Chapter 604 Master, Please Receive a Kiss From Your Disciple

Chapter [-] Master, please be kissed by your disciples

"There is also this kind of lake." Feng Yunyao took a handful of water and slapped it on her face, warm and comfortable, "Are there any fish here?"


"Well, I want to eat grilled fish." Feng Yunyao held her stomach, showing a rare coquettish gesture.

"Okay, I'll bake it for you."

Di Jiushang carried her to the shore, took out a white jade chair and put it in the water, and asked her to sit on it, "You sit here, and I'll catch fish for you."

"You can't use profound strength." Feng Yunyao laughed and splashed some water on his face.

"Okay." The corners of Di Jiushang's lips curved, and he sank into the water.

Feng Yunyao sat there, resting her chin and looking at the man swimming in the lake, calm and at ease.

Soon, Di Jiushang came out with a big white fish in his arms, and everyone said that the woman came out of the water lotus, but at this moment, how could the lotus out of the water be worthy of describing her as a great god.

The running water followed the cold and hard lines of his body, submerged in the water, and the hair dyed with water was messy on both sides of the face, without the usual meticulousness, there was an indescribable unrestrained beauty.

Feng Yunyao thought that her self-control was absolutely super strong in front of beautiful men, but at this moment she was dumbfounded.

Until Di Jiushang held up the big fish and asked her solemnly, "Yaoer, is this enough for you?"

Feng Yunyao suddenly came to her senses, her face blushed a little, but she soon realized why her man couldn't see her, there was nothing to be ashamed about.

"Enough, you come up."

Di Jiushang stepped out of the water step by step, as if in a dream, he slowly stepped into her dream, weaving a beautiful dream.

It's just that the big flopping fish was a bit of a show.

Di Jiushang went ashore, took out a dagger and handled the fish neatly, and handled the fish well.

"Yao'er, do you have any seasoning?"

"Oh, yes." Feng Yunyao touched her clothes and found that the Qiankun bag was gone, "It's gone, the Qiankun bag is at Xiaobai's."

At this moment, a familiar childish voice sounded, "Master, I'm coming."

Xiaobai dragged the Qiankun bag, flew towards it like a ball, and fell into the lake with a plop.

Feng Yunyao took the Qiankun bag, found a pack of medicinal powder that could be roasted meat, and threw it to Emperor Jiushang.

"Xiaobai, how are they?"

When she fainted, Luo Li was out of danger. Although Yu Le was seriously injured, fortunately his life was not in danger.

"There are masters from Xuanhuang Academy there, so it should be fine. I gave them the magic core you played, and I came after you. Hey, I'm exhausted, Young Master Bai."

Xiaobai lay comfortably in the blue lake, rising and falling with its movements. If you didn't look at the pair of eyes that kept moving, you would think it was a white ball.

Feng Yunyao didn't care about whether those magic cores were handed in, and it was useless if they handed them in. The rules of the competition were there, and it was impossible to change them for her, not to mention that she had already got what she wanted. As for No. 1 love whoever wants whoever wants.

There is no competition here, and there is no intrigue, let alone worry about your own abilities. With him as a companion, I feel that those things are not important.

Feng Yunyao looked sideways at Di Jiushang, who had already lit the fire and started to grill the fish. He caught the fish with his own hands, and even lit the fire with ordinary matches. The light from the fire formed a faint halo on his handsome face. , the great god who eats fireworks in the world is also so fascinating.

"Is it too hungry? I have a pot of porridge in my bag. I prepared it for you. You can drink a bowl first." When Di Jiushang saw her looking at him, he thought he was suffering from hunger, so he took off the Qiankun bag by the way He opened his mouth and threw it to her.

Feng Yunyao took the Qiankun bag and opened it, there was indeed a pot of porridge inside, and there was a stove underneath, with charcoal burning inside, and one could even smell the fragrant porridge.

"Master, you cook porridge in the Qiankun bag, aren't you afraid to light the Qiankun bag?" Feng Yunyao took out the stove and the porridge and put them on the shore. Most of her body was still in the lake, lying on her stomach. It's like a mermaid just emerging from the bottom of the sea.

"No." Di Jiushang answered her solemnly.

Feng Yunyao poured the porridge into a bowl, the porridge didn't look very good, but there were a lot of medicinal herbs and spiritual herbs in it, the porridge smelled mixed with the smell of medicine.

"Master, bring me a bowl too." It has been without food all day and night to find its master, if Xiaofeng hadn't been waiting for it outside, it would have been really difficult for it to come in.

Feng Yunyao poured a bowl for it, and one person and one beast drank the porridge harmoniously by the lake.

"Xiaofeng, would you like a bowl?" Feng Yunyao waved at him when she saw Xiaofeng approaching.

"Don't drink." Bing Bing was cold, no different from his master except for his appearance.

Xiaofeng walked up to Di Jiushang and saluted, "Master, Director Qing is looking for you."

It handed a golden sound-transmitting crane to Di Jiushang. There is a barrier set up by Emperor Jiushang. No one can enter without his permission, even the sound-transmitting crane is isolated.

Di Jiushang took over the sound-transmitting crane, and hearing the news from it, his brows frowned, and his face sank, even with anger.

After the sound transmission crane finished speaking, he directly clenched his hands, and the sound transmission crane instantly turned into ashes and disappeared.

Xiaofeng was puzzled, "Master, aren't you going to reply to Dean Qing's letter?"

The master actually destroyed Dean Qing's sound transmission crane, which shows that he was really angry.

"No return."

Di Jiushang continued to grill the fish, and then took a bite of the grilled fish to make sure that it tasted right, before walking up to Feng Yunyao with it.

He tore off a piece, and gently picked off the fishbone with his slender fingers, and put the fish meat near her mouth, "Taste and see how it tastes."

Feng Yunyao swallowed the fish with his hands, "It's delicious, the fish is delicate and tender, and more importantly, my master baked it with his own hands, so the taste is different."

While praising the deliciousness of the fish, he also praised the person who grilled the fish.

After hearing her praise, Di Jiushang raised the corners of his lips, and his mood became much happier.

"eat more."

"Can you give me a bite, but I don't like picking fish bones, I want the fish that has been picked well." Xiao Bai imitated Feng Yunyao and lay there, waiting to be fed.

It's a pity that all the fish prepared by Di Jiushang was stuffed into Feng Yunyao's belly from beginning to end, so Bai could only smell the smell, and angrily scooped up a spoonful of porridge and stuffed it into his mouth, "Just wait and see , I will find a little female dragon to pick fish bones for me and peel shrimps for me."

Feng Yunyao had enough food and drink, she was tired of Emperor Jiushang's arms, playing with water, "Master, does your master have business with you?"

Before Xiaofeng came over with a sound transmission crane, after hearing the news from the sound transmission crane, Di Jiushang's expression was not very good.

"It doesn't matter." Di Jiushang hugged her, without any worry, no one was more important than her.

It's no wonder that Master seeks him out because of Qingyan and Qinglan, both of them deserve to die!

Feng Yunyao didn't ask any more questions, and rested peacefully in his arms.

Only when he is around, will she let go of all her defenses.

"Ah Jiu, I was complained by many teachers and students a while ago, do you know why?"

"You blew up the dormitory of the Spiritual Academy and the square of the Beastmaster Academy."

Feng Yunyao raised her eyebrows, "How do you know?"

"I know many things about you." Di Jiushang kissed her on the forehead, with a faint smile on his lips.

Feng Yunyao originally wanted to show off her "glorious deeds", but he didn't expect him to know all about it, and if he didn't know, how would he know that she needs the fire spirit stone.

"Let's talk about something else." Seeing her bored look, Di Jiushang took the initiative to create a topic on a rare occasion.

Feng Yunyao rolled his eyes at him angrily, "You know everything, so what else can you say."


"Why not? I even know about my blowing up the house and what else I don't know."

"Doesn't everyone in Xuanhuang Academy know about it?"

"..." Can you still have a pleasant chat?

"By the way, how did the imperial court track down the half-orc thing last time?" After returning from Qingcheng, she didn't pay attention to this matter, and she didn't return any useful news to her coldly. This matter is like water dripping into the sea. , it was so calm without even a slight ripple, which was surprising.

Di Jiushang played with her hair, and said in a low voice, "Father has entrusted the task of tracking down the half-orcs behind the scene to Second Brother."

Feng Yunyao also knew about the second emperor brother he was talking about, it was the second prince Di Xingmo, who seemed to have a good relationship with Di Jiushang and Di Xingrui, better than the other princes anyway.

"As for Di Xingze, Leng Qing is in his hands." Feng Yunyao knew that although Leng Qing belonged to Di Xingze, Di Xingze didn't know that he did this.

"Father imprisoned him in confinement. After investigation, he was found to have nothing to do with this matter, so he was released. However, because he was not strict in supervising his subordinates, he was fined a year's salary." Di Jiushang said quietly.

"It seems that your father still cares about you, the third brother." Qingcheng's matter is a major matter that concerns the lives of hundreds of thousands of people, not to mention that Qingcheng is not far from the capital, and the other party turned Qingcheng into a half-orc The city is mostly for the capital, and it is so related to the rise and fall of the country. Even if it is his own son, as the lord of the country, he will not let the most suspected Emperor Xingze be released so easily. Lengqing is Di Xingze's subordinate.

Di Jiushang knew what she meant, "Although Di Xingze is unscrupulous in seizing the heir, he has also done many shady things in private, but he will not do such a harm to the people."

"I know that Di Xingze is not the real mastermind behind the coldness."

"how do you know?"

"He told me." Feng Yunyao smiled and said, "Now Leng Qing is my contract slave, obey my orders."

Di Jiushang didn't know about this matter, so he couldn't help but chuckled, "You girl is really capable, you can make a contract with someone who is a level above you."

He always knew his girl was smart and capable.

"That's right, you don't even look at who my master is." Feng Yunyao raised her eyebrows arrogantly.

These words pleased Di Jiushang, he looked down at her with a smile, "Isn't your master just me?"

"Yes, my lord, please accept a...kiss from my disciple." Feng Yunyao raised her head and kissed him on the cheek, and immediately dived into the water again.

(End of this chapter)

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