Chapter 615 Your Upbringing Was Eaten By A Dog
Chapter 610 Your upbringing was eaten by a dog
If she becomes the lord of the country, there will be more women. At that time, Feng Yunyao will have to face two choices. One is to stay in the palace to serve her husband with other women, and the other is to leave silently with pain. It's not good for her.

He was thinking whether to introduce an outstanding young man for her, so that A Yao's feelings would be diverted from Di Jiushang?Which one of the students in the academy is worthy of her?
Zhao Qin?

Shao Fan silently looked at Zhao Qin who was sitting beside him, and Zhao Qin looked puzzled, and even touched his face to see if there was any dirt on his face.

However, this idea was immediately rejected by him. Zhao Qin and Feng Yunyao get along day and night, and they almost meet each other frequently. She doesn't have the slightest affection for Zhao Qin. She simply treats him as a classmate. Zhao Qin is definitely out of business here. .

That's right, why did he forget his eldest nephew, Shao Jinyu, the elder brother's eldest son, will succeed the Shao family's head in the future.

Jinyu is 21 this year and has not yet married. The child is very good in appearance and talent, and has a gentle temper. A Yao will definitely not be wronged when she marries. It is better to leave it to my nephew.

Because the Shao family belongs to the Heavenly Holy Kingdom, and Shao Jinyu attended Lanxuan College, the kid was unable to participate in the hunting competition last time. Although there is no group in this friendship league, single-player competitions are allowed. With Jinyu's The Lanxuan Academy with a cultivation base will definitely let him participate.

At that time, he will create another opportunity for the two of them.

Feng Yunyao didn't know what Shao Fan was thinking, let alone that she was being targeted.

The four of them arrived at the Giant Sacred Mountain where the Qianshengyuan is located.

The place is filled with white mist and lingering with fairy energy. It is as if you have entered a fairy world when you step into it. The surrounding area is full of spiritual energy, which makes people feel refreshed. You can see low-level spiritual herbs everywhere.

Qianshengyuan is located on the top of Jusheng Mountain, and the simple and simple buildings are very spectacular from a distance.

"The front is the Qianshengyuan." Vice President Ouyang pointed to the building on the top of the mountain and said.

There were other people passing by on the road who came to celebrate the birthday, and those who could enter the Qianshengyuan were all prominent people in the Tongtian Continent. Vice President Ouyang basically knew them all, and he greeted people from time to time.

Feng Yunyao and Zhao Qin silently followed behind them, saluting as they should, and remained silent the entire time.

Along the way, Feng Yunyao also met a few familiar faces. These were outstanding students from the four major colleges, and they all came to celebrate their birthdays with the deans of the colleges.

After entering the Qianshengyuan, many people had already arrived inside. Without the permission of the people in the Qianshengyuan, everyone could only stay outside and wait.

Soon, someone came over to let some respectable people in, as for the juniors, they waited in the gazebo.

On their side, Vice President Ouyang and Shao Fan followed, leaving Feng Yunyao and Zhao Qin outside.

When Zhao Qin met an acquaintance, he went to socialize with his friends, Feng Yunyao was the only one sitting there drinking tea at Xuanhuang Academy.

"Miss Feng." At this moment, a gentle man's voice sounded.

Feng Yunyao turned around and saw that it was Ji Hui from Jiaxuan Academy of Tianjia Kingdom.

"Young Master Ji."

Ji Hui wore white clothes this time, instead of the school uniform of Jiaxuan Academy. He was tall and straight, with a tall and tall body, and the white clothes moved with the waves when he moved, which seemed a bit elegant and elegant.

He walked into the gazebo, smiled at her gently and said, "Miss Feng, do you mind sitting here?"

"Young Master Ji, whatever you want." This is not her home, and it's not up to her whether she can sit or not.

Ji Hui sat down next to her, and asked the attendants who followed him to bring out some dried fruit pastries and a white jade bottle.

"These are my own snacks. As for this bottle of Ningxuelu, it tastes good and is very good for girls' skin. Miss Feng gave you this bottle of Yulu. You might as well try it."

He took out a small cup of the same style as the white jade bottle, poured a cup and handed it to Feng Yunyao.

"Thank you." Feng Yunyao took the small cup, it was as clear as water, but it was like creamy jade dew, with a faint fragrance of snow lotus.

She took a sip and put the cup on the table, "Not bad."

The snow lotus in it should not be of low grade, but the people who brewed the dew are so-so, so they spoiled such a good material.

"What's good? This is the flower dew brewed by my wife herself. It's fine nectar and jade dew. Just one drop of the taste will leave you with endless aftertaste. The aftertaste lingers in your mouth for three days. Even a thousand amethysts can't buy such a dew. Small cup."

Hearing that Feng Yunyao only gave a two-word evaluation, Ji Hui's follower was immediately dissatisfied. He was lucky enough to drink two drops, and the taste is still unforgettable.

Ji Hui was also slightly dissatisfied with her evaluation, but he couldn't lose his attitude. He frowned and reprimanded lightly: "Pang Sheng, don't be rude."

The attendant was very dissatisfied on the surface, but he still had to listen to his young master, so he could only retreat to the side, but still muttered in a low voice, "It's obvious that I have no knowledge, and mistakenly mistook fine wine for white water."

Feng Yunyao narrowed her eyes slightly, her face was slightly cold, she lightly clasped the table with her plain fingers, not knowing how she was feeling right now.

"Miss Feng, don't look out, this servant is a little bit broken-mouthed, and he has no bad intentions." Ji Hui gave Pang Sheng a look, and quickly apologized to Feng Yunyao.

"Let me taste what exactly is Qiongye Yulu, is it really so delicious?"

At this time, Xiaobai jumped off Feng Yunyao's shoulder, picked up the small bottle and poured it directly into his mouth, which can be said to be stuffy.

It smacked its mouth, savored it carefully, frowned and said: "It's delicious, but it's not that exaggerated. It's not as good as the drink my master made for me."

As he said that, he threw the bottle into Ji Hui's arms in disgust, with an expression of 'I'm disgusted'.

It did this, and even Ji Hui, who has always been gentle and gentle, was a little dissatisfied, but his upbringing made him endure it.

But his attendant couldn't bear it anymore, pointed at Xiaobai and said angrily: "How can you, a little bastard, spoil the jade dew that Madam has painstakingly brewed at will, it's too abominable."

Then he turned his anger to Feng Yunyao, "Should you discipline your little beast and let it run amok."

Feng Yunyao's eyes suddenly looked at him, and Pang Sheng flinched in shock from the sharp eyes, and took a step back involuntarily.

"I don't think there's anything wrong with Xiaobai. It's greedy, but it doesn't point at your master's nose like you do."

As soon as she said this, Ji Hui's face couldn't help showing embarrassment, and he scolded Pang Sheng in a deep voice, "Pang Sheng, if you interrupt at will, you leave now."

"Master." Pang Sheng called out aggrievedly, and stepped back with his head down.

Ji Hui turned to Feng Yunyao, and said apologetically, "Miss Feng, I'm sorry, but my discipline is not strict, and I still look at Haihan."

"There's no need for Haihan, after all, I drank it first, and I'll give you back a bottle." Xiaobai got into the Qiankun bag, and when he came out, there was a white porcelain bottle in his paws, "This is the flower dew made by my master, you It should be no worse than yours."

(End of this chapter)

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