Chapter 606

Chapter [-]: Plan in Plan

Feng Yunyao didn't know what he wanted to do, and said with a condensed expression: "Luo Li, fame and wealth are things outside of the body. If they are gone, we can find ways to get them again, but if life is gone, everything will be gone."

"Yeah, Luo Li, I also don't think it's necessary to fight recklessly. At worst, let's go together. There is no room for us all if there is a big disaster." Mu Yan patted his chest and said boldly.

Lin Lang also nodded, "I will leave with you."

"Me too..." Yu Le wanted to say that she would go with them too, but he thought how could Luo Li get hurt if she hadn't caused the trouble, and he wouldn't lose the bet with others. In such a predicament, how could she have the face to follow them.

Feng Yunyao chuckled lightly: "Don't worry, none of us will leave, I've already thought of a countermeasure."

"Master, what is the countermeasure? Should we first leave according to the agreement, and then come in as a privileged student." Mu Yan thinks this method is good. After going out, it will be a big deal to come back again. Anyway, with her master's ability, she believes in the teachers and leaders of the college. He will definitely not give up on her, and Luo Li is the apprentice Lin Daoyuan personally accepted, so there is no reason why the master does not want an apprentice, so even if the two of them go out, they can come back.

"Your proposal is good." Lin Daoyuan walked in, holding a food box in his hand.

"Teacher." Seeing him coming in, Feng Yunyao and the others got up and saluted him.

"Master." Luo Li pressed the bed and wanted to get up, Lin Daoyuan hurried over and pushed him back, "You lie down and recuperate well, don't care about those empty rituals."

Luo Li then lay back down.

Lin Daoyuan put the food box on the table, and said with a smile: "The method Mu Yan said just now is good, and that's what I planned too. A Li's current situation is definitely not suitable for alchemy. A Yao and A Li, you two should admit defeat and leave the academy first. I am the dean of the Yuling branch, and I have two privileged student places in my hand, which have not been used this year, so I will use these two places to get the two of you into the academy."

"Thank you, Master." Luo Li was very grateful at the moment, and quickly got up and wanted to salute, but Lin Daoyuan pressed him back together, "You are a real child, can you not move around and take care of your wounds, I brought some spiritual herbs The medicinal food made, you taste how it tastes."

Lin Lang helped put a small table on the bed, and Lin Daoyuan took out the medicinal food one by one, "Ms. Lan Na made this for you. Let me taste it first."

As he spoke, he picked up the chopsticks and stuffed a piece into his mouth, and then ate a few more chopsticks before putting it down satisfactorily.

"..." Are these food must be for Luo Li?
Lin Daoyuan sniffed the food on the table very satisfied, "It's been a long time since I ate the food she cooked, thanks to you this time."

"Master, there are still a lot here. I have a small appetite, let's eat together." Luo Li picked up the chopsticks he had put down and handed them to him.

"This." Lin Daoyuan scanned the meals on the table, "Is this suitable?"

He asked like this, but he took the chopsticks with his hand and started eating again.


However, after all, it was a medicinal diet for Luo Li to cultivate his body, Lin Daoyuan didn't eat much, he just took a few mouthfuls and stopped eating.

"When that day comes, Ah Li, you just admit defeat and leave the rest to me." Lin Daoyuan wiped his mouth with a handkerchief and said.

"Teacher Lin doesn't use this method for the time being. I have already figured out a way to deal with Wu Yong." Feng Yunyao sat down beside her and said.

"Master, I didn't tell Mr. Lin about your solution?" Mu Yan was surprised. Besides this, is there any other way to turn the situation around?
Lin Daoyuan knew that she had a lot of ideas, and he was looking forward to what countermeasures she could come up with, "Tell me about it."

Feng Yunyao didn't show off, and said her thoughts, "Wu Yong made a bet with us that if we win, he will have to pay a certain price. He will kneel and apologize to Luo Li in front of all the students. What do you think now? How is he feeling now?"

"It must be fun. Luo Li is seriously injured and the possibility of losing is very high. How could he not be happy?" Mu Yan said angrily.

If Luo Li hadn't been seriously injured, he would definitely have won this time, hey, things are unpredictable and there is no way around it.

Feng Yunyao smiled and said: "If Luo Li's body not only recovers, but also refines a ninth-grade elixir, what will he do."

"He..." Mu Yan didn't know what to say now, otherwise he would definitely admit defeat, and it's not like a real man can't afford to lose.

Lin Daoyuan seemed to have guessed what she was going to do, "You girl really has a lot of tricks, and with Wu Yong's personality, he definitely wouldn't let it go like this, then he would probably plan on Luo Li, and he would find a way to make Luo Li unable to do it." In the competition, as for the method, it depends on his character."

He really can't say enough about Wu Yong's character. It is a disgrace to the college to let such a person be a teacher, but he is the nephew of the second elder of the college, and the dean did not expel him because of the face of the second elder. If you do something too big and out of line, you just turn a blind eye and close your eyes, and you won't care too much about him.

"However, it's a bit dangerous for Luo Li to do this." Lin Daoyuan's first consideration was the safety of his apprentice.

Wu Yong's cultivation is at the elementary level of Xuansheng, so it is not impossible to kill Luo Li secretly.

"I've already thought of a countermeasure. Let me hide Luo Li first, and let me pretend to be Luo Li. It won't be so easy for him to kill me." Feng Yunyao raised her eyebrows.

"That's right, she called my master's disguise technique the first, and no one dares to call it the second." Mu Yan was blowing Feng Yunyao's rainbow fart all the time.

The corners of Feng Yunyao's lips twitched slightly. In fact, her disguise technique was not very good at the beginning. Later, she met the fox and only after his guidance did she succeed now.

Thinking of Mo Qingyan, I don't know where this fox has gone, it is probably still in the Sky Continent.

Lin Daoyuan also felt that it was appropriate to do this. With Yunyao's cultivation and intelligence, Wu Yong couldn't hurt her. , I will teach him some spirit cultivation techniques."

"That's good, listen to the teacher." Originally Feng Yunyao planned to move Luo Li into the Holy Cauldron, since Lin Daoyuan said it, he must have a good place to go.

After agreeing, Lin Daoyuan moved Luo Li into his Qiankun bag and left.

Only then did Feng Yunyao look at Yu Le who was standing at the door with a sad face, and said, "Yu Le, tell me how you and Luo Li met the scorpion beast."

She always felt that there was a problem here, as if someone deliberately designed this trap, and the person who designed this trap was probably her.

"Oh, good." Seeing that she was willing to talk to her, Yu Le felt extremely happy, and hurried over to start talking.

(End of this chapter)

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