Chapter 598 This Woman Has a Great Temperament
Chapter 590 This woman has a really big temper
A twelfth-level magical beast meets countless points of low-level magical beasts. Of course, high-level magical beasts are not easy to fight, and may even be killed. Many people choose to fight conservatively.

Ruan Chengyu consciously didn't go inside. Although he can control beasts, he is still an eighth-level beast. If he encounters a higher-level beast, one can handle it. If there is a group of beasts, he may only die.

So he played the flute outside and attracted a large wave of monsters at a time. Feng Yunyao also gave him two pieces of golden silk nets, after binding the monsters, he only needed to harvest them.

Since everyone remembered to run inside to kill high-level monsters, except for some alchemy and casting masters who didn't go in, no one competed with him, so it was very comfortable to harvest crop after crop.

There are two holy beasts and a twelfth-level spirit beast beside Yu Le. She can go further inside, but just harvest the spirit beasts below the ninth level.

Because she has no shortage of magic cores from the beginning to the end of the beast control technique, and the golden silk nets given by Feng Yunyao are harvested batch by batch. If she is willing to obey, follow the method Feng Yunyao told her. Do, it's still easy to get to the third round.

This is also the reason why beast masters can compete with those who major in profound strength even though their cultivation level is low, because there is no shortage of magical beasts at all, and the source of beasts is continuously supplied, while those who cultivate profound strength still have to go in and look for them. Compete with others for animal resources.

Of course, people with high cultivation will generally not stay here with low-level monsters. Instead of competing with others for those low-level monsters here, it is better to go in and assassinate a few high-level monsters, so that you can still get high grades. It can also improve your combat effectiveness.

Luo Li has the Crow Eagle, and the combat power of the Crow Eagle is about to be top-notch among the holy beasts. It only needs to be harvested, and Luo Li can pick up the magic core.

As for Lin Lang and Jiang Mo, don't worry, they both have high cultivation bases and strong combat effectiveness. Like Feng Yunyao, they broke into the depths of the forest to assassinate high-level monsters.

What worries Feng Yunyao the most is her stupid apprentice. Although Mu Yanren is in Xiuxuan Academy, his current cultivation base has only reached the low level of King Xuan. Luo Li is almost catching up with him. The Guardian Beast still only likes to eat Rolling in sleep, the current level is eleventh.

For his safety, Feng Yunyao kept the Gu Jiaolong by his side for protection, and then asked the Gu Jiaolong to help him hit some magic cores, otherwise he would not be able to enter the next level at all.

At the place where the tenth-order monsters appeared, Feng Yunyao began to harvest, and the speed of harvesting was not slow.

The further you go, the higher the level, and of course, the fewer people there are, and in the end there are only a few dozen people left.

Where there is a competition, there is a shady scene, especially Feng Yunyao's team has long been targeted. Although her personal points are only around 1, her team has won No. [-], which naturally attracts the attention of others. Pay attention and fear.

And as long as you inquire a little bit, you will know who the captain of their team is.

Feng Yunyao beheaded an eleventh-level monster, gouged out the magic core and kept it in her pocket. Just as she was about to look for the monster inside, she heard the deep voice of a Youdao man.

"Girl, you can kill an eleventh-order monster with three moves."

There are often people passing by around, and Feng Yunyao doesn't take it seriously when someone comes to Feng Yunyao, as long as the other party doesn't come within ten steps of her, she will ignore it.

Hearing the sound, she turned around and looked towards the place where the sound came from, and saw a young man in the uniform of Lanxuan Academy walking towards her.

This person looks to be in his twenties, and his appearance is fairly handsome, but his eyes are very deep, which makes people feel very aggressive.

Feng Yunyao knew him, Tuoba Junhe from Lanxuan College, I heard that he was the godson of King Tuoba's regent, and he was Tuoba Lian'er's elder brother.

In the last round of the team competition, their team got the third place, but his guest score was very good, he got the second place, only five points behind the No.1 Tianjia country.

He and Ji Hui of Tianjia Kingdom are both Profound Sages and five-star students. It is said that he and Ji Hui are the candidates for the comprehensive competition of the Four Kingdoms Competition.

These days, I have heard a lot of gossip in Xuanhuang Academy, among them is Tuoba Junhe. I heard that Tuoba Qing is the father of Tuoba Lian'er. He is the adopted son.

He participated in the Four Kingdoms Tournament five years ago, but at that time his cultivation base was low, and he just went to participate in the experience. The next Four Nations Tournament is his home game, and it is also his only chance.

Perhaps because of Lan Yunxuan, Feng Yunyao hated Tuoba's family from the bottom of her heart, and she never pretended to say anything to people she disliked, "I don't know what you want from me, if it's okay, please don't delay my time." time."

Tuoba Junhe did not expect her attitude to be so indifferent. Although his appearance is ordinary, his identity and ability can only be possessed by the proud of heaven. Which woman does not surround him like a bee and a butterfly when she sees him? He turned, but this woman was so indifferent that it made one's heart chill.

"It's nothing, it's just..."

"Since there's nothing else to do, I'll take my leave first." Feng Yunyao turned around and left.

Tuoba Junhe: "..."

This woman's temper is too big. Knowing that what he said before was polite and the latter is the main thing, she left after only listening to the first half of the sentence. She must not be a fool. A fool can make his team win No. 1?So she must have done it on purpose.

Tuoba Junhe concealed his anger, and flew over to block Feng Yunyao's path, "Student, it's impolite for you not to listen to others' speech like this."

Feng Yunyao narrowed her eyes slowly, holding the whip in her plain hand, and said coldly: "Your Excellency has repeatedly blocked me from earning points, so that I can't get the ranking, it is too despicable and shameless."

"You..." Tuoba Junhe thought of his purpose of looking for her, endured and endured: "I am not looking for you to quarrel, let alone to turn against you, I want to cooperate with you."

He spoke very fast, for fear that he would leave before he finished speaking.

"I refuse." Feng Yunyao threw three words at him, turned and left.

"Hey, listen to me before you leave." Tuoba Junhe still didn't want to give up, and hurriedly chased after her. He wanted to stop her, but he didn't want Feng Yunyao to whip her backhand, which scared him away in a hurry.

Tuoba Jun's face was pale with anger, and he said angrily: "I just want to talk to you about something, why do you hit people indiscriminately, you must know that hitting people during the game will result in being ordered to retire."

"Did I hit you?" Feng Yunyao took back the whip, and there was a wild fruit wrapped around the whip. She took out the water to wash it, and took a bite of it. The meaning was obvious, she was clearly taking the wild fruit eat.

Tuoba Junhe choked with anger, if he didn't dodge the whip, he would definitely hit him, this woman is still pretending to be stupefied, it's not easy to deal with.

"Do you want to get the second place? If you want to, cooperate with me. The two of us will target Ji Hui together so that he can't beat Warcraft. In this way, I will be the first and you will be the second." Thinking of his own purpose, Tuoba Junhe Still don't want to fall out with this woman.

After his observation, only she is worthy to be his partner. As long as the two of them work together, it will be a problem for Ji Hui to break into the top ten, let alone number one.

He throws out such an attractive condition that he believes that she will definitely agree.

"I don't want to." Unexpectedly, Feng Yunyao refused straight away, holding a whip and sneering, "I want to take the first place."

After finishing speaking, he plunged into the depths of the forest, not wanting to waste too much time here.

First?Tuoba Junhe laughed immediately, it was the kind of laugh that ridiculed her for not being able to control herself. A Xuanhuang peak is still a daughter, and her results in the first round are not outstanding, and she still wants to be No.1 here. It's wishful thinking.

It's a pity that this woman doesn't cooperate with him, and he has to find other people to target Ji Hui. This Ji Hui is his biggest opponent.

This time he must get No.1 in the hunting competition, and only by getting No.1 can he win Yifu's favor.

Feng Yunyao continued to fight monsters, and the magic core of the mobile phone, the higher the level of monsters went, it was difficult to see monsters below the tenth level.

However, fortunately, there is Xiaobai, who can accurately point out the barriers and weaknesses of Warcraft, and it is easier to fight.

"Master, there are twelfth-level monsters in front of you, be careful, don't let them sneak up on you." Xiaobai stood on Feng Yunyao's shoulder, listening carefully to the surroundings with his ears sideways.

Sure enough, not long after it finished speaking, a twelfth-rank magical beast jumped out from the darkness and rushed towards Feng Yunyao.

"At this time, the giant rat beast of the first twelve ranks is good at catching, and the door is under its armpit." Xiao Bai accurately stated the weakness and specialty of this big rat.

"This big mouse is as tall as two adults, if a cat sees this kind of mouse, it will have to run away.

Feng Yunyao's silver whip suddenly became a stick shape, and the needles on it were all spread out. The whip quickly attacked the mouse beast's feet. Although the mouse was as fat as a ball, it was very flexible, and quickly avoided her. s attack.

Afterwards, Feng Yunyao attacked the other side of it, and the giant rat instinctively hid, but it didn't expect that a huge net would fall from above, and it was directly caught in it.

It struggled hard, and with its abilities it didn't take long to break through the net.

How could Feng Yunyao give it this chance, a silver needle shot out, and the silver needle instantly became three feet long, piercing the giant rat's armpit from a very tricky angle.

The giant rat monster died in the end, Feng Yunyao neatly pulled out the magic core in its body, and dug out the magic pill for Xiaobai and the others.

The twelfth-order magic pill is useful to Xiaobai and the others, plus the previous two, there are three in total.

After saving ten magic pills, she will make some snacks for the little ones to eat.

"Master, let's go over there and have a look. I smell a stench, and there should be snake-like monsters nearby." Xiao Bai sniffed it, and immediately pinched his nose with his paws, disgusted.

Feng Yunyao walked in the direction it pointed, and the stench became stronger the further she walked in, and she could even hear the sound of the monster sleeping soundly.

"Master, it's sleeping, we're sneaking up on it, its door is on the forehead," Xiao Bai whispered in Feng Yunyao's ear in a very small voice.

(End of this chapter)

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