit, but he didn't expect to hurt her.

"I'm fine." Feng Yunyao stood up from the ground, raised her hand to wipe the blood from the corner of her mouth, "Thank you, Teacher Shao, I've advanced."

Although her body was in severe pain from the beating, her five meridians and eight meridians were very transparent, and the strength of the Shenyuan Department also increased a lot.

Shao Fan checked her cultivation and nodded in satisfaction, "It's fine if you get promoted, if you don't get promoted, you will be beaten in vain."

"Even if I didn't advance, it's not in vain. When I was fighting with you, I found my own shortcomings." She hadn't fought against the Xuansheng peak with real swords and guns, and she still used tricks to seize the coldness. Really playing, this time not only entered the level, but also gained a lot.

Seeing that she was only slightly injured, Shao Fan was relieved.

It is inevitable that you will suffer some injuries in the martial arts competition, but this girl is really difficult to deal with. After fighting with him for so long, when she is promoted to Profound Sage, I am afraid that it will take some effort to win against her.

Soon the hunting competition will come, and the place to go to the competition belongs to the junction of Tiansheng Kingdom and Tianxuan Kingdom.

I heard that many emperors and nobles will come, but I don't know if Emperor Jiushang will come.

The college sent a total of [-] students, led by the dean himself, and the branch deans of the four major colleges and teachers of each class also went together.

The place where the Tiansheng Kingdom and the Tianxuan Kingdom meet is a primeval forest. There are many monsters there, and there are all kinds of monsters. If you are unlucky, you may even encounter monsters of the Hunyuan level.

Of course, if you are lucky, you may even encounter high-grade spiritual grasses and elixir. This is why students from the Alchemy Academy and the Spiritual Education Academy want to participate even if they know that they will not get the ranking. At least get some spiritual herbs and elixir It's not bad to come back.

Students with low cultivation generally only choose to move around the edge of the forest and will not go into the depths. Before entering the forest, a signal flare will be given to the musty students. Once their lives are in danger, the signal flare will be released immediately, and someone will go there rescue.

The training competition was held for three days, and the first day was not counted because most of it was spent on the road.

The four national academies all have their own magical means of transportation. Compared with the distance between Tianxuan Kingdom and Tiansheng Kingdom, they only need to start one day in advance, but the other two countries are not so lucky. You can get there around here, but Tianjia Kingdom may have to leave half a month in advance to get there in time.

When they arrived at the place where the hunting contest was held, it was already dark.

This side is facing the Heavenly Holy Kingdom, and the weather is obviously much colder than that of Phoenix Mountain, especially at night, it can be said to be early winter.

Feng Yunyao didn't know it would be so cold here, so she didn't bring any winter clothes. Fortunately, there was a thin cape in her Qiankun bag, which could barely withstand the cold.

"Student Feng, didn't you bring a cotton coat?" Shao Fan asked with a frown when he saw that the clothes on her body were thin.

"I didn't know it would be so cold here." Feng Yunyao said helplessly.

"You don't know? Where did you come from? The Heavenly Holy Kingdom is winter for [-] days a year. This is the intersection of the Heavenly Holy Kingdom. Fortunately, it is cold during the day and very cold at night." Shao Fan and her explained.

Feng Yunyao also knew that Tiansheng Country had a lot of cold days, but even though it was the end of summer at Phoenix Mountain, she didn't need to wear cotton clothes, so she took a thin cloak instead.

"Girls can't be cold, how about this, you wear..." Shao Fan was about to take off his cloak when a young man walked over, holding a snow-colored sable fur in his hand.

The man walked up to Feng Yunyao, and bowed respectfully to her, "Miss, this is the cloak my master gave you."

"Your master?" Feng Yunyao looked at the women's sable fur in surprise, then looked away, and found a man standing in the woods not far away.

Because the tree was blocking it, and it was very dark, she couldn't see the other person's face clearly, but the familiar figure made Feng Yunyao couldn't help raising the corners of her mouth, and she didn't ask to take Diao Qiu again, "Thank you."

Then, quietly made a playful smile towards that side.

"Who is your master?" Feng Yunyao stopped asking, but Shao Fan refused to give up. The other party might have some perverted intentions in showing such kindness.

At this moment, Shao Fan felt the feeling that the only cabbage in his family was being crushed by a pig, and he did not forget to remind Feng Yunyao, "Ah Yao, please check this sable fur to see if there are any hidden poisons or needles inside. You must have the heart of harming others, and the heart of defense is indispensable, those dog-like dandies outside like to find innocent girls like you."

simple?The corners of Feng Yunyao's lips twitched, she seemed to have lost her innocence since she could remember, "Don't worry, the other party has good intentions and will not harm me."

Even if people in the world harm her, he will not do anything bad to her.

Looking at her face, Shao Fan knew that he must know the person who delivered the clothes, so he waved his hand at that person, "Go back and report to your life."

With the sable fur, the chill dissipated immediately, and it was much warmer.

"Let's go in, it's cold outside." Shao Fan said.

"Ms. Shao, you go first, I'll go out for a stroll."

Shao Fan glanced at the woods, knowing that this girl must go to see the 'pig' who delivered the clothes, so he turned and left without saying anything.

After Shao Fan left, Feng Yunyao dodged to the grove.

In the previous life, I heard that those young lovers who went to college like to go to the small woods, I don't know if there is such a thing.

When Feng Yunyao entered the woods, she fell into a familiar embrace.


Feng Yunyao took Emperor Jiushang into the holy cauldron, so that no one outside could see or hear what he said inside.

After entering the Holy Cauldron, Feng Yunyao put her arms around Di Jiushang's waist and smiled cleanly, "Master, how do you know I didn't bring a thick cotton coat?"

She even counted ahead of time that she forgot to take thick clothes.

Di Jiushang gently scratched the bridge of her nose, and the tenderness in his eyes turned into a pool of clear water, "I don't know that you will forget to bring thick clothes, I prepared these clothes for you in advance, and there are still clothes in the palace. There are other things, thinking that you will have a change of clothes to wear when you go home in the future, and I brought a few for you when I came here."

As he said that, he released one hand and took out a stack of clothes from the Qiankun bag, including the thick clothes inside and two cloaks.

Feng Yunyao also put away all of them politely, and it happened that she didn't have any thick clothes to wear, so her master was thoughtful.

"There are many monsters from the Hunyuan world in the depths of the forest. It is best not to go too deep, and everything is safe."

"Yes, got it."

"In case of danger, you must first release the signal flare I gave you, followed by the academy's, you know."


"Be careful of other students around, sometimes for their own benefit, they are scarier than monsters."

"Understood." Alas, where did the silent and cold god of her family go, and how did he become Tang Sanzang now.

Looking at her like that, I knew what she was thinking. Emperor Jiushang stroked her cheek, "Yaoer, after the hunting competition is over, I will start to advance to Xuanshen. After I succeed, let's get married."

He didn't like being separated from her very much. Now that he thought about it clearly, there was no place where it was safe to stay by his side. With him guarding him, he would not let anyone hurt her.

"No, I want to get No.1 in the Four Kingdoms Tournament, and I will stand by your side with my own ability." Feng Yunyao's tone was firm. It's really cool to be protected, but she doesn't like to be under his protection. The delicate flower, she hopes that she can fight side by side with him and deal with the enemy together.

Di Jiushang lowered his eyes slightly, hiding the disappointment under his eyelashes, "It's all up to you."

He concealed his disappointment very well, but Feng Yunyao still felt the change in his mood, she was very distressed, clenched her fists as if she had made some decision.

She glanced at the three 'small light bulbs' in the Lingquan Pool, and then whispered a few words in Di Jiushang's ear.

"Yao'er." Di Jiushang's earlobe was instantly red enough to bleed.

(End of this chapter)

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