Chapter 592 Stealing His Son

Chapter 590 The second stole his son

"You, you guys!" Luo Ning'er looked at Mu Yan and Yu Le in disbelief, and finally turned her eyes to Feng Yunyao, making a heartbroken appearance of Xi Shi laughing, "Junior Sister Feng, I also kindly wanted to help you, but I didn't expect you You actually instigated your teammates to verbally insult me, how could you do that, Junior Sister Feng?"

Feng Yunyao couldn't help but frown, what does it mean that someone sits at home and comes from the sky, she is just standing here, did she speak, did she make a move, why did she bully her.

"Hey, what are you talking about, woman? Mu Yan and I are obviously talking about you, don't care about my boss, show some face." Yu Le rolled up his sleeves, puffed up his cheeks and stared angrily, "You want to fight, don't you?" Come on, come on, if I don’t call you father and mother, my surname will not be Yu.”

"Then what's your last name?" Mu Yan answered casually.

"I'll take my boss's last name."


When your grandpa hears this, I'm afraid he will break your dog legs.

Luo Ning'er backed away in fright, with a pale face, she said nervously: "You are rude, I don't want to fight with a rude woman like you."

"Tch, if you can't beat me, I'll just admit defeat, what a prudence." Yu Le snorted and said contemptuously.

Luo Ning'er didn't want to deal with Yu Le, an extremely rude woman, but looked at Feng Yunyao, and accused Feng Yunyao in a very gentle voice: "Junior Sister Feng, we are all classmates after all, you just let them bully me like this."

Feng Yunyao said impatiently: "If you don't leave, I'll let you say 'I bullied you' to be true."

Her voice was cold and gloomy, and Luo Ning'er was so frightened that she ran away in a panic.

If she doesn't leave, this woman will definitely beat her with a whip. It's not like she hasn't done anything before to whip her classmates in full view.

No, she must find an ally as soon as possible and get rid of Feng Yunyao as soon as possible. If this woman lives one more day, she will feel uncomfortable all over.

"The fly has finally flown away." Yu Le slapped his nose with his hand in disgust, "What kind of virtue, you still want to join our invincible team."

At this moment, a man in palace uniform came hurriedly. He came to Feng Yunyao and handed over a yellow Qiankun bag with both hands, "Girl, this is a reward from the lord of the country."

Give her a reward?Feng Yunyao looked up in surprise, and the first thing she saw was her master, who happened to be looking at her too.

"Thank you." Feng Yunyao took the Qiankun bag, opened it and took a look inside, she was immediately happy.

There is a bag full of amethyst stones, there are tens of thousands of them, Emma, ​​get rich.

Seeing her smiling so happily, the corners of the man's lips twitched. Sure enough, as His Royal Highness Pluto said, this girl really likes amethyst.

"If the girl has nothing else to do, the subordinate will leave first."

"Okay, send my regards to Your Highness for me, and tell Dean Ye that the students will definitely go all out." Feng Yunyao got [-] amethyst stones, and the annoyance that Luo Ning'er caused just now was swept away, and she was very relieved Cool way.

The man was slightly stunned, wondering why she wanted to say hello to His Royal Highness Pluto, shouldn't she thank Lord Ron, could it be that she heard the above speech here?

It shouldn't be. It's three kilometers away from the above. Although you can see it, the gradient is relatively high. It's difficult to hear the people above.

Although the man was puzzled, he saluted and left to return to his command.

"Your Highness, that girl asked my subordinates to greet you on her behalf." When he got to the stage, the man replied respectfully.

Di Jiushang lowered his head, his face remained unchanged, but the corners of his lips rose slightly.

The man said to Dean Ye again: "The girl said that she will do her best."

"Good boy." Dean Ye stroked his beard in satisfaction.

"As for me, shouldn't she thank me?" Di Chengyuan said angrily. Although he didn't care if Feng Yunyao thanked me or not, he was really upset to be ignored like this. respect.

The man was confused immediately, but he still said respectfully: "Master, maybe the girl forgot to mention it."

"Get out!" Di Chengyuan angrily wanted to throw something at him, but people from all four countries were there, so he had to endure it if he wanted to maintain his image.

Di Xingrui just came back from the outside, and seeing his father so angry, he quietly walked up to Di Jiushang and sat down, asking in a low voice, "Jiu brother, what's wrong with father?"

"Want to know?" Di Jiushang looked at him coldly with sideways eyes.

"En." Di Xingrui nodded, because he came a little late because he met an old acquaintance, did he miss something.

"You can ask him."

"..." If you dare to ask, why would you ask him.

It didn't matter to Di Xingrui, as long as he didn't provoke him, he looked at the crowded students below, and finally stopped at the students of Xuanhuang Academy, looked at Shaoqing, and couldn't help but "huh?"

"She, why is she here?" Di Xingrui was very confused, but he immediately realized, "I must have taken the letter of introduction from Dean Qing and went to Xuanhuang Academy. I didn't expect to see Miss Feng again. I'm going to say hello to her."

But before he could stand up, Di Jiushang pressed him on the chair, "Sit down."

Di Xingrui looked at him very puzzled, not understanding, "I saw an old friend, let me say hello to her."


Did not say why not, only said two words.

"Okay, okay, I won't go." Di Xingrui poured a glass of wine and drank it depressed. Although he didn't know why Di Jiushang stopped him, he didn't dare to resist. Who told him to be his ninth brother Woolen cloth.

Now that she has participated in the hunting competition, he will also go in after it starts, and give her the magic core. Anyway, the number and level of personal magic cores will determine the outcome. Although others cannot help, he can quietly give it to her. .

Feng Yunyao's grouping was completed, and then the country leaders of various countries came out and gave some encouraging words.

When building up her momentum, Feng Yunyao always felt that Di Chengyuan would stare at her from time to time. If her eyes could stare at people to death, she would definitely die a thousand times.

After it was over, Mu Yan, who was standing beside Feng Yunyao, whispered to her, "Master, you shouldn't have snatched her daughter-in-law, did he look at you with such eyes? hatred."

"I didn't steal my wife, I stole his son." Feng Yunyao said indifferently.

"Stealing a son..." Mu Yan suddenly understood when he saw Di Jiushang, and immediately gave Feng Yunyao a thumbs-up, "Master, stealing one is stealing, why don't you steal all his sons, you are so angry he."

As soon as he said this, he was kicked on the leg, if Luo Li hadn't held him back, he might have been kicked out.

"Master." Mu Yan looked at her pitifully, "I was wrong."


Luo Li shook his head speechlessly. This guy is getting more and more dishonest. If he wasn't afraid of causing unnecessary trouble, he wouldn't bother to pull him. Let him fly out and dare to say anything.

Soon the training meeting began, and the students from the four countries rushed to the forest immediately.

As for the royal nobles from various countries sitting in the stands, they began to conduct political exchanges. As for some young noble children, they also took up their own weapons and released guardian beasts into the forest for hunting. If you have more magic cores, you will definitely gain some advantages in the family or the court.

Di Xingrui couldn't sit still for a long time. When he heard that he could go in, he immediately stood up, "Father, my son wants to participate."

"Sure." Di Chengyuan still hoped that his son would get good grades, "Don't be brave, safety is the priority."

"Yes, Father."

After Di Xingrui left, Di Jiushang also stood up, wanting to leave.

"You, stop!" Di Chengyuan shouted at him, and then, a secret voice was transmitted through the air, "Lao Jiu, you dare to help her, believe it or not, I will reveal her identity."

Di Jiushang squinted his eyes and looked at him coldly, as if ice could penetrate Renxin.

Seeing that he was so cold, Di Chengyuan had no choice but to give in, "Xi Lie has a rule that no one else is allowed to help. If you help her, even if she gets No.1, it will be worthwhile. Besides, if someone finds out that you are helping her Her, it's definitely not good for her."

"Who said I'm going to help her." Di Jiushang said coldly.

He just went to see her, he believed that Yao'er would definitely get the desired ranking by herself.

"Then what are you going to do? Later, you have to communicate with the princes and rulers of various countries. You and Shisan have left. Could it be that you let me and you three deal with it?" Di Chengyuan couldn't do it, he could only reason up.

In the end, Di Jiushang sat back down again, but of course this was only temporary.

The students dispersed after entering the forest. However, the personnel of each team were active nearby. After all, the forest is a dangerous place.

"Boss, here are some low-grade little monsters, let's go inside." Yu Le broke off a branch and waved it in his hand.

At this moment, Xiaobai trampled to death a Tier [-] demon mouse, dug out the demon core of the demon mouse, and handed it to Feng Yunyao very graciously, "Master, give me the spoils of war."

Feng Yunyao glanced at the magic core in its claw, then poured out the amethyst stone from the yellow Qiankun bag, "You can carry it yourself."

"Oh, good." Xiaobai stuffed the magic core into the Qiankun bag like a baby, and then tied it around his waist and said proudly, "I got the magic core first."

Everyone: "..."

It's just killing a first-order little monster, so there's nothing to show off.

Feng Yunyao explored the terrain and said, "Let's go inside."

Although the results of Xihun still need to be quantified, every level difference is ten times, which means that getting ten first-level magic cores is of the same value as one second-level magic core.

Instead of hunting those low-level monsters here, it is better to go in and find high-level monsters.

It is best to meet a few twelfth-order monsters, so that the team members' points can be increased.

This time in the hunting competition, not only the individual's performance must be outstanding, but the entire team must also have the highest points in order to win the first place.

"These little monsters are also points. If you don't want me, I want more." Mu Yan rode on his guardian beast, Qiuqiu, and captured a second-level magic snake on a tree branch, gouged out the magic core and collected it. stand up.

Jiang Mo also followed him to kill some small monsters. The two had a great time killing them, feeling that their abilities were the same.

Other students passed by them and looked at them like idiots, so they also want low-level magic cores, are they stupid, or think that their cultivation is not enough and they can only get some low-level magic cores.

(End of this chapter)

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