Chapter 621 Ah Jiu, I've been promoted

Chapter 620 Ah Jiu, I have advanced

Qingyan could no longer maintain her original composure, her beautiful eyes were full of anger, "Qing Lan, we are two grasshoppers on a rope, if something happens to me, you will never get away."

After finishing speaking, she still walked away with her holy and noble expression.

After Qingyan left, Qing Lan raised her hand to touch the handsome face that was hurt by the beating, there was no evil on the face just now, what was left was only indifference and sadness.

"Master, isn't Ah Jiu here yet?" Feng Yunyao was led for a long time, feeling colder and colder as she walked.

"Don't worry, we'll be there soon." Then, he put on a warm cloak to block the shade.


Feng Yunyao held his hand, his hand was very warm and not as cold as it was in the Sky Continent, and his body temperature also rose after the injury was healed.

Not long after, Di Jiushang stopped, "It can be opened."

Feng Yunyao clenched his hand, thinking that she would definitely see the shocking beauty later or the romance he arranged in advance.

She used to think that the Great God didn't know what romance was, but now she realized that she was wrong.

Feng Yunyao slowly opened her eyes, and when she saw what was in front of her, the corners of her lips that were originally raised slowly lowered down, her eyes were full of puzzlement.

They should be in a relatively cold cave now. Although there are many night pearls inside, there is nothing in the cave, only polished and flat walls, which are far from the beautiful scenery.

Anyone with common sense would not choose to date in this kind of place.

"Ah Jiu, is this the place you're talking about?" Feng Yunyao wondered, would it be possible to open the wall and find a hole in the sky?

So, I started to observe inside, hoping to find a mechanism or something.

"Well, it's here."

Di Jiushang took her hand and walked forward, pulling her onto a disc made of stone.

"It's really cold." Feng Yunyao just stood on the top, only to feel the cold go directly from her feet, that kind of icy cold, she felt that her feet were numb from the cold in an instant, and hurriedly resisted with profound strength, but the more The more obvious it is to resist the biting cold with profound strength.

"Yao'er, sit cross-legged on it."

"What?" Feng Yunyao stared blankly at the stone below which was hundreds of times colder than ice, and her whole body was in a bad mood.

However, since he would definitely not harm her if he asked her to sit, he sat down as he said.

But after sitting down, Feng Yunyao realized how sour the taste was. She felt that her body was frozen into ice in an instant, and she couldn't even lift her hands.

"Come on, focus your attention on the divine essence, this seemingly ordinary stone is actually an ancient primordial disk, which contains a lot of power, as long as you can absorb and transform the power inside into your own. "Di Jiushang touched her ice-cold face and said softly.

"You are now at the peak of Xuanhuang, and you are only one step away from leaping into Xuansheng. This step is not easy to advance. It is hundreds of times faster to practice on this than outside. It's just that the human body has limits, and you can't stay on it for a long time. I will give you a quarter of an hour to break through to the Profound Sage."

What he said did not regard Feng Yunyao as his lover at all, it was completely in the tone of a master.

"Understood, Master."

Feng Yunyao closed her eyes, concentrated all her mental strength, and used her profound strength to resist the cold outside.

It was still unbearable, but somewhat better.

"Keep your mind calm and don't fluctuate." Jiushang's cold voice reached his ears.

Feng Yunyao hastily focused her attention and discarded the remaining distracting thoughts in her heart.

Soon, she felt a force penetrated into her body, as if a slender stream of water continuously entered her body, and soon her body felt like it was burning, the kind of heartburn and lungless discomfort, coupled with the cold outside, Feng Yun Yao's body began to tremble.

Seeing this, Di Jiushang couldn't bear to be cruel after all, and sat beside her, slowly lingering his profound energy around her body, but it didn't touch her at all.

At this time, if he puts the profound energy into her body, the convection of the power will easily make her go crazy, but it can only flow around her body, making her warmer and lessening some minor pains.

I don't know how long it took, Feng Yunyao felt that her divine essence had reached saturation. She knew that she was about to advance, so she didn't dare to take it lightly. She gathered all the profound strength and the power in her body, and fought hard with all her strength .

In an instant, I felt as if my mind had been enlightened, and suddenly became much clearer, and even my body felt a lot lighter.

She knew she made the cut.

Then, the man fell into a warm embrace and picked her up from the stone plate.

(End of this chapter)

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