Chapter 619 An Attractive Man

Chapter 610 IX An Attractive Man

Today's Empress Lan Xinyue of the Heavenly Holy Kingdom, her mother and queen are the direct sisters of the current head of the Luo family. With the head of the Luo family around, it is not easy for them to blatantly drive the Lan family out of power.

However, although the Luo family is a big family in the Tongtian Continent, the Luo family belongs to the Profound Sky Kingdom, so the interests of two countries are separated in between. Looks like a loser.

There is another reason, that is, the royal family is guarded by ten elders. These ten elders usually do not come out of the mountain. Once the royal family is threatened with extermination, they will stop it and ensure the continuation and purity of the royal family's heirs.

Lan Yi is the last one among the ten elders, and the little prince Lan Yunxuan is their key protection object, so they sent Lan Yi out to protect his safety.

Of course, there was another important reason for the defeat of the royal family, and that was that the members of the royal family were too single-minded and infatuated, resulting in few offspring.

In Lan Xinyue's generation, there is only Lan Xinyue, the heir of the emperor, and Lan Xinyue is also an infatuated kind. She guards her sick husband every day, and refuses to accept other men with background and ability as husbands. It's no wonder the royal family doesn't decline.

Lan Yunxuan pursed his lips tightly, he really didn't want to pay attention to the woman beside him, but the burden on his body forced him to explain to her calmly: "Xiaobai is very cute, I like Xiaobai as a friend very much."

"Being friends with a spirit beast, Your Royal Highness, you are really powerful." Tuoba Lian'er's words were ironic.

Lan Yunxuan's eyes flickered, he lowered his head and ignored her.

It's just that Xiaobai was not happy, and immediately jumped to the opposite of Tuoba Lian'er, humming: "Master, I am not a spirit beast, sir, I am a divine beast, do you hear me clearly?"

It's really disgusting, it always treats it as a spirit beast. When this woman seduced the master and master last time, it hated it very much, and now it has come out to be a demon again.

Xiao Bai only felt that its paws were a little itchy, and really wanted to scratch the woman's face.

"Are you a divine beast?" Tuoba Lian'er's eyes moved slightly, showing interest.

"That's right, have you ever seen a talking spirit beast?" Xiao Bai gave her a contemptuous look.

Tuoba Lian'er also knows that spirit beasts can't speak, and that spirit beasts can not only speak but also transform into human form, with a greedy look in their eyes, "little one, follow me, my family has no shortage of spirit grass, you can eat as much as you want how many."

"Tch, my young master is like the kind of traitor who betrayed his master just for a few stalks of spiritual grass. Let alone spiritual grass, even if you take out the magic elixir, my young master will not bother to look at you."

After speaking, Xiaobai jumped into Lan Yunxuan's arms very proudly, seeking protection.

"You..." Tuoba Lian'er wanted to make a move angrily, but was suppressed by Lan Yunxuan's eyes, "Sister Lian'er, this is the Qiansheng Academy, I hope you can take the reputation of the Heavenly Holy Kingdom as the most important thing, Don’t discredit the country casually.”

What he said directly gave Tuoba Lian'er a high hat. If he dared to fight with others, it would be discrediting the Heavenly Holy Kingdom. If this matter was reported back to the Heavenly Holy Kingdom, it would definitely be despised by the people.

Tuoba Lian'er endured it, then put down her hand, and gave Xiaobai a hard look.

I really want to bring this little thing up and tear it apart.

"I think girls should not show such a hideous face, otherwise they will gradually become like this, which is very scary." Xiaobai made a small appearance of "I'm so scared", and did not forget to make a sarcasm sentence.

Tuoba Lian'er gritted her teeth and said angrily: "If you dare to say one more thing, believe it or not, this princess pulled out your tongue."

"Xiao Xuanxuan, help me, this woman is too ugly, I'm so ugly." Xiao Bai rubbed against Lan Yunxuan's arms, expressing that he really didn't want to see a hideous person.

Tuoba Lian'er was so angry that she almost vomited blood. This bastard little beast actually called her ugly. She was recognized as a beauty in the Heavenly Holy Kingdom, and she had nothing to do with the word ugly. She was indeed a brainless beast, and she was blind.

At this moment, the disciple who announced the curtain shouted: "The ninth and thirteenth princes of Tianxuan Kingdom entered the hall to celebrate their birthday."

Master also came, Feng Yunyao hurriedly looked towards the gate, seeing the magnificent man who came in with the sunlight, her heart softened.

Di Jiushang and Di Xingrui brought their envoys in and immediately attracted everyone's attention.

This is His Royal Highness Pluto, the young man who broke through Xuanzun and caused the trembling kings of the four kingdoms to be afraid.

After being missing for eight years, how can anyone not pay attention to her safe return now.

The girls who were originally placed on Qinglan's body instantly shifted their targets, but few girls are willing to fantasize about him as their future husband.

His appearance and identity are stronger than Qing Lan, but the indifference of being thousands of miles away makes people dare not take half a step, it is okay to look at from a distance, and what happened eight years ago, they all heard about it.

He was ordered to be killed by many high-ranking people, and was even exterminated for a time. Even his mother's family didn't dare to stand up for him, and they didn't even have the courage to protect him. Once they stood up for him, they would become the public enemy of those people. .

I don't know if what happened eight years ago will happen again. Once the people related to him reappear, I'm afraid it will be difficult.

As a result, the women who originally wanted to turn to Di Jiushang turned back, and still regarded Qing Lan as their ideal husband.

After all, he is the son of Dean Qing, and his status is higher than the princes of other countries. If he can become his wife, they are willing to be concubines.

However, there were also many women who turned their attention to Di Xingrui who came with Di Jiushang. It is undeniable that the princes of Tianxuan Kingdom are all handsome and extraordinary, and any one picked out is a rare handsome man.

Moreover, Di Xingrui is considered one of the most favored among the many princes. Before Emperor Jiushang came back, he was even listed as one of the candidates for the future head of the Tianxuan Kingdom. Such a young, handsome and noble man is very It is heart-warming, and he has a gentle temperament, not as repulsive as Di Jiushang.

For a moment, the two most popular men in the audience were Qin Lan and the other Di Xingrui. On the contrary, Di Jiushang, who had the most outstanding appearance and status, was left out in the cold.

When Emperor Jiushang came in, he looked at the hall calmly, and finally fixed his gaze on Feng Yunyao.

Seeing that she was looking towards him, a touch of tenderness overflowed from the corner of her lips, and then returned to Yuanyuan's indifference.

Walking to the center of the main hall, he saluted Dean Qing, "Disciple pays homage to Master, wishing you great blessings in the sky and blessings like the East Sea."

"Okay, okay, Ah Jiu, come and sit here, I haven't seen you for a long time as a teacher." When Dean Qing saw Di Jiushang, his appearance was closer than seeing his own children. I'm afraid I'm going to hug him in the past.

Emperor Jiushang asked people to present presents, and he brought a total of two congratulatory gifts, one for himself and the other for the royal family of Tianxuan Kingdom.

"Brother, you're finally here, Yan'er thought you wouldn't come this time." Qingyan got up suddenly, walked over with a smile, casually reached out to hold Emperor Jiushang's arm.

(End of this chapter)

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